Spontaneous fermentation sourdough from world famous Spanish
Master baker Francisco Tejero.
Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero
Today I will share with you the method of making such a leaven, or rather, how I make it.
Not so long ago I tried to express my delight and my admiration Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

Leave such a dough in a food container under the lid (in the photo you can see holes made with an awl) on 24 hours at room temperature.
This is what the matched dough looks like after daily fermentation:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

Dough structure after the first day of fermentation:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

2nd DAY:

75 gr mass from 1 day we breed 50 ml of water at room temperature
Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero
then add 75 gr wheat flour
we get such a bun:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero
Total: 200 gr
We leave to ferment for 24 hours at room temperature.
This is what the leaven looks like after the specified time has elapsed:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

3rd day:

Let's take a sourdough container with a larger capacity.

200 gr mass from 2 days
200 gr flour
120 ml of water at room temperature.
5 gr salt.

We knead the dough by diluting 200 grams of mass from the second day with water at room temperature, adding 200 grams of flour and 5 gr salt. DO NOT FORGET ABOUT SALT! It can be pre-dissolved in water.

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero
Total: 525 gr

Fermentation 24 hours at room temperature.
Top view after fermentation:Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero Side view: Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

DAY 4:

525 g from 3 days
2,000 gr medium-strength flour
1200 ml water at room temperature
40 grams of salt
Total: 3765 grams of mass.

How much is this amount of starter culture for home needs excessively large,
here I propose to simplify the task:
Divide the volume 4th day on two parts - that is, take 263 grams from the third day, and give the other part to the fish in the aquarium.

4 DAY:

263 gr from 3 days (with the 2nd half you can GROW without regret!)

1000 gr medium-strength flour
600 ml of water at room temperature
20 gr salt

I carry out the batch in a combine. It's much easier this way.

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco TaheroSpontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

I use this starter the very next day, adding 25% to the amount of flour in the recipe.
For example, if the recipe contains only 500 grams of flour, you can add up to 125 grams of sourdough.
I recommend storing this starter in the refrigerator:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

The structure of the starter culture on the fifth day:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero
Nutritious, tasty and aromatic bread is made with THIS sourdough.
Surprisingly, this miracle leaven retains its leavening properties and strength for a very long time!
My mother calls such a leaven a "porch", how right she is - to judge you!
Good luck!
So we have a Spanish sourdough, thanks AXIOMA for the trouble!
I am sure everyone will be able to create it according to such a magnificent master - class. Let's hope, because you have already shown what kind of bread can be obtained as a result, and it is beyond praise! Which, by the way, has long been natural and even customary for your breads - every bread is a masterpiece!

And the question is: the moisture content of the finished sourdough was not counted? believe me, I'm too lazy to count. I can do it without counting, what if someone asks ...

And one more thing: Tell us, please, how to properly care for her. What do you do with her next?
Looks awesome!
How can you take care of it later?
AUUUU Where have you gone: (How do you need your help
Quote: Aleksaniko

... How can you take care of it later?
You don't need special care for such a leaven !!!
I keep it in the refrigerator, in a dish, as shown in the photo from the first post.
I made holes in the lid with an awl so that the leaven would not suffocate and harmful microflora would not form.
I guarantee that your sourdough, like mine, will live in the refrigerator for at least TWO months!
Need some fresh sourdough?
Proceed in this way:

Take 40-50 grams of F. Tahero's starter from the refrigerator, placing this amount in a suitable container, add 100 grams of warm water. Stir until smooth and then add 100 grams of flour. Knead the dough. Cover with a lid. Leave it at room temperature, and now, in summer, it is optimal to make sure that after 3-4 hours your rejuvenated starter will bubble, breathe a specific aroma. We will conventionally assume that such a leaven will be called a leaven of 100% hydration.
Now no one will stop you from baking delicious bread.
Correct if I'm wrong!

Thanks for the sourdough recipe. Despite the fact that for some reason it fermented poorly and was very weak (I think it was chilly) after transferring to 100% hydration and renewing 4 times, a strong leaven with a slight sourness turned out. This is my 5th starter and the best.
I personally thought that salt stops the fermentation process
but now I doubt it! So why is there salt in the leaven, why is it there?
And another question about the quantity
Why add so much and then throw away?
can put less at once? What's the point ?
Quote: Nadya.g

Thanks for the sourdough recipe ... ... This is my 5th sourdough and the best ever.

