What can you say about the benefits of yogurt? Is there any harm from it? Something I didn't really like ... I did it on imuneli ... it's certainly funny to drink after stirring, but there is no strong pleasure or benefit, so I love everything dairy.
It is helpful to first find out what the products you use to make yogurt are. Imunelli is what? Reconstituted milk + additives + preservatives. What they put in is what they got.
Yoghurts are prepared with milk + sourdough, such as sour cream
and a miracle bio yogurt? just sour, colorless yogurt - not much difference. And besides, I would rather eat the village sour cream myself, and the corrupt one - I left not far from the imunele (by the way, it is advised to use the actimel below, so it's the same thing)
Quote: Furniture

and a miracle bio yogurt? just sour, colorless yogurt - not much difference. And besides, I would rather eat the village sour cream myself, and the corrupt one - I left not far from the imunele (by the way, it is advised to use the actimel below, so it's the same thing)

To each his own.
Read the entire selection from 1 page, like it - eat, I will not argue.
If we talk about the purity of the products, then they should be taken pure, and not reinvented from .... candy and praised.
Of course, this is a matter of taste for everyone.
Quote: Furniture

and a miracle bio yogurt? just sour, colorless yogurt - not much difference. And besides, I'd rather eat the village sour cream myself, and the venal one - I left not far from the imunele (by the way, they advise using actimel below, it's the same thing)
Actimel is different and far from the same. Only natural yoghurt should be taken from actimels for sourdough. He is only one of the whole variety without additives, preservatives, flavorings, stabilizers and other E-489. On the can on the reverse side there is a composition. Most yoghurts, and it's no secret, are canned. You can read about this on the internet. After reaching the taste, the entire flora is killed. In this form, he gets to the buyer. At the same time, all nutritional properties are preserved, but such yoghurt is neutral for health. He will in no way be able to establish the work of your intestines and the body as a whole.
The same is the case with many kefirs. For better safety, they are sterilized.
but the milk thickens after the yogurt maker with actimels and other yoghurts, what has multiplied? The product has no special taste! NO! There is no particular joy in the taste, and the benefits are highly questionable. Yes, she is, she is not - I kind of rarely get sick

In general, I am of the opinion that greenhouse conditions for the body are the worst of the poisons. Why is it necessary to strengthen immunity if it does not develop itself? This is the same as patching holes in the fence - there will be no sense, as soon as you stop taking these stimulants - your health will collapse. I rarely washed my hands, never drank vitamins (I am allergic to them) and do not eat any "immunity enhancers" and I don’t wash with other safeguards - and I get sick much less often than my own classmates who carry hand rub gels and other crap
Quote: Furniture

but the milk thickens after the yogurt maker with actimels and other yoghurts, what has multiplied? The product has no special taste! NO! There is no particular joy in the taste, and the benefits are highly questionable. Yes, she is, she is not - I kind of rarely get sick

In general, I am of the opinion that greenhouse conditions for the body are the worst of the poisons. Why is it necessary to strengthen immunity if it does not develop itself? This is the same as patching holes in the fence - there will be no sense, as soon as you stop taking these stimulants - your health will collapse. I rarely washed my hands, never drank vitamins (I am allergic to them) and do not eat any "immunity enhancers" and do not wash with other safeguards - and I get sick much less often than my own classmates who carry hand rub gels and other crap

In general, I cannot understand why it was necessary to choose for communication this particular topic in which you have no interest.
And the allergy, about the cat. Did you mention it - is this a sign of health?

Here we would wash our hands, eat healthy food and drink high-quality yoghurts (by the way, I already wrote above what prevents from adding syrup, jam to unleavened yogurt, because manufacturers do this, only add non-natural ones), and an allergy, look, decreased.
allergy does not disappear, as far as I know medicine, you still have to avoid things that have it, and I don’t care about it either, well, I scratch after a peach, and okay. There are currently no healthy ones, there are unexplored

the point is not that it is insipid - it has no taste for which it would be worth making it. I perfectly understand the position of naturists (or what to call it), but they have nothing to do with it

As far as I understand, topics are asked to share opinions, and not to sing praises, I spoke out, in the end, the majority agreed that each his own
Uncle Sam
Quote: Furniture
In general, I am of the opinion that greenhouse conditions for the body are the worst of the poisons. Why is it necessary to strengthen immunity if it does not develop itself? This is the same as patching holes in the fence - there will be no sense, as soon as you stop taking these stimulants - your health will collapse. I rarely washed my hands, never drank vitamins (I am allergic to them) and do not eat any "immunity boosters" and I do not wash with other safeguards - and I get sick much less often than my own classmates who carry hand rub gels and other crap
I don’t envy your classmates! They kill the natural bacterial defenses on their skin (thanks to products and massive advertisements from multinationals). Bacteria have been removed, mushrooms have come, mushrooms will be removed (with the help of even more expensive drugs), viruses will come. Who will come to them after viruses, it is scary to assume.
About immunity. If you live in a clean ecology. If you eat and move wisely. If you chew each portion of food for more than 20 seconds. Then you have nothing to strengthen! Immunity works great!
But if the "slightly synthetic" food, and still not chewed enough ... (there is an ancient Chinese rule - to chew until the food begins to be swallowed)
Food pieces are only digested and absorbed from the surface. And what is not absorbed goes into the large intestine. And here it has 2 options: either rotting (with toxins and allergens), or replacing it with non-fermented milk or yeast fermentation.
All in your hands!
and on alcohol in any way?
yes I love fermented milk, I love it, I don't need another product
Uncle Sam
Alcoholic fermentation? Yes please! What does yeast in bread do? Years that way ..... tsat back there was quite a medical way of fortification (with B vitamins) - 3 times a day to drink sweet water with the addition of yeast. Then it worked.
True, I recently learned on our site about the side effect of this recipe. They get better from him.
Girls, THANKS !!! I learned so many interesting things !!! And tell me, please, how much per day you can use this product in ml, so as not to harm the body, otherwise you can get carried away so much Thank you!
Rustic stove
Quote: flower54

how much per day you can use this product in ml, so as not to harm the body, otherwise you can get carried away so much

How much will fit))
(if you tolerate sour milk normally)
Found a fresh article:

"Yoghurts are really healthy. This is the conclusion of scientists from London. Yoghurt-based drinks, which contain 'friendly' bacteria, improve the functioning of the digestive system, as well as help solve problems such as diabetes and obesity.

