Why don't you get Moskovskie buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

I decided to make "Moscow buns" according to the recipe from Panasonic book 2512. I laid everything according to the recipe: flour - 600 g; salt - 1 \ 2 tsp; sugar - 250 g; margarine - 200 g; eggs! - 4 things; milk - 200 ml; dry yeast - 4 tsp The dough was kneaded like a cake on the mode 19 - 3 hours 15 minutes. After this time, the dough remained the same as when kneading. And when I took it out of the oven, it seemed to me that it was cold. She took out the sticky dough before stirring the flour and put it on, it can still rise. Maybe I'll bake something after all. While the dough was being prepared, I studied other recipes on the forum, and I got a thought, maybe what is wrong with the recipe in my oven? Share one of the owners of Panasonic 2512, can anyone tell me what the problem is? Or another recipe for buns for my oven? Here is a recipe for a pumpkin curl for 2 hours and 20 minutes I came out excellently. I will wait for advice. Anna.
Anna, yeast exactly put? Well, just in case I asked.
Quote: Kalyusya
yeast exactly put?
Or check them for suitability / activity. I am always touched by the phrase "dough for Panasonic" (or other model). Well, there is no such thing! And even the color of the case is not important.)
And if for almost 3 hours at 4 !!! dry spoons. normal / good yeast, the dough has remained a bun, then something is definitely wrong with them. Temperature? Even the one lying on the table, in a room, in the cold (not like in a closed container), it will rise, grow.
Check / replace yeast.
Mandraik Ludmila
I have a 2511, the model is different and there is no such recipe in the instructions, what is your number 19, I don’t know, better write the name so that we would be guided. Agree with Palych, the model doesn't matter
Quote: Anna2017
flour - 600 g; salt - 1 \ 2 tsp; sugar - 250 g; margarine - 200 g; eggs! - 4 things; milk - 200 ml; dry yeast - 4 tsp
About the recipe: in my opinion, only yeast is too much for this amount of flour, with such a standing period, it seems to me, and 2 tsp. would be enough ...
But your bucket didn't rise at all and the bucket seemed cold, then maybe it's not the recipe, but the HP ... Although the yeast should work at room temperature, if it doesn't work, then the yeast died, the same thing happens .. Check them out, diluted in warm water with sugar, they gurgle, bubble, which means they are alive
Well, if the yeast is alive, try setting the service heating mode and see how it will rise ... If everything heats up and rises, then continue in manual mode, and if it does not heat up - HP for repair
Isn't that too much sugar?
Mandraik Ludmila
Tatyana, this is something sweet, so for 4 eggs, 200 g of butter and 200 ml of milk - it's normal with 600 g of flour, it's like a cake.
A glass of sugar for 3-4 cups of flour is a normal proportion. After all, we have a glass for a glass in a charlotte + 4 eggs, and then there's milk and butter, and flour. So yeast won't kill so much sugar, provided it is alive
I just baked buns from Sonadora, there is somewhere for 400 g of flour, 45 g of sugar. Therefore, I was surprised. And then like cake.
Hello everyone and thanks for the questions. Shiver just put as much as 4 tsp. and I bake bread every other day and on this yeast white rises perfectly from the Panasonic 2512 recipe (model with separate dispensers for raisins / nuts and yeast separately). I remember exactly because I was also surprised by these 4 tsp. barely fit in the dispenser. I kneaded this dough with 200-300 g flour, let it stand in a warm oven, cut it into buns of various sizes and baked it in the oven at a temperature of 195 degrees, but I think that less is needed because in my Hansa stove (Poland) the bottom quickly burned at the middle level.
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila

A glass of sugar for 3-4 cups of flour is a normal proportion.
Luda, this is a lot, even for Easter cakes. I don't remember so much sugar in any cake batter.
Anna2017, Anna, the site has a recipe for "Moscow" bun in accordance with GOST, try to start with it.
And also there is a whole section, including on buns / buns:
Choose any you like.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?Buns "Moscow" (according to GOST)
Mandraik Ludmila
Manya, this is a lot for you and me, but such recipes are often offered This is sweet and rich dough, so much is poured there, but I would definitely have stuck together something inside And yeast will survive
Anna2017, take a look here.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?Buns "Moscow" (recipes)

Here they specifically discuss your recipe and correct it.
Thanks for the advice. I will try next time according to GOST. Kstai next put the bread on the same yeast, I want to test the yeast.
Anna2017, most likely the sugar specified in the recipe should go not only to the dough, but part of the total mass for sprinkling the buns, they are with sugar, there may be half and 2/3 of the sprinkling.
Quote: Anna2017
I decided to make "Moscow buns" according to the recipe from the book Panasonic 2512.
While the dough was being prepared, I studied other recipes on the forum with me thought crept in can what's wrong with the recipe in my oven? Share one of the owners of Panasonic 2512, can anyone tell me what the problem is?
Anna, you are partly right, the problem is not in the recipe, but in the name. The recipe you are talking about is not for buns, but for cupcake. Called "MOSCOW cake".

