Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)

Category: Meat dishes
Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)


Chicken fillet (broiler)
Instant gelatin for bonding - if there is a desire to roll the meat into a roll (you can do it without it)
For brine:
Pectosalt nitrite salt. Sodium nitrite is 0.57% (used made in Poland)
Purified water (boiled)
Ascorbic acid (optional)
Spices black and allspice, bay leaf, nutmeg, garlic ... (not necessary - I make a pickle without spices)
Spices for seasoning meat:
Freshly ground black pepper
Dry garlic
Grilled chicken seasoning

Cooking method

  • The method is very simple and fast. Don't be scared - a lot of letters. Almost a dissertation)))
  • Summary:
  • - prepare the brine;
  • - forget about meat with brine in the refrigerator for 6 days;
  • - smoke (optional);
  • - cook in a pressure cooker - 10 minutes;
  • - cool;
  • - let the meat ripen for a day.
  • To begin with, we will definitely need:
  • - calculator;
  • - scales.
  • Wash and weigh the chilled chicken fillet. Rinse well or remove parts where blood clots have collected.
  • Prepare and cool the purified water.
  • Pure drinking water is used to prepare the brine. With very good, clean, soft, without foreign smells and smack, tap or artesian water is not boiled. Hard and contaminated water is boiled and filtered.
  • The optimum temperature of the salting is about + 2 ... 4 ° C.
  • In general, it should be remembered that the temperature factor during salting of meat is decisive for obtaining quality products. It is necessary to take only well-chilled meat, cold brine, and salting and storage should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 4-6 ° C.
  • Calculate the amount of nitrite salt and water.
  • It is important! The formula for calculating salt is given for Eurosalt.
  • Nitrite salt. Sodium nitrite is 0.57% (0.5% -0.6%)
  • Calculation of water
  • Water, l = meat weight, kg * 0.4
  • Example:
  • 0.956kg (meat weight in kg) * 0.4 = 0.38l water
  • Salt calculation
  • Salt minimum, g = water, l * 85
  • Maximum salt, g = water, l * 100
  • Example:
  • 0.38l * 85 = 32.3g salt
  • I am using the top formula to calculate the salt.
  • Who loves very saltier-lower formula
  • Stir the salt in water thoroughly, add sugar, spices, ascorbic acid or its salts (sometimes I neglect ascorbic acid)
  • When salting, sugar is introduced into brines, which prevents the oxidation of nitrites, contributes to the development of the desired microflora. With the introduction of sugar, the formation of methemoglobin decreases, the salty taste softens and the color of the meat improves. The introduction of sugar up to 2.5% by weight of raw materials is allowed.
  • Sugar calculation
  • Sugar, g = water, l * 10
  • Based on 10g per 1 liter of water
  • Example:
  • 0.38l * 10 = 3.8g sugar
  • Add spices - optional (I don't)
  • How to properly add spices to brine
  • Boil approximately 100 ml of the total volume of water. Add spices. Cool water with spices and pour into the remaining water with salt and sugar.
  • You can add black and allspice, bay leaves, nutmeg, garlic, etc.
  • Add ascorbic acid
  • The harmful effects of nitrite are neutralized in industrial conditions by special additives. At home, it is ampoule ascorbic acid. It is necessary:
  • 1g per 1kg of meat.
  • We put the meat in such a bowl that when pouring it with brine, the meat is completely covered with it.
  • The container must be washed very thoroughly. Can be rubbed with alcohol
  • Close the container with a lid and send the dishes with meat in brine to the refrigerator for 6-7 days.If the meat begins to float up, you can put a flat plate on top of it, like a weighting agent.
  • After being in the brine for many days, the chicken will take on a ham-like flavor. You can hold it for 3-4 days - but the taste of the meat will be a little worse. Not so ham.
  • Occasionally look into the pot and turn the meat, controlling it, so that it is completely covered with brine.
  • After 6-7 days, take out the meat, wash it. Put in a colander to drain the remaining water, cover with a lid and keep to room temperature. (1-2 hours)
  • If you do not stand it, sodium nitrite will precipitate with sharp heating (sodium nitrite is destroyed under the smooth influence of temperature).
  • Sprinkle the meat evenly on all sides with freshly ground black pepper, dry garlic and lightly grilled chicken seasoning. Just a little. We'll need it later.
