Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)

Category: Culinary recipes
Kitchen: german
Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)


Pea flakes (or chickpeas) 2stk (200gr)
Freshly squeezed beet juice 1-3st. l.
Vegetable oil 100 ml.
Salt 2h l. (to taste)
Ground coriander 2h l. (to taste)
Ground black pepper (I have a mixture of peppers) to taste (to taste)
Ground nutmeg 1-2h l. (to taste)
Garlic, cloves 1-6 (to taste)
Salted lard (optional) taste
1h l. under the knife

Cooking method

  • Guten morgen. Was haben wir für das Frühstück? Erbsenwurst!
  • reference:
  • "Ersatz (German: Ersatz), or surrogate, is a defective substitute for something.
  • The concept of "ersatz" became widely used during the First World War, when in Germany, due to a huge shortage of strategic products, butter began to be replaced with margarine, sugar - with saccharin, and coffee - with cycorium.
  • Erzats are less scarce or cheaper to make, or made from materials that are readily available.
  • Examples of some ersatz foods:
  • -Ersatz bread (Kriegsbrot)
  • -Ersatz sausage (Pea sausage)
  • -Ersatz-felt boots
  • -Ersatz leather
  • -Ersatz-wool
  • -Ersatz fuel
  • -Ersatz-weapon "
  • A bit of history .... 1939-1945 years of World War II, Deutsches Reich - USSR, young deutschen Soldaten - Russian soldiers, field kitchen, dry rations, the fruit of the creative efforts of army nutritionists was a product that received the name Erbsenwurst "pea sausage", made from pea flour, with the addition of lard and meat juice. Pea sausage was made of two types: with ham and salted meat. In Germany, peas have long been valued as a food product. In the 19th and 20th centuries, until the end of World War II, pea sausage was one of the everyday foods of German soldiers. To increase the endurance of the soldiers, the system of their daily nutrition during the campaign was changed.
  • What to use? Peas or chickpeas (a slightly different kind of peas)? You can use any kind of legumes, chickpeas are preferable in taste, our erbsenwurst will look more like a familiar sausage and a real ersatz product. Chickpeas were grown in some areas of Germany and were used as a replacement for coffee during the First World War.
  • My grandfather and my husband's grandfather (German) participated in the Second World War. Could they have thought in those war years that their grandchildren would be together? How painful for all those who died ..... what a pity for mothers and wives ..... mütter und ehefrauen .... LET WORLD WORLD HELLO !!!
  • Let us also touch history. Let's prepare Erbsenwurst for breakfast, we are not vegetarians, so this sausage is an addition to the usual table.
  • Products
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Fill the flakes with boiling water: 400-450 ml of boiling water per 100g of flakes, wait until the mass swells, boil additionally on the stove for 7-10 minutes
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • At this time, rub the beets on a fine grater, cut the garlic
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Puree the pea mixture with a hand blender
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Add everything else: garlic, salt, beet juice, oil, coriander, pepper and nutmeg. We puree. First, lay out almost all the spices (for example 2/3) of the specified amount, taste and add the rest to taste.
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • I put 1.5 tbsp. l. beet juice, spices to the maximum and 3 large cloves of garlic (I like it spicy), add just a little garlic for children. Be careful with garlic, because then go to work)))) And the mass with garlic has the ability to infuse. Vegetable (not useful refined) oil can be replaced with unrefined healthy oil. Sunflower, flaxseed (thereby enriching our sausage with useful omega-3), olive, and even better all together. I replaced part of it with GHI oil (refined butter), it is no less useful and will give additional firmness to our sausage.
  • Cut the salted lard and sprinkle with boiling water for better adhesion.Add to taste, I made part without additives, and part with lard and unmilled herbal adjika. Add your favorite ingredients - walnuts, baked peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, prunes and whatever your heart desires!
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • We spread our minced meat in forms. Plastic, glossy, plastic bottles are best suited! The sausage will jump out by itself
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • We send it to the refrigerator overnight, take it out of the molds by slightly pressing and pressing the mold
