Cake V8

Category: Confectionery
Cake V8


White creamy caramel
Powdered gelatin 20 g
Water (to dissolve gelatin) 60 g
Confectionery glucose 40 g
Cream 20% -33% 400 g
Neutral glaze 150 g
Vanilla pod (seed) 1 PC.
Titanium dioxide 7.5 g
Neutral glaze:
Water 125 g
Vanilla pod 1/2 pcs.
Sugar 50 g
Gelatin (or NH pectin 5 g) 4 g (1 h. L.)
Lemon juice 2.5 g (1 h. L.)
Vanilla Clear Cream Gel:
Water 250 g
Sugar 30 g
Agar agar 1.5 g (2/3 h. L. Without top)
Vanilla pod (seed) 1 PC.
Toasting vanilla pods:
Vanilla pods 3 pcs.
Toasting almonds:
Almonds (shelled) 150 g
Almond paste:
Almond flour 50 g
Powdered sugar 50 g
Sugar 15 g
Water 20 g
Almond praline:
Dried almonds 50 g
Sugar 40 g
Water 30 g
Lemon juice 1 g
Chantilly cream:
Gelatin (according to the book 4 g leaf) 8-10 g
Water (to dissolve gelatin) 24 g
Cream 33% 650 g
Vanilla pod (seed) 1 pod
Powdered sugar 100 g
Butter (softened) 25 g
Flour 25 g
Brown sugar 25 g
Almond flour 25 g
Vanilla pod 1/4 pcs.
Sponge cake "Vanilla macaroni":
Protein 55 g
Powdered sugar 50 g
TRT mixture (three):
Flour 50 g
Almond flour 50 g
Powdered sugar 50 g
Vanilla pod (seeds) 1/2 pcs.
Creme brulee:
Yolks (coarse eggs) 55 g (3 yolks)
Brown sugar 50 g
Cream 20-33% 300 g
Vanilla pod 1 PC.
Vanilla extract 1 tsp
Biscuit "Vanilla dacquoise":
Protein 60 g
Fine-crystalline sugar 40 g
Almond flour 65 g
Powdered sugar 40 g
Vanilla extract 1/2 tsp
Vanilla pod (seed) 1 PC.
Powdered sugar (for dusting) 3 g
Sponge cake "Chiffon":
Flour 18 g
Fried powder
vanilla pods
1 tsp
Yolks 22 g (1.5 pcs.)
Brown sugar 5 g
Water 17 g
Vegetable oil 15 g
Protein 45 g
Powdered sugar 22 g
Rice flour 3 g (1 dessert l.)
Vanilla syrup:
Sugar 15 g
Water 30 g
Vanilla pod (seed) 1/4 pcs
Vanilla extract 1/4 tsp
Vanilla Almond Crunch:
Milk chocolate 45 g
Almond praline 60 g
Almond paste 60 g
Butter 18 g
Crumble 40 g
Crispy Wheat Flakes
(Fitness is possible)
35 g
Dried almonds
(coarsely chopped)
18 g
Fried powder
vanilla pods
1 tsp
Vanilla pod (seed) 1/4 pcs.
Sea salt 2 g
Vanilla ganache:
White chocolate
(chop and soften slightly)
100 g
Cream 20%
(room temperature)
60 g
Vanilla extract 4 g
Vanilla pod (seed) 1/3 pcs.
Butter (softened) 32 g

