Pancake and Pancake Recipes
Pancake week. Lumpy first pancake?

And indeed, to whom to give the first pancake baked in honor of the great Maslenitsa celebration?

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

Very, very long ago, during the times of paganism, Maslenitsa was called Komoeditsa (or Komoeditsa). This holiday carried many sacred meanings. In addition to the main thing - the sacred holiday of the meeting of the spring granted by the sky, it also had the character of venerating the "cattle god" Veles. One of the incarnations of which was the master of the world - the Bear. The ancient Slavs believed that they descended from this huge, beautiful, intelligent and courageous animal. Therefore, they treated the bear with respect and with caution, not because he could easily tear a person apart, but because he had a divine beginning, he was the embodiment of Veles on earth. The true name of this beast with respect and reverence was replaced with euphemisms, so as not to once again incite the wrath of the deity, and therefore we know him as the Bear, Mikhail Potapych, Boss, Father, Kosolapy. But not Bera - which he really was (the den is the ber's lair), or Bura (in memory of this name, the bear now only has a color - brown). There is an assumption that the bears were also called comas. And the fact that the first pancake was taken to the komoeditsa in the forest “so that the awakened owner would eat and not come to us” is a well-known fact. Therefore, there is a version that the well-known proverb actually sounds like "the first pancake - coma", that is, bears.
It is worth noting that Mikhailo Potapych was the main character in the comedian not only in this rite. He was even ... married! With the end of Winter, the thirst for life awakens. This is symbolized by the awakening of the bear. Marriage is laying the foundation for the future development of life. New children will be born in the family. Insofar as the "bear" in this rite is considered as wisdom in life - a very important quality for any person - it is imperative to combine it with beauty and health, this is to bring Lad into life. Therefore, the most beautiful girl from the participants of the holiday is chosen as “wife” for the Bear.
There is, however, an assumption, which says that on holidays women baked coma, or ceremonial bread made from several flour mixtures: oats, peas and barley. Nuts and dried berries were added to the batch, and when the comas from the heat in the oven grew, they were like the Universe, in which the stars move away from each other, like berries and nuts diverge in baking dough. From this, allegedly, the name Komoeditsa originated.
Pancake week
For the Slavs, Maslenitsa has long been a celebration of the New Year! Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa, had ritual significance: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared up more and more brighter, lengthening the days. And according to old beliefs, it was believed: how a person meets a year, so he will be. Therefore, our ancestors did not skimp on this holiday on a generous feast and unrestrained fun. And people called Shrovetide among the people "honest", "wide", "gluttonous", and even "ruinous".
Another important complex of Maslenitsa rituals is associated with marriage and family themes, since it was believed that marriage was supposed to help awaken the earth and plant growth, to ensure the future harvest. The newlyweds were given a "show", put them to the posts at the gate and forced to kiss in full view, and women who were married for the first year were given more difficult trials: for example, they were harnessed instead of horses to a sleigh and forced to roll their friends along with songs and jokes. village.
At Shrovetide, the mother-in-law invited the young to visit and had to anoint the son-in-law's head with oil, "so that he would be affectionate and to his wife as well."
Another Shrovetide rite is the punishment of unmarried people in the form of hanging a shoe: a log was hung on the neck of a single boy or an unmarried girl, which symbolized the missing "half." With this "couple" the punished had to walk all day until evening and endure endless ridicule.
Funeral rites include burning a stuffed animal, baking pancakes, and preparing other memorial food. Such, for example, as a fish, which, due to its dumbness, was interpreted in folk culture as one of the hypostases of the souls of the dead. And snow was also considered the embodiment of the souls of the dead, so it was used for fortune-telling, and pancakes for Shrovetide were kneaded in melted snow water.
The first pancake was eaten for the repose of the souls of the ancestors who left for the Rainbow. At the same time, from the memories of them, tears welling up in the living eyes, and a lump rose to the throat. Therefore, adherents of this hypothesis about the first pancake say: "the first pancake is lumpy" means that they ate it as a ceremonial memorial dish in sorrow for the dead.
The memorial complex of rituals is also associated with the prohibitions on the performance of certain economic types of work during this period, and exclusively for women, such as spinning and weaving. These prohibitions were explained by the fear of harming the souls of dead people who were invisibly present nearby. Especially these prohibitions concerned the evening time, which is why all the evenings on Shrovetide were called saints. Violation of the ban threatened troubles and troubles not only for people, but also for livestock.
Shrovetide bonfires are also a memorial rite, since they served as a kind of invitation for deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner.
Insofar as Maslenitsa is a farewell to the past, to the obsolete, then at this time people get rid of all junk and shabby rags, and in their face - from old troubles and unpleasant experiences. In order for Winter to take it with her, the old junk is put in the fire of Morenin, and the old clothes become the clothes of her stuffed animal.
A large effigy of Morena is created and dressed up by a woman and always separately from the men. A crossbar is attached to the pole (these are the shoulders), to which the torso and arms are tied from hay and straw. Further, the girls put on old things on Morena-Zima, which the participants of the holiday brought with them in order to send old troubles with them into the ritual fire. After Morena's head was set in place, the girls drew in charcoal the nose, mouth, eyebrows and - last - the eyes. The eyes must be drawn MANDATORY closed. Morena, the Goddess of Death, should not look alive in the eyes for the time being. The participants of the holiday also hung all sorts of strings, laces, scraps, handkerchiefs, stars made of straw, wood, tow, paper on the Maslenitsa effigy. They mentally put into these objects everything that they wanted to get rid of in the coming year, everything that prevents them from moving forward in their intentions. Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
By the way Winter burns out, they wondered what the next year will be. If the Winter-Shrovetide burns for a long time, therefore, spring can happen for a long time, or things will "stall", including due to mistakes made in the previous period.
The third set of Maslenitsa ceremonies is the agricultural complex. All these ceremonies are associated not with cereals, but with fibrous - flax and hemp. These rituals include skiing down the mountains: it was believed that whoever rolled down the mountain more times or who traveled further would have more flax, so the people said that they were going to ride “on long flax”.
On Shrovetide week, the first calls of spring were made ...
And now imagine: it's the beginning of February, even before the calendar spring is even more than a month old (do not forget that even the calendar spring came 14 later for our ancestors - according to the old style), and even before the present one ... Nothing confuses? Who will stick his nose out of the house during such a period, and even with cheerful spring songs ?! The sun at this time is still weak and uncertain - where to get rage, even if only from behind a snow cloud to appear for a minute. Was it really so unbearable for our ancestors to click in the spring that they were not afraid to light fires and sing songs in February blizzards?
Shrovetide next
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Everything is much simpler. And we can still be proud of our great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers. The fact is that they celebrated Maslenitsa on March 20 (in a new style) - in day of spring equinox! It was at this time that the New Agricultural Year began, which for the Slavs-agrarians was one of the most important events in the year, and in their own lives. This is when the chants of freckles gain their magical power.
With the adoption of Christianity, the church struggled for a long time with such festivities, but could not completely get rid of them. Therefore, the timing of Maslenitsa was tied not to the solar, but to the lunar calendar, and she began to personify the conspiracy - the last week before Lent. Therefore, we celebrate it every year on different dates.
Shrovetide is a preparation for the seven weeks of Great Lent, to which believers should come with bright thoughts and a pure soul. But just as it is impossible to feed a baby with coarse food, so it is impossible to demand from parishioners that they immediately take the post, - explain the priests. You can't eat meat this week, but you can still eat fish and dairy products.
Shrovetide is called cheese week, as well as "pan-eater", "binge".
By the way, every day of this unusual week has its own name.
Monday - meeting.
Tuesday is a play.
Wednesday is gourmet.
Thursday is wide, fracture or binge.
Friday - mother-in-law's evening.
Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings.
Sunday - farewell, kissing man, forgiven day.