Here here first wrote about this cupcake.
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
Manya, this is a lot for you and me, but such recipes are often offered This is sweet and rich dough, so much is poured there, but I would definitely have stuck together something inside And the yeast will survive
No, there is a lot of this sugar for buns, since it is rolled out there and sprinkled with sugar. My grandmother always made regular dough for non-sweet pies for buns. I don’t know why pour a lot of sugar in the dough for buns, because they are rolled out and smeared with butter and sugar.
Mandraik Ludmila
SedneNatasha has already answered this
Quote: Waist
not for buns, but for cupcake. It is called "MOSCOW KEKS".
In principle, and I'm talking about this, with such the rest of the weight of the products, a glass of sugar is not a crime, charlotte is even sweeter And they put a lot of sugar in muffins ...
Buttercup, I don't put much sugar in muffins and charlotte.
Mandraik Ludmila
Svetlana, so I do not put it as in the recipe, but it is generally about the possibility of such an amount of sugar for such a quantity of products, such an amount of sugar will not kill yeast, because of this I am confused by 4 tsp. yeast, 2 is quite enough for a long proofing. I'm talking about the principle, and in particular, this is the personal choice of everyone who loves something sweeter. But not us
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
confuses 4h. l. yeast
for baking that is the norm
We are all different
My husband has a sweet tooth, and I like medium sweet. But we both love Keks Stolichny. Sweet, but always with cranberries, for me

Now I sit, rummaging through the instructions. It is not clear with the amount of yeast in the cake recipe and with the cooking program.
But I already found that in all Russian-language instructions (2501, 2502, 2510, 2511 and 2512) this cake is placed in the dough section: -, but it should be in the section for sweet pastries.

I looked in Google for the recipes "Moscow Cupcake" and "Kulich Moscow. "There are similar recipes for Easter cakes.

In GOSTs there are yeast cakes, they are considered Easter cakes.
The discussed recipe in the instructions for HP is in the test section and is prepared on the "Diet" test program.

This is probably a recipe for cake / cake dough, which can then be transferred to another mold and baked in the oven, for example. But you can also bring it to readiness in HP.

I am a longtime admirer of the Bread Maker. I really like the recipes and discussion. I have already tried many recipes. Something turned out perfectly well / I'm still the culinary specialist /.
I have had this exact bread maker for several years now. Buns tried to do as many as three times. nothing succeeded. But then I thought that I was to blame, and then all the same the stove. I calmed down on this and no longer tried to translate good.
Quote: Anna2017
Why don't you get Moskovskie buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?
Anna, there is a mistake in the recipe.
I also "blown up" on this recipe. And then on the Panasonic website I saw that this particular recipe is not working for everyone. It was several years ago and it is a shame that the manufacturers did not change the recipe in the instructions.
I put a cake / cake exactly according to the recipe right away on the "Diet Bread" program. I will show the result when ready.
Anna, Well, figured out why the dough didn't fit?
I baked it. It's a cupcake !!! There is a mistake in the name of the recipe. This yeast cake dough is prepared using the "Diet dough" program, then transferred to other forms and baked.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker? Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker? Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

I baked Diet Bread on the full program. In HP Panasonic Easter cakes are good on this program.
But the volume was large and there was not enough baking time (the inside was soggy at the end). On this program, baking is only 50 minutes, so I took it out and baked it for another 10 minutes in the oven.

Anyone interested in this recipe - I recommend correcting the name in your instructions so as not to forget.
This recipe is called "Moscow Yeast Cupcake".
PS: Tomorrow I will try to describe and show in more detail.

So, in more detail:

* Indeed, this recipe requires 4 teaspoons of instant yeast.
* During the first rise in the proofer, my dough did not rise at all, but rose only by half on the rise before baking. And about half more - during baking.
* The dome of the loaf is cracking, as it should be for a cupcake. I didn't do anything and the gap was crooked. You can try to set the direction of the dome break, cut before baking, as they do for cupcakes.
* With a large amount of sugar, this cake turned out to be not very sweet, maybe I have such sugar.
* I can't say much about the taste, I'm not a cupcake lover

More details with pictures under the spoiler.

* Prepare margarine as for other recipes - cut into 1-2 cm cubes.
Add along with the rest of the ingredients at the Start so that the dough is completely homogeneous by the end of the batch.

* For those who do not have a yeast dispenser, place as usual under or on top of flour, so that it is separate from the liquid.
For owners of Panasonic HP with a yeast dispenser: 4 tsp of dry yeast is placed in the dispenser and it looks like this:

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

* The yeast dispenser opens at the very beginning of the batch: the ingredients are slightly mixed - the yeast has spilled out.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

1) This is a muffin dough, it does not collect into a bun, so you need to use a silicone spatula to scrape off the flour from the walls and direct it a little towards the center to knead.
Dough at the end of kneading

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

2) The dough before turning on the baking, rose only by half.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

3) End of baking on the Whole Grain / Diet Bread program. I included the full program, since there was no purpose to transfer the dough to other molds.
The cupcake was not finished, the standard 50 minutes of baking according to the program was not enough. Checking with a barbecue wooden skewer - it was in a raw dough.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

4) Baked for 10 minutes in the oven, just like that in a bucket.