Nadya.g, I have this sourdough also the fifth in a row and the BEST!
It is enough to take 25-30 grams as a starter, adding 100 g of flour + 100 ml of water and in 4-5 hours it is ready to work!

Quote: Sapffir

I personally thought that salt stops the fermentation process
but now I doubt it! So why is there salt in the leaven, why is it there?
And another question about the quantity, why add so much and then throw it away?
can put less at once? What's the point ?

Sapffir, in order to accurately answer your question about the presence of salt in the leaven of spontaneous fermentation, I obviously need to get an authoritative answer from most Francisco Tahero.

You write that salt stops the fermentation process... I don't quite agree with you.
Salt (in reasonable proportions) like sugar, flour and water are essential foods for yeast to function. It is enough to look into any trivial recipe, where you can almost always see an average of 7-10 g of salt per 0.5 kg of flour. Try not to put the recipe salt in the dough - for sure, you will be disappointed in the end with your bread ...
About the presence of salt in the leaven of spontaneous fermentation. I believe, in this case, the presence of salt plays the role of the subject of stagnation of fermentation.
I have reason to think so, because after TWO months of storage of such a leaven in the refrigerator (mind you - without any rejuvenation procedures), it can be painlessly used as a starter for breeding a young leaven for baking bread.

Now about the quantity.
F. Tahero presented a recipe for the sourdough based on the needs of his bakery.
I hope you and I do not have such volumes of daily sourdough bread baking!
I must admit that, in the end, I do not always have to FULLY use even the half that I cooked. Plus, there isn't much room in my fridge to store such a huge amount of leaven at home.
On the other hand, I can't even imagine how you can knead the dough (see 1th starting day), taking 25 gram of flour and 12,5 ml of water ...
Although next time I'll risk torturing my fingers. There is a rational grain of economy in your doubts.
AXIOMA, good evening! I really want to bring out the leaven according to your recipe. But her method of storing in the refrigerator only stops me. After all, lactic acid bacteria will die, and then wild yeast will not go anywhere. What do you think about this?
I was also interested in this leaven, since there is no need for special care for it.

How much is such an amount of leaven for household needs excessively large,
here I propose to simplify the task:
We divide the volume of the 4th day into two parts - that is, we take 263 grams from the third day, and give the other part to the fish in the aquarium.

DAY 4:

263 g from 3 days (with the 2nd half you can GROW without regret!)

1000 gr medium-strength flour
600 ml water at room temperature
20 grams of salt
that's what Francisco Tahero writes.
But after all, you can probably take an even smaller part from 3 days, dividing the feeding in half?
Good morning. AXIOMA, tell me please, the leaven has been living with me for 2 weeks. Baked 4 times - that is, test breads, palyanitsa, loaf, lace 2 times. But my starter culture becomes active only on the 2nd day. Basically I bake with rye sourdough, it is much faster and more active for me. But apparently some passivity of the Tahero sourdough is associated with white flour - wheat? And over time, this activity should increase, or not?
Initially, I have it rather thick, viscous, the smell is normal - there is no non-acidic.
AXIOMA, and I had a question - medium-strength flour - is it possible to take flour of 1 or 2 grades, and at what temperature can this starter be kept in the refrigerator? I have +7 - +9 in my fridge. Will it survive? I was very interested, I have long wanted to make a sourdough for wheat bread. And yet - you post very interesting recipes, your comments and photos are beyond praise, thank you. Sorry to be out of topic:
Quote: Sonata

AXIOMA, good evening! I really want to bring out the leaven according to your recipe. But her method of storing in the refrigerator only stops me. After all, lactic acid bacteria will die, and then wild yeast will not go anywhere. What do you think about this?

, Hello.
I must admit that you have asked a question that is not entirely convenient for me.
I confess that I am very far from the microbiology of yeast, I know little - which of them are wild and which are cultivated.
And I'm not talking about bacteria MK. And my reasoning on this matter would be professionally inappropriate.
I keep it, i.e. the leaven of spontaneous fermentation according to the method of Francisco Tahero, in the refrigerator only because its author recommends it. I have no reason not to trust him! No complaints.
I usually use this starter as a starter, very rarely as a porch or old dough.
I became attached to her after getting drunk Tiger bread... I also live with rye sourdough method Viki. I am very pleased with the leaven!

