Quote: julalu

But you wrote that bacteria die, so Linex is made in capsules, my yogurt is not in capsules, so the bacteria will die?
I am generally stumped in these matters
I already wrote here that different linexes and hilaks as medicinal preparations are absolutely useless
this is cheating and shaking out money

and yogurt is not a drug, but a food product

it just has some medicinal properties
the healing property of yogurt is not so much that live bacteria enter the body (because a lot of yogurt is drunk at a time, then not all bacteria die - some reach the intestines), but that yogurt, unlike milk, already contains the waste products of bacteria ( vitamins and acids), which have a beneficial effect on the body and on the growth of a person's own microflora

simple - if you want to get a therapeutic effect, you need to consume yogurt in sufficient quantities, and not a small bottle, as in TV commercials
Quote: julalu

My husband loves Linex to drink, says that it helps him. I do it on Activia, it turns out well, but my husband did not notice any positive dynamics. And on Linex, I only succeeded once, it was 1 attempt and I did not remember how I did
I read the whole topic, my head is already coming from the abundance of leavens and advice I want it not only to be tasty, but also useful
pharmaceutical preparations may contain non-living bacteria (probability - 80%)
and linex - too
if linex does not ferment milk, it means that linex bacteria are inactive

only gastrofarm fermented milk from my pharmacy products
Gastrofarm has a plus: it contains a real Bulgarian stick
Quote: Chantal

they are in sterilized milk too... and if you add powdered or baked milk on the recommendation from this article, then there are even more of them

I want to argue: in sterilized - everything is killed
that's why this milk can be stored for 6 months without a refrigerator

in ghee too

ghee can be stored for a month without a refrigerator (if I'm not mistaken)
I mean - if milk does not sour for so long, then if there is something in it, then this "something" does not produce a noticeable undesirable effect
Quote: uberipuzo

I previously wrote here that different linexes and hilaks as medicinal preparations are absolutely useless
this is cheating and shaking out money

And my husband says that Linex helps him a lot from flatulence, and he is expensive and not tasty. Therefore, I try to make yoghurts from it.
And my husband is ready to consume 2 jars in the morning and eats 2 in the evening. Yogurt on Activia does not give the same result as Linex
Quote: uberipuzo

I want to argue: in sterilized - everything is killed
that's why this milk can be stored for 6 months without a refrigerator

In my sterilized milk "Voloshkovo Pole" it is written: the shelf life is 45 days (in Ukrainian it is written - dib?

Thank you for the Bulgarian wand in gastrofarm, we will investigate this issue.
Quote: Wanderer

In my sterilized milk "Voloshkovo Pole" it is written: the shelf life is 45 days (in Ukrainian it is written - dib? As far as I remember, it is days, or days, but not weeks, a week is a thousand) for a temperature not higher than +25 degrees.

Thank you for the Bulgarian wand in gastrofarm, we will investigate this issue.
even if so, then in the refrigerator such milk will stand much longer

this means that there are practically no living microorganisms in it
Quote: uberipuzo

even if so, then in the refrigerator such milk will stand much longer

this means that there are practically no living microorganisms in it

Well, yes, what is actually written in the article I cite, and on which I rely when making my yogurt.
Quote: uberipuzo

(Lactobacillus acidophilus + Bifidobacterium infantis + Enterococcus faecium)
(lactobacilli + bifidobacteria + enterococci)
and in the activation - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (????)

I would just because of that one word enterococci would not touch this product.
Quote: Wanderer

I would just because of this one word enterococci would not touch this product.
here in these cocci - the whole secret of the miraculous properties of linex !!!
Quote: Wanderer

In my sterilized milk "Voloshkovo Pole" it is written: the shelf life is 45 days (in Ukrainian it is written - dib? As far as I remember, it is days, or days, but not weeks, a week is a thousand) for a temperature not higher than +25 degrees.

