The main components of bread dough and their effect on the dough.

The main components of bread dough are:
Flour is different
Water and liquid are different
Yeast and starter cultures

Making bread dough.

The classic way that helps you understand the process of kneading dough in a bread maker.

This ability of bread products to help utilize all the remnants of not only fats, but also other products close to them (you can also add small additions of cheese, cottage cheese, previously turned into powder, grated into the dough) people reflected in the well-known proverb: you can wrap everything in bread and a pie ...

First operation. First, a mixture of yeast, liquids and all additional components is always created (all components are diluted, including fats and eggs, if the latter are provided for by some recipe).
This liquid mixture can be added, after it has been created, and some small additions of soluble or insoluble, dry components, for example, salt, spices (pepper, onion, cumin, coriander, anise). You just need to make sure that they are evenly distributed in the dough.

Second and decisive operation: preparing the dough. Flour is added to the combined liquid mixture - as much as is required for the dough, which would not stick to your hands. Therefore, flour is added gradually, and all the time the dough is kneaded. It is best if this is done continuously: with one hand you sow the flour, with the other (with a spoon) knead the dough in a clockwise circular motion.

To make this easier, the dough should always be kneaded in a deep, stable container. That is why a dough was previously used for this purpose - a cylindrical, wooden heavy bucket slightly expanding upwards. A deep cylindrical enamel bowl (but not a saucepan) may now be the most convenient dish.

The amount of flour is never determined in advance when preparing flour (bread) products, because it all depends on how much of the liquid mixture has turned out: what is its specific composition and how much flour this mixture can absorb. If, however, to determine the amount of flour in advance, then it is almost never possible to accurately adjust the liquid to it, because this value is a variable subject to fluctuations. Various fat contents, milk density, water hardness, egg size, butter and fat consistency, as well as the freshness of the yeast and their effect on the liquid part also affect here.

Therefore, do not have much confidence in the recipe where the amount of flour is "precisely" determined for the bread dough. As a rule, it does not provide an opportunity to obtain a quality product, despite our best efforts.

It is important to do something else - strictly observe the proportions, not go beyond certain ratios:
a) All dry additives, insoluble: onion, cheese, cottage cheese, spices - together should not exceed half a glass in volume for every two glasses of liquid in the dough. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the dough to rise well.

b) Fats, oils should not exceed half a glass for each glass of liquid (water, milk), otherwise the dough will be dry, thinned.

in) Eggs should not be added to bread dough at all, because they make the dough brittle and stiff. Therefore, eggs are mainly belonging to confectionery dough, which has different laws.

d) Milk makes the dough more fluffy, softer, gives it elasticity, firmness. But they should not be abused: it should always be less than water, or half with water, otherwise the dough will be difficult to bake.Milk bread should always be made in small sizes: the smaller the milk bun, the easier it is to bake.

e) Bread product is different from confectionery not that one is sweet and the other is not. This is a consumer definition. The culinary definition comes from the role that flour plays in a given product.

If flour is the main component, if there is more of it (by weight, volume) than all other components, then bread product.

If flour makes up less than half of all other components (butter, eggs, sugar, various additives), then confectionery.

Now that the meaning and the basic rules for making bread products have become clear to you, try it yourself, without any recipe, by eye, to bake bread from what you have at home, at hand: pour water into a deep bowl, put yeast, add milk, butter, drip a little sour cream, feel free to add flour, stir, cut and into the oven - it should definitely work out.

Now let's consider the action of some components (components) of bread dough separately and in more detail.

Liquid for kneading any dough, it must necessarily consist of at least half a glass of water - for breeding yeast. The rest of the liquid can consist of milk, sour cream, whey, buttermilk, kefir, mixed in any proportions with each other and taken in any quantities.

Water or some other liquid used to form dough from flour.
The amount of fluid required will vary depending on the recipe, but generally accepted for yeast bread is the approximate ratio of 1 volumetric part of liquid to 3 parts of flour. In recipes using steamed fermentation, the liquid content may exceed the flour content.
In addition to water, other liquids can be used, including dairy products, fruit juices, and beer. As part of each of these liquids, additional sweeteners, fats and sourdough components get into the bread, as well as with water.

For making dough bakeries for technological and economic needs usually use water from the city drinking water supply. In the absence of it (in agreement with the authorities of the State Sanitary Inspection), local sources of water supply (mainly artesian wells) are used. Water obtained from deep soil layers contains less bacteria and unwanted impurities than water from wells, rivers, lakes.
The quality of drinking water, regardless of the source of water supply, must comply with the requirements of GOST 2874 - 73.