You can refresh such a starter with both wheat flour and rye. I have had successful attempts to make sourdough from such a starter and from whole grain wheat flour.
I am quite satisfied with the leaven and refuse it, and even more so from the method of its storage, I am not going to and WILL NOT !!!
Everything suits me! Let the wild yeast wait!
You have the right to choose a leaven that will suit you completely and you will not doubt anything - there are a myriad of them on the Internet forums.

Wish you luck.
Quote: pygovka

I was also interested in this leaven, since there is no need for special care for it.

... but you can probably take an even smaller part from 3 days by dividing the feeding in half?

pygovka, I found a rational grain in your words and followed the advice - I halved the dough one step earlier.
At the same time, I prepared the leaven, as I did before:

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

Already on eighth day both! the leavens were ordered to live for a long time - on top they were covered with a layer of transparent, foul-smelling water.

Quote: Tinka_tinka

Good morning. AXIOMA, tell me please, the leaven has been living with me for 2 weeks. Baked 4 times - that is, test bread, palyanitsa, loaf, lace 2 times. But my sourdough becomes active only on the 2nd day.... Basically I bake with rye sourdough, it is much faster and more active for me. But, apparently, some passivity of the Tahero sourdough is associated with white flour - wheat? And over time, this activity should increase, or not?
Initially, I have it rather thick, viscous, the smell is normal - there is no non-acidic.

Hello, Teen_tinka, sourdough, indeed, quite thick, with a pleasant sourdough smell!
Another scent is a sign of starting a new one. There are all sorts of cases ...
Obviously, some kind of harmful effect is exerted on the leaven and products - neighbors, which we store in our refrigerator.
We are not going to buy a separate refrigerator for the sourdough. An impermissible luxury!
I pay attention to the productivity of the starter culture a month after the preparation date, when it’s time to question its “vitality”.
I have not observed similar stories with poor activity described in you. Although, I can say with confidence that the second refreshing of this leaven is more pleasing.
In my fridge (went to make sure) + 7 degrees. What is your refrigerator temperature? The yeast may take a long time to start because it is cold and needs time to sugrevu in order to come to normal life? I am at a loss to give you a more intelligible answer - I undertake to make a diagnosis on the spot or on the basis of a photograph of the leaven.
Quote: olaola1

AXIOMA, and I had a question - medium-strength flour - is it possible to take flour of 1 or 2 grades, and at what temperature can this starter be kept in the refrigerator? I have +7 - +9 in my fridge. Will it survive? I was very interested, I have long wanted to make a sourdough for wheat bread. And yet - you post very interesting recipes, your comments and photos are beyond praise, thank you.

olaola1! Thank you for your attention to the recipes and my comments on them!
Now let's move on to flour. I would not recommend using flour 2grade, and buying it is a big problem.
If you do not feel any difficulties in buying first grade flour, feel free to start a sourdough on it - it is slightly stronger than premium flour.
And it will be even better if you don’t regret spending money on the purchase of flour with a protein content slightly more than in domestic flour, HALF of the success of having a good ferment is already guaranteed!
Last week I drew attention to a new offer (discounted?) In the METRO store of Italian flour Farina "00" - cheaper than Makfa flour !!!
I would be glad if I was useful to you with my story.

Hello, Teen_tinka, sourdough, indeed, quite thick, with a pleasant sourdough smell!
Another scent is a sign of starting a new one. There are all sorts of cases ...
aquasca is already guaranteed!
Last week I drew attention to a new offer (discounted?) In the METRO store of Italian flour Farina "00" - cheaper than Makfa flour !!!
I would be glad if I was useful to you with my story.

Gentlemen, I also wanted to inform you that the other day I bought Italian flour Farina 00 in the metro at 60 rubles per kg.
New vitamin

Thanks for the leaven !!!

Made with premium flour. I strongly doubted that it would work. But it turned out! And even somehow it is not so: 1 day - 24 hours, there is not much rise, only a little thinned out. 2 days - rise, smells remarkably like a Frenchwoman. After 12 hours - rise 3 times. I was scared that she would not stand it for another 12 hours and would oxyderate, made her body movements for 4 days. And by the evening of 3 days, the leaven increased 3 times more. At my house - 30 degrees, maybe because of this, such a speed.
I didn’t half and put in all 2 kg. I thought I'd better share it with someone else. But it turned out that the container for such a mass had to be chosen more. She covered the pot with another pot. I come home and what I see - a huge someone, looking out of the pot with a "hat" on his head, pushed it on his back and said "hello"

We will now test the "Spaniard" in the case. And then the Frenchwoman can not stand 30 degrees of room temperature

Another question:
Do you think it is possible to take 1: 1: 1 - starter: flour: water, and wait less (3-4 hours), won't the leaven be too sour?
New vitamin, Hello!
Thank you for the detailed report on the preparation of this leaven.

