Hello to all those seeking, choosing and doubting!
Literally 2 days ago, I purchased this model of a bread machine. Hurrah! The first field (more precisely, tabletop) tests will be carried out tomorrow. If you get something edible and watchable, I will post comparative photos later, but for now I want to share technical information on this model. On the Yandex market, it is confused, here it is incomplete ( ), and on the official Russian Panasonic website there are no instructions for this model at all. To correct this drawback, I first of all compared the tablets with the programs of the SD2510 and such a common model as the SD2500.
Differences between programs from the Russian version of SD2500: (leveling / kneading / lifting / baking / total)
02 - basic low-yeast bread: 30-60min. / 15-30min. / 2h 40min-2h 50min / 50-55min / 4h 50min-4h 55min
05 - basic bread with filling: 30-60min. / 10-30min. / 1h.45min.-2h.10min. / 50-55min. / 4h.-4h.05min.
16 (dough) basic low-yeast bread: 30-50 min. / 15-30 min. / 1 ​​h. 45 min.-2 h. 10 min. / TOTAL 2 h. 50 min.
18 (dough) main bread with filling: 30-50 min. / 10-30 min. / 1 ​​h. 05 min.-1 h. 20 min. / TOTAL 2 h. 20 min.
The rest of the programs are absolutely identical.
It is noteworthy that the European version of the SD2500 (I downloaded the instructions in English from the English version of the official Panasonic website) also lacks these functions, but there are:
08 - Italian bread: 30min-1h / 10-15min / 2h 25min-3h / 50min / 4h 30min
09 - Sandwich: 1h-1h 40min / 15-25min / 2h 10min-2h 50min / 50min / 5h
10 - brioche (a sweet bun made from butter dough with brewer's yeast, judging by the data of the Internet): 30min. / 25-45min. / 1h.25min. / 50min. / 3h.30min. Well, and a program for the dough of this roll.
What an injustice !!! I don't want a Frenchman, I want an Italian and a sweet bun. In general, we still need to work on this, try, chew, experiment ... So for now I say goodbye. I would be glad if the information helps someone when choosing
Dear sazalexter! I read the topic you recommended, but it is devoted to models 2500, 2501, 2502 and I did not find information on the differences between the 2510 in it. This made it difficult for me to choose and my stove was almost taken from under my nose in the store. Actually, to facilitate the choice of others, I made this topic.
First impressions report))
In standard mode, the bread came out the first time. True, the bun tried to run away along the wall (while I was pondering how much flour to pour on it, the batch was over), but everything was baked perfectly. The merits and demerits of this mode have probably been highlighted many times in the topics on the SD-2500. From myself I will only add that the bread turned out to be a little sweetish (although I took sugar strictly according to the instructions), certainly tasty, but my sick stomach took it without undue delight (unlike relatives and friends).
And then I baked a loaf (size M) in a “low-yeast” mode “unique” for this model. And I took the recipe with the addition of rye flour and, mindful of its "harmfulness", used a little more yeast than in the instructions. In general, with agony, after the previous attempt to escape the kolobok, I overdid it a little. Wet spatulas are unscientific, and in general it is better to aim with a disposable syringe, so the flaw was quickly corrected. The result is a very neat bun with a nice crust. The pulp is denser than the "main" (I think not so much because of the yeast, but because of the rye flour), but rather porous. Baked well. But the main thing is that I could not resist, for the night I ate a hefty fresh and crispy crust, and my bad stomach for once and for all reacted to this absolutely philosophically !!!
The number of experiments is clearly not enough, but something is already obvious: 1) the bread maker is a friend of man; 2) if the family is large and impatient - take SD 2500 and do not bother, the verified program forgives small shoals; 3) if you have stomach problems and a difficult relationship with excess yeast - be sure to look for the SD2510! Baking takes longer, but it's worth it !!!
P.S.Do not pay attention to the jams on the crumb - the bread was baked perfectly, it was just that the knife was crappy and stupid to boot.
Bread Maker Panasonic 2510 Bread Maker Panasonic 2510
Good afternoon. Just registered and immediately a question. My bread maker on program 13 bakes not the prescribed 60 minutes, but 30 minutes. The cupcake is naturally raw. She put it in the oven to bake.
Can anyone suggest what the problem is?
In model 2510, this mode is baking, where the time is set with buttons from the timer. See the instructions on page 21 (baking cupcakes) - there is a 14th program in the figure, but for 2510 it is the thirteenth.
Good afternoon, happy owners of bread makers. I would like to share my modest experience in baking egg bread on program 1. I really wanted to bake this bread, but no milk powder was found at home. I decided to replace it with regular milk. Since water for the M loaf needed 230 ml, I took 100 ml of milk and 130 ml of water. That's what I did.
Bread Maker Panasonic 2510
Yesterday baked for the first time on this bread maker, no problem. Everything worked out. Well, the truth is, I already have experience with another bread maker for about three years.
Hello everyone! The second week I have been reading this forum and finally yesterday I got my first HB-Panasonic 2510.
There are a lot of questions))) And it's very good that there is a separate topic for a specific model. all the same, they are all a little different (for beginners, as I am for sure)))) I just baked 2 breads in a row yesterday and (it's just some kind of magic) they both turned out)))) I took recipes from the topics on the forum, of course.
The first bread is just wheat, the second is wheat rye (320/80).
Now the question is, since this model does not have the RYE mode and, accordingly, there is no spatula for kneading rye bread, then how much rye (in the ratio of rye flour and wheat flour) can be used to cook bread in this model. That is, how much black bread can you get. I just read somewhere that if there is no special spatula and the dough is heavy, then the motor may overheat. Therefore, I really want to hear connoisseurs)))) and my husband wants to make black bread, since he eats mostly it.

