Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)

Category: Sourdough bread
Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)


hop cones
honey (sugar)
Rye flour
Wheat flour
rolled oats (oatmeal)
unrefined sunflower oil

Cooking method

  • Once I went to the store for rye flour and saw oat flour on sale, I decided to buy and try to add a little bit to rye bread. Then the idea came to my mind to bake bread from oat flour with sourdough, again from oatmeal. I tried a couple of times to make a sourdough from oatmeal, but for some reason the process did not go. So I decided to try to make bread with rye sourdough. I went back to the store to buy oatmeal, but the trace of it was gone, I could not find it. As a result, I decided to buy the cheapest oatmeal and grind them at home with a blender, as it turned out later they pray very simply and quickly. In the future, he stopped grinding oats into flour, and baked bread directly from the flakes themselves. Next, I will describe a detailed process for preparing rye sourdough and baking bread from rolled oats. There is already a recipe for hop sourdough from rye flour on the forum, I will give one more example of how you can make such a sourdough and describe how I store it.
  • I bake the bread in the oven, knead and cook the dough with my hands (without a hopper), bake it in a standard bread pan (L7, 220x110x115mm) or in a cast iron pot.
  • So let's go ...
  • Leaven.
  • Sourdough preparation will take 4 days (I got 4 days + 8 hours).
  • To prepare the starter culture, we need:
  • - hop cones
  • - honey (sugar)
  • - Rye flour
  • - water (filtered or bottled).
  • The sourdough is prepared once, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for as long as you want, only once every 1-2 weeks it needs to be fed, but more on that below.
  • We put 2 tablespoons of hop cones into a thermos, pour a glass (250 ml) of boiling water and leave for several hours, then drain the infusion through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, squeezing out the hops (I poured the hops in the afternoon at about 14.00, poured in the evening - about 22.00) and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Next, add 1.5 tablespoons of honey or sugar to the jar with the cooled infusion of hops (it is better to add your own honey, homemade, the purchased honey can contain all kinds of additives that inhibit the fermentation process) and mix well. Then pour in the rye flour, stirring until the consistency of sour cream (not too thick, but not liquid).
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • After kneading, it would be nice to wrap the jar in a towel and put it in a warm place until the mass ferments (until bubbles appear). This can take 12 hours or even more days (depending on the temperature in the place where the bank is). On average, focus on the day. I put it in a cabinet behind the wall of which a riser with hot water passes, so the temperature in the cabinet is quite high (25-27 degrees). Because of this high temperature, the fermentation process is going very well.
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • In the morning (about 12 hours have passed after the kneading) I checked the future sourdough - the sourdough process started (small bubbles appeared, which could be seen through the jar).
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • After another 12 hours (that is, one day after kneading), the leaven looked like this (in a day it rose 2 times and dropped, the consistency became thinner, the smell was not very pleasant):
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Now you need to feed the starter culture (add rye flour to the consistency of sour cream) and put it back in a warm place:
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • The sourdough in another day (rose 2 times, all in bubbles, covered with a crust on top, the smell changed - it became more sour):
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • We mix the contents of the jar (so that the bubbles come out), add water (one third of the volume of the contents of the jar), mix everything well. Then add rye flour, mixing everything well until the consistency of sour cream and again in a warm place.
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Sourdough in a day (rose 3 times, all in bubbles, the smell became sour, leavening):
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Let's feed the leaven once more for faithfulness, so that it gains strength. We mix the contents of the jar (so that the bubbles come out), add water (one third of the volume of the contents of the jar), mix everything well. After adding the water, the sourdough became too much and I poured half of it. Then add rye flour, mixing everything well until the consistency of sour cream and again in a warm place.
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Here's what happened to the leaven after 5 hours:
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • A day after feeding (during the day the leaven rose more than 2 times and dropped, the smell became sour, pleasant, leavening):
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • In total, it took me time to make the sourdough ... Brewing hops in a thermos - 8 hours. Sourdough production - 4 days (hop infusion + sugar + flour - day; sourdough + flour - day; sourdough + water + flour - day; sourdough + water + flour - day).
  • We take part of the sourdough for making bread, and the rest can be stored in the refrigerator. Since the leaven is "young", then for the preparation of 1 loaf you need to take somewhere half a glass of the leaven. In the future, when storing the starter in the refrigerator, it becomes stronger and 1-2 tablespoons of the starter will be enough to prepare 1 loaf.