Cooking method

  • Since ordinary housewives do not have special pastry pastes, glazes and some ingredients with accessories, then all this must be ordered, purchased or prepared on your own. Therefore, preparation first. And then you can finish cooking in the allotted 4-6 hours, although it's still unrealistic, like on the TV show Masterchef, which is where the wild popularity of cake and pastry chef Adriano Zumbo came from. I love looking at these photos from the show. This is the moment of goal for competing chefs. : 0)
  • Cake V8
  • Cake V8
  • The cake is not difficult to prepare, but difficult to organize due to the layered composition. Whoever baked biscuits and creams for them will cope with this task. I set myself the task of cooking speed. My first cake was with mistakes and not to mention the time, the second cake is long - 2 days. Now I fit in 12 hours (cooking 6.5 hours + assembly with freeze holding 5-6 hours). Not a record, of course, but not a bad result for home conditions.
  • I will describe it consistently and in detail. The proportions and description differ from the English version of the Internet due to weighty inaccuracies in the proportions for the 20x20 form and has also changed the principle of cake assembly. As I found out later, such an assembly from the book. You guessed it! There is an Internet description in English (I give a copy below). Everything is scheduled conditionally.Therefore, beginners have a chance for mistakes. Well, an experienced pastry chef won't go wrong. You must know that the main thing for the pastry chef is to see the recipe. Basic knowledge will do the rest of the work. I did not wait for the book version of the recipe, but I read that there Shantilly cream is whipped and the proportions change in different places. And so I corrected the recipe with practice and received an independent version.
  • The cake is very tasty, light, harmonious.
  • Cake composition:
  • Cake V8
  • Buying hard-to-find foods such as vanilla, quality white chocolate, titanium dioxide dye, agar agar.
  • White creamy caramel glaze.
  • Preparation of neutral glaze.
  • Vanilla crème brulee.
  • Preparation of form-frames 18x18 and 20x20.
  • Vanilla transparent cream gel.
  • Toast 3-4 vanilla pods and grind into a powder.
  • Frying-drying of peeled almonds.
  • Cooking almond paste (can be replaced with purchased hazelnut + almond paste).
  • Cooking almond praline.
  • Preparation of Chantilly cream and partial assembly.
  • Cooking crumble.
  • Preparing three different biscuits.
  • Cooking vanilla almond crunch.
  • Preparation of white creamy caramel glaze
  • Vanilla syrup for chiffon biscuit.
  • Cooking vanilla ganache.
  • Assembly.
  • Preparation of white chocolate decor.
  • V8 Cake
  • Neutral glaze:
  • If it is not ready. Cook it yourself.
  • If with gelatin: dissolve gelatin + pod with seeds + sugar in hot water. Boil. Remove from heat + lemon juice. Pour into a glass jar, close and set aside until requested. Remove part of the vanilla pod before using.
  • If with pectin: pod with seeds + sugar + pectin + water, stir and bring to a boil. Cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat + lemon juice. Pour into a glass jar, close and set aside until requested.
  • White creamy caramel glaze:
  • The glaze is delicious, but turned out to be difficult. The first time I didn’t handle it. The mass curdled after adding caramel and rebounded into 2 parts: whey and cottage cheese. So if it's scary to do it, then I can recommend another glaze (with a composition of milk, cream, white chocolate and gelatin). Well, according to the program - creamy caramel. It goes well with this cake. Very tasty. So.
  • Dissolve gelatin according to the instructions.
  • Dissolve titanium dioxide and 2 tsp in a beaker. water. It dissolves very easily and looks like a chalky solution. I want to say that this is a harmless powder. At first I also shied away from one name, but later I figured it out ... I remembered Mikhalkov's excerpt-fable "The Monkey and the Nut":
  • ... .. The monkey began to threaten the Nut
  • - And everyone around does not get tired of scaring ..
  • Who will ask me what this is about,
  • What question worries me -
  • I will answer that ..
  • - The devil is not so terrible as he is painted for us! ...
  • Combine cream + vanilla seeds in a 1L ladle and bring to a boil. Set aside.
  • Cake V8
  • Cook the light caramel immediately. Combine water, glucose syrup, sugar in a 0.5 liter ladle. Stir until sugar dissolves when heated. After 100⁰C, do not stir with a spatula and cook the syrup to 150⁰-151⁰C. Periodically, during work, wash off the sugar crystals formed from the walls of the ladle with a brush. Caramel should be transparent. Immediately, in quick movements, pour the caramel in a thin stream into the hot cream and stir very vigorously. Cool to 70⁰ С. Add dissolved gelatin, neutral glaze. Stir. Add titanium dioxide solution, mix gently and slowly so that no air bubbles form. The color will turn to white. Cool down.
  • Cake V8
  • Creme brulee:
  • Turn on the oven at 160⁰ С. Prepare an ovenproof dish in the form of a wide dish.
  • Stir the yolks + brown sugar until dissolved.
  • Cake V8
  • Cake V8
  • Cake V8
  • Cream + vanilla pod + seeds, stir. Boil. Pour the yolk mass into the cream in parts and stir vigorously with a whisk.Pour into a mold and bake for 10 minutes at 160⁰C, 5 minutes - 200⁰C. Remove from the mold and grind with a blender until smooth. Place in a small container, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
  • Vanilla Clear Cream Gel:
  • Prepare a frame shape 18x18. Cover with foil. Combine water, sugar, agar, vanilla seeds in a small ladle. Stir and leave for 20-30 minutes, which is necessary for agar to swell. Put on fire and, stirring occasionally, bring to 100 ° C. Pour into a mold. It will begin to thicken only at 45-35⁰ С. Cover with foil and refrigerate (not in the freezer).
  • Cake V8
  • Toasting vanilla pods:
  • Put 3 knocks on parchment and on a baking sheet. Dry in the oven at 170⁰C until brittle. Cool and grind in a coffee grinder. Put the powder in a jar and close.
  • Toasting almonds:
  • Sprinkle 150 g of peeled almonds on parchment and on a baking sheet. Dry in the oven at 100⁰C until crisp and brittle. Take care not to burn. I noticed that the weight has decreased. Divide into 3 parts: for vanilla-almond crunch -18g (coarsely chopped), 50g for almond praline and 50g for almond paste (grind into flour).
  • Almond paste:
  • Beat almond flour and icing sugar in a processor. Prepare a syrup with sugar and water. Add a little to the dry mixture and knead the paste to the consistency of a very thick cream, shiny, smooth. In the photo, the pasta came out thick. It's good, but you need a pasty one. It was necessary to add a little more syrup to the syrup, to a more liquid consistency, which will better bind the friability of the vanilla-almond crunch.
  • Cake V8
  • Almond praline:
  • Prepare baking paper, oil.
  • Prepare caramel from sugar, water and lemon juice. First dissolve sugar in water. After 100 ° C, do not disturb the syrup, do not interfere. Add lemon juice, stir. Bring to 160⁰ С. Pour in the nuts and quickly stir the mixture and also quickly spread the mixture in an even layer on prepared paper. Allow to cool. Grind into crumbs in a processor.
  • Cake V8
  • Chantilly cream:
  • Dissolve gelatin according to the instructions.