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • We cut and taste. Homemade bread, butter, cheese and pea sausage. What could be more useful?
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Alles gute! Bon Appetit!
  • Making sausages from finished uncalcined pea flour with gelatin:
  • A comparative analysis showed that more garlic is needed here, the pea smell is present and it does not look like a pleasant sausage at all. As I understand it, calcination does its job (split peas first need to be calcined in a dry frying pan, the longer the better, and then grind in a coffee grinder to a state of dust). The firmness of puree peas (even without the addition of gelatin) is much better than that of chickpeas. Gelatin added 2.5g per 250g of product, it holds its shape, it is cut much better, but if you press harder with your finger, the mass is picked. Therefore, after weighing your puree, estimate the amount of gelatin you need. soak at the rate of 2g per 100g of mass, and add at your discretion, I advise 2/3 of the part.
  • Did not make a large portion of sausage output 250g. Soak gelatin 2.5-5g (to taste) for 40 minutes in a small amount of water, heat to a boil DO NOT BOIL. I took ready-made pea flour (I always have it at home, I use it not for food purposes) 1/2 ct from a multicooker about 100 ml, diluted 1k3 with cold water and boiled on the stove for 10 minutes. puree with a blender if there are lumps. I'll tell you a secret, a little more water or a little less does not matter, you can always top up in the process. Do not leave the puree, it quickly sticks to the bottom of the pan, stir constantly.
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • add spices, warmed gelatin and beet juice
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Arrange in shapes. Form d. B. without bulges, if without gelatin the sausage lags slightly behind the walls as if drying out, then there is no such effect. Refrigerate for several hours.
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
  • It remains to cook from roasted soaked / ground peas))))
  • And now digressions on the topic and answers to questions:
  • 1. The most convenient cooking method is with pea / chickpea (also pea) flakes, sold in health food stores, large supermarkets, vegetarian stores.
  • 2. Flakes can be replaced with ready-made pea flour. For 1 stk of flour 3 stk of water and further according to technology. Or prepare the pea mass by yourself, having calcined 1-2 stacks of split peas (chickpeas) in a frying pan, grind in a coffee grinder to a dusty state, pour boiling water over the finished flour in a saucepan (1: 2.5) and then follow the technology. You can just cook the pre-soaked peas / chickpeas until tender (don't forget to boil).
  • 3. The smell of chickpeas is less pronounced than that of ordinary peas.
  • 4. The sausage turns out to be incredibly tasty, like a doctor's. I cook it only from chickpea flakes, there is not a drop of pea smell!
  • 5. Does not cause gas formation, because the raw material is not raw.
  • 6. Without the addition of gelatin / agar, it does not hold its shape very much, it looks more like a pate. By adding gelling agents (see instructions for gelatin / agar, how much to add), we will only improve the beneficial properties.
  • 7. Do not be too smart with additives, ready-made minced meat is terribly tasty in itself!
  • 8. The main role is played by spices, which give the real sausage spirit.
  • 9. The shelf life of such a sausage is 2 days at + 2 + 4 (information from the Internet), but I am sure that even 4 days it will not have anything, because it is essentially pea porridge, and you know better how it is stored in your refrigerator.
  • 10. In fact, you need to cook a thick porridge, puree and add spices ... ... cook, puree, add ... 3 words and it's all just in the recipe just a lot of words and in detail .... it seems difficult, but no! Usually in confectionery products 1 tsp under the knife = 2 g of agar, for 1 kg of pastry (marshmallow, soufflé, etc.) they take 8 g = 4 tsp. It is advisable to soak the agar in any liquid for a while to swell, and then, stirring, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes, add to our mixture at the stage of readiness of the pea mass.So that the agar is evenly mixed in a well-heated mass. Do not forget that products with agar freeze at a temperature of 40C, do not leave anywhere and finish the job, otherwise the mass will seize and you will need to boil it again (and it will change color with the juice).
  • 11. You can freeze! At least with agar, at least with gelatin or without them.
  • 12. You can try lentils, beans. I think it would be better to make them in the form of a paste.