  • Storage of starter culture. Before you put the resulting starter culture for storage in the refrigerator, you need to feed it - add a third of the volume of the leaven of water, add flour, mix everything to the consistency of sour cream. Cover the jar with a rag (gauze) and put it in the refrigerator. So the leaven can be stored forever, it is only necessary to feed it once every 1-2 weeks (that is, add water to a third of the leaven volume, add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream).
  • It will sometimes be useful not to put the jar in the refrigerator after one of these feedings, but after covering it with a rag, just leave it on the table for 12 hours (for example, overnight). During this time, the leaven "eats" all the flour, gaining strength. After that, feed her again (water + flour) and put in the refrigerator. However, this procedure is not necessary, and without it the leaven works fine, but it will not be harmful. For 4 years of storage of such a leaven, I did this no more than 10 times.
  • If you have very little sourdough left, you can dilute it with water (add more), add flour to the consistency of sour cream and also leave it overnight. Then in the morning, feed again (water + flour) and put in the refrigerator. If, on the contrary, it becomes too much, then you can simply throw out some of it.
  • Also, the starter culture can be stored dry (up to 5 years). More about this here (thanks to Tatiana).
  • In the future, before baking bread, it is advisable to remove the required amount of sourdough from the refrigerator and stand at room temperature for several hours to make it more active. For example, at lunchtime I put 1-2 tablespoons in a mug, cover it with a rag and leave it until the evening, in the evening I prepare a dough, and in the morning I knead the dough and bake bread. This procedure is also optional, but it is advisable to do so, because after that the leaven becomes "stronger".
  • Preparation of the shutter.
  • To prepare the shutter, we need:
  • - leaven
  • - rolled oats (oatmeal)
  • - water.
  • Half a glass of "young" sourdough (if the sourdough is "old", then you can do with 1-2 tablespoons) pour water (I took 600 ml), mix everything well, then add the rolled oats. Since the oatmeal absorbs water well, then we must mix the shutter with a sufficiently liquid consistency, we take the oatmeal a little less than the volume of added water (i.e., if I added 600 ml of water, then pour 500 ml of oatmeal). We cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 12 hours (I put it at night).
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • In the morning (sour smell, bubbles come out when stirring):
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • We knead the dough.
  • To prepare the dough, we need:
  • - shutter
  • - oat flour (optional)
  • - hercules
  • - Wheat flour
  • - water
  • - salt
  • - unrefined sunflower oil
  • After 12 hours, knead the dough. At this stage, you can add anything you want - seeds, nuts, raisins, bran, spices, etc. Next, I will give an example of how I make bread, you can add your own ingredients.
  • And so ... in 100 ml of water, stir the salt to taste (I add a teaspoon), pour it into the shutter, there is also 2 tbsp. tablespoons of unrefined sunflower oil (sometimes I add cold-pressed olive), 1 cup of oatmeal and mix everything well. Oatmeal is optional, but I think the bread will rise better. If there is no oatmeal, you can grind the oatmeal with a blender.
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Then pour in the oatmeal, stirring everything well. It should be taken into account that the flakes absorb water well, so the batch should be made not very thick, that is, it can even be said liquid, and we leave it all for 20-30 minutes so that the oatmeal absorbs water (I got 330 grams of oatmeal).
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • After 20 minutes, add wheat flour through a sieve and finally knead the dough (I got 2 glasses of flour). The dough should not be too thick (otherwise the bread will turn out to be dense) and not too liquid, in general it will come with experience ...
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • We dump the dough on a floured table and, so to speak, form it, I knead as shown in the photo, bending the edges, I do not mix it for long, about 5 minutes:
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Then I knead the dough into a rectangle, roll it up, put it in a mold (oiled) and moisten it with water on top:
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • Oatmeal dough turns out to be "heavy", therefore it rises longer than wheat or rye. For 2-3 hours, the dough should rise 1.5-2 times.
  • Dough in an hour and two, respectively:
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)
  • We put in an oven preheated to 250 grams and bake according to the scheme - 250 degrees - 25 minutes, 200 degrees - 25 minutes, 175 degrees - 35 minutes. Then we take out the bread from the mold and at 175 degrees for 10 minutes into the oven. Eat as it cools. The bread is quite dense, not sticky, very satisfying.
  • Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven) Herculean bread on hop sourdough from rye flour from scratch (in the oven)

How much work and patience is needed to create such a miracle?)
very beautiful and unusually natural bread) thank you
Inna, heh, it was more work to take a picture of all this, well, and a bit of patience when creating the leaven, but then I did it once and then along the knurled
Described sensibly. But the bread has stopped. But the work is worthy. I can imagine how long it took for the recipe. Thanks for the science.
Larissa, we can stand a bit, I wanted to get up more
Denis, good afternoon! Thank you so much for such a detailed recipe! Today I finished removing your sourdough, everything worked out, hurray!
Question: did I understand correctly that in conclusion (before putting it in the refrigerator), we add rye flour to the leaven, and wheat flour to the one in the refrigerator (for feeding)?
Daryansk, Hello! In principle, it does not matter what kind of flour this and that will work. But I would still add wheat

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