  • Cream + vanilla pod + seeds + powdered sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Cool to 80⁰ С. Add gelatin solution. Mix. Cool down. In the refrigerator so that the mass is chilled. As soon as the gelling process begins. Beat with a mixer until a thick flowing cream. Immediately prepare a 20x20 cm mold. Cover with cling film, acetate foil, pour 1 cm onto the bottom and into the freezer. This can be done later, but to save time it is more convenient to do it right away.
  • From myself I can also add that the cream can be replaced with 20%.
  • Cake V8
  • Crumble:
  • Turn the oven on at 180⁰ C. Place the butter, flour, brown sugar, almond flour and vanilla seeds in the processor and mix until smooth. Rub the dough with a grater on a sheet of parchment paper in an even layer.
  • Cake V8
  • Bake until nice golden brown, about 10 minutes. Of all the crumble, it takes only 45 g. The rest is to eat like cookies.
  • Sponge cake "Vanilla macaroni":
  • Turn on the oven 160⁰ С. Baking tray, baking paper. Draw a square 18 x 18 cm. Piping bag with round nozzle.
  • Sift TRT mixture + vanilla seeds.
  • Beat whites separately, adding powdered sugar, until stiff peaks.
  • Cake V8
  • Cake V8
  • Add the sifted TRT mixture and knead the dough with a spatula until a falling ribbon is present.
  • Cake V8
  • Fold the dough into a pastry bag and place a square around the entire perimeter. Bake until light golden brown, about 10 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Turn over and remove the paper.
  • Cake V8
  • Biscuit "Vanilla dacquoise":
  • Turn on the oven 180⁰ С. Baking tray, baking paper. Draw a square 18x18 cm. A piping bag with a round nozzle.
  • Sift a mixture of almond flour, icing sugar.
  • Cake V8
  • Beat whites separately, adding powdered sugar, until stiff peaks + vanilla extract and vanilla powder at the end. Add the almond flour mixture and stir gently with a spatula until combined.
  • Cake V8
  • Put in a pastry bag and place a square around the perimeter.
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar on top.
  • Bake until golden brown for 10-15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Turn over and remove the paper. This biscuit is very fragile and you need to be careful when handling it.
  • Sponge cake "Chiffon":
  • Turn on the oven 180⁰ С. Baking tray, baking paper. Draw a square 18 x 18 cm. A piping bag with a round nozzle.
  • Combine wheat flour with vanilla powder, yolks, brown sugar, water and butter. Stir with a whisk.
  • Cake V8
  • Beat whites separately, adding powdered sugar, until stiff peaks. Add rice flour at the end of whipping + yolk mass and gently stir with a spatula until combining.
  • Cake V8
  • Put in a pastry bag and place a square around the perimeter.
  • Cake V8
  • Bake until golden brown for 10-15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Turn over and remove baking paper.
  • The baking process for Vanilla Dacquoise and Chiffon Biscuits is the same, so I baked on the same baking sheet at once. This is more time-saving.
  • Cake V8
  • 3 biscuits:
  • Cake V8
  • Vanilla syrup for chiffon biscuit:
  • Mix everything in a small mug and bring to a boil. Cool down. I have never soaked this biscuit with syrup, since it turns out to be very tender and does not require impregnation. But there is syrup according to the recipe. So it's optional.
  • Vanilla Almond Crunch:
  • Melt chocolate in a steam bath + almond praline + almond paste. Stir.
  • Cake V8
  • Place the butter in a small ladle and fry until brown and nutty. Cool down.
  • Combine wheat crunchy flakes, crumble, chopped almonds, toasted butter, vanilla powder and seeds, salt. Stir with a spatula. Add chocolate almond mass. Stir with a spatula.
  • Cake V8
  • Crunch will be laid out on the "Vanilla Dacquoise" biscuit in a layer of 5-7 mm.
  • Vanilla ganache:
  • Put chocolate chips, cream, extract, vanilla seeds, butter in a blender bowl. Beat until smooth.
  • The technique of this ganache cream is very original and differs from the classics. Zumbo again surprised me with another delicious cream.
  • This layer of cream will be sandwiched between the Chiffon Biscuit and the Vanilla Almond Crunch.
  • Assembly:
  • Whoever has frame frames with dimensions of 18x18 and 20x20 cm, then the problems will go away. I didn't get a smaller size, so I assembled without a frame. So this is the most suitable way. First, you need to collect the inner part of the "pie" (stage 1) and freeze, and then put it into the filling of Chantilly cream (stage 2) in a 20x20 frame. My cake is 5.5 cm high. This is ideal for a harmonious balance of taste. The norm for such a cake is up to 8 cm. But this, as for me, is too high.
  • 1 stage of assembly with dimensions 18x18cm:
  • You need a flat tray that fits in the freezer. For convenience, cut a 20x20 cm square from acetate film. Put it on the tray.
  • -Center the "Vanilla Dacquoise" biscuit on top
  • -Layer of vanilla-almond crunch no more than 1 cm. Set aside the rest and eat.
  • Cake V8
  • -Separately! Put a 5 mm layer of vanilla ganache cream on the "Chiffon" biscuit. Fold in a book with cream on crunch. Soak the sponge cake on top with vanilla syrup.
  • Cake V8
  • -Separately! Put ½ part of Creme brulee cream on the "Vanilla macaroni" biscuit with a layer of 5 mm. Fold in a book with cream on a soaked sponge cake.
  • -Place a 5 mm layer of the remaining Creme brulee on top.
  • Cake V8
  • -Layer of Vanilla Clear Cream Gel. Carefully, it keeps its shape well, but it can tear, which is undesirable. To do this, turn it right with the foil onto a crème brulee layer, and then remove the foil, it comes off easily.
  • Cake V8
  • Place the tray with the workpiece in the freezer.
  • Stage 2 of the assembly:
  • Prepare a frame shape 20x20 cm, a flat tray that would fit into the freezer. Line the inner sides and bottom of the mold with cling film (so that the cream does not spill through the cracks), cut a 20 x 20 cm square from the acetate film, lay it on the bottom and from the same acetate film make the sides equal to the height of the cake. This film layer cannot be ignored as it makes the surface smooth and ideal for enrobing.
  • -Pour Chantilly cream on the bottom in a layer of 1 cm. Into the freezer for 20 minutes. Get it.The workpiece of the first stage of assembly can be slightly trimmed from the edges with a large knife (this is conditional). Put the "pie" with a layer of transparent gel on the frozen Chantilly cream. Center. Fill the remaining voids (they are 1 cm) from a pastry bag with Chantilly cream to the top.
  • Cake V8
  • Now you can put the cake in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  • Stage 3 of the assembly:
  • Remove the workpiece from the refrigerator. Turn the workpiece over with the biscuit down, place it on the wire rack. Wire rack over baking sheet. Carefully remove the form, the acetate film, check the evenness and smoothness of the sides. Fill with white creamy caramel icing. Pour in from the edges to the middle. The movements are fast and thoughtful. I found a photo where this glazing moment is captured. Zumbo himself in action:
  • Cake V8
  • Using a spatula, transfer the cake to a plate (cake dish). Let stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Decorate with square chocolate and chrysanthemum rims before serving.
  • Shelf life 2 days in the refrigerator. The cake is stable and beautiful cuts are made with a knife.
  • You can freeze.
  • Cake V8

