Here's what information I have:
In their homeland (plants originate from Mexico), tagetes has long been used in cooking (as a spice added to fish and meat dishes) and folk medicine (to improve digestion and strengthen immunity). The culinary use of marigolds did not go unnoticed among gourmets from other countries, whose traditional cuisine is represented by an abundance of meat dishes. The popularity of tagetes among "meat-eaters" is explained not only by taste preferences for various kinds of spices, but also by the excessive load of meat dishes on the digestive tract. The results of a study by Italian scientists have shown the harm from excessive addiction to meat dishes, which is comparable in harmfulness to smoking. The use of marigolds as a seasoning for meat allows you to largely neutralize the harmful effect on the digestive tract of food that is hard to digest.
A source:
🔗Contraindications to the use of marigolds
The use of marigolds for cooking and medicinal purposes, as a rule, has no contraindications, however, during pregnancy, the use of the essential oil of this plant is undesirable. Some people may have an individual intolerance to the components of the essential oil, as a result of which allergic reactions often occur - in this case, treatment and the use of tagetes in food is contraindicated.
The healing properties of marigolds in recipes
- Marigold oil. In industry, it is obtained by extraction with inert vegetable oils. It is not difficult to prepare an analogue of black-shaved oil at home. To prepare oil, the flowers of marigolds are crushed and poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10 (preferably olive oil). After preliminary infusion (within 8 hours), the mixture must be kept in a water bath for half an hour, squeeze out the flowers and pour the liquid into dark glass bottles. Store the oil in the refrigerator. Marigold oil will help in the treatment of burns, as well as dermatological skin diseases.
- Infusion of flowers. This remedy is effective for ascariasis and some other helminthic invasions. At 1 st. l. raw materials - 300 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Take the infusion three times a day for 2 tbsp. l. To expel roundworms and pinworms will also help fresh flowers of black-shaved ones, which need to be eaten before bedtime, 5 pieces for adults, or 2 - 3 for a child.
- A decoction of marigolds. Means for internal use in the treatment of arthrosis of the joints. For 250 ml of boiling water - 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers (or for 1 liter of boiling water - 20 - 30 fresh flowers of black-shaved flowers). Treatment in courses of 1.5 - 3 months (depending on the patient's state of health). It is recommended to take up to 2.5 liters of such a decoction per day.
- Exchange violations. In case of violation of water-salt metabolism, traditional healers recommend a course treatment with a decoction of marigolds. For 1 liter of boiling water - 5 fresh marigold flowers, cook for 3 minutes at a low boil. Take a glass of broth twice a day, on an empty stomach. It is recommended to take two monthly courses with a week break between courses.
- Fresh marigold flowers are recommended to be consumed in salads (you can also separately) if your work is associated with eye strain (computer scientists, motorists, etc.).
The healing properties of marigolds in cosmetology
- Balm. The cosmetic product is intended for application to the skin of the lips in order to protect against cracking (chapping, exposure to frost, etc.). To prepare the balm, you will need 50 ml of olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. almond oil and 2 tbsp. l. crushed marigold flowers. After two weeks of infusion, the product is ready to use. Instead of almond oil, you can use apricot oil (used in medicine to make liniment).
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🔗Imeretian saffron
Spice spread.
The homeland of marigolds is the American continent. Many species grow in both North and South America. The local population of the pre-Columbian era used marigolds both as a spice and as a medicinal and ritual plant, with the help of its aroma, they protected their homes from insects. The Aztecs made an intoxicating decoction from marigolds, which they gave to those doomed to sacrifice, thus facilitating their transition to another world. Also, the Indians had a belief that where these flowers grow, there is always gold.
In the 16th century, the conquistadors brought marigolds to Europe, where they then spread to North Africa and Asia. Today, marigolds are cultivated throughout Europe, America, Africa and Asia, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia, mainly as an ornamental and essential oil plant. In a number of countries, marigolds are grown for the sake of a spice called Imeretian saffron.
Actually, Imeretian saffron comes to our market from Georgia, where it is industrially cultivated as an essential oil and spice plant and is an obligatory seasoning for many dishes of the national cuisine.