Wanderer, the keyword "not higher than 25 *" you make yogurt at a higher temperature, favorable for the reproduction of any "living creatures"

uberipuzowhy guess? I gave a link, everything is written in Russian in white
in particular in baked milk
QMAFanM, CFU - 2.5 * 103,
BGKP (coliforms) - 1.0 g / cm3,
pathogenic including salmonella - 25g / cm3, from
taphylococci - 0,
listeria - 25g / cm3
- all, except for the first, indicated the mass in which bacteria should not be detected during quality control

for comparison in pasteurized milk
QMAFanM, CFU - 1 * 105,
BGKP (coliforms) - 0.01g / cm3,
pathogenic including salmonella - 25g / cm3,
staphylococci - 1g / cm3,
listeria - 25g / cm3
Quote: Chantal

Wanderer, the keyword "not higher than 25 *" you make yogurt at a higher temperature, favorable for the reproduction of any "living creatures"
no, the key word here is shelf life

and at temperatures above 25 degrees - yogurt is made

at the same time, vanishingly small numbers of pathogenic microorganisms do not have time to multiply to critical values
uberipuzo, it is strange, but earlier you trusted domestic manufacturers much less in terms of compliance with the norms, technologies and requirements of santaria in production

Wanderer, non-toxic lactic acid enterococcus is found not only in linex, in bifiform for example

from medical literature:
When colonizing the intestine with coliform microflora and enterococcus, the formation of colonies is observed only on the surface of the mucous membrane, detected histologically (Savage et al., 1968). Currently, there is a fairly large group of probiotic preparations, including symbiotic strains of enterococci and having a beneficial effect on the human body.

Especially valuable properties of eterococci are:

-high antagonistic activity against pathogenic microflora,
-participation in the formation and maintenance of immunity,
-participation in normal digestion,
-anti-inflammatory properties,
-vitamin formation,
- restoration of normal intestinal microbiocenosis

and a list of our and non-our works in support of these statements

everyone, i'm bainki
Quote: Chantal

uberipuzo, strange, but before you trusted domestic producers much less in terms of compliance with standards, technologies and requirements of santaria in production

only facts are important to me!

if pharmaceutical bacterial preparations cannot ferment milk, it means that there are no living bacteria in them (for whatever reason, it does not matter anymore)
This is bad

and if milk can be stored for 6 months, it means that there are no living microorganisms in it either
and this is good!

and by the way: I didn’t seem to speak out about the highlighted font?
because I don't know anything about it

and about the domestic manufacturer: yes, of all the pharmaceutical preparations, all domestic ones could not ferment milk
fermented only the Bulgarian gastrofarm
this is also a fact
Quote: Wanderer

And in our pharmacies, I asked - only yoghurts from Canadian producers, and then, such pharmacies still need to be found where yoghurts are sold. But in any case, we will put it in our minds about gastrofarm and will look for it. By the way, how does it taste? Is it possible to eat it, or is it just as a medicine?
these are pills
I break one tablet and crush it in 1 liter of milk
disadvantage: after the yogurt ripens, a sediment remains at the bottom of the can - a tasteless powder
these are the substances that held the pill together (probably)

it turns out thick good yogurt

incidentally: initially yogurt was just from the Bulgarian stick - at the time of I.I.Mechnikov
only later they began to make yoghurts with bifidobacteria
why? but because these strains were isolated artificially from the feces of healthy babies - when they were looking for the strains most resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach
it turned out to be bacteria b.longum

I hope - did not spoil anyone's appetite? ))))))
Quote: uberipuzo

incidentally: initially yogurt was just from the Bulgarian stick - at the time of I.I.Mechnikov
only later they began to make yoghurts with bifidobacteria
why? but because these strains were isolated artificially from the feces of healthy babies - when they were looking for the strains most resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach
it turned out to be bacteria b.longum

I hope - didn't ruin anyone's appetite? ))))))

Fu, why nafig have it? Damn it, didn’t know before, did you buy a yogurt maker on your head?
Maybe then it is better to switch to ordinary sour milk yogurt?
Well, and the Bulgarian stick is not an artificial stick?
Quote: Wanderer

Fu, why nafig have it? Damn it, didn’t know before, did you buy a yogurt maker on your head?
Maybe it is better then to switch to ordinary sour milk yogurt?
Well, the Bulgarian stick is not artificial wand?
1 I want to note that it is illegal to use the term "artificial" here

2 bifidobacteria - one of the constituent parts of natural human microflora
the newborn receives this microflora from the mother - at the time of birth, passing through the birth canal (during normal childbirth)
therefore, it is important that the mother does not have dysbiosis - otherwise it will be passed on to the newborn and will affect all further development and immunity

it is important that the mother immediately begins breastfeeding - so that the baby's microflora is formed correctly: breast milk contains the bifidus factor (and not the bifidobacteria themselves, as some people think), a substance that promotes the growth of bifidobacteria.