The dish is designed for

Cake 20 x 20 cm

Time for preparing:

12 hours minimum

National cuisine



All products (for purchase):
cream 33-35% 650 g
cream 20% 760 g
vanilla pods 8 pcs.
vanilla extract 6 tsp
gelatin 34 g
agar-agar 1.5 g
icing sugar 320 g
fine crystalline sugar 440 g
brown sugar 80 g
egg whites 160 g
egg yolks 77 g
butter 75 g
vegetable oil 15 g
white chocolate 500 g
milk chocolate 45 g
rice flour 3g
almond flour 190 g
wheat flour 93 g
almonds nut 150 g
crispy wheat flakes Dry breakfast 35 g
sea ​​salt 2 g
glucose syrup (already calculated by composition)
titanium dioxide 7.5 g
lemon 1/2 pc.
You can calculate the costs yourself. As for me, it turns out not so expensive. Although the V8 is considered the most expensive cake in Australia. Istanbul's Ciragon Palace Kempinski offers the Sultan's Golden Cake. It is a bar of edible gold, garnished with black truffles, apricots, pears and dates, marinated in Jamaican rum for two years. At the top are 24k gold leaves, French vanilla and caramel. It's expensive, no doubt. I can't even imagine the price.

Internet version of the recipe.
The same recipe and translation with a master class from Nina niksya. The first time I did the translation. It turned out 2 cakes for this recipe: one is a copy of the V8, the second is a composite of the remaining creams, scraps, crunch.

Zumbo V8 Cake Recipe by Adriano Zumbo From the site where the Masterchef show took place.