For the first time, researchers have studied exactly how probiotics affect the microorganisms in the gut, which play a significant role in our metabolism (metabolism).Disruption of these microorganisms is the cause of a number of diseases, including type 2 diabetes.
They discovered that eating probiotics with live bacteria altered the structure of microorganisms. According to Jeremy Nicholson, a leading researcher at Imperial College London, living bacteria "enter into dialogue" with microorganisms in the digestive system.

Nicholson and his team of researchers hope that their discovery will lead to the creation of probiotics with special formulas designed for different types of metabolism and aimed at solving specific health problems. "
They discovered America.
Especially I was struck by this phrase - "live bacteria" enter into dialogue "with microorganisms of the digestive system" - sounds very professional! And they write articles !!!
Quote: Zubastik

Found a fresh article:

"Yoghurts are really healthy. This is the conclusion of scientists from London. Yogurt-based drinks, which contain friendly bacteria, improve the functioning of the digestive system, as well as help solve problems such as diabetes and obesity.
The most important thing is that yogurt as an insanely healthy product with probiotics was promoted by Mechnikov 130 years ago, when he studied the problem of longevity at the Pasteur Institute .. Truly, the new, the well forgotten old.
How often do you consume yogurt? Everyday? How many cans per day? Do you feel positive changes in your body?
Quote: Tulip

How often do you consume yogurt? Everyday? How many cans per day? Do you feel positive changes in your body?
The morning starts with a cup of coffee and yogurt. For example, on Sibarit, you can and should eat 450 ml plus 450 ml of fat-free cottage cheese per day. But so many never fit into me. In general, before buying a yogurt maker, I restored and cured my daughter's stomach with acidophilus.
After all, yogurt can be eaten not only as a purely fermented milk product, but you can add a bunch of healthy and tasty fruits and fillers.
Good selection of products Offered by Elena Stoyanova on the website www. I will not repeat myself, on this site the girls have already discussed her Sybarite system.
Quote: zabu

Good selection of products Offered by Elena Stoyanova on the website www. I will not repeat myself, on this site the girls have already discussed her Sybarite system.
I didn't understand what Sybarite is. Can you tell me? And then on the site that you gave the link only the book is offered to buy. and did not find any explanations?
you need to read in the middle, click on links there
Uncle Sam
To the heap I pulled from the Internet what I agree with myself.
1016 microbial symbiont cells simultaneously interact with the human body.

Physiology of intestinal microflora
Under physiological conditions, the intestinal mucosa is covered with a biofilm, inside which there are exopolysaccharide matrix of microbial origin and mucin of the goblet cells of the mucous membrane.
Despite the fact that the thickness of this film is only from fractions to tens of microns, the number of microcolonies of normal flora in it can reach several hundreds or even thousands, and the resistance of bacteria to the effects of adverse factors inside this biofilm is tens and hundreds of times higher than in free cells.

Unlike luminal bacteria, representatives of mucosal microflora in the body are able to fix only to strictly defined receptors of the skin and mucous membranes.
The specific and anatomical specificity of adhesion of representatives of mucosal microflora is so pronounced that bacteroids from the oral mucosa cannot colonize the nasopharynx or intestines of the same animal for a long time.

The mucous flora is more stable and is represented mainly by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which form a layer of "bacterial turf". The latter prevents the penetration of the mucous membrane by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

The luminal flora, along with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, includes other permanent inhabitants of the intestine.

The microflora of the esophagus and stomach in healthy people is not stable and constant, since it is closely related to the nature of the food taken.
The esophagus does not have a permanent microflora at all, and the bacteria present represent the microbial world of the oral cavity.
The microbial spectrum of the stomach is poor. It is mainly represented by: lactobacilli, streptococci, staphylococci, micrococci, Helicobacteria and acid-resistant yeast-like fungi, located in the thickness of gastric mucus.
The highly bactericidal gastric juice remains practically sterile, since the luminal microflora that enters the stomach as part of the food lump dies within 30 minutes.

As the contents move inside the intestinal tube, the partial pressure of oxygen decreases and the pH of the medium rises; therefore, each subsequent biotype of the digestive system has a significant increase in the number of facultative and obligate anaerobic bacteria with a simultaneous decrease in the number of aerobic bacteria.

The microflora of the small intestine is quite simple and not numerous. It is dominated by streptococci and lactobacilli. The microorganisms inhabiting here are localized mainly parietally.

The composition of the microflora of the distal ileum differs significantly from the biotopes described above. Firstly, the total number of bacteria increases - 106 microbial cells per 1 g, secondly, the intraluminal microflora prevails over the parietal microflora, and thirdly, an important ecological feature of this biotope is the approximately equal number of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (enterococci, Escherichia coli, bacteroids , veyonella, bifidobacteria).