“This standard applies to drinking water supplied by centralized drinking water supply systems, as well as centralized water supply systems supplying water simultaneously for household drinking and technical purposes, and establishes hygienic requirements and control over the quality of drinking water.
Drinking water must be epidemiologically safe, chemically harmless and have favorable organoleptic properties.
The quality of water is determined by its composition and properties when entering the water supply network; at the points of water intake of the external and internal water supply network. "

The water must meet the requirements of the drinking water standard. Water hardness due to the content of calcium and magnesium salts, which not only do not worsen the quality of bread, but sometimes even improve it, strengthening weak gluten, and also provide the human body with salts. For regions with soft drinking water, for example, the Neva, it is proposed to carry out its mineralization, i.e. enrichment with calcium and magnesium salts. When kneading the dough, water heated to 30 ° C is used to ensure the optimum temperature of the dough.

To prepare the dough for 100 kg of flour, 35 to 75 liters of drinking water are consumed.

The amount of water in the dough depends on the type of flour and products.
The dough has the lowest moisture content, intended for mutton products, the highest - for rye bread made from wallpaper;

From flour moisture. The drier the flour, the more water it absorbs when kneading;

From the amount of sugar and fat added according to the recipe, which kind of liquefies the dough. When adding significant amounts of sugar and fat, the amount of water added during mixing is reduced.


This flavoring component was probably the very first that was added to bread. Salt not only gives a pleasant and familiar taste for a person, but also quite strongly influences the formation of the gluten (gluten) framework.
The addition of salt in a ratio of 1-3% in relation to the amount of flour affects the elasticity of gluten, makes it more elastic and stable. In addition, salt is very hygroscopic and allows the dough to retain water.

The addition of 2% salt allows you to retain up to 5% water, which increases the yield of products and slows down staling (moisture loss).
However, an excessive dosage of salt greatly slows down fermentation - salt has an overwhelming effect on the yeast. For example, adding salt in the amount of 5% in relation to the weight of flour is almost reduces the fermentative power of yeast three times. At the beginning of the kneading, you should carefully avoid contact of the yeast with salt - this will immediately destroy them.

Lack of salt Characteristics of the defect. In hearth sorts of bread, a lack or complete absence of salt, with all other normal indicators, can give a product a little more vague in shape, the lower crust is slightly concave, and in molded -
lateral crusts are softer, concave. The crumb pores are enlarged, thick-walled. The upper crust is flat or, when fully proofed, sharply concave, saddle-shaped. The taste of the products is insipid. Often, the absence of salt in the dough results in reduced elasticity due to insufficient protein swelling during crumb formation.

Thus, it is optimal to add at least 1 gram and no more than 3 grams of salt to the dough for every 100 grams of flour.
For 500 grams of flour, 5-15 grams of salt is obtained.



When honey is added to the dough, some of its aromas remain in the bread, however, due to the high temperature of baking, it almost completely evaporates, the same happens with a number of other useful ingredients of honey - they have very little effect on the quality of bread. Although there are varieties of baked goods where honey is used according to the recipe. The main thing in honey is invert (simple sugars), which it contains in large quantities. These sugars affect the baking conditions and the final taste of the bread.

Using honey in bread is expensive, so the vast majority of recipes use regular sugar. Only refined, crystalline sugar is used for baking. Best of all, beetroot - it is more easily broken down by enzymes of flour and yeast into simple sugars (fructose, sucrose), which in turn are fermented by yeast into carbon dioxide and alcohol.

The addition of sugar in the amount of 2% to the weight of wheat flour somewhat improves the fermentation and rise of the dough, since it compensates for the lack of simple sugars in the flour. At this dosage, the taste of sweetness does not remain in the bread - sugar is almost completely processed by yeast. The taste of sweetness in baked goods begins to appear when the dosage of sugar is at least 4% - then 2% of the sugar is fermented, and the remaining 2% gives the taste of sweetness.

An important circumstance should be noted: when the sugar content in the dough is 5% or more yeast activity is strongly suppressed, especially conventional bakery. Special highly active (confectionery) yeast is produced, the fungal culture of which and the cultivation technology allow it to be used in "heavy" sugar, confectionery dough.

Some types of pastry dough contain 9%, 12%, 15% sugar and more, therefore, in such a dough, the lifting force of even special confectionery French yeast "Irondel" is reduced by 2 times. In recipes for baked goods, the dosage of yeast is 3-5%, and in ordinary bread, 1-2%.