And, if you can right away, the second question is what recipe and on what mode (13?) Is it better to cook a cake (or cake).

Many thanks to everyone for this wonderful and very helpful forum.
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4) there at the beginning of the topic is a lot of stuff about the stove.
Don't ask me, I myself am just looking at this stove, but in the general topic I saw questions about a shovel and Easter cakes. This oven has a hidden "warm" mode for rye and sourdough bread, therefore, as I understand it, rye bread is possible in any Panasonic model, check in the topic
I, of course, read that topic, but did not find a specific answer to the question about the scapula, it is written that you can probably, try it (something like this, maybe not literally) and did not find a recipe for THIS model of rye bread itself (maybe I missed it, therefore clarify). I, as far as I could, read different topics, found answers to most of them, since they are common to most HB. And I wanted to get answers to these questions from the owners of this model (well, or a link to the answers, of course I could have missed something)
Thank you
Here's what I read in the topic and drew conclusions for myself. I'm also looking at a model like yours, cheaper without a rye regime.
warm mode turns on in the same way 2510, 2511, 2512 as for 2501
"Warm" rise of the test in the Panasonic SD-2501 service mode
For rye or sourdough bread: knead on Pelmeni or Pizza, and then proofing is carried out on a warm mode as needed, baked on Pastry.
In terms of the power of the stove, 2510, 2511, 2512 do not differ. But in 2510 there is no rye program, but they all have three blades in common, in general, buckets and many other components are practically common. Therefore, technically, 2510 does not differ in capabilities from 2511 and 2512, just a marketing move by the seller. And they can make dumplings tight dough in the same way, even according to the instructions. Therefore, the 2510 can knead any dough as well as the 2511, 2512.
The comb can be viewed in the service, but there it is expensive.You can also order on Ali, but a marriage may come there. The code will be correct and the vane will not sit on the shaft. The topic complained about this.
People kneaded the dough with different spatulas and did not find a fundamental difference,
Baking in Panasonic SD-256 # 745
The link is for an older model, but the shape and size of the blades have not changed, that is, the manufacturer has left the same principle: to make it easier to mix the stove.
The owner compared the mixes and came to the conclusion that the dough is no different, and the machine is easier to work with with a rye spatula. Baking in Panasonic SD-256 # 751
Quote: Davli
Antonina7 if the question is to me, wheat-rye can be mixed with the usual one, everything is fine with 50/50 flour, as you go to the larger side of rye flour, it will be more difficult for the stove. about the recipe - I tried this recipe
Therefore, the main thing is not to knead a very large amount of heavy dough, when rye is more than 50 percent, to adhere to the average amount from the instructions, then you can not be afraid of the stove with any spatula. Most likely, with the maximum amount of very rye dough, the shoulder blade will become fundamental. If during kneading the stove does not experience difficulties, DOES NOT KNOCK or SCREAM, then you do not need to worry.
Strongly rye bread, in principle, is very thick and sticky; during kneading, you still have to help with a silicone spatula.