The large intestine is a biotope with a high degree of microbial contamination (more than four hundred types of microorganisms). These are mainly obligate anaerobic bacilli (bifidobacteria and bacteroids), which account for 90% of all microorganisms.
The remaining 10% are aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria: E. coli, lactobacilli, enterobacteria, streptococci and spore-bearing anaerobes.

The density of bacteria, according to Alana Parkera (1999), in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract is:
stomach - less than 1000 per ml;
jejunum - less than 10,000 per ml;
ileum - less than 100,000 per ml;
colon - less than 1 trillion per ml.

The composition of the intestinal microflora changes during a person's life.

It is no coincidence that mammals and humans are arranged in such a way that at the moment of birth, the newborn is automatically seeded with the natural microflora of the mother's body, i.e., significant colonization of the fetus by microbes begins already during childbirth, thereby ending its sterile intrauterine existence.

During physiological childbirth, the source of primary colonization (by microorganisms) of the fetus is microorganisms related to the child's body from the microflora of the vagina, as well as the intestines and skin of the mother.

From this point of view, excessive concern about the "sterility" of conditions for the newborn during childbirth may be the first step towards dysbiosis. The era of antibiotics, under the conditions of their uncontrolled use, has also made a significant contribution to the increase in the number of dysbiosis. Further developing the ideas of microbiological endoecology, it can be assumed that the birth of a child by cesarean section also gives a certain amount of dysbiosis.

Our healthcare workers are surprised at how widespread access is for a husband and relatives to a newborn and mother in US maternity hospitals. What is most surprising is the absence of negative consequences for the child in terms of infection. In Russia, against the background of an almost complete ban on any contacts, maternity hospitals "bloom".

What is the reason? Apparently, one of the reasons is that a newborn, deprived of the microflora of the mother and family useful and protective for him, is seeded by the microflora of medical personnel alien to his body, i.e.the second source of microorganisms is the hospital environment, which to a greater extent affects the formation of microbiocenoses in the newborn's body due to the immaturity and imperfection of its immune system.

It has been proven that during the first five days of a child's life, the strains of microorganisms obtained from the mother during childbirth are displaced, and the intestines are intensively colonized by hospital strains of opportunistic microorganisms.

The most significant risk factors for the development of intestinal dysbiosis in young children are their late attachment to the mother's breast, transfer to mixed and artificial feeding.
Such children more often than those receiving breast milk suffer from intestinal diseases.

In other words, in a child's life, two of the most critical moments can be distinguished that have an exceptional effect on the bacterial colonization of the intestine. The first is when the baby is born and the second is when the baby is weaned. In connection with a significant qualitative change in the nature of nutrition, pronounced qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora occur in a fairly short time.

The main functions of normal intestinal microflora are:

- ensuring the colonization resistance of the organism (i.e., inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes in it);

- participation in the synthetic, digestive and detoxifying functions of the intestine;

- stimulation of the synthesis of biologically active substances (a-alanine, 5-aminovaleric and g-aminobutyric acids, as well as mediators that affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, cardiovascular system, hematopoiesis, etc.);

- maintaining high levels of lysozyme, secretory immunoglobulins, interferon, cytokines, properdin and complement, important for immunological resistance;

- morphokinetic effect and increased physiological activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Research has shown that most of us don't even get the RDA of 10 vitamins and minerals. In real life, less than 10% of the population in developed countries consumes the recommended amount of fruits, 40% do not eat fruits and vegetables at all.

In addition, many of these vegetables and fruits are gradually losing their beneficial properties due to artificial growing conditions, soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, long-term storage before going on sale, etc.

The development of a new direction in human nutrition - the so-called functional nutrition - is of great interest. The products of this group are isolated from natural sources, have certain regulatory functions, and soon they will be able to compete with many drugs on the market.

The main categories of functional nutrition are: dietary fiber, eicosapentanoic acid, foods containing bifidobacteria and oligosaccharides. A significant place in the world market is occupied by food products containing bifidogenic factors that stimulate the growth and development of bifidobacteria (lactulose, soy oligosaccharide, xylobiose, etc.).

Correction of intestinal dysbiosis

Correction of intestinal dysbiosis is determined by the nature of the microbial landscape, the age factor, the nature of feeding and food tolerance, and is built in three directions: suppression of the growth of one conditionally pathogenic microorganism, colonization of the intestine with normal symbiotes using probiotics and selective stimulation.

In the correction of intestinal dysbiosis, the most studied and, to a certain extent, practically implemented direction is the use of biological bacterial preparations based on microorganisms - representatives of normal human microflora, the so-called probiotics.

Uncle Sam
A person's well-being directly depends on the state of his intestines. Violation of the structure of the intestinal flora leads to dysbiosis. In Russia, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health, 90% of the population suffers from it.The disease can occur, for example, as a result of prolonged use of antibiotics, when some of the beneficial microorganisms die. But the most important reason for the victorious "march" of dysbacteriosis is improper nutrition. It also largely influences the development of cardiovascular, oncological and gastrointestinal diseases, which are leading in Russia as the reasons for the increase in mortality.

It is milk-based products, and even with the addition of probiotic bacteria, that can become an excellent and quite affordable means of preventing many diseases. Three years ago, they were produced here only for babies in children's dairy kitchens. Now probiotics are produced by large food enterprises, for example, the Lianozovsky Combine. The names of such products "speak" about them - bifidokefir, biorezhenka, bioyogurt, yogurt. They are obtained by natural fermentation. So far, unfortunately, these products are not in great demand. Perhaps because of the specific taste.

But in the West for at least 6 years - a real boom in probiotics. The results of this "fashion" are pleasantly impressive. For example, the life expectancy of the Japanese has increased due to the active consumption of probiotic products. Europeans eat an average of 13-15 kg of yoghurt per year, Finns - as much as 35! Russia, on the other hand, accounts for a measly 1-3 kg of yoghurt per person per year.