Crystalline sugar, like salt, is highly hygroscopic, therefore an additional effect of using sugar is an increase in the water absorption capacity of the dough, which in turn increases the yield of products due to water retention and an increase in the weight of the dough.

Complex processes are a very important effect of using sugar. coloring the finished product in a beautiful yellow and light brown “baked goods” color. The top crust and other surfaces of the product are colored due to carmelization (burning) of sugar at a high temperature in the oven. The temperature of the crumb during baking does not exceed 100 degrees Celsius, so the color of the crumb occurs as one of the visible effects of the complex processes of interaction of the amino acid groups of the flour protein with mono- and di-saccharides (with simple sugars). This process is called the Maylard reaction.

With a sugar dosage of more than 10% of the total flour, the fermentation process slows down. Sugar, like salt, causes plasmolysis of yeast cells, but the effect of sugar in this direction is much weaker. Sugar dehydrates the swelling proteins and therefore thin the dough. The viscosity of the dough decreases with the addition of sugar

So, in the bread dough we put 1-2% of ordinary white sugar in an amount for every 100 grams of flour 1-2 grams or for 500 grams of flour 5-10 grams of sugar.


In Russia, molasses is widely used for adding to the dough. It is a yellow-brown syrup that is a mixture of simple sugars, mainly glucose, and other non-harmful impurities. Molasses is obtained by high-temperature processing of starches (potato, corn). Often, instead of molasses, they use twice the cheaper molasses, which is a waste of sugar industries. Molasses is widely used as the main raw material for growing yeast; its use is not desirable for baking due to the large amount of impurities.

The use of molasses does not exclude the use of sugar, since the mechanisms of their interaction with other ingredients in the dough and the results are different. Abroad, molasses is not used because of the large amount of impurities and the low content of glucose in it, which is extremely necessary for the rheology of the dough. Only pure glucose syrup is used, which is a colorless to slightly yellow viscous liquid, very similar to honey. Many people confuse it with invert sugar, but this is a completely different product. The main purpose of using glucose syrup is to prevent sugar crystallization and slow down the saccharification of starch in the crumb.

Thus it is meIt is a powerful agent against “aging” of the product, stale and dry crumb. Glucose syrup is added to the dough in a proportion of 2-4% to flour to prevent staleness, and in an amount up to 8% to confectionery dough to reduce the crystallization of sugars.

So, add molasses to the bread dough for every 100 grams of flour in an amount of 2-4% or 2-4 grams. For 500 grams of flour, this will make 10-20 grams of molasses.


The addition of dairy products has long been practiced in the manufacture of quality breads. When they are added, the effect is exerted by: containing lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid in dairy products, which give a special taste to baked goods; milk fats, which give baked goods the taste and smell of butter, as well as envelop the crumb starch particles, making it soft and elastic; milk proteins and milk sugar, which strongly affect the coloring of the crust of the product - this must be taken into account and either the addition of sugar or the reduction of the baking temperature should be adjusted.

Abroad, milk powder is not used as an additive in the dough - powder of dry whey is used. The fact, that whey contains all the components of milk necessary for baking, but much cheaper than milk powder. Used whey "cheese", which contains most of the necessary components.

The additive is produced in an amount of 4 to 8%, depending on the recipe of the product.The addition of less than 2% does not give a noticeable effect.

So, add 4-8% whey powder or milk powder to the bread dough, which is 4-8 grams for every 100 grams of flour or for 500 grams of flour it will be 20-40 grams of milk powder.


Egg products have long been used in holiday baking. The lecithin contained in the yolk is an excellent emulsifier; baked goods from the addition of yolks acquire a pleasant color, taste and smell.
Proteins are used in the production of protein cream. Abroad, due to the danger of the spread of salmonella, the use of fresh eggs is limited and strictly regulated.

Egg powder is used, which is more technologically advanced, more convenient to use, not subject to the danger of spoilage. One kilogram of egg powder, when dissolved in warm water, replaces about a hundred fresh eggs. The latest technologies allow the production of egg powder, which contains all the original vitamins and proteins - with a special technology for drying the powder, they are not destroyed, as in the powder of conventional technology. This egg powder dissolves completely in warm water and is completely identical to fresh eggs.


Rye malt (not barley malt) is widely used in bread production. Malt contains a large number of different enzymes and is in fact a natural baking enzyme improver. A group of diastatic enzymes (amylase) breaks down starches and complex sugars into simple ones, and a group of proteolytic enzymes converts protein into soluble compounds. These groups of enzymes are found both in flour and in small amounts in yeast, but with spoiled flour, there are not enough enzymes for transformations in the dough, then the use of malt is necessary.