Cooking time: 4-6 hours
Please note - you will need precision scales. The vanilla crème chantilly, vanilla glaze, brown sugar crumble, and vanilla syrup can all be made ahead of time.
2 vanilla beans
100g blanched almonds
Sugar spheres, to serve
Vanilla crème chantilly
4g gold strength gelatine leaves
590g thickened cream
1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped
175g caster sugar
24g cold water
Toasted vanilla brulee
3 egg yolks
50g dark brown sugar
250g thickened cream
1 vanilla bean
1 tsp vanilla extract
Vanilla water gel
250g water
38g caster sugar
1.5g gellan
1 vanilla bean, split, seeds scraped
Vanilla glaze
9.5g gelatine leaves
60g cold water
40g glucose liquid
35g water
250g caster sugar
400g thickened cream
1 vanilla bean, split, seeds scraped
150g miroir glaze (specialty cold-application patisserie glaze)
7.5g titanium dioxide (white colourant, powdered)
Vanilla ganache
300g white couverture chocolate
185g thickened cream
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 vanilla bean, split, seeds scraped
95g unsalted butter, softened
Brown sugar crumble
50g unsalted butter
50g plain flour
50g dark brown sugar
50g almond meal
1/4 scraped vanilla bean
vanilla macaron
53g egg whites
50g pure icing sugar
150g TPT (equal parts sifted almond meal and sifted pure icing sugar)
1/2 scraped vanilla bean
Vanilla dacquoise
60g egg whites
43g caster sugar
65g almond meal
40g pure icing sugar, sifted
1 vanilla bean, split, seeds scraped
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Vanilla chiffon cake
17.5g plain flour
1 roasted and finely ground vanilla bean
1.25 (21g) egg yolks
5g dark brown sugar
17.5g water
15g canola oil
45g egg whites
22.5g caster sugar
2.5g rice flour
Vanilla almond crunch
45g milk couverture chocolate
90g almond praline paste
90g pure almond paste
18g unsalted butter
45g brown sugar crumble
45g pailette feuillitine (crunchy wheat flakes)
18g toasted diced almonds
1 roasted and finely ground vanilla bean
2g sea salt
1/4 scraped vanilla bean
Vanilla syrup
125g caster sugar
250g water
1/2 vanilla bean, split
1 tsp vanilla extract
White chocolate flower and tiles
500g white couverture chocolate, grated or finely chopped
5g titanium dioxide
1. Preheat oven to 160 C.

2. To make the roasted vanilla beans, place 2 vanilla beans in oven until burnt and charcoal in texture. Grind to a fine powder in a mortar and pestle or spice grinder. Cover and set aside.

3. To make the pure almond paste, place 100g blanched almonds on a baking tray and bake for 10 minutes or until deep golden. Grind to a coarse paste. Cover and set aside.

4. To make the vanilla crème chantilly, cut gelatine into small squares, soak in the cold water. Place cream, vanilla and sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and allow to cool to 70-80 C, and then stir through the gelatine and water mixture until dissolved. Place in a container, cover the surface with cling wrap and place in the fridge.

5. For the toasted vanilla brulee, mix yolks and sugar in a bowl by hand with a whisk until just combined. Add cream and vanilla bean to a small saucepan and bring to the boil, pour a little over the eggs while stirring, then add the remaining liquid including vanilla bean. Puree with a hand blender until smooth and pour into a shallow baking tray about 25 x 38cm. Place into the oven and cook until just set, about 10 minutes, then increase oven to 200 C and bake until it forms a golden brown crust, about 5 minutes. It should look slightly split when removed from the oven. Scrape mixture into a thermomix, blender, or small food processor and blend to a smooth paste. Set aside in a small bowl, covering the surface of the brulee with cling wrap so it doesn't form a skin. Reduce oven temperature to 160 C.

6. To make the vanilla water gel, place a lined 18cm square cake tin in the fridge to chill. Boil all ingredients in saucepan whilst whisking until dissolved and mixture starts to thicken. To test if set, drop about a teaspoon of liquid into a metal bowl, it should thicken slightly. It will thicken on cooling. To speed up cooling, pour into a metal bowl and set aside for 5 minutes. Pour into chilled cake tin and place in the freezer until solid, about 30 minutes. Remove from mold and keep gel in freezer.

7. For the vanilla glaze, soak the gelatine leaves in cold water until softened. Drain, squeezing out any excess water. Boil glucose, water and sugar until 165 C, brushing around the sides of the saucepan with a pastry brush dipped in cold water as you go. Do not allow caramel to take on any color. In another saucepan, bring cream and vanilla seeds to boil and then add to the sugar syrup. Mix through, then allow to cool to 70 C and add softened gelatine, stirring well. Add miroir glaze and titanium dioxide and blend well. Strain, then freeze until set. Reheat to 35 C when glazing the cake.

8. For the vanilla ganache, place all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth and creamy. Cover closely with cling wrap and set aside until needed.

9. To make the brown sugar crumble, place all ingredients in an electric mixer and beat mix until dough forms. 'Grate' through a cooling rack with a lined baking tray sitting underneath to catch the crumble then bake in the oven for about 10 minutes until golden.

10. To make the vanilla macaron, draw an 18cm square on a piece of baking paper placed on a baking tray. Using an electric mixer or hand beaters, whisk egg whites on high speed until soft peaks form then slowly add pure icing sugar, checking it has dissolved in between additions until you have stiff glossy peaks. Stir through TPT with vanilla seeds. Spoon mixture into a piping bag fitted with a 5mm nozzle. Pipe into the pencilled frame using a continuous snaking motion to fill the entire square. Let a skin form and then bake for 10 minutes at 160 C until golden. Remove from oven, slide baking paper off tray and place on kitchen bench. Increase oven temperature to 180 C.