Were timed to each day and their own customs.
IN Monday the first pancake, baked at butter week, was placed on the dormer "for the souls of parents" with the words: "Our honest parents, here's a pancake for your darling!" In some places there was a custom to give the first pancake to the poor, so that they remembered all the dead.
In Tuesday - flirtation - mass festivities and sledding began. The youth gathered together, the girls played snowballs, and the guys arranged fistfights.
For gourmands, that is, in Wednesday, mother-in-law invited sons-in-law and wives to pancakes. This custom was especially observed in relation to the young, recently married. Surely this is where the expression "to the mother-in-law for pancakes" came from. Usually on this day "for the pleasure of the beloved son-in-law" all the local relatives gathered for a walk.
In wide Thursday the busiest tobogganing took place. The stalls were full of all kinds of delicacies. Pot-bellied samovars with velvet tea, fragrant bundles of bagels, shops with nuts and honey gingerbread, but not ordinary ones, but with patterns and inscriptions: "Whom I love, I give him", "a gift from a dear is more precious than gold." Pickles, fish, caviar - eat it all up!
And here friday - mother-in-law's evening - sons-in-law called mother-in-law for a treat. Daughters and their husbands invited their parents to teach them wisdom. Such an invitation was considered a great honor, and all neighbors and relatives usually knew about it. True, the food was very peculiar. The curiosity was that the invited mother-in-law had to send all the pancake belongings to the young people in the evening: a tagan, frying pans, a scoop and even a tub in which the pancake dough is fermented. My father-in-law sent me flour and a tub of cow's butter.
IN saturday, for the sister-in-law's gatherings, the young daughter-in-law invited relatives to her. As a rule, on the same day, a dressed up Maslenitsa - a stuffed animal made of straw - was carried on a stretcher to the end of the village and there, with songs, "buried": a big fire was made, and Maslenitsa was burned in it.
Sunday was called "forgiven". On this day, everyone visited relatives, friends and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and asked for forgiveness from each other if offended by words or deeds. Bow at the feet. And in response they hear: "I do not forgive - God forgives." They themselves ask for forgiveness and forgive from the bottom of their hearts, in order to enter Great Lent with a pure soul and bright thoughts.
Goodbye, Maslena-spinner,
Great Lent is coming,
They sit down at home for supper,
Serve from a radish tail!
Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew into the ceiling!
You are Maslena,
You are a liar
You said seven weeks
And there was only one day left.

No pancakes, no Shrovetide, no pies, no name day.In many families, pancakes were baked on Monday. The night before, when the stars appeared, the eldest woman in the family went out to the river, lake, or to the well, quietly from the others, and urged the month to look out the window and blow on the dough:
Month you are month
Your golden horns!
Look out the window
Blow on the dough!