All processes of preparation of this starter culture occur at room temperature!
As you know, room temperature determines a value close to + 20 ° C.

When asked about the proportions 1: 1: 1 = starter: flour: water, and wait less ...
If we are talking about the rejuvenation of the leaven, then, in my opinion, this is a mistaken idea.
You have the right to try and tell us what you got out of such an experiment.
Good evening, Axiom! Today I put my starter in the refrigerator. And how to bake bread with her now is not entirely clear. You need to take 125 gr. sourdough and make a dough without yeast or rejuvenate 20-30 gr. sourdough and dough at the peak? Somehow everything got messed up.
It is better to always rejuvenate the sourdough, sometimes even twice. I usually take this spoon +50 water + 50 flour ... at night, and again the same way (if I see a slight rise in the morning).
New vitamin
1: 1: 1 report:

It turned out a little sour. It's not worth saving on time!
Tell me, pzhalsta, what recipes can be applied to this leaven? those on wheat sourdough? ... and those on rye sourdough don't suit? Maybe you recommend some specific links of bread on this leaven?
Quote: Tinka_tinka

It is better to always rejuvenate the sourdough, sometimes even twice. I usually take this spoon +50 water + 50 flour ... at night, and again the same way (if I see a slight rise in the morning).
Do I understand correctly that rejuvenating 2 times, you need to subtract from the original bread recipe the amount of water and flour used to double rejuvenate the sourdough? Is the starter the part of the starter that we rejuvenate? By the way, do we rejuvenate in a warm place or is room temperature enough?

and another question, what if half of the unnecessary leaven after the third day (which you can part with without regret) is added to ordinary bread with yeast (dry, pressed)? Lead the same flour + water .... is it necessary in this case to reduce the amount of yeast?
Finally, I did it too !!! THIS IS HE-BEAUTIFUL!
Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero
The leaven turned out to be fabulous! I didn’t feed the fish with half of the starter culture, I simply don’t have them.
Divided into two parts and sent to the refrigerator in two bowls. But I did not seem to bake bread beforehand today. Different, different ...
In general, the leaven is Super!
Irina Dolars
I hope the author will not be offended (I haven't visited the forum for a long time)

I found bread on this leaven. How airy!

Spontaneous Fermentation Sourdough by Francisco Tahero

Ingredients for the recipe Spontaneously fermented sourdough bread

Spontaneous fermentation sourdough (2 times refreshed) *) 105 grams
Wheat flour 1st grade 467 grams
Seeded rye flour 24 grams
Room temperature water 294 grams
Salt 9 grams
Pressed yeast 2 grams
Mixes for baking "Example"
Other ingredients
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How to make a Spontaneously Fermented Sourdough Bread recipe?
one). Kneading (1) - 5 min
2). Autolisis - 30 min
3). Kneading (2) - 12 min
Yeast, diluted in a small amount of water, will be introduced 6-7 minutes after the start of the second batch
Fermentation (1) at room temperature - 50 min.
Pre-proofing (1) after dividing into pieces at room temperature - 10 minutes
Pre-proofing (2) after rolling into the ball at room temperature - 30 min
Final proofing after molding at room temperature - about 4 hours depending on the room temperature (the workpiece should increase in volume by 3 times)
The author of the recipe recommends making a cut before baking.
I didn't cut it.
Spontaneously fermented sourdough bread
Baking for 30 minutes at +230 ° С.

A source: 🔗
I bake with this leaven EVERY DAY for the joy of my family and the envy of others!
Quote: Irina Dolars

I found bread on this leaven. How airy!