The dish is designed for

+ -1kg, forgot to weigh

Time for preparing:

30 minutes

Cooking program:

stove, blender


Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
\ "Under normal conditions, the unit should have had a three-day supply of food to feed its soldiers. In addition to this, there were two types of emergency rations.
-First, it's half, it was kept by every soldier.
“The second is a complete rescue ration, and it was kept in the field kitchen in case the usual supplies ran out. It could also be transported on other vehicles of the part. The decision to use the full NZ was taken by the unit commander, after using up the usual products, and based on the surrounding situation. That is, NZ products were not served along with a regular lunch.
The complete NZ consisted of:
1. Dry bakery products, 250 grams, as in the half ration.
2. Canned meat, at the rate of 200 grams. Could be in larger cans - 400 or 850 grams.
3. Vegetables, at the rate of 150 grams of dried or canned vegetables, or "pea sausage".
4. Coffee, or ersatz coffee, 25 grams.
5. Salt, also 25 grams. \ "
Peas have many different properties, in particular the benefits of peas are that they are full of proteins and carbohydrates. Peas are well absorbed by the human body and serve as a good prophylactic agent in the treatment of a large number of various known diseases.

The benefits of peas also lie in the fact that they contain flavonoids. This substance is a natural antioxidant that inhibits oxidative processes in the tissues of the human body. This counteracts the occurrence of tumors, which significantly reduces the risk of cancer.

Even cardiologists recommend eating peas. The fact is that it has been noticed that the regular use of peas in food in various combinations and dishes significantly reduces the likelihood of hypertension or heart attack.

The benefits of peas are in their ability to heal wounds. The substances included in its composition improve blood clotting, affect the processes associated with metabolism in the body, contribute to the removal of heavy metals and radionuclides.

This wonderful product also has a number of advantages, since the benefits of peas are that they help teeth grow and strengthen bone tissue. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, preventively prevents the onset of atherosclerosis and a number of other ailments.

Peas are very useful for people with kidney and liver diseases. It is also used as an external remedy for the treatment of abscesses, boils, insect bites and a number of skin diseases.

However, peas can be harmful. Eating it raw is generally not recommended. It is tasty and even edible, but the harm of peas will manifest itself in a significant deterioration of digestive processes, it can irritate the mucous membrane of both the intestine and the stomach. In addition, both raw peas and cooked peas cause increased gas formation, so they should not be overused.

ABOUT! Fine! Otherwise, I promised, promised vegan sausage, but I still can't post the recipe. All hands do not reach. I just add neither lard nor oil
NataliARHthanks for the recipe
Manna, for health, indeed, delicious without butter and lard, just the original recipe with them, I've replaced it with linseed, it's terribly healthy! but at the same time bitter, while diluting linseed neraf. salt-m 1k1 bitterness goes away !!! it turns out and tasty and healthy)))) salads and season.

Flaxseed oil per 100g contains omega 3 57g (there are no such indicators in any oil), omega 6 17g ..... for example, neraf. sunflower. oil omega 3 0gr, omega 6 66gr.
How long have I been looking for something like that from a person who himself created IT! There are many recipes on the internet, but ...
Several questions along the way. Is it possible to replace the cereal with chickpea puree (there are no decent shops nearby, but it is problematic to go somewhere)? I have agar by weight, so there are no instructions. How much do you need to add?
Thanks for the recipe!
Tashenka, the pea mass can be made in absolutely any way, chickpeas or peas, chickpeas are preferable because there is less smell, in fact, you need to cook a thick porridge, mashed and add spices ... ... boil, mashed, add ... 3 words and everything is just that in the recipe there are just a lot of words and in detail .... it seems difficult, but no! Usually in confectionery products 1 tsp under the knife = 2 g of agar, for 1 kg of pastry (marshmallow, soufflé, etc.) they take 8 g = 4 tsp. It is advisable to soak the agar in any liquid for a while to swell, and then, stirring, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes, add to our mixture at the stage of readiness of the pea mass. So that the agar is evenly mixed in a well-heated mass. Do not forget that products with agar freeze at a temperature of 40C, do not leave anywhere and finish the job, otherwise the mass will seize and you will need to boil it again (and it will change color with the juice).
Well first of all, thanks for the recipe! This is something incredible. I will definitely try!

