What types of bread products are divided into
Bread is the staple food consumed daily. For the whole
life, a person eats a total of 15 tons of bread, and the main
part of it is not consumed separately, but together with other products
nutrition, that is, bread acts as a necessary addition to almost any
Scientific research in the field of bakery and nutritional value of bread
held for about one and a half centuries. Among Russian scientists, one of the first
these questions were dealt with by professors A.P. Dobroslavin and F.F.Erisman.
Theoretical substantiation of the bread production process associated with
development of mechanized bakery in our country, led
Academicians A.N.Bach and A.I. Oparin.
Bread products, depending on the type of flour, can be rye,
rye-wheat, wheat-rye and wheat.
According to the dough recipe, they are baked simple, improved and rich.
(wheat only).
According to the method of baking, bread can be hearth and shaped. Wheat products
often baked with hearths, rye and rye-wheat - in molds.
According to the method of implementation, bread is baked piece and weighed out. At present
At the same time, most of the bread is made by piece.
There is no single principle in the names of bread varieties. Part of bread varieties
named according to the type and grade of flour (wheat bread made from flour of the highest, first
or second grade); in others, the name of the flour grade is omitted, but
certain features of the recipe are emphasized (mustard bread,
Milky, Sitny, with raisins, Fragrant, etc.). Name of some varieties
has developed for a long time, has become traditional and emphasizes local characteristics
(bread Borodinsky, Ukrainian, Minsk, Riga, etc.).
According to the nomenclature, the main types of baked bread
combined into the following groups:
1) Rye bread (includes 2 groups) - from wallpaper, peeled and seeded flour.
Simple rye bread: a) from wallpaper flour - mainly baked in tins,
rarely - hearth, b) from peeled and seeded flour - molded and hearth.
Bread quality: dark crumb, rather sticky, less volume than
wheat bread (since there is less porosity), dark crust.
Improved bread - cooked on infusions with the addition of malt, molasses, sugar,
spices - cumin, coriander. Custard and Moscow bread are baked from
custard flour with addition of rye red malt and caraway seeds.
Moscow bread differs from Zavarny in a darker crumb and more
pronounced taste and aroma, since more malt is added to it;
Moscow bread is baked only in tins, Zavarny can be a hearth.
Wheat bread - made from peeled flour with the addition of molasses.
Feature of custard bread preparation technology: before kneading
part of the flour is brewed with 10 times the amount of boiling water, starch
gelatinizes and is better exposed to the action of enzymes, therefore
the aroma and taste of the bread are improved.
Rye bread quality standards: humidity up to 51%, acidity up to 12
degrees, porosity is not less than 48%.
2) Rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread.
In the name of bread made from a mixture of flour, the first place is taken
the predominant type of flour with a share of 50%. Wheat flour is added to
improve the structural and mechanical properties of the dough.
Simple rye-wheat bread: Ukrainian from peeled rye and wheat
wallpaper flour. The ratio of flour types can vary from 80:20 to 20:80.
Improved varieties of rye-wheat bread: more numerous and widespread
common. Borodino bread is made with custard, from rye wallpaper
(85%) and wheat flour of the second grade (10%) with the addition of red
rye malt, molasses, sugar, coriander; crumb color - dark, taste -
sweet and sour.
Russian bread is baked from peeled rye and wheat of the second grade
(70:30), Darnitsky (60:40), Stolichny (50:50) - in addition add 3%
sugar, Amateur (80:15) is prepared with custard with the addition of the same
ingredients as in Borodinsky.
Minsk and Riga bread is made from seeded flour (85%) and wheat second
varieties (10-15%) with the addition of caraway seeds. In addition, Riga is made with tea leaves
(as a brew - wheat flour) with the addition of white barley malt
and sugar, and in Minsk bread wheat flour is used for sourdough.
Timiryazevsky bread - made from a mixture of peeled rye flour and flour
premium grade with the addition of pre-brewed rye malt
Delicacy bread - the recipe is close to Riga bread, but barley malt
here replaced with rye.
Orlovsky - prepared without tea leaves from peeled rye flour and wheat
flour of the second grade (70:30) with the addition of 6% molasses.
In rye-wheat breads, the moisture content is 45-50%, acidity
- 7-11 degrees, porosity - 46-60%. With an increase in the proportion of wheat flour
and increasing the variety of both wheat and rye flour moisture and
acidity decreases and porosity increases. Bread with added
molasses is much slower to stale than other types of bread,
since molasses is a supplier of dissolved carbohydrates (glucose,
sucrose ...), which prevent the bread from drying out.
3) Wheat bread made from wallpaper, premium, first and second grade.
Plain wheat bread - baked from all varieties of wheat flour by molded
and hearth. Its name is determined by the type of flour: for example - bread
wheat from flour of the first grade, second grade, etc. This also includes
Polyanitsa Ukrainian, Arnaut Kiev, etc. From premium flour
produce loaves of Stolichny, City, Moscow sitniks, rolls,
loaves "For dinner". Master's bread (from second grade flour), loaves
Nikolaev (from first grade flour), etc. All these products have a loose
inhomogeneous porosity. Dough preparation peculiarity: fermentation is in progress
at low temperatures, so the activity of enzymes is low - bread
it turns out pale and bland.
Improved - from flour of the first, second and highest grades. Cooked with
adding fat (margarine, butter and vegetable oil), sugar
2-7%, protein improvers are also added: whey, soy
protein, dry fish protein isolate, protein powder and others
fortifiers. Aromatic additives are not used.
The most common varieties in this group are: from flour
first / second grade - Sliced loaves (3% fat and 5% sugar), City
bun, Milk loaves (with the addition of dairy products), bread
Mustard (+ sugar and mustard oil - give a specific aroma,
bright color), Fragrant bread (from second grade flour, rye
fermented malt, coriander and other additional raw materials,
giving an original taste), challah; made from premium flour - Sliced
loaves, cakes (with added sugar, raisins, poppy seeds, vanillin, etc.),
Saratov kalach, Stolichny buns, etc.
Quality indicators in improved varieties of bread: moisture content 42-45%,
acidity - 2.5-5 degrees, porosity - 65-75%.
Along with the main types of bread, there is also a national bread
(lavash - made of unleavened dough, i.e. flour, salt and water; churek, etc.);
dietary bread ("Polyushko" loaves - with the addition of wheat bran,
this bread is recommended for both mass consumption and people with
overweight, metabolic disorders, patients suffering from atony
intestines, bread with the addition of wheat germ - used in
recovery period after illness, as well as a preventive
supplement to daily food); recently there was bread,
made from sprouted grains of wheat (Merchant, Festive ...) -
such bread is both therapeutic and prophylactic; bread with
the addition of various biologically active substances: vitamins,
minerals, essential amino acids, etc.