  • For those who want to make a roll
  • Sprinkle the inside of the fillet with your favorite spices.
  • Sprinkle the fillets lightly with gelatin. Fold the butterfly fillet in half. Wrap with culinary thread or put in a special net.
  • I did it without gelatin. But when slicing, some pieces are broken into two halves.
  • Now the meat must be slightly smoked (cold smoking) and brought to readiness.
  • Pay attention to the cooking time in Hot Smoke mode - 10 minutes.
  • The pressure in my pressure cooker smoker takes 6 minutes. That meat actually cooks for 4 minutes under pressure.
  • - pour wood chips into the bowl (Do not put a lot of wood chips. We only need a smoked note. Do not use sawdust with tree bark. It gives the product a cloying, unpleasant, too smoky taste!);
  • - cover the lid of the sawdust bowl with foil;
  • - put the meat on the grates so that there is free space between the fillet pieces (rolls). If the meat is laid in two floors, the pieces should not touch (the bottom of the upper ones with the top of the lower ones) and there should also be free space between them !!! Better to put in a mirror image on different shelves.
  • - pour 100 ml of boiling water into the saucepan of the pressure cooker;
  • - Cold smoking mode - 15 minutes on fruit chips and juniper berries (besides smoking, the meat will also have time to warm up);
  • - Hot smoking mode - 10 minutes
  • - wait until the pressure is released by itself and get ready meat.
  • If there is a lot of meat: (I prefer this particular option - I'm definitely sure that the meat will cook evenly)
  • - put it on the grates;
  • - pour wood chips into the bowl;
  • - cover the lid of the sawdust bowl with foil;
  • - Cold smoking mode - 20 minutes on fruit chips and juniper berries;
  • - get some of the meat, and place the other freely on one wire rack. If these are thin rolls - put each on separate grates in a mirror image;
  • - pour 100 ml of boiling water into a saucepan of a pressure cooker;
  • - Hot smoking mode 10 minutes
  • - wait until the pressure is released by itself and get ready meat;
  • - put the rest of the meat on the Hot smoking mode.
  • While the fillet is being cooked in the CB, you need to prepare a dense foil in which you will need to wrap the finished meat, for each piece separately or for a couple of pieces.
  • Sprinkle the grilled chicken seasoning on foil or plastic wrap. Wrap the fillets tightly.
  • You can sprinkle spices directly on the fillet from all sides and grind over the meat. Hot meat will take that very tasty note from the spices. And the dark red color of the spices will give the meat a beautiful golden brownish smoked crust.
  • Give the meat a cold shower.
  • How to chill meat
  • - put the pieces of meat in a tight waterproof bag. Hold under running cold water. In a large container, mix ice and salt and put it over the bags with hot meat (if you add salt to the ice, the temperature will drop. The melted ice with salt has a lower temperature);
  • - wet a couple of medium towels, wring them out thoroughly and send them to the freezer for half an hour until they become lightly frozen. Wrap the meat wrapped in foil with frozen towels.
  • When the towel becomes warm, remove it, wrap the meat with another cold towel and send it to the refrigerator + 4 ° C without removing the wet towel. You can leave the towel on for a while.
  • Be sure to let the meat rest in the refrigerator for a day or night, and this will greatly improve its taste.
  • At first, the meat (if you can't stand it and taste it right away) may seem slightly salty. This will not happen after bedding.
  • I do the same
  • - podcherevok (cold smoking 15 minutes + 12 minutes hot smoking)
  • - pork pulp (cold smoking 15 minutes + 12-15 minutes hot smoking)
  • It is better not to roll a roll. And cook in a layer. I rolled this piece exclusively for photography.
  • Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)
  • In this way and according to this recipe, the girls tried to cook in ordinary pressure cookers. True, without smoking, but the result was excellent.
  • Following this recipe, Mona1 cooks whole cuts of meat in a ham maker and a regular saucepan, observing the temperature conditions when boiling the ham.
  • In the photo, roll without gelatin
  • Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)
  • Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)
  • Delicious!