And secondly, for the historical background - very informative. Respect!
tuskarora Elena, try
A very interesting recipe, I will definitely try it! An excellent substitute for animal protein, if done without lard, it is possible both in fasting and for those on a diet ...
The fascinating story behind this recipe and the amazing story of your family:
Quote: NataliARH

My grandfather and my husband's grandfather (German) participated in this war. Could they have thought in those war years that their grandchildren would be together? How painful for all those who died ..... what a pity for mothers and wives ..... mütter und ehefrauen .... LET WORLD WORLD HELLO !!!

Let there be PEACE at all times!
NataliARH, original recipe
Melanyushka, Ligra,
NataliARH, uh, I read everything above ...
MariV, Olga, the question was, right? I have not noticed)
The question was removed. But for the authenticity of the recipe, it is better to use regular peas, not chickpeas. To improve the taste - yes, chickpeas are better.
Chickpeas do not violate the history of pea sausage; chickpeas were grown in Germany even before the First World War, and even coffee was made from it with the addition of chicory.
But for comparison, I have already prepared pea sausage from pea flour, it cools in the refrigerator.
It is good that the blender was invented in 1922 and the sausage was homogeneous, otherwise how many mountains would have to grind. minced meat for the army.
Thank you for the recipe, very interesting. The story is amazing and a good master class.
Yulek, I am glad that many people liked it, added for comparison the sausage made from pea flour.
Thanks for the recipe! I will definitely prepare
Quote: NataliARH
and some with lard and herbal unmilled adjika.
NataliARH, tell us what is herbal not chopped adjika? A very interesting recipe, I want to try!
Oh, what am I putting everything into a quote! ... sorry .
Nikusya, we sell "Adyghe salt" with different spices, there are several types of such salt, so they also have "Adjika Ulyapskaya" there herbs in pieces + spices + salt (not crushed into powder), the packaging was thrown away, the ratio of the proportions of herbs is difficult to find out, Composition : Adyghe salt, green pepper flakes, pepra, hops-suneli, black pepper, red sweet pepper flakes, white pepper, coriander, garlic, parsley, dill ... here on the site there is a recipe for such adjika
NataliARH, Thank you!
Natasha, I brought my sausage to show, on pea flour without gelatin and agar.
Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
I have been posting regularly for two years now. I brew pea flour with water 1: 2 in the microwave, then spices and oil.
I mold in a cut plastic bottle. Fast and simple enough. And delicious, we like peas more than chickpeas.
Thanks for the detailed recipe with history.
Marina, good sausage! Thanks for your experience. Do you want to expose the recipe? maybe the spices are different or what secret there is - share if you wish cooking in microwave is interesting, it seems there was a section "cooking in the microwave", and the history of the recipe for the competition was in which he participated
Natasha, I have spices - black pepper, marjoram and nutmeg, garlic - all almost according to the recipe.
Spices give dark blotches, marjoram is large. I read that marjoram is considered a sausage herb. The only difference is that there is less water due to cooking in the microwave, since there is more evaporation. The recipe is simple
Quote: NataliARH
In fact, you need to cook a thick porridge, mashed and add spices ... boil, mashed, add ... 3 words and everything is simple