3 I don't want to scare anyone - that's why I won't write here about how women used to ferment yogurt and sour cream in the villages ... guess yourself?
By the way, when I found out all this, my attitude towards fermented milk products has not changed in any way ... I still love them and enjoy their taste
it's all natural
Quote: Wanderer

I would just because of that one word enterococci would not touch this product.

What's so bad about them?
Quote: Summer resident

This method is microbiologically justified and economically convenient for those who have yogurt "on stream"
Uterine starter culture: boil 0.5 liters of milk and, under a closed lid (so that wild animals-microbes do not come in), cool to 38-40 gadus. We ferment with a culture of lactic acid bacteria or a lactic acid product, factory production.Under a loosely closed lid (culture microbes need oxygen) ferment milk for 10-12 hours. After milk clotting, this substance is the uterine starter culture. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than a week and is used to prepare yogurt at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of milk.
Just let's immediately take into account that bifidobacteria do not multiply in milk, they can remain there for some time, and for growth and reproduction they need not lactic acid, but hydrochloric acid. Therefore, they live with lactobacilli (these are the ones that make yogurt) in different parts of the intestine.
these "tips" are full of errors, inaccuracies and outright misinformation

I described many earlier, but here's another one (in font):
Under a loosely closed lid (culture microbes need oxygen)

but in fact - lactic acid bacteria are anaerobic bacteria and they do not need oxygen for life
they live well without oxygen in the intestines

Shl and such "scientists" defend dissertations!
People, think - to whom do you trust your health and the health of your children?
Summer resident

UDC 637.345
*ABOUT. V. Merkulova, A. D. Lodygin *
The expediency of using milk whey as a basis has been substantiated
nutrient media for the cultivation of bifidobacteria. Results presented
studies of the biochemical activity of bifidobacteria when cultivated on enriched milk whey.
It is concluded that it is possible to develop a technology for fermenting bifidobacteria on enriched milk whey.
Milk whey, being a valuable biological object, contains carbon sources easily assimilated by many microorganisms, as well as various growth factors
(mineral salts, water-soluble vitamins, amino acids, etc.), which makes it one of the most valuable nutrient media for the cultivation of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.
Starter cultures developed on its basis can be used for
production of functional food products and feed additives for therapeutic and prophylactic action.
When developing a recipe for a culture medium
bifidobacteria based on cheese whey, it is necessary to optimize its composition in terms of nitrogen nutrition sources.
A high requirement of bifidobacteria in peptides and
amino acids. Due to the enrichment of whey with skim milk hydrolyzate, the need of bifidobacteria in these substances is satisfied.
Another direction of increasing the bifidogenicity of culture media based on whey is directed synthesis of lactulose. With the technological parameters of the process of isomerization of lactose into lactulose along the path of LA-transformation in whey enriched with hydrolyzed milk proteins: temperature - 80
оС, exposure time - 30 min, the degree of isomerization reaches 37 - 38%. The isomerized enriched cheese serum after pH adjustment was further used as a nutrient medium for the cultivation of bifidobacteria.
To study the influence of the composition of the nutrient medium on the process
cultivation of bifidobacteria in vitro, a series of experiments was carried out. The experiment was carried out according to the scheme:
- preparation of a model solution with a mass fraction of dry substances of 5% from dry cheese whey;
- pasteurization of the reduced whey at a temperature of 75oC with a holding time of 15 - 20 seconds;
- isomerization of lactose to lactulose in cheese whey with the addition of 6% skim milk hydrolyzate;
- preparation of a control (without isomerization of lactose to lactulose) and
experimental (lactulose-enriched) nutrient media;
- pH regulation of control and experimental samples to values ​​(6.5 ± 0.2) with citric acid solution;
- cooling to the fermentation temperature (37 ± 1) oC;
- introduction of a bacterial preparation of bifidobacteria activated in Blaurock medium (first passage) from 5 doses per 1 dm3 of a nutrient medium based on isomerized enriched milk whey;
- cultivation at a temperature of (37 ± 1) oC for 36 hours - the second passage);
- preparation of a production starter culture of bifidobacteria on control and experimental nutrient media at (37 ± 1) oC for 36 hours and a dose of introduction of the second passage starter culture of 10% from the volume of the mixture.
The research objects were B. bifidum-1 bacterial preparations. Front
the introduction of a dry preparation of bifidobacteria was pre-activated at a temperature of (37 ± 1) oC for 24 hours. Then this preparation was introduced into culture media prepared for cultivation at the rate of 5 doses per 1000 cm3 of the medium.
The biochemical activity of the starter culture was determined by the increase in titratable acidity after 12 hours of cultivation.
... Series "Food". 2006. No. 2
© North Caucasus State Technical University.

On the channel Russia there was a program that discbacteriosis does not exist. 🔗
But even in spite of this, I like sour-milk products
Quote: uberipuzo

Thanks for the link
moved it to my blog

people specifically misinform the population

this video requires a separate discussion

Once I read an interesting article about how nomadic peoples, hunters and warriors, unlike farmers, as a result of the constant use of milk, there was some kind of mutation of the body, which allows them to normally absorb lactose throughout their whole life. From personal experience and observations of his people - the Don Cossacks, in whose kitchen there are many different dairy and lactic-sour dishes (which are called sour milk without straining too much - starting from ayran syuzma, ... ending with katyk), I was convinced of the truth of the story (especially after historical / archaeological film about the famous Viking Eric the Red - who discovered America and, because of dairy products, miraculously escaped from the Indians). Duc, I also opposed this evil custom-made anti-propaganda.
Quote: Kazak

Once I read an interesting article about how nomadic peoples, hunters and warriors, unlike farmers, as a result of the constant use of milk, there was some kind of mutation of the body, which allows them to normally absorb lactose throughout their whole life. From personal experience and observations of his people - the Don Cossacks, in whose kitchen there are many different dairy and lactic-sour dishes (which are called sour milk without straining too much - starting from ayran syuzma, ... ending with katyk), I was convinced of the truth of the story (especially after historical / archaeological film about the famous Viking Eric the Red - who discovered America and, because of dairy products, miraculously escaped from the Indians). Duc, I also opposed this evil custom-made anti-propaganda.

interesting table - lactose intolerance and geography

🔗Lactose intolerance
Quote: uberipuzo

interesting table - lactose intolerance and geography

🔗Lactose intolerance

By the way, I was always embarrassed - it seems that the American Indians are warriors, it seems that they are nomadic (although agriculture implies settledness). So, in this table, the confirmation is 100% not portability. The table is a bit incorrect. On the example of Russia - Russia is a lot of tribes and not all of them were warriors, many were forbidden to touch weapons (for example, the Don people - we were forbidden to cultivate the land under threat of death - this was done by fugitive men - not Cossacks. By the way, after visiting Ukraine, Belarus, I shocking attitude towards the land of the Donets. We can observe the erosion - it grows before our eyes). If this table indicated the percentage of the population by blood group and intolerance - then another matter. Yes, and on the example of India, a clear division into castes. The cow is a sacred animal. 50% of adults - this is taking into account the men, of whom there are more (oppressed). And they, like in Russia in Russia, mainly played the role of a damper zone - cannon fodder, a cover for soldiers (I do not offend anyone - such is the sad story).