Cooking program:

Cold + hot smoking


The temperature of the meat inside after cooking was measured several times and meets the standards. Chicken fillet 63-65 ° С, pork 70-71 ° С

To add piquancy to the taste of meat, I use dry garlic, so the taste of the meat will be more noble, close to "store standards"
Very suitable for this method of cooking meat, improving its taste and appearance. Seasoning for grilled chicken.
(Ingredients: ground red pepper (chili), ground paprika, granulated garlic, basil, ground coriander, ground fenugreek, ground nutmeg, ground allspice, ginger, mustard seed, ground black pepper)

The meat turns out to be extremely tasty. Juicy, with a ham flavor. Not boiled, but "sausage"!
This method of cooking reduces its harmfulness to almost a minimum. Everything has been done to make the nitrites "evaporate". Cold smoking is purely conditional. For 20 minutes of burning from a spoonful of sawdust, the amount of carcinogens formed is sooo very small. Well, the last indicator of quality is my husband, for whom such delicacies are contraindicated due to illness. This meat does not cause gouty attacks in him!

I posted the recipe on the forum, maybe I want to thank Vadim Solynin and the good people (who wished to be incognito) once again, thanks to whom I got this magic pot-smoker. And I already have two!

lana19, Wow !!! Light, what a beauty! I will definitely cook it!
fuss :))) I'm already holding out from the last .. even bought fillet
Svetochka, well done for bringing this recipe! I cook almost all the time using it. Delicious! Thanks for your hard work and your experiments.
Awesome recipe, I will definitely do it. The design and description is beyond praise !!
Sveta, this is the approach !.
How I enjoyed reading this dissertation aaaatsii !. I am completely delighted ... there is even nothing to ask about)))) all questions from calculations to technology are covered !.
Thank you, I will definitely use the recipe more than once!
Thank you all for your attention, support and kind words. I really hope that the recipe will come in handy and take root.
I've been cooking meat like this for over a year. I experimented a lot until I brought it to mind. First, But in Ukraine, there are few who have such a smoker.
The temperature of the meat inside after cooking was measured several times and meets the standards. Chicken fillet 63-65 C, pork 70-71 C
Olivier salad is very tasty with this meat. You can make pizza with it. Especially with the underwire. I call it lard-sausage))) If you cut it transparently, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosenno way between vegetables, then you will not find it in pizza, and the taste will be very meaty and rich.

A few words about sawdust. Together with the second smokehouse, I got sawdust for AG as a gift. They do not go in splinters, but look like sawdust from a pencil after a round sharpener. Here I pour them a full bowl and they do not taste this smoky overkill.

By the way, ang-kay, Angelique prepares meat in a conventional pressure cooker.
there's nothing to even ask about)))
Alenka! Thank you !
There are simply no words how beautiful and appetizing! lana19, thanks for sharing and for your work!
hit on the spot ...
lana19, Sveta, I have a question.If you cook a thawed chicken breast in such a way - will it greatly affect the taste?
Elena. You can try. But the masters of sausage making do not recommend this. It is because of the deterioration in taste.
lettohka ttt
Awesome, I'm wallowing in culture shock !!! Thank you!!!!!!!:-) :-) :-)
The meat is of course a complete OTPAD !!!!
Photos are awesome !!!
lana19, God, I can't look at it calmly !!!!! This is to die not to get up !!!!!!!!! Damn damn it, I have neither a pressure cooker nor a smokehouse ..... I can't do it in a normal cartoon on a multi-cooker ??? I will die if the answer is negative ...
* Anyuta *
Quote: svetta
I can't look at it calmly !!!!! This is to die not to get up !!!!!
I drag it to bookmarks ... I will try to do
The beauty!!!!! Will it work in an ordinary smokehouse with a water seal? I have such a current available.
Quote: lana19
Elena. You can try. But the masters of sausage making do not recommend this. It is because of the deterioration in taste.
I'll try. I have a choice: either a frozen home broiler, or a purchased-unknown-which ...
I didn't expect to see so many positive reviews. I am very pleased thank you.

This meat can be made in any device. But it is very important to observe the temperature regime and the salting technology.
If we cook in a saucepan with water, we pack the meat, for example, in a ham maker. We arm ourselves with thermometers and monitor the temperature of the water and the temperature of the meat.
Can be done this way
For chicken, 65-70 degrees water is enough. We take it out when the temperature inside the meat is 63-65.

Pork - water no more than 80 C. We take out - at 70-71 inside the meat.
If the piece is large (tall), then it is better to sprinkle it additionally when salting.

You can, I think, cook such meat in a thermal sleeve in the oven. One thermometer in the meat, another in the oven and monitor the temperature. How to make sausage. The temperature in the oven should be, it seems, 75-80 C. Ang-kay can better answer these questions. She makes her homemade sausage in the oven.

And how to cook properly in a smokehouse with a water seal - I don't know. But definitely you can.

Elena! Of course try it. I only cook from chilled grocery stores.