The arguments about the uselessness of yoghurts are not groundless, but in relation to mainly imported dairy products. She flooded into our market from Germany, France, Spain, USA. However, probiotic products exported from these countries are most often pre-sterilized to increase shelf life, so their actual probiotic effect on the body is highly doubtful. In fact, they are no different from regular milk products. Not for the sake of patriotism, but for health, I advise you to draw your attention to domestic probiotics. As a rule, unlike imported ones, they have a very short shelf life (1-2 days), which is precisely due to the presence in them of exclusively live microorganisms that have not been heat treated. Only in this case can a probiotic effect be expected. True, products with miracle bacteria need refrigerator conditions with an optimal storage temperature of 2 to 6? From the heat.

In addition to the already mentioned products with the prefix "bio", I would like to note that domestic soft and processed cheeses with the addition of bifidobacteria, which practically do not differ in taste from ordinary ones, are no less useful. And also buttermilk, which, due to its cheapness, is undeservedly ignored by our food industry. And in vain. After whipping butter, up to 85% of phosphatides, which contain protein compounds and are most easily and quickly absorbed, are transferred into buttermilk. In this case, phosphatides immediately go to the construction of nervous tissue, thus helping the body to better resist stress.

Clinicians note that those who regularly consume buttermilk are less susceptible to stress. In addition to the listed advantages, buttermilk contains very little cholesterol, while butter, sour cream and even whole milk are atherogenic, that is, they contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. The value of probiotic-rich buttermilk is therefore difficult to overestimate. It is no coincidence that in the standards of the International Dairy Federation, it is listed as an obligatory component of milk-based products.

Can you trust probiotics? Yes, if we are talking about those that are sold in regular stores. Another thing is medicinal probiotics and biologically active food additives (BAA). Here, caution does not hurt, although there is still no need to fear outright harm.

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor for dysbiosis. Such funds are literally stuffed with probiotic bacteria: in a gram or cubic centimeter, their number should be at least 109. For comparison: in ordinary organic products this figure is several orders of magnitude lower.In addition to highly protective microcultures, such preparations may contain other microorganisms, such as enterococci. In people with pronounced immunodeficiency or allergies, such a high concentration of bacteria can cause antigenic load and exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, medical supervision over the intake of medicinal probiotics is necessary.

They are distributed through the pharmacy chain or in specialized departments of stores. It is also better to purchase biologically active food supplements there. Most of them are broad-based, but some have a narrower focus - they help with the same allergies or destroy cholesterol. Supplements are also provided with indications.

One more nuance. In the production of probiotic products, microorganisms are used, which are neither pathogenic nor toxicogenic in nature. That is, they do not cause infections and are not poisonous. They have been carefully researched by scientists and registered. In addition, the requirements for the "purity" of probiotics are very strict. For example, 0.1 g of biokefir should not contain any foreign bacteria.

Probiotics are an effective remedy for the prevention of diseases of the female genital area. Intestinal dysbacteriosis is far from a harmless disease for women. It can cause disease in other organs and cavities, in particular the vagina. And this is already fraught with acute or chronic diseases of the cervix and other troubles. Meanwhile, eating at least a pack of bioyogurt every day can significantly normalize the vaginal microflora and thereby reduce the risk of gynecological diseases.

Further, all probiotics are included in cholesterol metabolism. The precursors of cholesterol are steroid substances similar in structure to female sex hormones (estrogens). Normalization of cholesterol metabolism improves estrogen exchange, respectively. Consequently, women who do not suffer from dysbiosis have a clearer hormonal background.

Of course, in view of all that has been said, probiotic products are simply necessary for expectant mothers. The likelihood of healthy offspring is much higher. In addition, newborns will be relieved of intestinal disorders that are so characteristic of the first months of a baby's life. Such recommendations have been heard more than once at the international conference on probiotics, held this spring in Moscow.

It is desirable that organic products are constantly included in the menu of representatives of harmful professions and industries (primarily chemical and pharmaceutical industries), residents of ecologically unfavorable regions. And also those who are stressed or treated with antibiotics. The intestinal flora in these groups certainly needs correction. Fans of international tourism, before going on a trip, especially to exotic countries, should also "love" probiotics for at least a week - an excellent prevention of gastrointestinal diseases on the way.

And one more nod to probiotics. For the first time they were applied by the Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov, who created his famous yogurt. He believed that milk, fermented with special lactic acid cultures, neutralizes the effect of harmful substances that are formed in the human intestines during the aging process. According to Mechnikov, the systematic use of yogurt should slow down the onset of old age. Perhaps the fair half in her struggle with age should take note of this fact. In short, scientists and physicians believe that probiotics are the future. They return all of us to the wonderful and up-to-date Hippocratic formula: "Let your food be your medicine."
Inna Zhuk
I liked the one more that is without sugar, but the little ones (I have two of them) - of course with sugar. But both yoghurts are very tender. I will try with other leavens. I will definitely report back.
I was stopped from buying a yogurt maker for a very long time by the story of a friend who put a stomach on herself and her son and made a lot of trouble by constantly consuming yoghurts (every day). At least she says so.A reverse reaction has begun - dysbiosis or something similar has appeared. Whether it's true or not, I don't know.
But now she herself is in a situation where children (twins, 2 years old) are poured onto purchased kefir and yoghurts from the store. Only Lactium is good (we live in Kiev), but it is delivered to us in the nearest supermarkets twice a week and is very quickly sold out. Tired of chasing him.
The husband says - they used to chase after the purchased, but now progress has reached the point that everyone is switching to a subsistence economy - their own bread, their own sour milk, etc.
Quote: Inna Zhuk