So there is nothing to add, a great recipe!
I was delighted with his appearance in the competition and was surprised that there was no pea sausage on the HP before.
In this post, my sausage is the last, I remembered that you can take a photo, soon we will make meat
Marina, marjoram, wrote it down! and after the microwave the pea spirit does not become less? mine smelled of peas on flour
Natasha, it seems to me that peas do not smell, especially when you add garlic and herbs.
Maybe the truth is evaporating in the microscope, I have never cooked on the stove. Everyone treats smells differently.
I tried to make a type of batter with pea flour, fried pieces of vegetables. The first time I doubted, but mine really liked it and no one guessed the peas. I have Garnets pea flour.
But I don't really like chickpeas, here it smells boiled to me. Although it is pre-soaked and washed. Then it gets better with spices, I cook hummus.
Recently I fell in love with pea flour, for fasting there is still variety, and Omela taught nutata to do ...
Marina, I also use Garnets and love it, I use it every day - I wash my face, I will try to cook a sausage with it again and with ordinary chickpeas
Quote: NataliARH
every day - I wash my face

And from syudov I will write down in more detail
NataliARH, thanks for the great recipe! Did it twice already. However, the second time I cheated, I didn't want to go into the cellar for beets, so I tinted it with turmeric, there was a yellow sausage. But with beets it is tastier and more beautiful, now I will do it right.
Ilona, well, everything is simple) I pour a little flour (0.5 hl-1 hl) in my palm, a little water, rub it with my other hand and on my face, it washes everything perfectly and the skin really likes it, only my eyes tingle a little, you can still wash her head, but on my hair she standing on end

here I also wrote about my cosmetics (find my answer)

and here about hair

Elya, yellow sausage is interesting, unusual, unusual, but since it tastes better with beets, I will trust and will not try

I was experimenting here the other day, how I will achieve the result - I will report
NataliARH, Natasha, thank you, I'll try!
Thanks for the recipe !!! I will definitely try. How long have I been looking for a recipe for vegetarian sausage from the person who prepares it and EATS !!!
Svetlana, try, the main thing is to grasp the principle and season!
OK. Thanks to your experience and cheekiness, it will be easier to experiment ...
Finally, my hands reached the sausage.

From my mistakes:

1. Add gelatin at the end. While mixing everything, he began to freeze.
2. Put it down a little, poorly read the recipe

I'm already doing it for the second time (no photos, I don't have time to photograph)

The last time I did this at half the norm, the output was 600g:
Peas (not fried, forgot to fry) chopped in a coffee grinder-100 gr. Water added 330 gr. Beetroot juice-1 tsp Homemade beets, the color is very intense.
Gelatin 10 g poured 150 ml. For the first time, the minced meat seemed thick and therefore the gelatin could not grab it. I made the minced meat thinner for the second time.
Coriander-0.5 tsp + 0.5 tsp sugar in a coffee grinder and sieved. And then my husk does not grind very much. Sugar? And I still had the powder in the grinder the first time and I didn't wash the grinder, but added coriander and ground. I thought it tasted better.
Nutmeg - 1.5 tsp, black pepper - 1/4 tspl., ginger 0.5 tsp., garlic-1 garlic press (old, which makes a slurry), salt-1 tsp.

But I think there are a lot of spices. I will continue to experiment. Pea taste - NO! Although not fried (maybe just got such peas). But the garlic is homemade, spring, not winter. Only the minced meat was hot - I had to put it in a heat-resistant form. We really like it.
Finally found a protein meal!

Thank you so much for the recipe !!!

And another question for filling - have you tried using seitan?
And yet, instead of beets juice, put boiled beets?
Won't it spoil the taste?
Svetlana, yes, there are a lot of spices, I wrote about this, you need to choose for yourself, sausage did not come out of raw peas at all)))) that's what the tastes mean, and vice versa, I really liked it from ready-made chickpea flakes, especially because of the speed of preparation

I haven't heard about seitan, I'm not a vegetarian, I looked at the link - a very interesting thing! I was purely out of curiosity preparing a sausage for the competition of "German cuisine", I think that it is quite possible to replace peas with seitan (completely or in half), but just why ... as I understood from it it is more fun to make a kind of goulash, you can use soy in this sausage ...

boiled beets - if you grind them later with the total mass with a submersible blender, I think you can .... because boiled beets with spices Pts. deliciously combined! do not overdo it with quantity .... not add too much to give a shade

your sugar idea is very good! he is also a taste enhancer! and I already had ground coriander, so the husk is not noticeable ...

good luck! I will wait for your version, which will take root in the kitchen!