11. To make the vanilla dacquoise, draw an 18cm square on a piece of baking paper placed on a baking tray.In an electric fitted mixer with whisk attachment, whisk egg whites on high speed until soft peaks form then slowly add caster sugar, beating until you have stiff glossy peaks. Mix almond meal with icing sugar, vanilla seeds and extract, gently fold through egg whites. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a 5mm nozzle. Pipe into the pencilled frame using a continuous snaking motion to fill the entire square. Dust with icing sugar, let sit 2 minutes then dust again. Bake at 180 C 10-12 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven, slide baking paper off tray and place on kitchen bench. Reduce oven temperature to 160 C.

12. To make the vanilla chiffon cake, draw an 18cm square on a piece of baking paper placed on a baking tray. Mix flour, roasted vanilla bean powder, egg yolks, brown sugar, water and oil in a bowl until combined. Whisk egg whites in an electric mixer on high speed until soft peaks form then slowly add the sugar and rice flour, beating until you have stiff, glossy peaks. Fold the meringue through the batter gently. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a 5mm nozzle. Pipe into the pencilled frame using a continuous snaking motion to fill the entire square. Bake in the oven set at 160ýC until golden, about 15 minutes.
13. To make the vanilla almond crunch, melt milk chocolate, add almond praline and the pure almond paste and mix well. Melt butter and take to nut brown (noissette) stage. Add crumble and fueilletine flakes and mix through praline mixture, then fold through burnt butter, followed by toasted almonds, crushed vanilla beans, sea salt and scraped vanilla seeds. Smooth a 5mm layer over vanilla dacquoise and set aside.

14. To make the vanilla syrup, bring all ingredients to the boil, then allow to cool.

15. To make the white chocolate tiles and flower, bring 5cm of water in a medium saucepan to the boil, turn off the heat and sit a metal bowl with 300g of the chocolate over the water. Stir until just melted then remove bowl to the bench and add about 100g more chocolate to bring the temperature down. Stir vigorously until the chocolate has melted, if the chocolate does not feel cold to the touch, add the remaining 100g chocolate to bring down the temperature. Add titanium dioxide and mix well. Keep stirring well to remove all lumps. If the chocolate mixture feels cold to the touch, spread a small, thin layer onto a small piece of baking paper. Set aside for about 3-4 minutes, it will start to harden if it is tempered correctly. If the chocolate becomes too thick and the temperature is too low, gently reheat the mixture in the bowl set over the saucepan of steaming water, but it still needs to be cold.

16. When the chocolate is tempered, to make the flower, spread a thin layer, about 2-3mm thick on 2 pieces of acetate (30 x 40cm) using a large palette knife. Once the chocolate has almost set, on one sheet of acetate carefully mark 3 strips lengthways on the strips, about 7-9cm-wide. Mark thin triangles in each strip. These form the flower petals. Place a piece of baking paper over the top, and wrap around a rolling pin or similar cylinder and allow to completely harden.

17.On the other sheet use a ruler to mark out 4 1/2 cm squares. Place a piece of baking paper over the top and invert onto a board or clean work surface to completely harden.

18. To assemble the cake, in a 20cm acetate-lined straight-sided cake tin spread a 5-10mm layer of Chantilly crème around base and sides of tin. Chill in freezer until firm. Lay vanilla gel at the base of the tin and smear with a tiny amount of brulee so that macaron layer will stick to the gel. Lay macaron layer over brulee smear. Cover macaron layer with an even 5mm of brulee. Place chiffon cake over brulee layer. Brush chiffon cake with a little vanilla syrup. Spread a 5mm layer of ganache over chi