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

5) Result

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker? Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker? Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

6) Incision

Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker? Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker? Why don't you get Moscow buns in the Panasonic 2512 bread maker?

Mandraik Ludmila
Natasha, but will it be possible to cut it, the dough according to the pictures is soft, the cut will not tighten? It turned out beautiful, I like such breaks, but we don't eat the same cupcakes But for a general understanding, education is very useful
Buttercup, for other muffins, the dough is also about this liquid, but it's easy to hold something, at least with your finger, about 5 centimeters deep, and surprisingly, during baking, the dome opens exactly at the place of the cut, and I observed it through the glass of the oven. Although logically it should all stick together
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: Waist
during baking, the dome opens exactly at the place of the cut, and I observed this through the glass of the oven
Very interesting, I will take note, it will come in handy
I wanted to write a little about the incision, but I can't edit my posts in this thread for some reason

About muffin cuts: previously we did not make cuts on muffins, but now, in most cases, muffin dough is specially cut, to set the direction and location of the break / opening of the dome. It just looks neater and more aesthetically pleasing.

More about the recipe: the recipe for the dough is intended for baking in other forms, since there is a lot of standard cake in the initial volume of the dough for baking in HP. The muffin dough is heavy and takes longer to bake, and with such a volume, it turns out that the bottom of the loaf / muffin is baked, the photo shows that the gradient turned out - baked at the bottom, lighter at the top.
A very fried crust is normal for sweet pastries in HP.
Thank you all !!! I was pleasantly surprised that this is a Moscow yeast cake, I had never heard of this before. The question now is how long it needs to be baked in the HP and in the oven. After all, the baking of the two muffins given in the instructions is 60 minutes on mode 14.

If the cake in KHP according to mode 08 is kneaded and baked for 5 hours, then according to what mode and how long should this cake \ Moskovsky cake be baked in Panasonic 2512?
Quote: Anna2017
I was pleasantly surprised that this is a Moscow yeast cake, I had never heard of this before.
I have not heard either before, but the search returned several results, so there is such
Quote: Anna2017
After all, the baking of the two muffins given in the instructions is 60 minutes on mode 14.
In the recipe instructions for muffins, there is much less dough and it is soda, therefore: kneaded - baked.
Here, the cake is yeast and it needs to be nursed, so on the program "Diet dough" (you have No. 19), the dough is prepared, and then it must be transferred to other forms (2 standard cupcakes, for example) and baked in the oven.
Quote: Anna2017
If the cake in KHP according to mode 08 is kneaded and baked for 5 hours, then according to what mode and how long should this cake \ Moskovsky cake be baked in Panasonic 2512?
Anna, the cake according to this recipe does not bake for 5 hours.
5 hours is not baking, but the whole program: kneading, proofing with kneading and then baking for 50 minutes.
But I wrote, 50 minutes was not enough, since the Diet Bread program is intended for bread, not cake.
Bake in the oven at about 170-180 * C, 55-65 minutes. For readiness to check like a biscuit - with a skewer. Or in appearance: As soon as it starts to move away from the walls of the form - ready.

for me, this recipe, whatever you call it, is strange.
Odd by ingredients, by quantity of dough too. It seems to me that a mistake has crept in there somewhere. This recipe was conceived differently.
Can it be non-yeast? maybe there is a baking powder and a clue about yeast? Or maybe this is really a recipe for buns, only butter and sugar was put into the general recipe for a lamination?
Quote: fffuntic
only butter and sugar on the flaky stuffed into the general recipe?
I also immediately thought so, but it's better to use a cupcake, maybe we don't know how to properly separate butter and sugar
Well, let's think more:

Yes, on the Internet there are recipes for "Moskovsky" cake on baking powder. Then it becomes easier, knead on the table in a cup and bake wherever you want, however you want.
But the recipe from the instructions is being prepared on the yeast dough program.

And I already wrote, this is a lot of dough for baking with one loaf in HP.

That is, we get a lot of dough for cutting into shapes and baking ... somewhere. Even for baking in HP, I would divide by 2.

Yes, I agree, a tricky recipe.

Who has any other options?
With this recipe, the dough comes slowly due to the high sugar and oil content.
I made Easter cakes based on this recipe. 1.5 hours after kneading, nothing happens, then the dough begins to move upward. In my opinion, there is not enough time (30-40 minutes) for proofing.
To believe my guess, I kneaded the dough on this program, and let it stand on an ordinary electric heating pad in the usual forms for cake. Everything worked out.
For buns, the dough from the Panasonic recipe book turns out to be liquid, I would add flour from 2 tablespoons to 0.5 cups.

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