I used this sourdough to bake a ciabatta. Moreover, this was the first pastry after the creation of the sourdough. I have never seen such holes inside!
It’s a pity I didn’t take a picture. But, I think, it’s not the last time.
Girls, I want to try to make this leaven, with the French summer one trouble, it quickly sour, it cannot be left unattended for a long time. I have a question, at what minimum T in the refrigerator can you store the starter from Francisco Tahero?
Can you please tell me, is it possible to use this leaven without yeast? Or do you need to lay down the yeast?
this starter works great without yeast
Thank you, I will try)))) I hope to succeed, I'm trying to grow the leaven for the first time Can you please tell me the bread recipe for this leaven in a bread maker, or can you take any bread from the forum that is made with leaven? I’m just a newbie, and I don’t drag it in at all. I read so much information that I just got confused.
I use this starter instead of any. I need rye - I feed it with rye flour, we need wheat - wheat flour and dough. I have been using it for half a year, I have never failed
tell me, how long do you need to overfeed the sourdough for rye?
Sorry for the stupid question, but when will it end to start her again? Or does she need to be fed?
it will not end, because separating a part for baking the next bread, you will leave a small part for subsequent feeding. That is, it is an endless process
Girls, and I have such a question, did they feed it and for how long did they leave it on the table? something of mine has acidified. although it works great ...
Quote: echeva

it will not end, because separating a part for baking the next bread, you will leave a small part for subsequent feeding. That is, it is an endless process
Girls, and I have such a question, did they feed it and for how long did they leave it on the table? something of mine has acidified. although it works great ...
Zhen, that is, I take a part, and feed the rest? Or do I start feeding only when it becomes much less? Now I bake bread 1 time a week and I was tortured with a Frenchwoman, a very large expense "for the toilet".
Lena, I do not accumulate a lot of sourdough, I bake every other day ... I feed 50 g of water and flour each .... I would take as much as I need, and the rest is back in the farm .. I have been baking on a timer lately, so I put the leaven directly from the h-ka from above... by the time the time is up, she has time to warm up and earn
And I do not feed, I just spend until 250 grams remain, then 600g of water, 1000g of flour, 20g of salt, a day on the table and back to the refrigerator. For rye - I feed it 2 times with rye flour in the evening and in the morning, at lunchtime I knead rye bread.
Hello. Need help! The third time I tried to make this leaven and never succeeded. The first 2 times I did it with 1st grade flour, the second time I did it with premium flour. It does not increase with me. On the first day, it seems to be so bubbly inside, and on the next day it liquefies a little and there are not many bubbles, and practically does not increase. Please tell me what could be the matter?
Hello! I beg your pardon, help me figure out the sourdough f. Tahero. What density should the kolobok be during the last batch? I made a sourdough, put it in the refrigerator, take it out today, try to tear off a piece, and it is like Soviet-era chewing gum. The husband joked, he says, you can make a sling out of her and scare away crows
Quote: vasiliska

... what density should the kolobok be during the last batch?
On the first page of this topic, the author gave a description and a photo.
In the refrigerator, it becomes more liquid and viscous. There is a photo after kneading and after the refrigerator.
Good afternoon)) I'm trying to make this leaven, the following question arose - on the 4th day after feeding 1000g of flour, do we leave the leaven for another day at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator right away? please tell me))
Quote: serliss
Do we leave the leaven for another day at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator right away?
We leave for another day at room temperature.
On the fifth day, you can take a part for kneading the dough, send the rest to the refrigerator.
Quote: Viki
We leave for another day at room temperature.
On the fifth day, you can take a part for kneading the dough, send the rest to the refrigerator.
Thank you)
another small question) for the 5th day we put it in the refrigerator and no longer feed it until it needs to be updated, right?
Quote: serliss
We don't feed anymore until we need to update, right?
Exactly.But why do you need such an amount, because on the fifth day it can be sent to bread just as it is, without preliminary dressing. And what remains is in the refrigerator. I am hinting so subtly ...
Quote: Viki
Exactly. But why do you need such an amount, because on the fifth day it can be sent to bread just as it is, without preliminary dressing. And what remains is in the refrigerator. I am hinting so subtly ...
so I plan to make the recipe sit and choose)) amazing site - so many interesting things! I just started to understand the peculiarities of sourdough bread, and thanks to the forum, I immediately received so much information)
Hello! Help me please! I made sourdough for the first time. It seems that everything worked out. I sent it to the refrigerator. I want to make this bread tomorrow
But there are questions:
1. Can I try to make this bread only leavened without yeast? Do I need to change the proportions, for example, increase the amount of starter culture?
2. Tomorrow I will take a piece of 190 grams from the sourdough. Just bring it to room temperature and add the rest of the recipe ingredients? And with the remaining leaven something needs to be done (add water, flour, salt? How much?) I remember on TV I saw a program about a French bakery, where supposedly the leaven is already 200 years old. I don’t need 200, but it would be interesting to "renew" it.

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