It is important! The formula for calculating salt is given for Eurosalt.
Nitrite salt Pectosol. Sodium nitrite is 0.57% (0.5% -0.6% made in Poland)
Sveta, thanks for the detailed description of the process! I have already bought chicken breast, my nitrite salt is unknown from which manufacturer (I bought it with the girls in the joint venture), what to do
Natasha. Contact the organizer of the joint venture and find out the percentage of sodium nitrite. (call the supplier)
But it seems to me that salt, most likely, in your country is also from the Eurosol series.
I typed Eurosol RF


The amount of sodium nitrite added to the nitrite salt 0.5% -0.6% is guaranteed by the manufacturer.
This is it!
Sveta, and where to read how to make this recipe in a ham maker correctly? And then I have neither a smokehouse nor a pressure cooker, but I have Teskom's ham. And it's also interesting to know about the oven. And another question, is turkey breast also possible according to this recipe?
Sveta, thanks I went to cook the pickle
Yulia! Here is a description of the process in the ham maker. It is very important to monitor the temperature inside the meat.
Here is the oven process. Only the temperature inside the meat (broiler chicken, turkey) 63-65. The meat lies more in the brine. I would try putting the meat in a thermal sleeve.
From turkey you can! It turns out very tasty.
Sveta, Thank you!!! I will study!!!
Sveta, a terrific recipe, a real scientific treatise! Looking at the photo, it is impossible to remain indifferent and at least not to lick your lips a couple of times.
Sveta, thanks for the wonderful recipe, it turned out, as you promised, meat with a characteristic sausage flavor, tender, juicy, cooked three chicken breasts (not enough), next time I will do more. Here are the leftovers
Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)
Natalia! And thank you for the delicious photo report! This is efficiency! Did you cook in Brandika?
Now you can try to make pork
Sveta, cooked in Brand, pork is already in brine
Sveta, thanks again for the wonderful recipe! The pork was not dry, although I took the pork tenderloin, tender and very tasty. This time, ascorbic acid was added to the brine. Without even knowing which meat I liked more.By the way, the meat was in the brine for only 4 days.
Natalia, the meat can lie for 3 days, but the longer it lies, the more ham it tastes
Sveta, I am very grateful for the wet salting method.

Wet salted chicken fillet, smoked (Brand 6060 pressure cooker-smokehouse)

I think it's clear which of your photos in the recipe inspired me. Now I want a pressure cooker-smokehouse KHACHUNIMAGUUUUU (the limit of New Year-Christmas gifts in the kitchen has already been selected, my husband will soon kick out the house)
Sveta, great!
Angela, thank you for poking my nose at the recipe that I read, admired it and ... forgot to bookmark
lana19, Svetochka!
Thank you very much for the superb recipe ... for such a complete and understandable explanation ..
I did exactly as described, I was still very worried ...
It turned out incredible!
Sveta, "Mokrosolila" according to your method more than once, the formula has taken root very much, thanks!
And only yesterday I made chicken breast according to the recipe "inside and out", with cold and hot smoking.
But next time I'll try to combine cold smoking + sous vide. It seems to me that this way the breast will turn out even more tender.
How to prepare 1 liter of 1.5 kg pork belly brine using common salt, sugar and nitrite salt?
Svirchev, there is a formula at the beginning of the recipe. We count on it. It is not very clear why ordinary salt is added to nitrite, if it is 0.6%. If you want to use both of them, then you need to divide the amount of salt that you get by the formula in half.
Quote: ang-kay

Svirchev, there is a formula at the beginning of the recipe. We count on it. It is not very clear why ordinary salt is added to nitrite, if it is 0.6%. If you want to use both of them, then you need to divide the amount of salt that you get by the formula in half.
I used 1 liter - 200 g of coarse salt. Now, for the color, I used 100 g of ordinary salt and 100 g of nitrite ... But he doubted and decided to double-check. And sugar is 10 grams. Did I do it right?
I usually use only 100 grams per liter of water. Sugar by weight is correct.
I'm with a report.




Indo-chest. A piece weighing about 2 kg. Wet everything according to the recipe, but without ascorbic acid. Cold smoking, 20 minutes in the Unit multicooker. Rubbed the surface with spices, and sous vide for 3 h. 30 min. at a temperature of 63 degrees.

The temperature really jumped like a mad elk, but the result was still pleasing. Fragrant. Juicy. Just in moderation.

Another thank you for the recipe!
People, explain to the neophyte that there is cold smoking at home and how something like that can be depicted in the absence of a multi-pressure cooker-smokehouse. I studied the topic of smoking lard in a cauldron, it will apparently be hot smoking.
Thank you so much for this recipe and those subtleties that I did not know about. Today I became the happy owner of this smokehouse, first of all I will cook fillets this way.
P.S. Specially registered on the forum to thank.

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