This case was considered extremely responsible and was carried out in secret from home and outsiders.
Each housewife had her own recipe for making pancakes and kept it a secret from the neighbors. Usually pancakes were baked from buckwheat or wheat flour, large - in the whole frying pan, or with a tea saucer, thin and light. Pancake is a symbol of the sun. The same round and hot. In the heat of the heat they are served on the table. With butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms, sevruga or sturgeon - choose for every taste.
What to do, so that the first pancake is not lumpy in the modern sense of this proverb? Here are some tips.
It is better to choose cast-iron pans in which pancakes are baked. It is important that the pans are completely clean. To do this, they are put on fire, the bottom is sprinkled with salt, ignited, and then wiped with a dry, clean cloth. After such preparation, the pancakes do not burn, they easily lag behind the pan. It is better to start a special pancake pan and, once prepared, do not wash any more. Otherwise, every time, before baking pancakes, you will have to cook it.
If the dough turns out to be very thick, it must be diluted with warm milk. They do it like this: put a few spoons of dough in a bowl, stir it with the right amount of milk, and only then combine it with the bulk.
Before pouring the dough into a hot frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil or unsalted bacon. You can use a piece of cloth wrapped in gauze as a shaving brush.
Prepared pancakes are stacked, greasing each pancake with butter or ghee so that they do not cool down. It is better to use a special pancake maker for this purpose - a large ceramic dish with a hemispherical lid. But the best pancakes, of course, are hot and hot.
I wish everyone these days:
There are hiccups
Drink until dandruff
Sing until the hassle
Dance until you drop!

MASLENITSA - honest, broad, cheerful, Semikova's niece, oozing, cheese week

Shrovetide (cheese week) takes place seven weeks before Easter and falls between late February and early March.

Shrovetide was expected everywhere with great impatience. This is the funniest, most riotous and truly universal holiday. In some places, the proper meeting and proper conduct of the entire Shrovetide was taken care of from the Saturday of the previous week. In Kaluga province, starting to bake pancakes in advance, the hostess sent a boy of about 8-10 years old to “meet Shrovetide”: she gave him a pancake, with which he rode on a grip or poker around the garden and shouted:

Goodbye snotty winter!
Come, summer is red!
Sohu, harrow -
And I'll go to plow!

Since Saturday, they began to celebrate the "Small Butter Dish" in some places in the Vladimir region. Children in groups ran around the village and collected sandals, then they met those returning with purchases from the city or from the bazaar with the question "Are you taking Maslenitsa?" Those who answered "No" were beaten with bast shoes. On the same day, the guys here with special excitement rode down the mountains: there was a sign - whoever rolled further, in that family's flax would be longer.

The last Sunday before Shrove Tuesday was called "Meat Sunday". In the Vologda villages, it was customary to pay visits to relatives, friends, neighbors and invite them to Shrovetide. On "meat" Sunday, the father-in-law went to call his son-in-law "to finish the ram."

“I’m heading for cheese and butter,” says the evening before the butter show.

WHAT A DAY OF OIL RED, WHAT IS WHEAT. (Yaroslavl province.)

Shrovetide week was literally filled with festive affairs; ritual and non-ritual actions, traditional games and ventures, duties and deeds filled all the days to overflowing. There was enough strength, energy, enthusiasm for everything, since the atmosphere of utmost emancipation, universal joy and fun reigned.
Each day of Shrovetide had its own name, each had certain actions, rules of behavior, etc.

Monday - "meeting"
Tuesday - "flirt",
Wednesday - "gourmet", "revelry", "break",
thursday - "walk-four", "wide",
Friday - "mother-in-law of the evening", "mother-in-law of the evening",
Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings", "farewell",
Sunday is "forgiven day".

The whole week was called “honest, wide, cheerful. Maslenitsa boyaryn, Mrs. Maslenitsa.

According to the materials of the last century, the Shrovetide was often opened by children who built snowy mountains and swiftly uttered the following greeting to Shrovetide: “Honest Semik called the wide Shrovetide to his courtyard. My soul, Maslenitsa, quail bones, your paper body, your sugar lips, your sweet speech! Come to visit me on a wide courtyard on the mountains to ride in pancakes, lie around, have fun with your heart. Oh, my Maslenitsa, a red beauty, a fair-haired braid, thirty brothers, a sister, forty grandmothers, a granddaughter, a three-mother's daughter, a cat-yasochka, you are my quail! Come to my house to amuse yourself with your soul, to have fun with your mind, to enjoy your speech. How honest Semik rode out to meet Maslenitsa in a sleigh, in only footwear, without paws. Honest Maslenitsa, a broad boyarynya, came to Semik in the courtyard on the mountains to ride, roll in pancakes, make fun of his heart. Semik beats her with his forehead on a sled, in only footwear, without paws. How and here is the honest Maslenitsa ride on the mountains, rolled in pancakes, laughing with her heart. Semik beats her with his forehead, bows, calls to the wooden tower, to the oak table, to the green wine. Honest Maslenitsa entered, a broad boyarynya, to Semik in a wooden tower, sat down at an oak table, to a green wine. Just like she, the honest Maslenitsa, amused herself with her soul, she had fun with her mind, she had a good speech. "

After this meeting, the children run down the mountains and shout: “Maslenitsa has arrived! Shrovetide has arrived! "

In the Dmitrovsky district near Moscow, “on Monday, families with young people make a female figure with a long braid, dressed in a girl's outfit, out of rags. The figure depicts a girl; a shaving brush and a pancake are given into the hands of this figure ”- the main symbols of Maslenitsa.
No pancakes, no Shrovetide, no pies, no name day. Many families start baking pancakes on Monday. “The night before, when the stars appear, the eldest woman in the family goes out to the river, lake or to the well, quietly away from the others, and invites the month to look out the window and blow on the dough:

Month you are month
Your golden horns!
Look out the window
Blow on the dough! "

Each housewife had her own recipe for making pancakes and kept it a secret from the neighbors. Usually pancakes were baked from
buckwheat or wheat flour, large - in the whole frying pan, or with a tea saucer, thin and light. Various
spices: sour cream, eggs, caviar, smelt, etc.