About Eric the Red the legend goes like this:
Having discovered America, he brought many of his relatives and friends from Greenland to a new land. Relations with local Indian tribes were excellent, and mutually beneficial trade flourished. A few years later, on some Viking holiday, he invited all the leaders who collaborated with him. And the Vikings, like all nomadic warlike peoples, have a dairy cuisine. As a result, some of the leaders were poisoned to death, the rest were tortured by terrible diarrhea. The Indians, accepting that they wanted to poison them, treacherously slaughtered all the settlers. Eric and several comrades with great difficulty escaped. After that, the road to America was forgotten for many decades.
Quote: uberipuzo

they definitely didn't die of lactose

I think it's due to the dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting due to lactose intolerance. Like the Eastern sages, let's say shortening this chain to a simple one - because of lactose. And don't forget - this is a legend.
In pharmacies I find these drugs 🔗 I would like to know if anyone used them as a leaven?
Summer resident
For fermentation of milk and sour cream in villages since ancient times, a piece of rye bread was placed in a vessel with milk.
Hello dear yogurt makers.
So, I read a Temka about leaven for bread, and the question arose: if lactic acid bacteria die in it when the leaven is stored in the refrigerator, then what about yogurt?
If it is fermented with lactobacilli, should it also be stored at a temperature not lower than 10-12 degrees? Otherwise, the work of growing the necessary bacteria is in vain?
Uncle Sam
almost the same thing happens with yogurt (kefir, Mechnikov's curdled milk ...) (the refrigerator does not cancel the laws of nature).
1.the death of microorganisms does not occur instantly and "not all died at once",
2.part of them manage to go into a sleepy state before death (they can still be brought back to life),
3. The medicinal properties of fermented milk products are associated not only with living microorganisms, but also with the products of their activity (the simplest example is penicillin, there is no living mold in this medicine).

Now there is a buzz on the internet in connection with the report of the European Union Consumer Organizations Experts.
His short conclusion is "the beneficial properties of yoghurt have not been proven."

1. that industrial yogurt with a shelf life of more than 6 months is useless for the body - I BELIEVE!
2. that a gentle miracle (with the same name), prepared with love at home, heals - I KNOW!
Quote: uberipuzo

there is evidence that bacteria from yoghurts die in the acidic environment of the stomach and enter the intestines already dead
so they cannot colonize the intestines
yoghurts only help create a favorable environment to multiply your own bacteria human

therefore, doctors conclude that it is more expedient not to create bacterial preparations, but to feed a person's own microflora with special substances

these substances - fiber, bran, polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, etc.

At one time, thinking about what complementary foods and when to introduce the child, how ordinary food (other than mother's milk) is absorbed by young children, what problems may arise, etc., I shoveled a lot of information from different sources (among others, and from English and German), including reading on the so-called dysbiosis and allergies. Then I analyzed the principles and eating habits of both children and adults by relatives-acquaintances, recalling how my mother and my sister raised me (in almost sterile conditions) ...
And I came to the conclusion that, in principle, by and large, I completely share the opinion expressed by the user Furniture, if I am not mistaken, on the first page of the topic under discussion: the main reason for all problems (excluding terrible pathological, hereditary, congenital and other extremes) are those implanted in the last few decades, conditions of sterility. Especially for newborns. For the most part, the conditions created turn out to be overkill in terms of cleanliness.
On the topic, regarding yoghurts (homemade) and their usefulness:
For young children, I am generally amazed when mothers try to heal or carry out prophylaxis with some special means ... For what? It is better to make an effort to ensure that the baby has breast milk, and then only the food that is accepted by everyone at home (I think it is sheer nonsense to have a special menu for children, which is different from what the whole family eats). If you cannot feed your baby with everyone else, reconsider your diet. Everyone will benefit
Yes, I absolutely do not understand why children are fed special yoghurts (store-bought), agushka, rastishka, themes, etc. Baby sour milk should be consumed by children within 12 hours from the moment of preparation.What is sold in supermarkets, I personally do not consider baby food (IMHO).

By the way, I still can't understand why yogurt is better than ordinary kefir or yogurt? Any fermented milk products every day, balanced and natural nutrition as far as possible is the best prevention of health problems (IMHO).
So I fully support what is written in the above quote.

Well, for those who want to read the opinions of professionals:
Very accessible and briefly about "dysbiosis" can be read here: http: //uncle-doc.livejournal.com/152383.html, especially the last link - the author's investigation.
About yoghurts: http: //
About allergies (although the topic is more about animal allergies, but also interesting): http: //tanchik.livejournal.com/354307.html (and continuation).

