A little about the culture of lifestyle |
"The telephone alone, now necessary even in the private life of a person, not only disorganizes, but also overloads our nervous system with a mass of impressions; it forces us in a short period of time to enter into communication with a huge number of people of the most diverse positions, classes and characters." This is an excerpt from a book about insomnia, written at the beginning of the last century. Isn't it funny? - telephone as a cause of insomnia, neurosis. Today it seems like a curiosity, but then ... Then the telephone was an innovation that sharply violated the usual stereotype of life. Innovations are constantly emerging. And each time a certain part of people does not have time to adapt in time, to adapt to the changed conditions. So there are diseases associated with impaired adaptation, including sleep disorders, one of the natural components of the daily cycle. In general, the thousand-year history of mankind is proof that there are practically no conditions on earth and beyond, to which people would not be able to adapt. Man has populated the entire globe from pole to pole; can live, work under water and underground, in the air, on the surface of the earth and in space; knows how to defend against a fifty-degree heat and fifty-degree frost; able to feed as a predator and as a herbivore. Of course, the adaptation of environmental conditions to oneself also played an important role. For this, we began to build warm dwellings in which we spend a significant part of the day, shifted heavy physical work onto the shoulders of machines, illuminate the night, make roads and bridges. We have learned a lot during the existence of mankind, but still we have to endlessly adapt ourselves to life. Civilization is necessary, progress is natural, irreversible. Of course, today nobody needs to prove how great the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution are, what an important stage this is in the development of mankind. But it is not for nothing that it is said that the shortcomings are a continuation of the merits, one follows from the other. We make life more convenient, but by doing so we reduce the requirements for our own body and at the same time lose in the ability to adapt. By purchasing a car, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to move, train muscles and heart. Setting up for the whole winter in a warm house, we limit not only the capabilities of our thermoregulation system, but also exacerbate the already widespread hypodynamia. Such examples can be multiplied and multiplied. This means that by improving living conditions, we neutralize not only the harmful, but also the useful, training influence of the external environment. We almost never really struggle with the cold and do not experience a genuine feeling of hunger, we do not work to the limit of our physical capabilities. If so, if the maximum voltage is not needed, then the capacity for it is reduced; after all, the level of requirements for an organism is set by the level of its capabilities. And when there is a more or less significant change in anything outside of us, we are not ready to cope with it with dignity. There is a gap between what we actually can and what life requires of us. In an effort to close this gap, we strain and overextend our forces. This further aggravates the situation, leading to a further decrease in adaptive capacity. This is how normal relationships with the world are destroyed, biorhythms break down, neuroses are formed, insomnia and many diseases arise. ... It turns out that the main occupation of a person from birth to the last breath is constant adaptation to changing environmental conditions.And he needs to learn, train himself, carefully "listening" to the signals that our body gives us. It's time, it's high time to eliminate the debt to your body. To return in our perception to the body equality with the mind, spirituality. Take seriously his needs, needs, provide him with the opportunity to receive the necessary training load - mental, physical, any other. To cultivate in oneself in the full sense of the physical culture as part of the culture of the lifestyle. P.P.Sokolov - Victory over insomnia Similar publications |
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