At Shrovetide - the first pancake for the repose.
Indeed, the first pancake baked at Oily week is put on the dormer "for the souls of parents" with
in words:
- Our honest parents, here's a pancake for your darling!
In some places, the first pancake is given to the beggars, so that they remember all the dead.

Russian Shrovetide has always been famous for pancakes, their quality and quantity.

Guided by such sayings, they ate a huge amount of pancakes, so that many then paid for such gluttony with poor health and illnesses.

Like butter week
Pancakes flew out of the pipe!
You are my pancakes,
My pancakes! -
the hostesses and guests sang along and continued Pancake weekly gluttony.

Maslena week has come.
Was at the godfather's on pancakes.
The godfather had a sister.
The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
They gave my darling space
They looked at each other
And ... everyone ate pancakes!
So they joked and laughed at themselves.


Iron current, spring posad. (Damn in the pan.)
You drop it on your bald spot, insert it, steam it, take it out, fix it. (Pancakes are baked.) Iron banks, fish without bones, water is expensive. (Frying pan, pancake and butter.) The king-bird is sitting on golden eggs. (Frying pan on coals.)

On the first day of the holiday, children walked around the village huts, congratulated on the onset of Shrovetide and begged for pancakes.

Tin tanka,
Give me a blink
A piece of butter!
Auntie, don't be stingy
Share the butter slice!

Oh you Domnushka
Red sun!
Get up off the stove
Look into the oven, isn't it time to bake pancakes!

singing such a song under the windows, the Vladimir children entered the house and asked: "Serve a wide Maslenitsa!" If the hostess gave little, the guys ran away with the words:

Lousy pancakes
An arshin of length!

After dinner, the children gathered on the mountain and, rolling down, shouted:

Wide-faced Shrovetide,
We boast of you
We ride on the mountains
We overeat pancakes!

Adults did not lag behind the guys. In one of the first days, they also went from house to house and collected "for Maslenitsa", singing:

Shrovetide crank
Let’s spice you up!
With pancakes
With loafs,
With dumplings!
(Kursk province.)

Oh yes Shrovetide enters the yard,
Wide enters the yard!
And we girls will meet her,
And we, the Reds, will meet her!
Oh yes Shrovetide, visit a week,
Wide, visit another!
Shrovetide: "I'm afraid of fasting!"
Wide: "I'm afraid of fasting!"
"Oh yes Shrovetide, fasting is still far away,
Wide, post is even farther away! "
(Kaluga province.)

Courtyards passed
We filled the bags.
Oh, Shrovetide, deceiver!
Let's go with the horses,
They brought me from the yard

Oh, Shrovetide, deceiver!
Put on zipuns
We went to the guests,
Katy home
Move your foot
Move your foot
At a trot!
(Vladimirskaya province.)

Oh, we have made Shrovetide,
They fled, Leli, fled,

We repaired cheese and butter,
Repaired, Lely, repaired,

We covered the mountain with blinks,
Paved, Lely, paved,

They poured butter on top,
Watered, shower, watered.

The mountain is steep from cheese,
The mountain is steep, lely, the mountain is steep,

And the mountain is clear from the oil,
The mountain is clear, cherished, the mountain is clear.

And they pour snow on a pile of snow,
Pouring snow, pouring snow, pouring snow,

And our mothers call us home,
They call home, leli, they call home.

And we don't want to go home
Doesn't want, cherish, doesn't want,

We want to take a ride
Take a ride, cherish, ride,

From the top to the ear!
Before you hear, go, before you hear!

Our goru is all rolling,
All are rolling, lei, all are rolling,

Our grandmothers are grumpy
Grumpy, gruff, grumbling.

They mutter day and night,
They all mutter, cherish, all coo.

They lie on the stove, everyone talks about us,
Gogolechek, gogolechek, lelya, gogolechek!

“Who would not come to us, would not bring anything,
Gogolechek, gogolechek, lelya, gogolechek!

Or a piece of cheese, or a bar of soap. "
Gogolechek, gogolechek, lelya, gogolechek!
(Toropetsky district of Tver province.)

Children rode down the mountains on all Shrovetide days, while adults joined them later, from about Wednesday - Thursday. They rode down the mountains on sleds, on sleds, on icy matting.

A special meaning was attached to skiing from the mountains. In the old days, for example, there was a custom “for the best spinners in the family to ride from the mountains on the bottoms, and the one that rolled further, they thought, would have the best flax”.

In the Arkhangelsk province, the tradition has long been preserved for couples who got married this year to slide down the mountain at Shrovetide.
The sleigh with the newlyweds drove up to the mountain at a time when many men and single guys gathered there. As soon as the young man climbed the mountain, the men shouted: "Young so-and-so on the hill!" “She, having heard the invitation, gets out of the sleigh and, bowing to one side and the other in the field, goes to her waiting husband, bowing incessantly, and having entered the hill and having measured three low bows in one direction and sitting down to her husband on her knees, she kisses him two or three times, but the onlookers standing here, not content with such little courtesy of the newlyweds, hold the sled, saying: "More, grease it again, it will go!" - and make her kiss in this way 10 times or more and then only let them roll. Having rolled down, the young woman again kisses her husband once. " All married couples in the village must skate once.

The newlyweds' skiing from the mountains was accompanied by songs sung mainly by the girls gathered on the mountain and waiting for their turn to ride.

It is not from the mountains to the mountain that snow is pouring,
Falling snow, lyuli, falling snow.
My father-in-law looks at me, young,
The father-in-law looks, Lyuli, the father-in-law looks.