I was stopped from buying a yogurt maker for a very long time by the story of a friend who put a stomach on herself and her son and made a lot of trouble by constantly consuming yoghurts (every day). At least she says so. A reverse reaction has begun - dysbiosis or something similar has appeared. Whether it's true or not, I don't know.
I think such a story takes place. I have a similar situation. I've never consumed a lot of milk, nothing lactic acid, except for chemical yoghurts. In general, the body does not particularly like milk, never craved. But with the purchase of a yogurt maker, I went to the sum all over the dairy. How to make fermented baked milk, yoghurts are all different and there are bowls every day. After such abuse, my stomach became very sick. I put the yogurt maker away - and everything was gone.
Quote: Olga Pani

And about kefir, everything is much easier. What you want to grow, take that product. I made kefir from bifidok, kefir BIFI from baby food from the Ostankino dairy.
That is, take any CHILDREN'S kefir. And it is imperative to boil milk, even a long-lasting one. And the expiration date is of course important.
It really does not taste like kefir at first, but after 12-20 hours in the refrigerator, kefir is one to one.
Beware of adult kefir, our friends have 3 toy terrier puppies fed with ordinary bifidokefir, two of them did not survive.

Your lies. Your puppies just hit the wrong time and place. Don't panic people.
I fermented with any fermented milk products, everything is fine.

The best option is your own sourdough.
Try to ferment milk once with a 1.5 liter jar of sour cream 20% (the same Ostankino or Domik), then you will ferment with your own yogurt obtained from this portion. Always leave one 125-150 ml jar. for yogurt leaven, and so on always.
A good yogurt is obtained, fermented well in a thermos in 4 hours and is thick.
Uncle Sam
Can I give a little lecture?

All people are different. And many got intolerance to certain food components.
Someone was just lucky. For example, some Tuareg from Africa has an intolerance to whale meat. Figs it when the thread tries.
And for someone not very ...
This is the story with dairy products:

Most often, there is a genetic pathology of the enzyme for the digestion of milk sugar - lactose. 30% of blacks suffer if they drink whole milk. For them they invented all sorts of nasty things, such as "milk" from corn.
There is practically no lactose in fermented milk products well fermented (with correct microorganisms). And they can be consumed by lactoallergic people, in MODERATE amounts, starting with the initial small doses.

There is an intolerance to milk proteins (albumin, casein, antibodies ...). This is less common, but worse. Heat treatment of milk or the use of long-term storage milk and (or) the help of enzyme preparations is required.

And it happens, but extremely rarely, the body's protest against lactic microorganisms (themselves or their metabolic products). Here only fresh milk is tolerated.
In addition to absolute intolerance, most of us have a threshold. When from a glass of kefir - all the way, and after a bucket - somehow uncomfortable. Why did it happen?

About the same story with bread products ...
Carbohydrates, proteins, yeast ...

So, listen to yourself, correct for your favorite organism. And give him a good current!

Thank you!
The husband usually did not eat store yogurt.When we bought a yoghurt maker, I began to make regular, natural yoghurt, without additives. (Well, sometimes I sprinkle sugar when there is no jam). For 5 months now, he has been eating a jar of yogurt in the morning. And he says that he felt much better with his stomach. Does not hurt, digests well, etc., etc.
So, as in any situation, there are contraindications. There are people who are intolerant of milk protein. Sometimes from cottage cheese containing a lot of calcium - there are, forgive constipation, etc.
After reading this topic, I understood for myself .... It's easier, cheaper and without hemorrhoids to go to the store and buy yogurt the one that looks at you without bothering.
P.S. This is my opinion ... and only
Olga @
Quote: Makhno

After reading this topic, I understood for myself .... It's easier, cheaper and without hemorrhoids to go to the store and buy yogurt the one that looks at you without bothering.
P.S. This is my opinion ... and only

After independent experts announced which components and dyes are in the yoghurts sold in Ukraine, and in what doses (which manufacturers do not write on the packaging), I immediately bought a yogurt maker, and I do not regret a bit.

And you yourself could not have missed this information, because in the summer they wrote and talked a lot about it, both on Ukrainian TV, and in our press, and on the Internet.
Of course, many have already written about this, but I will remind you what is the meaning of homemade yogurt or almost homemade yogurt, which is fermented with actimel and danon and so on. For your homemade yogurt, you can find milk that suits your taste and any fat content. It can be fermented with sourdoughs (lucky for those who live in Ukraine!) Or local live yoghurts - these are even found in our provinces or actimel (and so on). We get yogurt almost always tastier than store yoghurt, and it also contains multiplying beneficial bacilli, active and alive! And at the price of a homemade one, it turns out cheaper than a store one, and if you're lucky, and you ferment with immunel, then our tiny bottle costs like a liter of milk (more than 28 rubles), and you get as many as 8 jars! And there is definitely everything alive! And sugar and fruit additives are all to your taste, not what the manufacturers came up with (for example, nasty blackcurrant flavor, etc.). In addition, many store-bought yoghurts are not alive at all ... And the result of using homemade yoghurt on the face - my skeptic husband became less likely to get sick, improved immunity. Every day requires a new jar and is very upset if the yogurt does not work out, this happens to me. In addition, many dishonest manufacturers have dropped out, who have dead yoghurts or, at best, yogurt - we now do not sponsor them and do not recommend them to friends.
Olga @
Quote: Musyanya

And sugar and fruit additives are all to your taste, not what the manufacturers came up with (for example, nasty blackcurrant flavor, etc.).

There, not only and not so much the flavoring is bad, there is the worst thing - a carcinogen dye.

Quote: Musyanya

And the result when using homemade yogurt on the face of the skeptic, the husband became less likely to get sick, improved immunity. Every day requires a new jar and is very upset if the yogurt does not work out, this happens to me.

My ulcer husband is experiencing this autumn for the first time without exacerbations. I add a healing starter for those with stomach problems.
Luysia, from a treatment point, you need to contact a gastroenterologist so that the doctor recommends the use of certain drugs
At one time, a gastroenterologist advised us to ferment lacto and bifidumbacterin, and to ferment narine, each time from a new bottle.

About curdled milk:
A distinctive feature of yogurt is lower acidity compared to other fermented milk products. Therefore, yogurt is classified as a dietary and baby food.
Useful properties of yogurt:
yogurt is absorbed and digested better than milk;
yogurt is rich in vitamins A and C;
curdled milk contains trace elements necessary for health - potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus;
yogurt normalizes intestinal microflora.
Quote: Evelina

When fermenting, it is not the fact of fermentation itself that is important, but the PRESENCE of LIVE lacto-, bifido, propionic acid bacteria. Tell me, where can they come from Activia, from Actimel? WHERE DID YOU SEE THEM THERE? Even after using the mother's starter, the concentration drops in subsequent times and the manufacturer himself warns about this. And in these products they were not and are not, because they cannot live as long as it is written on the jars of Activia or Actimel. Many mothers do not understand this because they do not know and it turns out that all the energy expended is only complacency and that's it, but the real usefulness is "0". The only good thing is that you don't put so many preservatives, stabilizers, etc., for your baby.

I do not agree.
Activation composition: normalized milk, skimmed milk powder, yoghurt starter culture, bifidobacteria.
No preservatives stated.

For me, the indicator of the presence of living bacteria is precisely the "fermentation" of milk. If there are no live bacteria, how can milk turn into yogurt? For comparison, it is enough to buy some sterilized yogut product, where the composition contains gelatin, starch, preservative and try to ferment with it.
Of course, pharmacy starter cultures are useful, but I would not completely criticize the activism.
Here is an excerpt from an article on yogurt:

"By the type of fillers, yoghurts are divided into three types:
● without fruit and aroma additives;
● fruit or vegetable;
● flavored.
Only those yoghurts that contain live Bulgarian bacillus have beneficial properties for digestion. This bacterium is a kind of exclusive: it is it that makes the product yoghurt, not kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt. During production, such drinks are pasteurized at a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C, which allows preserving microorganisms, vitamins, and enzymes. Their shelf life is no more than 30 days, and bioyogurts (not thermized) are only 15 days. If this period is much longer, everything is explained to the banal simple: a preservative (sorbic acid) is added to the yogurt. As a result, the product becomes sterile, but its medicinal properties are gone. By the way, in Ukraine, the Ministry of Health has banned the use of preservatives in dairy products. "

As far as I understand, "Activia" is just pastetized yogurt with a shelf life of up to 30 days, containing all the benefits necessary for digestion.
no, I heard about all the kefir and also about porridge - it's also harmful! and oatmeal, and semolina, and buckwheat ... there is some kind of starch there ... in general, you need to eat grass, and even then in ecologically clean areas!

you understand, we often write one thing on our products, but it turns out that there is something completely different or not at all. How many times did they take milk for examination, where it was stated that it was made from cow's, but it turned out that it was not lying next to it. BUT, the composition contains PURE COW'S MILK. How many times have Activia and Aktimel been taken for examination - WELL THERE THESE LIVE BACTERIA. No matter how we calm ourselves down. And it will ferment without them. I will not load with technology by the process, but it will ferment. Pour in vinegar and it also sours very quickly. Some mothers with whom I had to communicate did just that. And then they said, but freshly fermented kefir is so healthy ... So to each his own, you know. I am simply out of concern for the crumbs, whose mothers spend energy for health, but in the end ... If you already do, spend your strength for a tiny one, then it will really be useful. Also, why does fermentation take place in a Tefalk yogurt maker if the heating there is much more than 50 degrees? Above 45 they already all die. But the product ferments ... I do not pretend to be an expert and there is no purpose to convince someone, the only goal is to help them understand, so as not to make mistakes simply out of ignorance, because our mistakes in relation to our little ones cost us dearly.

Quote: Evelina


Pour in vinegar and it also sours very quickly.Some mothers with whom I had to communicate did just that. And then they said, but freshly fermented kefir is so healthy ...

Again I disagree.
The conversation is still not about vinegar + milk, but about activation + milk. No need to compare.

And about fermentation-non-fermentation ... If someone tells me reasonably how a jar of yogurt and a liter of milk can make a good, thick enough yoghurt without living bacteria, then I will immediately begin to adhere to the opinion that the activity contains nothing living.
For some reason, it seems to me that either yoghurt bacteria multiply in milk and it (milk) turns into yogurt, or if there is no yoghurt culture, then it (milk) simply turns sour.

But I won't argue anymore, because I don't really like this process, especially with those whose eyes burn with a fanatical shine.

