Secrets of health and longevity |
Gerontology is developing rapidly all over the world. This is due to the fact that everywhere, especially in developed countries, demographic shifts are taking place, the number of people over the age of 60 is increasing. At the same time, there is an increase in the average life expectancy of people. The aging of the population requires the solution of a number of issues. This is the further improvement of social security, healthcare, employment of the elderly, construction, and trade. But social questions cannot be solved without knowledge of biological problems. This is especially true for the treatment of the elderly and old people. The physiology of an aging organism changes in the most significant way not at the age of 60-65, as many think. This process starts somewhere around 40. Reserves decrease, adaptation decreases, reactions to diseases change, chronic ailments such as atherosclerosis and hypertension begin to mature. Today, the largest number of heart attacks occurs not at 90 or at 85, but after 60, especially in men. What restructuring occurs in the body, which provides a background for the development of pathology? To understand this mechanism, we study the biology of human aging. The second direction of our research is the peculiarities of diseases of the elderly. And the third is social gerontology and hygiene. What is the aging mechanism?This is not an easy question to answer. There are, however, hypotheses, but they have no real confirmation. One of them arose after the opportunity to study the cell appeared. Some scientists suggest that errors in the protein molecule occur in old age. The older a person gets, the more such mistakes. Defects in protein cells go to all parts of our body and reduce the usefulness of tissues, and if so, then organs, systems and the whole organism. Let us clarify, however, what old age is.We define two types of old age - physiological, which is observed in people who have reached 80 and retained their health, and old age, unfortunately, premature. The latter, sadly enough, is found in the vast majority of people. That is why a person very often does not live to be 80-90 years old. And this is the milestone that he must reach as a representative of the living world. After all, each of its representatives has a certain age. In humans, it is 90-100 years old. Old age also has a genetic, hereditary code. If your parents were long-livers, then you have more reason to live to a ripe old age. If your parents suffered from atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus - all this is often inherited. A person is born with a specific genetic program. As they say, the "clock" is wound for a certain period. And this program can be lengthened by the way of life and the environmental factor, or it can be reduced. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we are not extending this program and are not even keeping it at the level at which we could, but are reducing it. And under the influence of environmental factors and bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, violation of diet. Scientists do not yet know how to influence the genetic program. We have not yet learned to somehow artificially change the genetic program, meaning an increase in life expectancy. But forecasters, especially American ones, predict that such an opportunity will appear sometime in 2020. By this time, they say, the genetic code of the short-lived and long-liver will be revealed, the groups of genes that determine the lifetime will be known. Then it will be possible to change the genetic code and, thus, influence the duration of a person's life. In the meantime, we can influence this by environmental factors.This includes the way of life, the organization of work, nutrition, interaction between people, and then, perhaps, the effects of pharmacology, drugs close to natural. "Bad" habits, as many believe, are not always dangerous. Churchill, for example, smoked cigars, drank brandy, was full, and died at 90. But if he hadn't smoked, led a correct lifestyle, he would have lived to 100. When Churchill was asked why he lived to be 90, he said : because I was never late for dinner. This means that he observed the strictest diet. And the completeness is different. Now everyone is afraid of being overweight. But if a person was fat throughout his life, this is not so scary. It is dangerous when at the age of 50-60 they begin to get fat quickly. Then the disease begins. The obesity associated with the human constitution is not accompanied by the diseases that we observe in obesity. It is often asked how effective physical activity is in preventing premature aging? Another famous French physician Tissot said:
We are in favor of physical activity, but one that corresponds to the capabilities of an aging organism. If the body is far from young, giving it very heavy loads, overtraining it is harmful. This must be approached calmly, carefully. We are no longer even for "running from a heart attack", but for walking... Some scientists suggest doing 50 squats, 100 push-ups during physical exercise - I would not recommend such loads to older people. This can only be done by a relatively young and highly trained person. By the way, statistics say that athletes are not long-livers at all. Now the question of nutrition. By about age 70, calories should be reduced by 30 percent. It is necessary to reduce calories, change the diet. I would recommend limiting animal fats, which contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially sugar and sugar-containing foods, which cause an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Of course, people of normal weight live longer. I will reveal one "secret". You need to eat less, but more often. A person often artificially stimulates his appetite: he drinks a glass of vodka, eats a spicy snack. If he did not do this, but started directly with the first or second course, he would eat less, because he would not be artificially stimulated to produce gastric juice, which determines human appetite. Many people ask whether a drug or a series of them has been created that helps to maintain vigor in old age. First of all, these are vitamin complexes. The experimental therapy laboratory of our institute has long proposed the drug dekamevit, which is widely used in practice and consists of 10 vitamins and the hormonal substance methionine. In the near future, the following drugs will enter the wide pharmacy network: quadveit - a combination of vitamins with trace elements, orcamine - mainly trace elements and ampemide - amino acids that are extremely necessary for an aging organism. All three of these drugs have already passed the pharmaceutical committee. I would like to develop one more thought. In my opinion, we still do not care enough about the position of an elderly person in the family. Civilization, oddly enough, sometimes brings bitterness to an aging person. Housing conditions are getting better now. The young settle with the old. The attention given to the elderly in the family sometimes decreases. I am not in favor of treating old people like a fragile Chinese vase. It is about warmth, soulfulness, softness. Do not forget, young people, about this. In conclusion, I would like to stress: we must strive not only for longevity, but for active longevity. That is, the extension of the working capacity and health of an aging person.This is the task of doctors, scientists, and the patients themselves, who must remember that the prolongation of youth is largely in their hands. D. Chebotarev |
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