“The girls were good,
For girls, Lyuli, for girls,

Now it's worse in young women,
Young ladies, young ladies, young ladies! "

It is not from the mountains to the mountain that snow is pouring,
Falling snow, lyuli, falling snow.

My father-in-law looks at me, young,
The father-in-law looks, Lyuli, the father-in-law looks.

“The girls were bad,
For girls, Lyuli, for girls,

Worse, young women
Young ladies, young ladies, young ladies! "

Snow is not being poured from the mountains to the mountain,
Pouring snow, lyuli, pouring snow,

A man looks at me, young,
A man looks, Lyuli, a man looks.

“The girls were good,
For girls, Lyuli, for girls,

Better than that in young women,
Young ladies, young ladies, young ladies. "
(Toropetsky district.)

As a rule, unmarried young people are actively involved in skiing from the mountains and on horseback from Wednesday. In general, riding in troikas in a race, to songs and an accordion, with jokes, kisses and hugs is a typical Russian Shrovetide entertainment, in which only babies and old people who did not leave the house took part.

I will harness the black horse,
I will plant a young godfather.
Happy Shrovetide
Stretch out longer!

Girls, the oil can goes,
Who will take us for a ride?
At Petruni outside the yard
Sivka disappears.

I rolled about the oil can,
I broke three sledges,
The crow tortured the horse,
And he drove the cutie.

Don't kiss me on the street -
Kiss me in the entryway!
Don't kiss me in the entryway
Kiss on the sleigh ride!

A number of Shrovetide customs were aimed at speeding up weddings, helping single youth find a mate.

For example, the Kostroma residents "elected girls" - dragged the harrow along the houses to make it easier for the girls to get married. In the Ostrogozhsky district of the Voronezh province. women tied decks to unmarried guys - this is a comic punishment for not marrying a past meat eater. From the deck and from rather frank ridicule, I had to pay off with wine, pancakes, sweets.

Most of all attention and honors are paid to Shrovetide to newlyweds. Tradition requires that they, smartly, went "to the people" in painted sleighs, paid visits to everyone who walked at their wedding; so that solemnly, with songs, they rolled down the icy mountain. The young couple had to take part in the custom, which is known as "Pillars". “This custom consists in the fact that young people, dressed in their best suits (usually in the same ones in which they got married), stand in rows (“ pillars ”) on both sides of the village street and publicly show how much they love each other; while shouting: "Gunpowder on the lips!" - and offer to kiss. "Show how you love!" <...> Some cheated reveler will make such a full-fledged joke that the young one will blush like a poppy flower <...> "Pillars" last an hour, then they go for a drive. "

In the Tver province. “A harrow and a sleigh are brought to a young woman who has married during the past year. The young woman had to buy out the sheliga.

If the young woman buys out a shelyga, puts out a treat, then she will go for a walk on a sleigh, and if she is stingy, she will go on a harrow. "

The residents of Vladimir had their own custom: in the morning they dragged their young husband out into the street and threw snow at him, or even buried him in the snow (they said: "Let's go bury the young sons!"). The wife had to ransom her husband, bring a treat to the "burrowers" and kiss her husband as many times as they asked.

The traditional Vyatka "tselovnik" took place on Shrovetide Saturday, when "a partying village youth goes to kiss young people who are married to the first Shrovetide ... A young woman brings a bucket of beer to each of the guests, and he, after drinking, kisses her three times."


However, the most important event associated with newlyweds and celebrated throughout Russia was the visit of the mother-in-law by the sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and arranged a real feast (if the son-in-law was to their liking, of course).A huge number of proverbs, sayings, songs are dedicated to this custom (mostly comic anecdotes, etc. In some places, "mother-in-law's pancakes" took place at "gourmets", that is, on Wednesday during Shrove Tuesday, but could coincide with Friday.


It was at the mother-in-law
Seven sons-in-law:
Homka son-in-law,
And Pakhomka's son-in-law,
And Grishka's son-in-law,
And Gavryushka is a son-in-law,
And Makarka's son-in-law
And Zakharka's son-in-law
Zyatushka Vanyushka -
Miles of all sons!

And she became a mother-in-law
To plant jokes at the table.
Homka sat down
And Pakhomka sat down,
And Grishka sat down,
And Gavryushka sat down,
And Makarka sat down,
And Zakharka sat down,
"Zyatushka Vanyushka,
Go sit here! "

Mother-in-law became
To regale with wine:
Homke a glass,
And Pakhomka a glass,
And Grishka a glass,
And a glass to Gavryushka,
And Makarka a glass,
And Zakharka a glass,
Zyatyushka Vanyushka -
A glass of wine!

And she became a mother-in-law
Call the guests.
Homka goes
And Pakhomka goes
And Grishka goes,
And Gavryushka goes
And Makarka goes
And Zakharka goes.
"Zyatushka Vanyushka,
Come quickly! "

Mother-in-law became from sons-in-law
To steal money:
From Homka - chop,
And from Pakhomka - chop,
And from Grishka - chop,
And from Gavryushka - chop,
And from Makarka - chop,
And from Zakharka - chop,
From Vanyushka's son-in-law -
A couple of silver!

Became a mother-in-law
To see off the sons-in-law:
And Homke - in the neck,
And Pakhomka - in the neck,
And Grishka - in the neck,
And Gavryushka - in the neck,
And Makarka - in the neck,
And Zakharka - in the neck,
And son-in-law Vanyushka -
For the holy hair!