Everyone chooses for himself what he considers optimal. It is clear that milk from a cow is healthier than store milk. Well, we don't have a cow And we don't have a familiar milkmaid either! And I can't even allocate time for the races in search of market milk (and I don't want to, to be honest). Therefore, we will buy milk in the store, make yogurt in a yogurt maker, bake bread in a bread maker. It's better than nothing. In the field, as they say, and the beetle is meat
Regarding tests, here is a test of several yoghurts for the presence of live bacteria:


I didn’t convince you and didn’t try to convince anyone of something, so, I think, it’s not worth talking about fanatical brilliance, but it’s worth, probably, choosing expressions in communication with interlocutors. I told as information what I had learned and analyzed from many, many sources and personally went to check the presence of bacteria. So that a person just knows, and the choice to do or not to do remains for everyone. And who has brilliance, judging by the statements, I think it is clear. ... This is if already the answer to your fanaticism. It's just that many mothers do and don't know this, and I was one of them. And when I began to understand and go to check, then I understood. That's all. For information only, not for disputes. Everyone is free to do as he wants, but he just needs to know WHAT he is doing. That's all.
Quote: Kosha

But I won't argue anymore, because I don't really like this process, especially with those whose eyes burn with a fanatical shine.
Kosha, how did you see it here? Do you have a video forum?

Evelina, are you a microbiologist?
Evelina, are you a microbiologist?
[/ quote]

Well, very close to that.
Quote: Caprice

Kosha, and how did you see it here? Do you have a video forum?
I believe that any "scary" statement not supported by facts is based only on "fanatical glitter of the eyes."
If my statement was considered offensive, then I apologize, I really didn't want to
Evelina, do not be offended, please, but all these are just words, especially since you are "close to microbiology", where is this?
And your baby gets preservatives and stabilizers from everything he eats - without exception, unless you live on a subsistence economy. Milk mixtures, milk, mashed potatoes, meat, vegetables - then everything should be deleted from the diet. But what about melanin, etc., etc., periodically found in infant formula, and GMOs about which we are not warned in the ingredients, animals are fed with feed, the composition of which we have no idea, including antibiotics, vegetables fed with pesticides and herbicides. You can talk a lot about this - now it is harmful to live and, believe me, you are not the only one who wants your children to have healthy and wholesome foods in their diet.
Nobody argues - quality starter cultures for yogurt makers would be available - everyone would use them. But, unfortunately, many do not have the opportunity to find and buy them. Pharmacy cultures are very capricious, not everyone and not always get them, and pouring liters of milk in our time is just a crime.

and I am sure that you have not read the topic of "yogurt maker", although it contains 70 pages of experience and developments of many people who are also not indifferent to the health of children and loved ones.

And what do you use yourself: starter cultures from the Institute of Milk and Meat? We all know about them, they are not available to Russians.
You just speak in general terms, but it turns out that you do not have any data, especially since nothing harmful and dangerous was found in these products.

Actually, I completely agree with Kosha +1
Evelina, if possible, I would like to receive an answer to my question:
I will not quote - the answer is No. 1028 and No. 1034.

Thank you!
The most interesting thing is why people do not seek the truth, but throw themselves like this ... I don't care, but the fact remains. I said that the whole goal was to help understand those who wanted to understand everything, in order not to make mistakes and that's it. I didn't need more.

As for baby food, I consider it a crime against the crumb to use this. Yes, it's hard to make the soups themselves, cook steamed, bake vegetables in foil, fish, but it's not as difficult as it seems. There would be a desire.

Just as it seems horrible to reduce the use of diapers, and switch to natural fabrics and just wash more often. It is certainly difficult, but there is no diaper rash, the child does not partake and much more. Of course, it's easy for mom - put it on and let it wander around, but everyone chooses their own for themselves. To whom it is convenient to do it - for yourself or for a crumb. And try at least one night to sleep in a diaper or walk in dem for at least a couple of hours and you will understand what I mean. But this is already offtopic ...

Regarding post 1028 - honestly, I have not personally tested this myself. I don’t know if you have such a drug as BIFIFORM in Russia, but it was almost the only one of all the bacteria on the market in the gastrointestinal tract that was almost the same as presented in the annotation. I will not talk about others, I will not talk about what I do not know for sure and what was not checked.
Quote: Evelina

The most interesting thing is why people do not seek the truth, but pounce like this ...

no one pounces on you if you get that impression, maybe you yourself are a little aggressive?

You don't need to press, if you leaf through different Temko, you will understand that everything here is for healthy food and you will not scare us with fish in foil and vegetables in a double boiler. Many of us have already gone through this. To be confident in the fish and vegetables (I still have questions: how many times was this fish thawed on the way or from which lake it was taken)

PS as I understand it - you only hear yourself and only what you want to hear
I do not care. The one who wanted to understand, he understood everything. There was no other goal.
Evelina, I'm from Ukraine!

My son is 21 years old and in those days when he was a crumb, I, like other mothers and vegetable purees, and soups, and juices themselves pressed, and did without diapers.
And nothing survived and we do not consider ourselves heroes.

And now everyone really chooses for himself. And who does not want to understand, he will feed the children with store-bought yoghurts and chocolate curds.
a reviewer about "dead" yoghurts

probably "zakazuha" from Danone
Quote: Luysia

Evelina, I'm from Ukraine!

My son is 21 years old and in those days when he was a crumb, I, like other mothers and vegetable purees, and soups, and juices themselves pressed, and did without diapers.
And nothing survived and we do not consider ourselves heroes.

And now everyone really chooses for himself. And who does not want to understand, he will feed the children with store-bought yoghurts and chocolate curds.

Glad to see you, fellow countrymen. ...
Before registering, I re-read almost the whole Temko. I went in specifically so that some important points might become clear to someone. There was no purpose to argue or prove from the very beginning. And then it fell ... I'm in shock, to be honest. And these are mommies who have babies who should radiate kindness, as this feeds the baby

I also do not consider it a heroism to try to do without diapers, which are paired by everyone, especially boys.