Malt can be normal (white) and fermented (roasted under special conditions).
Fermented malt has a strong effect, a pronounced aroma and gives the products a pleasant color. The use of fermented malt in brews is especially effective. The bookmark is made in a proportion of 3-8% in relation to flour. The production of good rye malt for baking purposes is a complex technological task, therefore, so far the best malt is imported from the Baltic (Lithuanian).

Abroad has become more widespread malt extract in the form of a thick dark syrup. One kilogram of extract replaces about 5 kilograms of regular malt, it is easy to use, transport, store and dose. And in terms of costs, the use of malt extract is more profitable than the use of powdered malt.

Composition analysis malt extract using the example of inactive Finnish extracts Maltax 10, Maltax 200F and Maltax 1500 (table 1), it shows that along with characteristic flavoring substances, it also contains a number of different carbohydrates (especially maltose, dextrins, glucose, fructose). These sugars in malt are very interesting for the baking process from various points of view.

Firstly, thanks to the assimilable substances in the malt extract, yeast is given plenty of essential food and a rich fermentation substrate. This suggests that they can always be used to speed up the fermentation process. The advantage in this case will be a reduction in fermentation time or savings on yeast. In most cases, accelerated fermentation is reflected in the increased volume of the bread.

Secondly, the maltodextrins contained in the malt extract, determine its water-holding capacity, which contributes to an increase in moisture and thus allows you to get a more delicate crumb of bread, biscuit and rolls, and at the same time increase the shelf life of products.

Thirdly, The sugars in the malt extract increase the gas-forming ability of the flour and thereby shorten the proofing time, as well as contribute to the structuring of the dough properties.

Fourth, rye and dark malt extracts have good coloring properties. The rich color of the malt extract defines the color of the rind and crumb. The crust color is improved due to the reaction of melanoidin formation - the interaction of amino acids and sugars contained in the dough. Therefore, malt extract is a great natural alternative to artificial colors.

A unique property of malt extracts is their influence on the taste and aroma of products... The characteristic bready flavor of the malt extract components is formed during grain malting and, most importantly, during the dissolution and extraction process, when the malt is converted into malt extract.

Besides, malt extracts soften the high acidity of rye bread, improve the consistency of the dough for small baked goods, contribute to the golden color and crispy taste of rusks and breakfast cereals, give products a balanced natural sweetness, natural taste and aroma and can be used instead of sugar and sweet syrups

In terms of the amount in which malt or malt formulations are best used, durum flour with a high amount of gluten requires more malt than soft wheat flour. First of all, the addition of malt or its extract is determined by the required enzyme content in the flour. With normal diastatic strength (100 units of d. S.), A dosage of 1.5-2% is considered sufficient, in terms of the amount of dry flour, or 1.0-1.5% in terms of dough.

So, the malt is added to the bread dough in a proportion of 3-8% in relation to flour. Or for 100 grams of flour, 3-8 grams of malt are placed, or for 500 grams of flour, this will make 15-40 grams of malt.
Quote: Admin
All dry additives, insoluble: onions, cheese, cottage cheese, spices - together should not exceed half a glass in volume for every two glasses of liquid in the dough. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the dough to rise well.
Tanya, I’m reading it and I don’t understand
For example, I bake bread, flour 500 g. I want to add sesame seeds. What is the maximum amount I can add to this amount of flour?
For now, I will often pester you with questions, as I want to understand ...
Arkady _ru
If sesame was cottage cheese, then it would have to be added less. On the other hand, there is whey in the curd that helps the dough rise. If the dough is rye, then you should not add a lot of cottage cheese to it, even half of the liquid will be a lot, it does not rise anyway. And there is no whey in maasdam cheese, but it is also delicious. But since sesame is still not cheese or cottage cheese, you can pour more. It is better to fry first, he will not take water then (like pasta).
You can add as much of it as no one adds (as it seems to me, you won't feel anything besides it).
Quote: lyudmia

Tanya, I’m reading it and I don’t understand
For example, I bake bread, flour 500 g. I want to add sesame seeds. What is the maximum amount I can add to this amount of flour?