Oh, you chickens, chickens,
Young cochets,
You are golden combs!
Don't you sing early
Don't wake up your son-in-law.
The son-in-law walks with the mother-in-law,
Tesha tortures her son-in-law:
"What are you son-in-law, son-in-law,
Dear son of the guest,

Tell me the whole truth
What is sweeter in the world:
Ali father-in-law, ali mother-in-law,
Ali is a young wife,
Ali dear mother? "
"Sweet mother-in-law - for greetings,
A young wife - for advice,
And my dear mother
A mile to the whole world. "


The mother-in-law baked a pie about her son-in-law.
Salt and flour - for four rubles,
Sugar-raisins - for eight rubles,
This pie got up - twelve rubles.
The mother-in-law thought about everyone about the guests -
The son-in-law sat down - and ate the pie at a sitting.
Mother-in-law walks around the gorenka,
She looks at Mila at her son-in-law:
“How did you not get torn apart, son-in-law?
How did you, my darling, not bring you like a mountain? " -
"Cut, break my mother-in-law,
My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.
Come on, mother-in-law, take it to me.
I have a lot of beer and wine about my mother-in-law,
There are also three clubs about the mother-in-law:
The first club is birch,
The second cudgel is spruce,
The third club is an aspen one. "
(Nizhny Novgorod province.)

If on Wednesday the sons-in-law were visiting their mother-in-law, then on Friday the sons-in-law organized “mother-in-law evenings” - they were invited to pancakes. "A former boyfriend, who played the same role as at the wedding, also showed up and received a gift for his troubles." The invited mother-in-law (there was also such a custom) "had to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes": a tagan, frying pans, a ladle, a tub for dough, and the father-in-law sent a bag of buckwheat and cow's butter. "Disrespect of the son-in-law for this custom was considered dishonor and insult and was the reason for eternal enmity between him and his mother-in-law." Since Thursday, which was called "wide" for a reason, the Pancake week was unfolding in full swing. The whole world, as participants or active, interested spectators, went to fistfights, the construction and capture of a snowy city, to horse racing.

Pancake week went out into the street,
Roll up the hill, fight the guys!
The guys are fools, they pressed their fists
Everyone pressed their fists on Shrovetide!
(Yaroslavl province.)

The central figure nevertheless turned out to be Maslenitsa itself - a doll made of straw, which was dressed up in a caftan, a hat, girded with a sash, shoes in bast shoes, seated on a sled and carried up the mountain with songs: they met Maslenitsa.

Our guest is Maslenitsa,
Avdotyushka Izotyevna,
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,
The braid is long, triarshine,
Scarlet ribbon, two-half,
White shawl, new-fashioned,
Black eyebrows, pointed,
The fur coat is blue, the swallows are red,
Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,
White footcloths, unbleached!
(Moscow region.)

Our Shrovetide is annual,
Our Maslenitsa is annual!

Our Shrovetide is annual,
She is a dear guest

She is a dear guest
She doesn't come to us,

She doesn't come to us,
Everything rides on clods,

Everything rides on clods!
So that the bunks are black

So that the bunks are black
To keep the servants young!
Hello Maslenitsa!
(Pskov province.)

Shrovetide youth accompanies Maslenitsa. Most often they dress up as gypsies. Sometimes a woman depicting Maslenitsa, who was spinning butter at the spinning machine, sat in a sleigh next to the Scarecrow-stuffed.

In the Poshekhonskoe village of Davshino (Yaroslavl province), the Maslenitsa train looked like this: “ten horses or more are harnessed to a large carriage of their needlework prepared for that purpose: the horses are harnessed by the goose one after another; on each of them, they plant a top in rags, torn from head to toe, all stained with soot; one top holds a large whip of his product, the other holds a broom; everywhere and even on their necks they hang cow bells and all kinds of rattles; a matted wagon, eyelids) soiled, hung with brooms, as if they were being humiliated with pearls, and a drunken man, also stained with soot and in tattered rags, doused with beer, was put into it; beside him stands a keg with beer, opposite him - an open chest with food supplies - pies, fish, eggs, pancakes and yarn. " The train, with laughter and jokes from fellow villagers, drove through the entire village and then went to the neighboring village.

In Siberia, the Maslenitsa train was created in its own way: "Guys", having prepared a straw effigy with male attributes and dressed up in a "man's" dress, were seated in a special carriage made up of two or three sledges tied in a row; they harnessed one horse each; an empty barrel was placed in the front of the sled, next to it was a table with a snack, empty bottles and wine glasses; a pole was erected in the middle (9-10 arshins in height), a wheel was put on it at a certain elevation, and a scarecrow was tied to it in a sitting position, with a piece of cow's butter and a bottle with glasses tied to it; a trough was placed on the same carriage. "

Oh, Shrovetide-crank,
Let’s spice you up!
Cheese, butter, roll
And a baked egg!

Madam our Maslenitsa!
Stretch out until the great of the day
From the great day
Until Petrov's Day!

On Sunday, the "forgiven day", they arranged the farewell to Maslenitsa. Sutra children collected firewood for the fire to burn Shrovetide:

Elnik, bereznik
On a clean Monday!
Maybe not firewood -
Aspen firewood,
Birch firewood!
Serve them here
On Shrovetide,
To the burner!

In the villages near Moscow, on Sunday, young people in a sleigh with an effigy of Maslenitsa rode through the village until dark, with songs and noise. And late in the evening I went to the winter and here burned a scarecrow on a prepared fire.