As already mentioned, the name "Imeretian" came from the name of the area in Western Georgia, but the second part of the name - "saffron" - seemed to try to emphasize the similarity of the spice with real crocus saffron. However, the similarities are very relative. Both saffron have coloring properties and a floral scent, but in fact both the scent and the ability to color in these plants is completely different, and they cannot be interchangeable. These are different spices. And by calling marigolds saffron, sellers often mislead buyers, because this spice has the right to be called saffron exclusively in the phrase "Imeretian saffron". Sometimes it is also called false saffron, but in my opinion, this is unfair in relation to such a wonderful spice, which is marigold.
Spice preparation.Imeretian saffron is harvested in July, when the content of essential oils is maximum. Then the flowers are dried and the petals are separated. Imeretian saffron comes to the market in two versions - in the form of whole petals, and in the form of the same lozenges, ground into powder.
An inexperienced buyer may confuse the seemingly ground Imeretian saffron with turmeric. They are very similar in color. However, turmeric is ground into a very fine powder, while the fraction of ground Imeretian saffron is much larger. They also vary in taste and aroma.
Well, so as not to confuse the whole petals of Imeretian saffron with safflower. Petals of Imeretian saffron are wide, about 5 mm wide in the thick part. Whereas safflower looks like thick, sharp needles.
Chemical composition of Imeretian saffron.
Flowers and leaves of Imeretian saffron are rich in essential oils, the components of which are ocymene (50%), citral, linalool, apinene, sabinene, D-pinene, myrcene, limonene, n-cymene, D-terpinene.
Imeretian saffron is also rich in vitamins - C, A, P, B vitamins, and minerals - phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese.
Culinary properties and uses of Imeretian saffron.
The aroma of Imeretian saffron is pronounced, spicy-floral, strong, but at the same time delicate and delicate, with fruity tones.Also, this spice has strong coloring properties, dishes with Imeretian saffron become yellow. This is a strong spice, so Imeretian saffron should be used very carefully, in small dosages. It tolerates heat treatment well without losing its flavor.
Imeretian saffron is an integral spice of Georgian cuisine. She is an indispensable component of such dishes as kharcho, satsivi, chikhirtma. It is part of the national seasoning khmeli-suneli. In Georgia, dishes from meat, poultry, fish are prepared with Imeretian saffron, added to sauces, to which this spice gives a very piquant taste, and combined in dressings with walnuts.
Imeretian saffron is used in their rice dishes; in the classic version, Uzbek pilaf is cooked with it. They are added to soups, beans and vegetables.
Whole dried marigold buds can be put in oil or vinegar for flavoring, added to marinades for pickling vegetables.
An infusion of Imeretian saffron flowers in water or milk is added to broths, sauces and baked goods. Imeretian saffron petals can be brewed and drunk in the form of tea.
Imeretian saffron essential oil is used in the alcoholic beverage industry.
Fresh marigold leaves also find culinary uses. They are added to salads, vegetable marinades and vinegars, to stews made from rice and vegetables.
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, ice cream, lollipops, puddings, and pastries can be flavored and tinted with Imeretian saffron.
In general, Imeretian saffron has the ability to radically change the taste and aroma of a dish, introducing bright piquant notes into it, that it can be used to create culinary masterpieces from ordinary products.
You should not try to replace Imeretian saffron with turmeric, crocus saffron or safflower. All these are different spices that have their own individual application, and give the dish a different taste, aroma and a different color shade.
Medical properties of Imeretian saffron.Imeretian saffron is a very healing plant. Drinking it in the form of tea, decoctions and infusions can bring many benefits to your health.
Marigolds are a natural immunomodulator, that is, they help to strengthen the immune system.
They regulate the work of the pancreas, facilitating the release of digestive enzymes and at the same time providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic. Marigolds improve the functioning of the liver and the entire digestive system.
Imeretian saffron is an important medicinal plant for diabetics. Regulates blood sugar levels by increasing the cell's insulin sensitivity.
Marigolds have a calming effect on the nervous system and a slight hypnotic effect, strengthen blood vessels.
The lutein contained in Imeretian saffron improves eyesight. However, it is destroyed by heat treatment. In this case, you need to use Imeretian saffron in the form of infusions, add to salads and other fresh dishes, or sprinkle with dried ground spice in the form of a seasoning.
Teas and infusions with Imeretian saffron should not be consumed during pregnancy.