Quote: OlenaS

It is better to make an effort to ensure that the baby has breast milk, and then only the food that is accepted by everyone at home (I think it is sheer nonsense to have a special menu for children, which is different from what the whole family eats). If you cannot feed your baby with everyone else, reconsider your diet.
About allergies (although the topic is more about animal allergies, but also interesting): http: //tanchik.livejournal.com/354307.html (and more).
Until what age do you offer breastfeeding? If you start feeding a child from an adult table, then this is somewhere from 3 years old.
I think that any excesses are dangerous. Of course, breastfeeding is useful, but the introduced complementary foods are not food for adults (they will not eat mashed vegetable puree and boiled meat at a young age, they will want kebabs and fried potatoes). And pediatricians did not recommend feeding the child from the table, as before in the villages, already in the 30s of the 20th century and were actively promoting baby food (see the corresponding literature).
Having faced the problem of allergies in children at one time very seriously and having not only theoretical (according to books not about animals), but also practical on the basis of the allergological department of the Children's hospital No.1 of St. Petersburg (who was there, knows how professional it is), I cannot agree with such a simplified method of feeding small children. In general, the slogan among young mothers "back to nature" is alarming, often this is a consequence of a lack of deep knowledge, reading popular pseudo-scientific literature, which previously could not be printed, views of talk shows like "Malakhov +" (there, for example, the question treating a boy with diabetes with squats). The problem is not simple, it is also an attempt to protect against an overabundance of information. But the slogan "All ingenious is simple" does not work not only in science.
> By the way, I still can't understand why yogurt is better than the most common> kefir or yogurt? Any fermented milk products every> day, balanced and natural nutrition as much as possible -> the best prevention of health problems (IMHO).

Here I realized for myself that the usual bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, although useful, are nevertheless alien to the human body and therefore do not exist in it for a long time. Therefore, they need to be constantly updated. The only alternative is Narine, a strain of bacteria taken from the human body. I tried it once and broke off. Apparently the leaven was old. Recently I bought an Armenian-made "Narine" ("Narex"), and even in the "Samson-Pharma" Pharmacy - full shine! First I got a sourdough: I grew it for about a day with two reheating. In appearance, it turned out quite, sorry for the expression, "snot-like". Then, on three tablespoons of this very sourdough, according to the usual technology, I charged a liter of 1.5% milk and ... a dump of the head! Wonderful non-acidic and very thick yogurt + body-related bacteria. So I recommend it to everyone.
But with the Bulgarian "Gastrobacterin" the trick did not work out shortly before. I'll try again for fun ...
and you can find out where the information comes from, what kindred people are in Narine. bacteria in the body? for me this question is also important.
almost all starter cultures contain microorganisms symbiotic for humans.It is only necessary to take into account that the range of microflora composition (qualitatively and quantitatively) is quite wide. For example, there is a wonderful product "Gerolakt" (a modern leaven "streptozan"), in which "culture Enterococcus faecium, characteristic of the normal intestinal biocenosis of long-livers of Abkhazia and is one of the main components of the microflora of Caucasian homemade fermented milk products - yogurt, suluguni. "

Microorganisms that are symbiotic for one person may be useless for another. Everything needs to be selected individually, empirically, sometimes based only on your own feelings.
Does yogurt help you lose weight?
Helped me. If they replace dinner ..
Thanks to the responsive administration of the forum, now you can ask your questions to experts on the preparation of sour milk at home and its benefits. Doctors and milk production technologists will be happy to advise you. We invite you with questions in the topic https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=172987.0
Quote: tatiua

Does yogurt help you lose weight?
Among Good Food starter cultures recently appeared "Yogurt Fitness", specially designed for weight loss. I didn’t try it myself - I only read ads.
Found on the Internet about the usefulness of "Narine".
If I understood correctly, this is the instruction for the usual capsules that are sold in the pharmacy:

Quote: leya

Among the Good Food starter cultures recently appeared "Yogurt Fitness", specially designed for weight loss. I didn’t try it myself - I only read ads.

I tried it - it tastes like regular yogurt, only it turns out more liquid. Well, I did not notice the effect of losing weight.

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