Seitan? The fact is that it is like rubber (and if instead of gelatin, and even during cooking, sausage does not creep)
Soy is a lot of genetically modified. Peas are more likely natural.

You know, the first day of spices seems to be a bit too much, but on the second day, doubts crept in, maybe it's normal.
In general, I will go further ekperementirovat
I have been making this sausage for a long time. Yesterday I did it with gelatin. I didn’t see the difference, it doesn’t hold its shape, the same paste consistency. Another time I'll try to make the puree more liquid.
Thanks for the sausage. I did it from peas, since I didn't find any flour or flakes. The peas were previously well fried in Shteba in vegetable oil, then cooked pea porridge in the same place. I pureed everything with a blendor. I added spices, garlic, beet juice and soaked gelatin. The result is a paste.
And yesterday, unexpectedly guests came to me, well, I gave me a treat, so no one understood that these were peas and did not believe it. And one of my friends even said: “In general, I don’t eat pea porridge, but can I take another piece of sausage?” Like this. So what will I do more, definitely.
! I have no words! The sausage looks gorgeous! I wanted to try .... I'll have to do sausage in the evening. Only there is no dry adjika ...
kalinka777, Sveta, but it seemed to me that then there was a stronger aroma of garlic .... that's what a matter of taste means) in any case, it's good that you like it!

Akvarel, Galina, it seems to me that more gelatin is needed than I initially indicated in the recipe

Quote: Natalia-65
"In general, I don't eat pea porridge, but can I take another piece of sausage?"

Thank you and your friends !!! Tasty and healthy

Valentine, try it, in any case, and it’s not a pity to throw it away, if it doesn’t suit you, it’s cheap and cheerful! Dry. adjika is not included in the original version, it is mandatory from spices: garlic, ground coriander, ground nutmeg, black pepper. ground ..... and if you like it, you can experiment in the future!
NataliARH, I did it!))) Only the color did not work out. Probably regretted the beet juice (took a small beet). I treated my aunt and sister, they are fasting. So the sister's husband halved the gift, did not even guess what. I decided that it was from fish ... They called it pea sausage
Thanks for the recipe!
Valentine, Good
Bookmark recipe
Today my husband bought pea flour instead of chickpea flour.
I shouldn't have scolded him.
Elena, I would have calcined it, browned it, I didn’t like it from pure pea flour, it was even disgusting ...
NataliARH, I also cooked sausage My eaters (fasting) said yum-yum I made from roasted peas, then cooked porridge from it, at the end of cooking I added agar and boiled a little more, and then mashed everything together with spices. Surprised
Today the second batch has already been ordered. I just forgot to ignite the peas, but the porridge has already been cooked .... I'll check if they can smell the substitution.
Thanks for the recipe
Irina, thanks for the tip! It's good when everyone is happy
It’s very interesting how did you get from uncalcined peas? It seems to me that the pea smell will not go away ...
NataliARH, cooked this sausage.
Added sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l., garlic - 2 medium cloves, coriander - a pinch., 1.5 tbsp. l. beet juice.
I used ordinary dry split peas - I cooked it in a slow cooker with 1.75 tbsp. water (for extinguishing 1 hour)
Pureed everything, brought it to taste. There were no bottles at hand today, so I put them in two bags, rolled them with sausages and wrapped them in foil. She put it away in the cold. Waiting !!!
I will report on the results of the work done)))
In general, we eat pea porridge quite often - we like it very much. Proceeding from this, the taste of minced meat came to my liking.
Thanks for the recipe and historical background.
Well, here's my report. Pea sausage (Erbsenwurst, Ersatz-wurst)
Sausages have long been dead))) They knew how to do it quickly. We must do it again. Now I'll do it with gelatin.

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