Natasha, how does it taste, is it worth the time spent on it?
I will take Natasha to the bookmarks, maybe inspiration will come and I will decide on this feat, of course I really want to do it
Natasha, there are no words!!!
This is no longer a job for one person, but for a group of enthusiastic comrades!)))
It was very interesting to read, and the taste is even impossible to imagine ...
There are not enough words to express my admiration! Aerobatics! This is from the heading "Reserts for well OOOOOO very experienced housewives! I bowed, went on ...
Well, very beautiful !!!
This is a work that requires self-denial!
AbAldet! It's difficult to read, and it's not realistic to do it.
Girls, what a horror! In every sense: it's both cool and scary to start, and I want to try! Why are there so many different tastes? Everything will mix! Or not? How does it taste? Or is this how to explain the taste of orange for the Chukchi? Bookmark unambiguously! The daughter-in-law will return from practice, and the three of us with the matchmaker in the kitchen will sometimes play around, or it’s scary to start in one person.
Mom Tanya
This can only be read !!!!! How many products !!! How much work !!! Painted, of course, in detail! But it's not realistic to try it (for me!) !!!
Larissa u
Well, it must be either DIVINE, or well it!
I'm tired of just reading and looking at photos!
Natasha, that was a control shot!
While reading, I'm tired! But how can you create it (and you want to!)? In bookmarks, of course, left, no flew away, but when it will be in real life, it's hard to say.
Well done, I am delighted with your work!
A stunning cake both in performance and beauty. I admire! To repeat this - never for anything. And it will not work, and it is very labor intensive and expensive. So much to buy! This is for the pro only. And Natalia wiped her nose for professionals. It's too difficult for home cooking. Is it just for the crazy housewife.
Natasha, bravo! No, BRAVO!
Awesome cake! Difficult, long and dreary - I love this very much =)))))
What a smart girl, so much work to put
Looks very stylish!
Thank you for such cheerful responses. I even felt like a hero to some extent.
The taste is harmonious, vanilla-creamy, soft, there is an amazing crunchy-crunchy note with a caramel shade and a salty note. True, no reproaches.
Fell in love with the cake back in 2010, when I saw it in a cut. The taste was highly appreciated by world tasters. So if not me, then the pros can be trusted.
I would strongly recommend to everyone, experienced and enthusiastic, to cook this cake. Firstly, to try it and understand why it is loved all over the world, and secondly, in order ... to test your knowledge and yourself. After all, this is not the same as baking a charlotte. This is ... an order of magnitude more exciting and interesting! And very tasty!
Zumbo himself determined 10 points out of 10 by difficulty. Not a trifling cake, of course, but not difficult either. I'm tired of writing more posts and taking master class photos - they are the main time stealers. Well, the decor should be given special attention, and the cake is no problem and then stands in the refrigerator, waiting for time to be cut. The cuts are even, neat - it's nice to serve a piece. It is transported perfectly, does not flow, does not stick. As a gift - gorgeous.
Point of Light
This is something !!! Delighted with your work!
I am completely delighted! What a recipe, it's a song, a poem !!!! I got aesthetic pleasure reading the recipe! Make such a cake only for a loved one !!!! Thank you!
Natasha, thank you very much for your work! This recipe takes a lot of time to design. Your experience is invaluable!
Can I fall without feeling right here in your pastry shop and lie under the table? It is simply impossible to cook. Not possible. Cake V8
I support the previous speaker !!!!
Summer resident
And I lay down in delight next to him. I can only look at such a cake. Thank you very much for your work.
Star of the Bread Maker to the author
who dares to repeat, that 2 stars
I bow to enthusiastic people
very good beautifully
Quote: Summer resident

And I lay down in delight next to him. I can only look at such a cake. Thank you very much for your work.
I lay down next to me and I’m unlikely to get up. Everything that the girls wrote above and another 100,000 delights for you, Natasha!
Quote: Summer resident

... I can only look at such a cake

and I read
Quote: IRR

and I read

Yes lan ... Tell me honestly - devour !! with pleasure to eat. Cake V8
Quote: Scarecrow

Yes lan ... Tell me honestly - devour !! with pleasure to eat. Cake V8

The whole "bread machine" is for us to eat And the cake is singular!
Natalia, I, too, only today mastered to read this masterpiece! I was looking for a suitable cake for my daughter's wedding, so straightforward that b ah and everyone fell from the deliciousness! I was glad that I found it, but now I understand that I will not risk it, it’s too difficult for the first time. You just need to understand that somewhere and that time you need a lot, and half of the necessary ingredients are not present and there is no time to buy, alas. So sooooo want to repeat, but apparently another time.
Girls, prepare medals! Who promised that there? Natalya has already earned it, but keep mine for now, maybe I still have time!
Great cake and great job! I have been looking at him for a long time, my hands are itching, but there is not enough time, and there has been no mood lately, and you need to approach him kindly and with great love! I love such multicomponent and complex cakes! Natasha, you are a big smart girl!
Ltd!!!! And we have a competition for a medal planned))
Cake V8
Here you cook the whole life, you cook. You listen to the praise, you see the satisfied faces of your household and friends. You consider yourself not a crooked-handed person .... And after reading such opuses, you realize that you only went into the kitchen to warm up some tea .... Natasha, bravo! My friends from Australia talked about this cake, tried to provoke. But now I'm sure that I can ................... t Only admire someone else's courage and skill!
Quote: Mavka

Here you cook the whole life, you cook. You listen to the praise, you see the satisfied faces of your household and friends. You consider yourself not a crooked-handed person .... And after reading such opuses, you realize that you only went into the kitchen to heat up some tea .... Natasha, bravo! My friends from Australia talked about this cake, tried to provoke. But now I'm sure that I can ................... t Only admire someone else's courage and skill!
That's for sure !!!!!
Quote: Scarecrow

Can I fall without feeling right here in your pastry shop and lie under the table? It is simply impossible to cook. Not possible. Cake V8
Quote: Rick

I lay down next to me and I’m unlikely to get up. Everything that the girls wrote above and another 100,000 delights for you, Natasha!
Move over, I'll lie down next to you !!!!
Quote: Scarlett

Move over, I'll lie down next to you !!!!
Come on, Tanya, lie down. We've got a pattal place of the place mnoooooo ...
Is it really possible to cook it? !!!!!!! ?? Is there still space under the table?

sheer admiration!
tasha74, my applause! I didn't think there would be a person who would take up the preparation of this cake. This is a feat!
I have seen this interesting recipe on the Internet for a long time, but I would never have dared myself.

