Treat H. pylori with antibiotics?
Better yogurt - tastier and healthier
Everyone knows that in 2005 Barry Marshall and his colleague Robin Warren received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "For their work on the study of the effect of bacteria
Helicobacter pylori on the occurrence of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers ". Since then, the fight against this bacteria has not subsided. As is now customary, they began to torment her with antibiotics. But, as is customary in bacteria, strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics were immediately formed. And, of course, the further we try to eliminate Helicobacter with antibiotics, the more strains will appear that will become resistant to these antibiotics.
However, not everything is so bad in this world. There is a very simple way, if not to get rid of
Helicobacter pylori completely, then at least drive it under the baseboard. And this way is the use of natural yogurt. "
I decided - and, therefore,
to whomsomething
be beaten, But you must
find out who the Semites are "- Vysotsky sang. Let's clarify what kind of product this yogurt is. It turns out that this is often (and most often) not at all what we have on the shelves of all grocery stores. Real yogurt is a lactic acid product originally from Bulgaria. And it consists of one of the strains of lactobacilli of the so-called Bulgarian bacillus
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and thermophilic streptococcus
Streptococcus thermophilus. And that's it !!! All other products that do not contain these bacteria cannot be called yogurt by definition. Now take a look at the composition of the "yoghurts" in your refrigerator or on the store shelf. At best, you will see something called "yoghurt leaven" in the composition. Plus starch, thickeners, sweeteners, acidity regulators, various E -... and much more. Most often, bacteria are used as a starter culture.
Lactobacillus acidophilus. I can't say anything bad about this bacterium. A good bacterium, and if there is time, I will write a separate article about it. But this is not a yoghurt. Alas...
One of the most advertised pseudo yoghurts is Activia. Allegedly, for two weeks of admission, as the advertisement says, improves digestion. And this despite the fact that a few years ago in
In America, Danone, which owns the Activia brand, has agreed to voluntarily pay up to $ 100 to all citizens who contact the company's representative office with complaints about advertising and product discrepancies. For this, a $ 35 million cash fund was specially created. The decision to pay was made after seven buyers filed lawsuits in court. They asserted that Activia's advertising was not true. So, as independent studies have shown that advertising is shamelessly lying, and we are not talking about any improvement in digestion. Not wanting to proceed, Danone decided to settle the dispute out of court. How can you not say with a phrase from their own advertising: "Not all yoghurts are equally useful" ....
In general, we more or less figured out what yogurt is. Now let's figure out why real yogurt is so useful. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Bulgarian doctor, Dr. Stamen Grigorov, discovered in 1905 a special type of lactobacillus in samples of Bulgarian yogurt and named them
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus - bulgarian stick
. The famous Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov, one of the founders of modern immunology, discovered beneficial properties
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. In his classic works, he associated the longevity and health of the Bulgarian people with the consumption of Bulgarian sticks contained in yogurt and emphasized that this was the only bacteria that did not harm the human body in one way or another. Mechnikov was the first scientist to create a medicinal product based on
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus under the name "Lactobacillin". In 1951, Dr. Ivan Bogdanov isolated a special strain from Bulgarian yogurt
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus LB-51 tumoronecroticance (translated from Esperanto: Bulgarian stick
LB-51that kills tumors). And he created the drug "Blastolysin" from it. Translated from Latin "dissolving a tumor". The drug in 100% of cases destroyed the grafted tumors in mice. Unfortunately, the results were more modest in humans. And soon after the death of Boganov, the release of the drug was stopped. Although there is information on the Internet about people who have tested this drug and recovered from some types of cancer.
Why is it so rare to find real yogurt on store shelves? No, this is not a worldwide farm mafia conspiracy. It's about ourselves. Lactic acid bacteria are therefore called lactic
sourthat lactic acid is released during growth. Therefore, real yoghurt becomes sour very quickly. Children do not like the sour taste, they do not eat it, therefore adults do not buy such products. Therefore, food technologists use strains that emit less lactic acid and do not sour longer. Plus various acidity regulators, sweeteners and so on. That is why real yoghurt is so rare on the shelves of our stores. By the way, if you see a product called "Mechnikovskaya curdled milk", take it right away. This is real Bulgarian yoghurt. Only under a different name.
We figured out the yogurt. Now let's figure out why it is useful in the treatment of Helicobacter. It turns out the reception
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus significantly reduces the number
Helicobacter pylori. Recently, many works have appeared on this topic. Naturally, there are no miracles in the world, and different strains of the Bulgarian bacillus act differently on different strains of Helicobacter. But most researchers agree on one thing. The use of ordinary yogurt, or rather not ordinary, but real, containing exactly strains of the Bulgarian bacillus, and not
ActiRegularis (actually bacteria
Bifidobacterium animalis ), as advertised by "Activia", helps to reduce the number of Helicobacter bacteria and, sometimes, get rid of it completely.
Since in our storehouse there was
piano in the bushes one of the strains of Bulgarian bacillus
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus LB-14, it was a sin not to conduct an experiment. The guinea pig, and part-time graduate student and friend of my biologist, was found immediately. Tormented by the unknown and trembling with fear, he drank yogurt made from this strain for two weeks. And ... a miracle happened !!! Here are the analyzes:
It can be seen that in the first analysis, the test for Helicobacter is weakly positive, and in the second it is not detected at all. In general, I always ask that the tests be taken in the same laboratory. Since even if the laboratory gives an error, then the error is repeated in the same direction. And you can always compare the dynamics correctly. But we are working with such analyzes. This is not the point. Even a hastily conducted experiment shows that it is not necessary to take antibiotics to cure Helicobacter pylori. You can try yogurt first. And tasty and healthy.
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Bacteriolytic immunotherapyVirotherapy