And I’m saying that someone who doesn’t want to understand this will continue to give curds, rastishki, make yoghurt and pour nestle chocolate balls into it or ferment with vinegar for freshly fermented yogurt. To each his own.
I make yoghurt using Narine, Lactobacterin, Linex, Bifidumbacterin
if this is important for you: my son did not wear diapers, was on his chest until 2 years old, complementary foods by age, did not eat chocolate curds, etc. (no fanaticism)

But I am for justice, I love facts: from which batch, which product, where and by whom it was tested, the results of microbiological studies. No information was provided by Evelina.
I don’t think the wordless statements-slogans are acceptable.
The benefits of yoghurt - reality or myth?
20.12.2007, AiF Online

"Optical illusion

The first thing we did was go to a large grocery store and buy a "box" of each product presented there in the "yoghurt" section. Only 30 varieties: creamy, dairy, fat-free, with or without fruit, for every taste and budget (from 6 to 50 rubles per package).
However, it was too early to rejoice.

- Yoghurt can be called only that fermented milk product in which the content of fermenting microorganisms, that is, lactic acid bacteria, at the end of the shelf life is at least 10 million cells (107 CFU) per 1 g, - explained to us the executive secretary of the Russian Dairy Union Larisa Abdullaeva. - The main feature of such a product is that it is "alive", because it did not undergo heat treatment after the fermentation.

- Live microflora in the composition of yogurt is able to relieve stomach discomfort, - says the head of the laboratory of sanitary and food microbiology and microecology of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Svetlana Sheveleva.

But "live" yogurt is a capricious product, the technology of its preparation is complicated, and the shelf life is no longer than 1 month (experts do not recommend eating yogurt, if it is expired even by one day, there is a high probability of poisoning). Therefore, many manufacturers go to the trick - they subject their products to heat treatment. At the same time, beneficial bacteria die - a dummy product is obtained, "dead", as the professionals say. GOST, created in our country for this type of dairy products only in 2001 (before that everything was called yoghurt), prohibits in such cases to write “yoghurt” on the packaging. Therefore, law-abiding manufacturers, instead of the cherished word, write in small letters "yoghurt", "biogurt", "yoghurt product", "yoghurt", "yoghurt-cream", "milk dessert". The inspectors have nothing to find fault with, but associative thinking works for the buyer.
"Live" or? ..
Of our 30 plastic cups, 24 turned out to be pasteurized "fakes", having neither living flora nor bifidobacteria. And only 6 (!) Were real "live" yoghurts - "Activia" and "Yoghurt 7 useful properties" (from "Danone"), "Miracle yogurt", "Bio-max" and strawberry yoghurt in a 250-gram tray ( from "Wimm-Bill-Dann"), as well as "Ermigurt prebiotic" (from "Ehrmann"). We submitted them for examination to the laboratory of the Testing Center "Rostest" to find out if these products are capable of helping health. The results were positive - indeed, these yoghurts contain microflora in the right amount. And in "Activia" and "Bio-max", in addition, bifidobacteria useful for the stomach were found.

... As a result of our expertise, not all "nominees" were recommended for the whole family to eat at breakfast.

“Although, according to the norms, it is allowed to give yoghurts to babies from the age of 3, we found too large pieces of fruit in Activia and dairy Yoghurt with 7 useful properties,” says Lyudmila Kalinichenko, an expert on certification of milk and dairy products at Rostest-Moscow. "These foods are not suitable for children." And in the composition of the yogurt "Ermigurt prebiotic" there was a stabilizer "guar gum" (E412), which is wary of in the European Union (although the Russian San-PiN allows it). In short, healthy yogurt is not a myth. But to find it on the counter, you have to try. "
The tests were carried out by the Research Center of Independent Consumer Expertise (Kiev).

"...Testing... This time, strawberry-flavored bioyogurts came under our gaze. The key point of the study was the verification of the "bio" characteristics of the products, ie, the search for useful living microorganisms, with which advertising actively lures buyers.Traditionally, the products were rated for labeling with packaging, as well as taste during the tasting.
Marking and packaging. Marking remarks were of two types. The first is the absence of the corresponding E codes for food additives (Dobryana, Activia, Bio Balance). The second type of remarks are non-decrypted fillers in the composition. So, the "Miracle" does not have a prescribed composition of the "strawberry with strawberry flavor" filler. At "Gurmanika" it is not clear what is hidden behind the inscription "fruit and berry filler" strawberry-kiwi ". The composition of the fruit filler “strawberry with a rosehip aroma” in “2Вio NEO” and the composition of the natural filler “strawberry” in the yogurt “Galicia” have not been specified.

Laboratory research. Yoghurts were tested for microbiological parameters. On the one hand, we checked the number of positive microorganisms, the presence of which determines the conformity of the product to the concepts of "yogurt" and "bioyogurt". On the other hand, we checked for the presence of unwanted "living creatures" - bacteria of the E. coli group. Alas, in two yoghurts - "Galicia" and "Dobryana" - it was found.

Yogurt or bioyogurt. It is customary to call yoghurts products that are produced by fermentation of normalized pasteurized cow's milk with special ferments with the addition of various additives and fillers or without them.

Bioyoghurt is a yoghurt-based bio-product that additionally contains acidophilus bacteria. Among the tested products, bifidobacteria were not found only in Miracle, but acidophilus bacillus was present in it. Bioyoghurts are "Miracle", "Dobryana", "Bio Balance", bifidoyoghurt - "Activia".

Price and quality. In general, the impression of the bioyogurt test is positive: everyone turned out to be alive and really bioyogurts. The microbiology of two samples spoiled it a little: the general marks of the yoghurts “Galichina” and “Dobryana” were reduced to “bad”. Of the 7 products tested, 4 received an overall rating of “excellent”. These are the two most expensive products - "Activia" and "2Вio NEO", as well as more affordable "Bio Balance" and "Miracle". Yoghurt Gurmanika has a rating of "good". "

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