Pastila (contestants' recipes)Pastila "Marble"We take sweet aromatic melon and fresh (or freshly frozen) lingonberries.
Grind (separately) in a blender.
Pour into a lightly oiled marshmallow tray, alternating between melon and lingonberry puree.
Dry in Ezidri at 50-55 degrees (Medium) for 7 hours.
We wrap in rolls and cut into "pastilles" and enjoy the contrasting taste of lingonberry acidity and aromatic melon sweetness.

Pastila "Taiga fairy tale" (lingonberry with pine nuts)We take fresh (or frozen) lingonberries. Grind in a blender. If desired, sugar can be added to the lingonberry puree (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of puree).
Mix the lingonberry puree with pine nuts.
Place on a lightly oiled marshmallow tray.
Dry in Ezidri at 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender.
We cut the dried circle into "pastilles" and charge ourselves with the strength and energy of the gifts of the Siberian taiga.
"Pastila for dad"Tomatoes, not a large clove of garlic, a little black pepper, chop five large leaves of basil in a blender.
I spread the mass on a marshmallow sheet, oiled with olive oil and dry for 12-15 hours.
Eat deliciously with fresh rye-wheat bread.
Pastila "Boyarochka"Take hawthorn berries, blanch or steam in a juicer.
Rub through a sieve.
You can add sugar to taste.
Dry in Isidri.
You can add grapes, chokeberry, raspberries, sea buckthorn to hawthorn puree.
Already a different taste and aroma.
And be sure to add nuts. I do with hazel.
Fresh, just harvested, they dry with the puree and do not dry out.
In the photo there is marshmallow with dark grapes and sea buckthorn.
Pastila "Apple"Core apples and chop in a food processor or coarsely grate with the peel. This is the foundation.
For dressing, take fresh or frozen chopped Victoria berries, add crushed ripe bananas. Stir everything well. The mass should be like pancake dough. Mix with apples and place on greased marshmallow trays. Dry at 55 degrees 11 - 12 hours. Remove warm and immediately roll up.
Berries for dressing can be different - strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn and others. You can use plum jam or other jams. For elasticity, add bananas to the berry puree, preferably overripe. If sour, then add a little sugar.
You can add some cinnamon.
New berry in the dressing and a different taste and aroma of marshmallow!
Apple candy replaces chips, and if you add seeds or nuts, then we take to work for tea or give children to school. Then they must be wrapped in cling film.
Bon Appetit!
"Banana-apple crackers"Peel ripe apples and bananas. Prepare a couple of spoons of honey (if the apples are sweet, you can do without honey or replace with a few dates if you are allergic to honey).
Grind the fruit in a food processor or blender, add honey.
Grease the marshmallow tray with vegetable oil. Smearing the mass on the pallet is a stage that even the little helpers can handle perfectly.
Add nuts ... walnuts or almonds - your choice!
If you dry the marshmallow to an almost solid state (15-18 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer), then you can not roll it into tubes, but arrange it in the form of a cookie.
For example, cut into rectangles with a knife or table scissors. In this form, it is convenient to serve it with tea or take it as a snack on the road.

"Almond sweets"Peel ripe local apples and add a little cinnamon.
Grind until smooth. If the apples are not sweet enough, you can also add brown sugar or honey to taste.
Next, as usual, put the apple mass on a tray greased with vegetable oil and put to dry. But not to bring it to readiness, but to catch the moment when the marshmallow is no longer liquid, but still sticky and plastic, like plasticine.
Stick the nuts with marshmallows to form small candies, roll in coconut and leave to dry for a few more hours.
Well-dried sweets do not stick together, they are perfectly stored in glass or tin jars.
They can be a nice gift.
Delight yogurtFor the marshmallow we need: yogurt, pine nuts and poppy seeds.
Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts, or lay on top.
Place on a lightly oiled marshmallow tray.
Dry in Ezidri at 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender.
It turns out something like an oriental dastarkhan.
"The joy of creativity"It so happens that in the course of life our different abilities manifest themselves. Now, for example, when I am over thirty, it became necessary to make preparations for the winter for my family. So that it is tasty, and maximum vitamins, and fruits and vegetables - from your own garden - economically.
My family loves juice. Let's do it! And the rest of the meat? Throwing away is waste! But at least we dry the marshmallow, from cherries - have you tried it?
If the juice was boiled, then we pass the cherries through a colander so that the seeds are separated from the puree. And if the juice was squeezed, then you have a ready-made mass of berries, moreover, without heat treatment. Add a little sugar for flavor and flexibility when finished. Only no more than 1/10 of the total mass of berries, otherwise it will stick and dry badly. And let's add ... for example, powdered ginger! Spices are so exciting, you feel like a creator ...
The Creator, he is in each of us.In my youth, still at school, I, like many, was inclined to drawing, painted pictures. How much free time did you have then, how much opportunity to do something? Now there is no time for pictures. All - at a run, in a hurry, late. We are not up to the pleasures of creativity. But what's stopping you? Just one step!
I take out of the closet halves of dried apples from the last approach to the dryer, I spread the cherries and ginger on a marshmallow tray with a canvas. Let's start creating!
What does the half of an apple look like? Half an apple, someone will answer. And he will be right. So, we draw a whole from two halves. And we will slightly trim the leaves with scissors. Apple slices are easy to cut with scissors if the consistency is correct and flexible. It is a pity that there are no nuts, it would be possible to shade the drawing with them in empty places. And if from the same apples, but the drawing is a little more complicated ...
So chrysanthemums blossomed under the hands. And even though I spent more time making the marshmallows than expected, it was so great! Well, the taste, thanks to the bright cherry and tart, warming ginger, turned out to be worthy of external design.
But if thanks to these photos the Artist wakes up in you, stretches sweetly and begins to decorate the world, it means that you have not read the recipe in vain.
Pastila for coldsWhen treating friends and acquaintances with marshmallow, I often hear from them: "It is good to have something to do, but we have nothing to do in our garden." “So I don’t have anything in the garden either,” I say in response, smiling. By the word "NOTHING" I mean "nothing edible."
Looking into my garden, acquaintances shake their heads - how everything is overgrown with grass! Yes, grass has grown today. Does the Earth give us something useless? I'm going to pick this weed for the winter. I will dry chamomile, lemon balm, plantain, cornflowers, marigolds, nettles, raspberries, coltsfoot, etc. I did not specially pull it, it turns out that the whole pharmacy has grown in the garden, there is no need to go anywhere for herbs. So I will give the children some marshmallows for the winter with a medicine for colds.
Take 1 orange, raspberry leaves and berries, rhubarb stalks, cornflower and calendula flowers, plantain, nettle, mother-and-stepmother. Your intuition will tell you what herbs you need. Twist the herbs in a meat grinder. For a bunch (so that the marshmallow dries out in an even plate and does not break) I take overripe bananas. I used to use them for colds in winter: knead a half of a banana in a glass, pour boiling water over it, stir it. I drink the resulting jelly for a sore throat, another cold. Are bananas expensive to treat? No, overripe bananas are very cheap on the market in the summer. And what sweet ones are obtained in dried form, no sugar is needed! I definitely knead bananas for marshmallows with my hands, imagining how tasty and healthy it will turn out. Mix herbs and banana gruel, add 1-2 tbsp. honey, mix and lay out to dry.
Try it too, it tastes better than Doctor Mom lozenges. And about the benefits, about living energy - how can you compare?
Next time I will definitely lay out on the marshmallow the ancient Slavic sign "Odolenka", which our ancestors used to help with diseases. It will not be up to us to decide whether it will be stronger or not, but it will look original. Can you visit the patient with her, will she be delighted, what do you think?
Pastila with pepperWhat if you add a little spiciness to the sweet marshmallow?
We take very ripe apricots and bananas, knead.
Grate the cucumber. What is a cucumber for? For the mass, there are a lot of them this year, on a warm garden bed!
I add a mixture of peppers (there is a "Mill" at hand, there may be others), I combine everything, mix it and put it on a tray.
How to decorate is a matter of your imagination. You can use slices of the same bananas and cucumbers, or you can use rose petals. They do not give taste, and as a result, the marshmallow turns out - like a Pavlovo Posad shawl, even for an exhibition, even for a fair!
What does this taste like?
For non-alcoholic mulled wine, perhaps: warming, rich. I just want to eat another bite!

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