(encouraging voice from under the table) And also IRR promised:
Quote: IRR

Bread Maker star to author
who dares to repeat, that 2 stars
We can, and what little crumb falls under the table
Everyone, everyone thanks for the praise! So many awards in my direction - I can't bring home in one bag.
And yet this is not the most difficult cake as many people think. It does not require special forms, special equipment.
aha does not require ... but there are so many incomprehensible ingredients in the list ... I wanted to accelerate here on vacation and fulfill the promised, but on titanium dioxide I immediately sat down !!! and there is also almond praline, almond paste, glucose syrup ... well, if I order more glucose syrup from you in Ukraine, then where do you get the rest? (Maybe I'll make it to my DR if I have time to collect the ingredients in a pile)
Quote: Ilona

(Maybe I'll make it to my DR if I have time to collect the ingredients in a pile)
Do you want a star from the IRR? We are waiting !!!!!!
Someone's star then? Two !!! She promised two !!! And I do not have enough components !!!! and time ...
Quote: Ilona

aha does not require ... but there are so many incomprehensible ingredients in the list ... I wanted to accelerate here on vacation and fulfill the promised, but on titanium dioxide I immediately sat down !!! and there is also almond praline, almond paste, glucose syrup ... well, if I order more glucose syrup from you in Ukraine, then where do you get the rest? (Maybe I'll make it to my DR if I have time to collect the ingredients in a pile)
You can not add dioxide! To bleach a layer, you need to add a lot of powder. I know from experience. And I read that it is still harmful. The layer will be milky without bleach - and this is also beautiful. I don't use dioxide anymore. Here.
Glucose can be replaced with starch syrup or invert syrup (easy to make yourself), or Zumba glaze can be replaced.
I give too delicious white frosting recipebut it's not caramel.
250g milk
250g cream
300g white chocolate (chopped and softened slightly)
20g gelatin
60g water
Dissolve gelatin in water according to the rules.
Bring the cream + milk to a boil + chocolate + gelatin solution, stirring slowly to dissolve so that no air bubbles form. Cool down. Glaze at 40C.
For a 20x20 cake, I can get by with 500ml of all the icing. So if you have experience, then the recipe can be reduced by 1/3 part.
tasha74, interesting glaze. She took it to the piggy bank. I think it will come in handy in the near future, there are even plans for where.
Sunny, what would I do without your delicious recipes ??? Thanks for the next glaze recipe! Now the girls will ask him to issue a separate recipe. Do you have a photo of that glaze? Everyone would thank you again! Although you probably have no time now, so much pleasant trouble
And with titanium dioxide ... since it is only for color that is needed, then I can easily do without it with natural color and harmless products. )
Ilona, ​​what a blessing that you "sat down" on titanium dioxide ..., I also stole a recipe for a new glaze. This is called - there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped!
Oh ... I've got something in a new place ... something overwhelmed me ... is this neutral glaze, which is also used to coat fruits and waffle pictures? Or am I confusing?
No, this is white (milk) glaze, it won't work for fruits and pictures!
you didn't read my question carefully)) I'm not talking about icing !!! I'm discussing one more ingredient)
Quote: Ilona

you didn't read my question carefully)) I'm not talking about icing !!! I'm discussing one more ingredient)

Which one? Understood nothing...
I asked about neutral glaze.
Quote: Ilona

.............. Now the girls will ask him to issue a separate recipe. Do you have a photo of that glaze? Everyone would thank you again! Although you probably have no time now, so many pleasant troubles ...........
While I swing the stroller with my leg, my hands are free .... I am writing ..
Zumbovskaya white creamy caramel glaze: very regular and tasty glaze, goes like a full creamy caramel layer. The main thing is to cook the caramel correctly and mix it with the cream without any problems. To be honest, it turned out to be difficult for me. Can curl up. I wrote about it.

And the white glaze is light in execution and the same in appearance, only the taste is not caramel.
I have how to make a neutral frosting. It is very similar to the one covered with fruit. But I don't know exactly about identity. I have so many pictures. Wait soon I will fill you up with new recipes with entreme cakes, there are any glazes you want, decors and new fillings of excellent taste. Oh! The main thing would be to finish and arrange everything. And I got carried away with molecular cuisine ..... interesting, but it's expensive. I bought only a siphon for cream and something else.

crunch, crumble, almond praline, almond paste ... all individually can be prepared without buying expensive ready-made. I described everything in detail. They are so delicious that I had to restrain myself so as not to eat ... at least a second or third spoon. It's a temptation.
Quote: Ilona

I asked about neutral glaze.

This can of course cover fruits, etc.

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