Kaluga girls and women play a whole performance - the funeral of Maslenitsa: “They make a doll with hands out of straw, put on a woman's shirt and sundress, and put a scarf on her head. In this form, this doll depicts Shrovetide. Then one woman will be dressed up with a priest, they will put on her in the place of a vestment and in her hands they will give her a residue imposed on a rope - in place of the censer. Two of the participants in the ceremony take Shrovetide by the arms and, accompanied by the crowd, under the leadership of the "priest", set off on their way from one end of the village to the other, while singing various songs. When the procession sets out on the way back, then Shrovetide is put on sticks instead of a stretcher, covered with a diaper. Having reached the end of the village, the procession stops. Here the Shrovetide doll is stripped, torn apart and tousled. During the procession with Shrovetide, the "pop", waving a censer, shouts "Hallelujah!" then they sing songs. "

Goodbye, Shrovetide,
Great fast is coming.
Everyone arrived in the village,
Herring's tail is served!
Like oil week
Pancakes flew into the ceiling!
And them!
You are Maslenitsa, you are a liar,
She spoke for seven weeks, but only one day remained!
(Kalinin region)

Goodbye Shrovetide
Goodbye red!
Great fast is coming,
They will give us a radish tail.
But we don't take radish,
A cat for the ears!

She deceived us, you cheat!
She left us For sour kvass,
For lean cabbage soup,
For hungry grubs.

Ay, Maslenitsa,
Brought to the post -
She ran away herself!
Shrovetide, come back!
Show yourself in the new year!
(Vladimirskaya province.)

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Semyonov's niece,
I deceived, I spent
She didn't let me walk.
After seven weeks
There will be a bright day
We will hallow Easter,
We will paint eggs
Hurrah! (Yaroslavl province.)

And oily, oily polysuha!
Licked pancakes and stacks, -
On the plates.
And we saw off our butter,
They sighed heavily for her.
“And oily, oily turning,
Stretch out until the Great Day! "
(Kursk province.)

Maslena week
I flew to Rostov,
She sat down on a stump,
I ate the old lady
I ate another
I jogged home.

Shrovetide is tanned
The whole world is tired of
I deceived, spent,
The year did not live
Brought to the post.
She walked aside to us,

Along the back streets, back streets,
Carried pancakes with cast iron,
Tore up their bellies!
I baked pancakes
Itself devoured everything,
And we have a radish tail
Gave it to the post!
Walked merrily
She played songs
She stretched out to the post, -
Burn, Satan!
(Vladimirskaya province.)

A lot of people always gathered around the Shrovetide fire, it was fun, many songs sounded. They said goodbye to Maslenitsa both jokingly and seriously. Throwing straw into the fire, the children diligently repeated:

Shrovetide, goodbye!
Come again for that year!

The youth behaved more violently and shouted: - Get out, torn old woman, dirty! Get out while I'm safe!

They threw pancakes into the fire - "Burn, pancakes, burn, Pancake week!"; the guys, smeared with soot, tried to stain others, first of all, of course, the girls, and with them the mother-in-law - "Mother-in-law, Lyuli, fry pancakes!"


And on the eve of Great Lent, trying to cleanse themselves from everything sinful, people asked each other for forgiveness. With the same purpose, on forgiveness Sunday, they went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves and worshiped the ashes of their relatives.

Awesome! here is a forum. I'm glad I was able to register. Good luck to everyone and with the OIL!
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?


Girls! Happy first day of the carnival!
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Condensed milk
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Girls, congratulations on the start of Shrovetide!
This is the second day of a glorious week!
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

Maslenitsa week

Wide Pancake Week - Cheese Week!
You came smartly to meet Spring with us.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... Coming "A MEETING».
Bright sled slides slide.
Fun all day. Evening is coming ...
Having rolled to their fill, they eat all the pancakes.

«PLAY» careless - Tuesday joy.
All went out for a walk, frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
Sweet and rosy pancake pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY fits - "LACOMKOY"Is called.
Each hostess conjures by the stove.
Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table!

And in THURSDAY - free "RUN”Comes.
Ice fortresses, snow battles ...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

FRIDAY has come - "EVENINGS at the mother-in-law»...
Mother-in-law invites son-in-law to pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,
We ate with sour cream, honey, and butter.

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.
The holiday continues, the general fun.
Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

SUNDAY light comes quickly.
Ease the soul of all in "FORGIVEN DAY».
Straw stuffed animal - Zimushka - is burned,
Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ...

Lush festivities The fair is crowned.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet the Beauty again.
We will celebrate again, treat with pancakes!
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

Pancake week. So they are alive
Once we walk, we will live
And overeat pancakes
Have fun and love.
Let's go for a ride down the hill
Sadness - we will drive away sadness,
Let's say goodbye to the winter
You can't help her anymore!
Let the fire burn in half the sky
Straw head
Throw in the fire soon
From love, old firewood.
Udaly dance Russian
Whirl to the accordion ...
We are parting with Shrovetide!
Where are you there spring? Wake up!

Today is forgiven Sunday! I apologize to everyone!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
I wish everyone to sit down at the table,
Pancakes with caviar to eat.
Burn a woman, spend the winter!
Please forgive me for everything!


Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Natalia K.

Monday, first day "Meeting"
“Vstrecha” was the name of the first day of Maslenitsa, when guests were welcomed and pancakes were baked. The first pancakes were always given to the poor to commemorate the dead. Children built snow slides, on which they rode until exhaustion, walked around the courtyards and shouted: - "Give a radish tail to Shrovetide, to the Great Lent." They shouted and did not leave until they were taken out with old things, rags from which they made a woman "Shrovetide", hair was made of straw and braided into a long braid. In the hands of "Maslenitsa" was a shaving brush and a pancake. On this day, the father-in-law and mother-in-law came to visit the matchmakers. The youth arranged noisy sleigh rides from the ice slides, the further the sleigh rolled, the better the harvest was expected. The most famous slides were built at the beginning of the 19th century in St. Petersburg by the merchant Podoznikov, which reached a height of twenty-six meters. These slides were built opposite the Senate on the Neva. Riding down such a slide cost 1 kopeck.
Friends, girlfriends! Happy Shrovetide !!!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Today FORGIVEN RESURRECTION! I apologize to all members of the forum if I unintentionally offended someone.
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Peace be with you bakers!