Thanks a lot for the answer and for the links. I'm still afraid to press the buttons while in the service mode))
If you put 50/50 wheat and rye flour into the dough, will the oven be able to work with a regular spatula and in the Main mode (No. 1)?
As for the service mode, there are continuous delights. It has been tested there by almost all owners for more than one year, and none of them broke anything.
Then this mode is indicated in the service manual for repairmen without time limit and without warning, that is, it is safe.
But it would be nice to hear an opinion sazalexter, Alexandraas a technician if in doubt.

Quote: TaRa
If you put 50/50 wheat and rye flour into the dough, will the oven be able to work with a regular spatula and in the Main mode (No. 1)?
You must make the dough soft enough, otherwise, due to inexperience, you can make it like a stone. The oven should knead the dough 50x50 of good consistency with an ordinary spatula.
When mixing, listen. Should not knock or creak. The kneading should be no heavier than wheat dumplings.
First, choose a recipe for Panasonic and stick to it. It would be nice with photos so that you can see what rye dough should be.

here is the recipe with photo and directions

the dough is kneaded thin, the oven kneads it without effort. And if it is thick, it starts to strain, you already have to help with a silicone spatula.

I read about enthusiasm)) I'm still afraid)))
I'll try to cook 50/50 on the main mode ... I hope something will work out))

Quote: TaRa
I'll try to cook 50/50 on the main mode .... I hope something will work out))
But I don't know about the main program. On all usual programs, there are extra kneading, which rye dough does not like and does not rise afterwards, you can get too dense at the exit. And also rye bread must be baked for a long time to fully bake.
Then it is better to choose a recipe on the forum for the main program. Most likely, the percentage of rye flour will have to be reduced.
Yes? and on what program would you recommend? I’m just reading the same thing that it’s better not to crumple too much, but I don’t know how to pick up recipes at all, so I’m asking for help))) )) that's why I want to find a recipe with minimal complexity. The girls are great, they chew, they cheat, they bake differently in different modes ... I don't know how.Yes, and I just need to minimize the time that I spend on cooking (let the stove work as long as necessary, just so that I don't go around it). these are my terrible wishes)))))
I had the same desires until I realized that this way I would not get very rye bread.
My personal experience says that the composition of no more than 40 percent rye is less problematic, and 30 will definitely not create problems for use on a regular program.
Try 50x50, but you need to knead gently enough, as in the link from Elena Bo. Pay attention to the photo of the test itself. If you want on the program, then it should be like this. It won't knead very dense and then crooked bread will turn out if the oven has to do everything by itself.
I'm afraid that no one will help you in this matter. People do not adjust to the main mode, but use the "warm" mode as much as necessary.
And the main mode is created for wheat bread. If your rye does not work, then reduce the rye flour, up to 30 percent in the composition and so that it kneads without effort.
If you want convenience, you will have to sacrifice the wheat-rye ratio in favor of the wheat one.

You can safely take any recipe for Panasonic with up to 30 percent rye flour in the composition and do it on the main program.
If more than 30 percent, then try to make sure to make a soft batch (like Elena Bo). The result will greatly depend on the quality of the purchased rye flour.
Thank you very much for your advice! So I will))

I'll try to figure it out the same way with the cake / Easter cake))
and ask this question in the general topic. 13 the baking program is the same for all 3 models, and possibly for other models. There can be many useful recipes and tips.
That's just a program for confectionery products on baking powder, not yeast. The cake will be confectionery, not yeast.

You still duplicate questions in the main topic. Write that you have a model without a rye program and you are afraid to use the warm mode, so ask for proven rye bread recipes in your model on the main program.
As well as proven recipes for the Baking program (13). To be baked accurately.

And if you meant the classic yeast cake, then also ask the most unproblematic one in the topic.
thank you!
In fact, the bread maker is completely convenient only in terms of wheat bread.
Rye bread quite conveniently can be made far from all, but only wheat-rye.
Easter cakes belong to the wheat category.
If you look at the topic, you will see that the owners of different models of Panasonic use the same recipes and have the same experience. That is, with Easter cakes, use any popular Panasonic recipe, do not pay attention to the difference in models.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers