BEANSLike all legumes, beans are rich in proteins and, thanks to amino acids, they are absorbed without the help of insulin by 60-75%. This is very important for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Beans contain a lot of carbohydrates (fructose, glucose), vitamins, especially of group B and ascorbic acid, inulin, flavonoids, organic acids (malic, citric), trace elements.
Bean dishes are useful for treating hypocidal gastritis, atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmias.
Young beans are especially useful, the unripe fruits of which are especially rich in protein.
Young beans are used for food at the stage of technical ripeness, when their pods are fragile, juicy, tender, without fibers, and the seeds are no more than a wheat grain. Various and tasty dishes are prepared from young beans, and they are canned in order to preserve them for future use.
For medicinal purposes, use the shells (husks) of beans.
Beans can be eaten at any stage of ripening: tender green pods, and barely formed sweet soft beans, and tough, ripe beans that jump out of dry shriveled pods themselves.
Only the approach to them needs a special one: you need to handle capricious green pods and beans with caution and gentleness, do not bother in vain and try not to digest.
But mature bean beans have no sugar character, you have to be stricter with them: soak overnight, cook for two hours, or even more - so that they soften, plump up and give all the taste, all the vitamins.
Green beansGreen beans - tender, crunchy, new-born pods that are no more than a week old - are eaten whole, without removing the barely formed grains. This variety of beans came to Russia only in the 16th century, from France (see French beans), and at first as an ornamental plant. There are many varieties of green beans: long Chinese, Kenyan, yellow waxy and so-called "dragon tongues", which appear in Moscow in the spring at vegetable markets. Green beans are prepared quite quickly: in boiling water it should be boiled (or better blanched) for no more than 5-6 minutes, for a couple - about 8-10. Frozen beans are generally cooked for 2-3 minutes. The tips of the pods are usually cut off before cooking - they are quite tough, and in some varieties, fibers passing along the edge of the pod are also removed. After the specified time, the beans need to be thrown into a colander and ruthlessly poured with cold water - then it will definitely not fall apart, it will be bright green, plump, appetizing. The main thing is not to digest.
Long chinese beansLong Chinese beans (also called snake, asparagus or yard beans) are distinguished by the extraordinary length of the pods - up to 50 centimeters. There are two varieties of these beans: dark and light (both are green). Light is much more tender than dark - softer and does not crunch, and it almost does not need to be cooked. These beans come from Asia. There it is cooked with garlic, ginger and hot chili.
Draconic languagesDraconic tongues (in our country this variety of beans is also called Georgian or purple) are variegated yellow-purple pods 12-15 cm long. But this purple beans are only raw. As soon as you boil it or steam it, it immediately turns green. So, if you want to preserve the color of the dragon tongues, eat them raw.And if the pods have already become leathery and dense, the beans can be removed from them and cooked separately.
Yellow waxy beansThe pods of this type of bean are rather large, flat, with a characteristic pale yellow - "waxy" - color. However, despite the name, there are also purple ones. Yellow beans are prepared in a variety of ways: boiled, blanched, fried, steamed. However, you can not cook it at all, but eat it raw. It looks great in salads, soups, vegetable and meat stews.
Kenyan beansKenyan beans are one of the most expensive and popular types of green beans in our time. It is grown in Africa. Its pods are dark green and very thin - only half a centimeter in diameter. The taste is sweetish, with a nutty flavor. Kenyan beans are prepared very quickly - just a few minutes - and are very good in salads.
French Green BeansIts pods are rather small and thin, only 7-10 cm in length, they taste sweet, tender and even after blanching remain crispy. Young pods may have a purple coating - this is normal.
Ripe beans If the beans are left to ripen quietly in the garden, then the pods will dry out and open over time, releasing ripe, gaining strength grains. It is no longer possible to eat such beans raw - they will have to be soaked and cooked for quite a long time. However, it's worth it: tough, smooth, multi-colored beans contain a lot of protein (24-26 percent), which is close to animal in composition, but much easier to digest. This is probably why beans are one of the main components of vegetarian cuisine. In addition, mature beans can be germinated.
Azuki Azuki are small oval reddish brown beans with a white stripe. Its other name is angular beans. Adzuki comes from Asia, where desserts are made from it - ice cream, jelly, sweets: first, they are soaked for 3-4 hours, and then boiled with sugar for half an hour.
White beans White beans are considered versatile: they are medium in size, oval in shape and have a fairly neutral taste. Before cooking, you need to soak it overnight and then cook for an hour and a half. White beans produce a delicate homogeneous puree that is used in different ways in different traditions. For example, in Italy it is added to thick potato soups with herbs; put in pasta (pasta e fagioli), in Armenia - seasoned with crushed almonds with raisins and baked in the oven. White beans are especially widely used in Mediterranean cuisine.
Red beans Red beans (kidney beans) are shaped like kidneys. It goes well with savory tomato sauces, onions, garlic and rosemary. Kidney is a staple ingredient in many Creole and Mexican dishes, including chili con carne. But this type of beans has one insidious feature: raw grains contain toxic substances, so it cannot be germinated, and before cooking it should be soaked for at least 8 hours, be sure to drain the water and only then cook until cooked for at least an hour.
LimaLima, or lima beans, are native to the Andes. It is quite large, it is white, black, red, and also spotted. For its pleasant oily taste, it is also called "oily". Lima is very good in thick tomato soups with aromatic herbs. But you need to soak it for a long time - at least 12 hours - and then cook it - as a rule, a little over an hour.
PintoPinto, or motley beans, are medium-sized, oval, with pink-brown specks. Pinto is especially popular in the USA and Latin America. Soups are made from it, fried, mashed, which is then fried with spices; in Latin America, chili is prepared from it (a dish of beans, beef, onions, tomatoes, garlic, sweet, hot and black peppers), and a filling for burritos is made. Like many other types of beans, pinto should be soaked for 8-10 hours before cooking and only then cook for an hour and a half.
Black beans The most common beans in Mexico and Brazil.It is usually prepared with lots of onions, garlic, and cayenne pepper. Soak it for 6-7 hours, and then boil it for an hour. They eat black beans with rice and meat, spiced with onions, garlic, cumin and oregano. In Mexico, it is most often not soaked, but is cooked for a very long time and patiently, adding at the end onions and garlic pre-fried over an open fire, as well as the irreplaceable herb Epasote.
Black eye Medium-sized white beans with a black eye, very fresh in taste. This is a type of cowpea, cowpea. It is especially common in Africa (it comes from there), as well as in the southern United States and Iran. Before cooking, the black eye is soaked for 6-7 hours, and then for a relatively short time - 30-40 minutes - boiled. On New Year's Eve in the South American states, these beans are used to make a dish called Jumping John - with pork, fried onions, garlic, tomatoes, rice, thyme and basil. In Pakistan, boiled black eye is mixed with tomatoes, garlic, pepper, garam masala, ginger, turmeric, coriander and served with mint chutney and onion salad.
Purchase and storageIn summer, you can enjoy young beans in full force. It is not stored for long - only 2-3 days - in the refrigerator, wrapped in polyethylene.
To keep it longer, you have to preserve it.
Dry beans can be stored for a long time, but care must be taken not to get bugs in them. It is best to keep it in a tightly closed jar.
Bean shells are stored in bags.