I apologize to everyone I offended inadvertently
what an inadequate post, or what a filthy picture

Happy Shrovetide !!!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

I ask everyone for forgiveness whom I offended.
I apologize to everyone
And I bow low before you,
Whom have led into some kind of sin,
Whom she offended with words.

Ask for forgiveness on sunday
So in Russia it is customary.
Forgive us if we have sinned
And we have forgiven you a long time ago.

May the Lord reward you
Happy Maslenitsa day
Let the thirst for money quench
And take away bad weather.

Irishka CH
All, all with Forgiveness Sunday !!!
And I apologize to everyone!
Dear forum users! With a wide carnival!
Forgive me everyone whom I inadvertently offended !!!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
With a wide carnival, my dears!

And forgive everyone, everyone, everyone ...

A. Dementyev

I forgive everyone who cannot be forgiven.
Who paved my roads with slander.
The Lord taught: “Do not be strict with your neighbors.
The earth will reconcile you all the same. "
I forgive those who are kind words
He spoke to me, not believing in them at all.
And yet, no matter how bitter it was for me,
My credulity was right.
I forgive everyone who wished me harm.
But I did not indulge my soul with revenge.
Because in battles he is also not sinless.
An arrow found someone mine.
Congratulations on the OILER !!!
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
On Holy this Sunday for everyone, for everyone SORRY !
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
I apologize to everyone
And I bow low before you,
Whom have led into some kind of sin,
Whom she offended with words.
Who am I giving a reason
Think about me with condemnation
Whom she secretly led into temptation
With its appearance or movement.
Who could not answer
Mutual friendship or love,
Who in trouble did not help,
Whose wounds were bleeding
I apologize to everyone
Whom I didn't have time to help
For those who caused laughter
When I was inept.
I apologize to you too,
Who threw stones at me
When I fell more than once
And they didn't give me a hand.
I ask my enemies to forgive me
Though I don't consider you enemies.
I do not want to take revenge on you in anything
And I dream of seeing you as friends.
I ask forgiveness from the Creator,
That I love his children a little,
I ask Heavenly Father
May He give me more love for them!

Girls, boys !!! Excuse me!!!
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Residents of our forum, I beg your pardon!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
I apologize to everyone
And I bow low before you,
Whom have led into some kind of sin,
Whom she offended with words.
To whom did I give a reason
Think about me with condemnation
Whom she secretly led into temptation,
With its appearance or movement.
To whom I could not answer,
Mutual friendship or love,
Who in trouble did not help,
Whose wounds were bleeding
I apologize to everyone
Whom I didn't have time to help
For those who caused laughter
When I was inept.
I apologize to you too,
Who threw stones at me
When I fell more than once
And they didn't give me a hand.
I ask my enemies to forgive me
Although I don't consider you enemies,
I don't want to take revenge on you,
And I dream of seeing you as friends.
I ask forgiveness from the Creator,
That I love his children a little,
I ask Heavenly Father
May He give me more love for them!
Dear forum users, friends and girlfriends! Excuse me. if something was wrong, if she was harsh, inattentive to someone, she said something wrong. Let's continue to live together, helping each other in everything, loving this forum, where we communicate so warmly!
With a wide Shrovetide you!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
And from all my heart I ANSWER: “GOD FORGIVE! And I FORGIVE! "
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Start the morning with a kind word,
Ask your loved ones for forgiveness
Forgive everyone, it's not difficult
Us on Forgiveness Sunday!

Wish all people happiness
More strength, health, luck,
On this day, on this bright holiday -
Forgiveness Sunday!

Your Admin-Tatiana
Natalia K.
Dear friends!!! I apologize to everyone if I offended anyone by word or action!

Friends baker-culinary pardon me
I forgive and may God forgive you all.
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Olga from Voronezh
God has forgiven and I forgive everyone.
For Christ's sake, forgive me!
I apologize to everyone
And I bow low before you,
Whom have led into some kind of sin,
Whom she offended with words.

Ask for forgiveness on sunday
So in Russia it is customary.
Forgive us if we have sinned
And we have forgiven you a long time ago.

May the Lord reward you
Happy Maslenitsa day
Let the thirst for money quench
And take away bad weather.

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Forgive me, please, everyone who inadvertently offended.
God will forgive and I forgive.

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Forgive me everyone! Suddenly, and I unintentionally offended someone.
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

Who offended - forgive! Not on purpose, but through thoughtlessness!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Irina Dolars
Better late than never

Forgive me if, willingly or not, I offended any of you ...
Please accept my sincere remorse ...

God will forgive you all, and I forgive

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Maslenitsa came to visit us,
With a wonderful pancake flavor.
Throw away all your sorrows
Let prosperity into your home.

We wish you well and peace,
All plans for an early accomplishment.
So that fate keeps you from troubles,
And to have a mood.

And may you Shrovetide today
Will give you happiness and luck.
And you fried her pancake
Present with respect.

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Natalia K.
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa with us!
And of course Russian pancakes,
And spring is just around the corner
We are waiting for the coming of spring!
We dedicate ourselves today
Reconciliation with fellow people,
We promise God to repentance,
The Great Fast is waiting for us ahead!

Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?
Pancake week. Who is the first pancake?

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