Increased pressure is a huge problem for a large number of people around the world. Such a nuisance arises for many reasons, and even the slightest delay in treating an ailment may be enough to worsen the situation and seriously cripple your health.
Most often this is observed in people in mature and old age, but recently it has often been found among young people as well.
What are the main causes of high blood pressure? Doctors point out the following:
Problems with vascular tone. To check the condition of this part of the body, it is necessary to pass a number of blood tests and consult a doctor. If the problem is only in the vessels, then this is not the worst case scenario, which is corrected with the help of appropriate drugs;
Hormonal disruptions. They can be observed for various reasons: taking dangerous drugs, disruptions in the production of hormones, in particular aldosterone, a low content of calcium and other essential trace elements in the body.
Pressure can be the result of drinking coffee, alcohol and other beverages that have a pronounced stimulating effect;
Latent illnesses can also be a factor that periodically causes pressure problems. Poor, low-quality food can also have a negative effect.
In order to prevent the disease from catching yourself by surprise, it is important to have at hand such a device for measuring pressure as a tonometer. With the help of this device, a person without assistance can easily recognize the current level of pressure, and, if necessary, take measures to normalize it.
What are the tonometers
If a person is faced with the need to purchase a tonometer for the first time, then before buying, he should figure out what options for this product are and how they differ. The market offers a large number of blood pressure monitors for every taste and cost, but in general terms, they can all be divided into the following options:
Mechanical tonometer. The apparatus most known to most people consists of a phonendoscope, an arm cuff and a bulb for pumping pressure in the cuff. To receive accurate data from such a device, they need to learn how to use it correctly;
The semi-automatic version of the tonometer has a special electronic display that displays the measurement results. At its cost, it is quite attractive, it allows you to measure not only blood pressure, but also the pulse. In fact, this is a simplified version of the previous version;
Automatic electronic tonometer. The most expensive, but at the same time and convenient device, which does all the processes of air injection and reading of indicators in a fully automatic mode. Many modern models have built-in memory, with which you can view the results of past measurements and compare them with the current ones.
It is impossible to joke with pressure - it often happens that high blood pressure not brought down on time leads to serious troubles for the patient. That is why you should not look at the price of blood pressure monitors, but simply buy this device for yourself or your loved one and protect yourself from unnecessary unexpected troubles.
Don't play with health! If problems with blood pressure periodically make a person feel bad, then he should always have his own blood pressure monitor and the necessary medications at hand. It is also very important to remember that a healthy diet, good sleep, lack of stress and bad habits will greatly help in the fight against pressure.
Yarmolenko V.O.
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