Well, it is only by trial and error that you can determine the maximum amount, how edible the bread will be, and will not harm your health. You can even grind sesame seeds into flour, then add instead of a part of the flour for taste and benefit.
About 1-2 tbsp is enough for me. l. for bread
That is, there is no certain percentage ratio, as in the above described ones. Ok, I understood everything.
Quote: Admin
From the amount of sugar and fat added according to the recipe, which kind of liquefies the dough. When adding significant amounts of sugar and fat, the amount of water added during mixing is reduced.
Please tell me, if I add fat in some amount, then I need to reduce the water in the same amount?
Yes, so as not to upset the flour-liquid balance. Even if this applies to butter, which becomes liquid when heated.
Recommended ratio of ingredients in bread dough The amount of flour and other ingredients for making bread of various sizes
Can you please tell me if I want to add malt to the recipe, should the amount of flour be reduced?

No! Both the amount of flour and malt should be added according to the recipe.But when calculating the water, you should take into account the total amount of dry ingredients: flour + malt.
It is better to pre-brew the malt with boiling water and then cool to 35 * C and then add it to the dough.
And keep an eye on the flour-liquid balance. The brew liquid is counted in the total liquid.
Thank you.
I was looking for an answer but never found! I'm trying to ask here, can anyone answer !!! can I mix salt, sugar, water (milk) in a separate container, beat eggs and then pour into a bread maker, add flour and yeast, and bake! will it affect the quality ?? Thank you!!!

You can do that! How much this will affect the quality of the bread will depend on the quality and quantity of ingredients, the consistency of the dough.
Thank you! I just baked bread with raisins, it turned out wonderful, but it's a pity for the stove when 6 tablespoons of sugar are scraped along the bottom !!

Added Sunday 05 Jun 2016 10:55 am

And another question! yeast needs water to work. but there are recipes where it is absent, there is kvass or milk for example. are these the correct recipes? Is there water in milk and kvass, apparently so?

Added Sunday 05 Jun 2016 10:57 am

And your site is wonderful, everyone is delighted with my bread, thank you so much for this work !! good luck !!!
nicholas, try stirring sugar in liquid. For a year and a half of use, I have never poured sugar into the bowl. Not any scratches! And I use the extra salt and add it at the end of the batch, with oil. Good luck!
lira3003, and salt at the end of the batch, does it significantly change something? why can't you stir it right away?
Quote: santex
And another question! yeast needs water to work. but there are recipes where it is absent, there is kvass or milk for example. are these the correct recipes? Is there water in milk and kvass, apparently so?

For bread dough you need LIQUID in the right amount
Liquid, this water is clean, but liquid is even contained in cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, cheese, eggs, etc. and this must be taken into account when kneading the dough.
A question for the pros! Here is the recipe Flour Millet-240 Flour Rye-208 Kvass -320 Salt-1 tsp Sugar-1 tbsp. l Yeast -1h. l. The bread is super !! And today I bought a kvass concentrate (not Wort). Tell me how much to put this concentrate instead of kvass, how much water, ???

Nikolay, if the questions do not relate specifically to the components of the bread dough - we communicate in the topic Question to Admin: the bread did not work out again, what could be the reason?

If it is a thick kvass wort concentrate, then 1-3 tbsp is enough. l. for 450-500 grams of flour. Water at the rate minus kvass wort, and track the bun, flour-liquid balance.
The question was about the components, I wrote that I bought a concentrate NOT MUST, but a concentrate of KVASS, it is liquid. I could not find information on it on the network, added 2 tbsp. l. , bread is normal. Is refined sunflower oil better or unrefined? Or does it matter ??

FAQ here Question to Admin: the bread did not work out again, what could be the reason?


What is written on the container, on the packaging? - write correctly. and it is desirable to show the photo.

Any oil to taste.

Look at our recipes on the forum in the Yeast bread section, and find out in detail what ingredients do people add to breadhow much and what kind of bread is obtained from this
And if the recipe contains 2.5 percent milk, and pour 3.5 percent, the dough will not be thicker? or immediately dilute with water ??
There, where you kicked me off, with my Internet it will take a day to search! I will seek the truth by trial and error, I will try not to ask any more !!

Added Monday 13 Jun 2016 04:27 PM

By the way, I get Bread !!

Where I sent you, I have already answered
Get used to focusing on our forum rules, we already talked about this
I liked baking bread on kefir, but by trial and error I realized that it is better to dilute kefir with water (then I read it here on the forum). And she began to slightly decrease the amount of kefir and increase the water, while she stopped at the ratio of water: kefir = 1: 1. What do experienced bakers think, and if kefir is further reduced in the ratio of water: kefir = 3: 1, will the bread be more fluffy? Will not lose much tenderness from kefir?

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers