How to use Isidri smarter (useful information from many years of experience)

Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter

Any thing wants to be used competently and resourcefully.
Smart things are like smart people: the more competently they use them, the higher their capabilities.

A clever thing always implies clever use - this, if you like, is the third law of success. Of course, "Isidri" has its own requirements, wishes and just advice. They were brought to us by Kevin Andersen himself and his permanent assistant, culinary technologist Coral Kidd. In 2010, they came to Saratov, to OOO "Titan", and held a seminar, the outline of which I am giving here.

The right place

Let's take into account:
- the fan actively sucks in air;
- high-quality food grade plastic is not designed for direct sunlight;
- drying usually fills the air with thick odors.

This means that the dryer should not be on the floor, not in a dusty barn, not in the sun, and better not in inhabited rooms. Its place is on the table, in the summer kitchen or on the loggia, in the shade, with good ventilation. No papers or rags underneath - they can block the air inlet! In industrial drying "Ultra-1000" is installed even on lattice tables - for better circulation.

Correct loading
- Even if you only dry one or two trays, always add up to five empty trays: this is the minimum amount of air needed for the best circulation and heat distribution.
- The most correct: first load all trays, then turn on the dryer. But you can add new trays to a running dryer. The main thing is not to leave it without a lid for a long time: so the air simply does not get inside, flying out along the perimeter of the trays.
- Just for information: no matter how many trays are dried, five or twenty - the drying time is almost the same. This means that the more trays are loaded, the cheaper and faster drying. And the safety margin of "Isidri" - God forbid.

Saving money on electricity, Asian farmers put up to forty trays with tomatoes (!) On Ultra-1000 - and nothing, everything dries up. And in the mode of family blanks "Isidri" work for 15-20 years. Many dryers of the very first years of production, made in the first half of the eighties, are still alive.

Drying temperature is an approximate thing. From experience, 50 ° C is optimal for vegetables and root crops, and 55 ° C for more juicy fruits. But raw foodists can lower it to 45 ° C: this way they will be calmer.

Drying time

Very approximate, plus or minus 5-7 hours. Air humidity, type and wateriness of the cut, packing density - everything influences here. The main figures are given in the brochure. You will soon learn to try maturity drying in time. But for most fruits, the optimum is 10-15 hours. Therefore, it is more convenient to turn on the dryer either in the evening or in the morning. And if you have to leave and drying will dry up without you? Just lower the temperature to 15 ° С - the heating element will turn off ("Ultra"). And switch the "Snackmaker" to the first mode (35 ° C). Nothing bad will happen.

Optimum drying temperature is the main skill of the dryer.

"Isidri" regulates the temperature with an error of half a degree, taking into account the falling moisture content of the food. For this, the heating element operates at full load for the first two hours: the evaporated water takes up a lot of heat. Then the evaporation falls, and the product is compressed - the blowdown is increased, and the heating element load is proportionally reduced. Save energy, but keep the temperature! Is the motto of the smart microprocessor.

Why such difficulties? .. It has been proven: if the temperature is optimal, the dry product retains 94-96% of all biologically active substances and vitamins.Seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries from such drying always remain viable. Compare: with ordinary, that is, household freezing and defrosting, 60-70% of nutrients are retained, and in our usual twists -10-30%. In general, two things rise in price for Isidri: a smart microprocessor and the highest quality, but also expensive food grade ABS plastic. But it’s impossible to get truly healthy foods without either one or the other. And for the sake of the half-healthy or a quarter of the healthy - was it worth building a garden? ..

Cooking intelligence

You can dry everything except: avocado, raw pork and raw poultry (ready-made - you can), eggs, soft cheeses and fatty meats. The reason is fat. It oxidizes and deteriorates in air.

the main thing: Only dry the tastiest, ripest, highest quality fruits and vegetables. Often the tastiest are overripe. For example, slightly darkened bananas, already soft kiwi, feijoa, plum, cherry plum.

They are also the cheapest, which is nice. Only - not sour and without rot. Pears and apples are the most ripe, but nothing more: overripe, many varieties become mealy or "potato". But if they don't turn sour, they make an excellent marshmallow. Persimmon, soft as jelly - ready-made candy. Amazing drying and firm, but not astringent varieties.

The best slice thickness is 5 mm. It can be thicker, but it will take almost twice as long to dry. Plums, cherry plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots need to be cut in half, pitted and turned out with the pulp. Or you can simply cut the halves into segments. Bananas are easily divided into three segments lengthwise - we dry them like that. Strawberry halves dry twice or three times longer than 5 mm slices - almost two days.

Finished drying bends, but does not release moisture. If it already crunches and breaks, then it is overdried. This is not a problem: the taste does not spoil. But many types of fruits, when dry, cannot restore their natural appearance by absorbing water. It is easy to restore normal drying: I filled it with the same volume of water and waited for half an hour. And then - in pies, cakes and other dishes.

About acid

Many fruits that do not differ in special “sunny Uzbekism” - peaches and nectarines, unleavened apricots, plums and cherry plums (sour skin!), Kiwi, sour strawberries, tangerines, etc. - contain a lot of acid and turn out to be sensitively sour when dried. Before drying, having already cut or removed the seeds, immerse them for 3-6 hours in a strong sugar solution (a pound of sugar per liter of water). Drying will come out - you will lick your fingers! You can take honey, but it partially interrupts the aroma of the fruit. Here who likes what.

Attention: even in “Isidri” raisins are not produced, as in the market. I can't get prunes like in a store.

There are two reasons for this. First: thick, dense skin of berries. Second: excess acid. Therefore, all manufacturers of raisins and prunes use blanching: they lower the berries for a couple of minutes in a weak solution of soda, which boils. The skin cracks, the acid partially leaves.

We can do the same, but instead of soda, dissolve sugar in boiling water. And if the grapes are sweet and large, you can simply cut the berries in half and remove the seeds. We recently dried a bunch of store-bought, not very tasty grapes. It turned out to be tastier and more aromatic than raisins!

By the way, it is interesting: any small bones after "Isidri" become somehow fragile and airy - almost edible. Easy to chew. Even grape ones. And oranges skins too. And lemons. The pulp of dry citrus is very easy to separate, and the dry skin is easy to grind - an excellent zest!


Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter

Berries - currants, cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries - do not dry well, and the drying is sour. From them, as well as from cherry plums, plums, peaches, strawberries, apricots, kiwi - it is more convenient and much tastier to make marshmallow. It is more convenient to add sugar-honey to it, and spices, if necessary. And the dish turns out to be truly universal!

Technique first. The marshmallow tray cannot be washed with detergents - it is made of such food grade plastic. Before pouring the marshmallow, be sure to grease it with vegetable oil - thin, but all over.It is much easier to remove the pastila warm: it cools down - it dries in places. Took off - rinsed the pan with warm water without any hard washcloths. So it will last for many years.

Now for the culinary details. Experience has shown: do not grind fruit puree in a blender. That is, it is possible, but it is not so beautiful. It is much better to just grind them with a perforated crush or chop them lightly in a food processor, adding sugar or honey. Fruit pieces retain useful substances, decorate the taste and retain a bright color. And the color of the marshmallow is very important! In the sun, any fruit turns brown - there is a reluctance, and in "Isidri" - colorful, lively, delicious. The aroma of many fruits is brightened and enhanced by a small dose of cinnamon.

You can add oatmeal and other flakes to the marshmallow - you get "muesli". You can add seeds and nuts, but experience is needed. Raw - it doesn't seem very tasty, ground - quickly oxidized and can spoil the taste. And the fried ones usually interrupt, absorb the aroma of the fruit, and it turns out neither one nor the other. But even here there are masterpieces. An example is churchkhela, fresh nuts in a thick paste of grape juice. But why is the pulp of other fruits worse?

Just dried fruit yogurt with sesame seeds - delicious. You can easily make "soft kazinaki", just pick up the fill. The most delicious marshmallow turned out ... from plum jam! Immediately they tried to "stockpile" raw jam - feijoa, ground with sugar 1: 1. And they found out: too sweet practically does not dry. Added oatmeal - it dries, but it turns out too sweet. But what sweets came out of him! Fried almonds are inserted into the dried "plasticine" made from feijoa, and this ball is rolled in coconut flakes ... I never had time to taste it properly!

Using marshmallow is a matter of imagination. This is an exclusive "dried fruit" for tea, and "glasses" for ice cream, creams and liqueurs. And cake decoration, and soaked - a layer or part of the filling for the cake. And even a blank for jam. In the refrigerator, in bags, it is stored for months and years, becoming fragile. He took it out, unfolded it, lay down a little - again flexible. It can be dried almost "dry" - it will be stored without a refrigerator.


If you prefer fruit without a peel, you will need a tricky machine - "peeler-cutter-middle remover". You can peel apples, pears, persimmons and all citrus fruits to remove the zest. Then from the remaining skins it is easy to dry fruit teas. Can be mixed with herbs and spices - it will turn out like in elite tea shops, only without flavors.

About drying flowers

Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter

Finally - beautiful: to hang them vertically, you need rings - trays without a frame. But their price is the same as that of conventional trays. Resourceful guys just cut the frame out of the trays, and no problem. Dried flowers, of course, do not remain "alive" - ​​they dry out, lose their shape. But on the other hand, the color remains almost original. This is a great material for floristry. Florists can dry everything in Isidri, down to citrus slices and watermelon slices.

For us, it is important that the aroma is well preserved in the flowers. Beginning with the flowering of bird cherry and hawthorn, you can dry yourself with dozens of flower teas of a wide variety of flavors. You just need not to overdry. If the petals themselves are fragrant, like those of a rose, chrysanthemum or marigold, it is better to dry them separately from the coarser receptacle.

And, of course, you shouldn't dry and drink everything: there are poisonous flowers too! Here you have to be curious, to understand. Or dry well known. We have been brewing our dried berries and fruits, currant leaves and various herbs for a long time, and do not even look in the direction of flavored teas: "chemical rough". And then there are their own "tea" flowers! For example, a bright chrysanthemum. The glass teapot holds true beauty for the soul. The Chinese are jealous! Cool restaurants nervously smoke ...

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Useful Tips

Loss of power supply

In the event of a power failure, the Ultra FD1000 dryer remains at the temperature you set, but in the case of the Snackmaker FD500 dryer, you need to reset the temperature to the desired one.

The more you dry, the more proficient you become.You will notice that there are many factors that affect the drying process and result, such as humidity, altitude, preparation and quality of the fresh product.


Pick out ripe foods and slice them quickly. Do not leave them outside the dryer for a long time, as this will affect the quality of the final product. If possible, cut vegetables and fruits into the same number of slices. Then you will know exactly how many pieces to put in your favorite recipe. To dry the food evenly and at the same time, cut it into equal pieces, 5mm thick, or use a food processor or slicer.
Preliminary processing

Avoids oxidation and prevents the loss of important vitamins. As an alternative to citric or ascorbic acid, natural citrus juice can be used for treatment.


Always place your dryer in a well-ventilated area. It is recommended to warm up the dryer a little before starting work. It is recommended to dry one type of food in each tray and do not add raw food to partially dried food during the drying process, as this may affect the drying time. There should only be one layer of food on each tray.

Dryness check

If possible, carry it out before the end of drying, since overdried foods lose their vitamin and taste qualities. In addition, they do not recover well. Chilled, after drying, a piece of the product should be broken in half and squeezed, if moisture does not come out, then this means that it is ready.

Fruit and candy are usually soft and silky after drying, however if honey has been added, they can be slightly sticky. Vegetables become hard or crunchy, and jerky fish and beef become hard or pliable.


Always refrigerate dried foods before packing them in air and watertight containers.
Vacuum packaging and glass containers are ideal for long-term storage of dried foods.
Most often, glass containers are used, previously used for storing food.
You can also use an apparatus for sealing bags, but for this, as much air as possible must be removed from the bag.
Since ordinary plastic bags are breathable, they therefore also allow moisture to pass through.


Dried foods should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place. With a decrease in temperature for every 10 ° C, the shelf life increases almost four times. The refrigerator or freezer is the ideal place to store dry, low acid foods such as vegetables, meat and fish. By placing dried foods in the freezer for 48 hours, insects can be prevented.


To avoid losing the vitamin value of foods, do not add too much water when soaking them. The amount of water that the food will absorb and the time required for this depends on the degree of their dryness. If all of the water has been absorbed but the product still looks dry, add more water. Boiling water speeds up the recovery process.

Although dried fruit can be eaten dried as a snack, it can also be stewed or used in pies, reconstituted by adding 1 cup of water to 1 cup of dried fruit. Let them sit in water until fully restored, then use as directed.

For vegetables, the general rule of thumb for recovery is 1½ cups of water to 1 cup of dry product. When boiling, dried vegetables and fruits are added directly to the pot, but remember that you can add extra water to the dried vegetables for full recovery.

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Drying fruit

Food drying temperature table

List of Ultra FD1000 Snackmaker FD500 Classic FD300
Herbs and spices 35-40 ° C Low Not recommended
Vegetables and flowers 50 ° C Medium Incl.
Fruit and pastilles 55 ° C Medium Incl.
Meat and fish 60 ° C High Not recommended

Drying temperature:
- Ezidri ultra FD1000 - 55 ° C.
- Ezildri snackmaker FD500 - Medium.
- Classic FD300 - Factory fitted.

Average drying time: 10-14 hours.

Different fruits take different times to dry. This time may vary depending on the thickness of the pieces, the moisture content of the fruit, the sugar content, the humidity in the air, and the altitude. Place the dryer in a well-ventilated area so that the moist air escaping from it does not enter it again. For high quality dried fruits, choose firm, ripe fruits that are high in sugar and vitamins. Overripe fruit is best used for making marshmallows. Slice quickly as much fruit as needed for one tray. Then immediately place this tray on the dryer and then proceed to slicing the next batch.

Fruit preparation

Wash fruit well, remove rotten areas, bones and tails. Wipe dry with a paper towel. Usually the fruit is cut with a sharp knife, food processor, apple cutter, etc. into slices no more than 5 mm thick. This ensures uniform drying. If desired, apples, pears, citrus and stone fruits can be dried with the peel.

Is pre-processing necessary

This is not necessary for most fruits, just chop and dry. However, pre-processing preserves the fruit's natural color and important vitamins A and C.

Natural preservatives such as citrus and pineapple juices prevent the browning that usually happens with apples. Slice the fruit straight into the juice. Take them out after five minutes. Let the juice drain and place the fruit on the trays. Stone fruits (apricots, plums, etc.), kiwi and tamarilo can be treated with a solution: dilute 1 part of honey in 2 parts of water. Heat this solution a little so that the honey is completely dissolved, then cool it, put fruits in it and let it brew for 10-12 hours. This will help preserve the color of the fruit and make it glaze, making it even more delicious.

To prevent the fruit from darkening, they should be placed for 2 minutes in a solution of ascorbic or citric acid — 15 ml (1 tbsp. L.) Per 2 liters of water. Then take them out, drain and place the fruit on the tray.


Turning out apricot halves or plums, which have been skins facing down on the tray, speeds up the drying process. Larger fruits should be cut into quarters or 5 mm thick slices.

Skin cracking

When drying whole waxy fruits such as grapes, cherries or blueberries, immerse them in boiling water for three minutes. At the same time, their rind cracks, becomes more porous, which allows faster removal of moisture and accelerates the drying process. Do not forget to cool the fruit in cold water after immersion in boiling water. Large grapes should be cut in half and placed on the tray, skin side down, without boiling water.

Filling trays

Place fruits on the tray in one layer, without overlapping them, as this can lengthen the drying process. One tray holds about half a kilo of raw food.

Dryness check

Most fruits will be pliable and tough after drying without dripping water when completely dry. Tear the piece in half, squeeze and make sure no moisture remains inside.


One cup of water is enough for one cup of fruit. Boiling water speeds up the recovery process. Let stand until fully restored, then use as directed. For fruit salads, it can be reconstituted in fruit juice, or directly in yogurt.

High humidity

At high air humidity it is recommended to dry:
- in the dryer Snackmaker FD500 - High;
- in Ultra FD1000 - at max ° C to compensate for excess moisture.

Drying fruit:

- Ultra FD1000 - 55 ° C.
- Snackmaker FD500 - Medium.
- Classic FD300 - Factory fitted.


Drying times are average.

At high air humidity:
- Ultra FD1000 - Max ° C.
- Snackmaker FD500 - High.

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Drying temperature
- Ezidri Ultra FD1000 - 55 ° C
- Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 - Medium
- Classic FD300 - Factory Installed

Average drying time: 10 - 12 hours


If the air humidity is high, set a higher temperature:
- Ultra FD1000 - Max ° C
- Snackmaker FD500 - High

Pastila can be made with sweetened (sugar or honey) or unsweetened, boiled or unboiled fruit or vegetable puree. Coarsely grated fruit makes a thicker pastille than puree. Fruits that oxidize faster than others (apricots, apples, peaches, berries, etc.), it is better to first heat up to 100 ° C, then cool, and only then cook puree from them.

- Place the pallet on a tray that is outside the dryer, lightly grease the pallet with vegetable oil so that the finished marshmallow does not stick to the pallet.
- Make (mash, grate) a thick puree of overripe fruits or vegetables.
- Spread the mashed potatoes with a spoon on the drip pan, oiled with vegetable oil. Ideally, the layer of puree in the middle of the pan should be thinner than the edges.
- Place no more than 2 cups of puree on one Ultra FD1000 pallet, and 1.5 cups on the Snackmaker FD500 pallet.
- Place a tray with a tray of puree on the base of the dryer.
- Avoid spilling puree on the base, as this may damage the dryer.
- Do not move the dryer when drying puree.
- Set Snackmaker FD500 to Medium, and Ultra FD1000 to 55 ° C.
- Usually marshmallow can be considered dried when it stops sticking in the center of the pallet. Banana and berry pastilles may be slightly sticky. So that the marshmallow is not fragile and with a lot of seeds, it is better to combine berries with other fruits.
- The average drying time is 12-14 hours, i.e. per night.
- Pastila cooked on a mixer (blender) is smoother; while the crushed fruit is thicker and will take longer to dry.
- Remove the pastille while it is still warm, then roll it up in a tube, refrigerate, wrap with cling film and place in an airtight container. The candy will be stored in the refrigerator for much longer.


Pastila is a great snack. It can be restored by diluting with water or juice in a 1: 1 ratio and used as a sauce or puree. It is easy to make a wonderful dessert for children from marshmallow - like a layer in biscuits or filling for pies. To make sugar-free jam, pour three parts of marshmallow with one part of boiling water.

Drying fruit pastilles

- Ultra FD1000 - 55 ° C.
- Snackmaker FD500 - Medium
- Classic FD300 - Factory Installed

Average drying time: 12-14 hours

Note: If the air humidity is high, set a higher temperature
- Ultra FD1000 - Max ° C
- Snackmaker FD500 - High

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Drying vegetables

Drying temperature
- Ezidri Ultra FD1000 - 55 ° C
- Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 - Medium
- Classic FD300 - Installed (at the factory)

Average drying time for vegetables: 6-10 hours

Caution - High humidity will increase drying time

Different vegetables take different times to dry. This drying time may vary depending on the size of the pieces, humidity, altitude and moisture content of the food itself.

Place the dryer in a well-ventilated area so that the moist air escaping from it does not enter it again. For high quality dried vegetables, choose mature, solid foods. Like fruits, vegetables should be cut quickly and placed on the tray to minimize vitamin loss.


Wash vegetables thoroughly, remove rotten areas and tails. They are usually cut with a sharp knife, food processor, etc., into 5 mm thick slices. This ensures uniform drying. Bean pods and asparagus are cut at a steep angle.

Preliminary processing

Foods such as beans and peas should be steamed to preserve their color, stop chemical changes in composition, and kill microorganisms that cause decay. In addition, steam opens pores and reduces drying time.

Steam treatment

Fill a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid with 20mm boiling water. Place the chopped vegetables in a special grid in it and, covered with a lid, process them according to the table. Cool them in cold water to stop the cooking process.Let the water drain by shaking the mesh and pat dry with a paper towel.

Microwave treatment

Place the chopped vegetables in the microwave and cook for 2 minutes as usual, stirring occasionally.

Filling trays

Place vegetable slices in one layer; one tray holds about half a kilo of raw vegetables. Vegetables that are very wet, such as tomatoes, should be placed on the mesh tray so that they can be removed more easily from the tray after drying.

Dryness check

Take a chilled piece, bend and tear it apart. It should be sufficiently hard and tough without any softness or moisture droplets.


Add 1/2 cup water to 1 cup dry vegetables, let sit (about 20 minutes) and then use in your recipes. Boiled water speeds up the recovery process. In soups or stews, dried vegetables are added directly to the pan without pre-soaking, they will recover during cooking.

Ground dried vegetables

Dried vegetables such as onions, garlic, mushrooms, celery can be ground in a blender and used in condiments, soups, salads, and baby food.

Drying vegetables:

Drying temperature
- Ezidri Ultra FD1000 - 55 ° C
- Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 - Medium
- Classic FD300 - Factory Installed


At high air humidity:
- Ultra FD1000 - Max ° C
- Snackmaker FD500 - High

Drying times are average.

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Drying meat and fish

Drying temperature:
- Ezidri Ultra FD1000 - 60 ° C
- Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 - High
- Classic FD300 - Not intended

Average drying time: 6-8 hours


jerky, cut into strips

This is raw meat, usually beef or venison, that is salted or marinated and then dried. It is not recommended to dry raw (uncooked) chicken and pork.

Dried boiled meat

Boil the meat first, then cut into small pieces and dry. Meat can be cooked as part of a dish: stewed, baked or fried. Then dry it and restore it by adding water. For such drying, you can use chicken and pork, which cannot be used to make jerky.

Fish jerky

This is raw fish, salted, sometimes smoked, then dried to a low moisture content.

Drying beef jerky

Choose lean beef without fat, as the fat will go rancid during storage. From 2 kg of lean beef, you get half a kilo of jerky. Slice the beef into long 5mm strips. Partially frozen meat is easier to cut. Meat sliced ​​across the grain is easier to chew than sliced ​​lengthwise.


Lean meat should be frozen for at least 60 days to kill bacteria and diseases that this animal may carry.

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Drying herbs and spices

Drying temperature:
- Ezidri Ultra FD1000 -30 - 40 ° C
- Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 - Low
- Classic FD300 - Not intended

Average drying time for herbs: 4-8 hours

Herbs are easy to grow. It is better to dry them in summer, to be used in soups, sauces, for stewing and baking in winter. When drying herbs, you can control the temperature, which allows you to preserve both their color and vitamin value.

Collect herbs in the early morning when they are most fragrant.

Dry herbs with stalks as they may sprinkle during drying. The seeds will take longer to dry, for this they must be freed from the shell.

Herbs can darken if dried at too high a temperature. It should not exceed 35 ° C or Low for proper drying of herbs and 40 ° C or Low for spices.


Separate the leaves from the stems and rinse thoroughly. Seeds and leaves are easily separated during drying.

Filling trays

Place mesh trays on the trays to prevent herbs from spilling out of the trays. Place herbs on the tray in one layer. When drying bouquets of herbs, use hollow trays between the regular trays to increase their height.

Dryness test

After drying, the leaves of herbs crumble, and the seeds become fragile. Remove dried leaves from stems, allow to cool and place in an airtight container. After a few days, check if condensation has appeared on the walls, then you must continue drying.


Store herbs in opaque containers with a tightly lapped lid in a dark place, chop or grind when using to extract more flavor.

Do not store herbs in paper bags, as the paper will absorb the oils in the herbs, leading to loss of fragrances. Label the containers with the names of the herbs, as it can be difficult to recognize them after drying.

Using dried herbs

From one kilogram of herbs, about 125 grams remain during drying. Some herbs, such as coriander and basil, lose their odor faster than other herbs, especially as the herbs age.

Herbal teas

Take 1 tsp. with a top of dried herbs in 1 cup of boiled water. Let it brew for 5 minutes and strain.

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Drying flowers

Drying temperature:
- Ezidri Ultra FD1000 - 50 ° C
- Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 - Medium
- Classic FD300 - Not intended

Average drying time: 6-12 hours

This is a very interesting use for Ezidri dryers and you will be surprised at the result. By controlling the drying temperature, you will see that all parts of the flowers dry quickly, eliminating loss of shape, which often happens with other drying methods.

Most wide-bud flowers like roses, peony, sunflower, daisies, larkspur and delphinium dry very well. Peony, sunflower, camellia and even magnolia buds can be dried successfully using hollow trays.

Pot - a purri of flowers

When collecting flowers for a potpourri, pluck open buds preferably in the morning after the dew has evaporated. Choose them for color, shape and freshness. Cut off fragrant leaves and flower buds, without any flaws, with a sharp knife. Remove petals from large buds and place them in one layer on a tray, or use one or two hollow trays between layers of flower buds.

While most pot-purri blends use rose or lavender petals as a base, there are many other flowers like lilies, honeysuckle, jasmine and aromatic leaves such as geraniums that are very interesting and give a specific sweat-purri flavor. Tight rose buds should be torn into 5 mm cups. and cut each large head of your garden carnation in half to make sure it dries evenly.

Combine all ingredients after drying and include a few spices to add a musky note to the sweat purri. Retainers such as violet root and lemon peel will help keep the scent of the flower petals in place.

Store potpourri in sealed metal or ceramic jugs in a cool dry place for up to 8 weeks. Shake occasionally. Place some of this mixture in a nice container and savor the scent until it fades and the mixture needs to be replaced.

Exotic sweat - Purri can be made from unripe fruits, vegetables, nuts, cones, which can then be combined with dried flowers of sunflower, calendula, marigold, marigolds, or large daisies.

Red, green and purple chiles of all shapes and sizes can be dried whole or cut lengthwise. They will create a beautiful panel in a wooden bowl or in combination with pine cones and nuts.

Sweat-purri mixtures

The ingredients and proportions for potpourri are very individual and depend on the taste and what is available at a given time of the year.
All recipes use dried materials

The basic proportion for pot-purri is as follows:
- 4 handfuls of herbs or flowers
- 1-2 tbsp. l. fixatives (violet root or dried lemon peel)
- 1-2 tbsp. l. spice mix
Optimal: a few drops of flower oil - use a little.

In a large bowl, slowly combine all dried flowers or herbs. Combine flower oil, fixatives and spices in a separate small bowl.Mix them and sprinkle evenly on the mixture of flowers, crumble dried herbs. Pack the sweat-purri in a clean ceramic bowl with a tightly-lapped lid. Store in a cool, dark place for 6-8 weeks, shaking or stirring every two weeks to allow the pot-purri mixture to “ripen” and then ready to be placed in a jug and enjoy the color and scent of your sweat-purri.

Sweet sweat - spiced purri
1 glass of rose petals
2 tbsp. l. rosemary
1/2 cup minced orange peel
1 tbsp. l. whole carnation
1/2 cup lavender flowers
2 tbsp. l. chamomile
1 tbsp. l. coriander seed
1 cinnamon stick, minced

Winter sweat - purri
10 pieces. red and green chile
20 big bumps
10 unpeeled almonds
1 cup lemon slices
2 tbsp. l. spice mix
10 sunflower flowers
4 heads with magnolia seeds
10 unpeeled walnuts
1 cup pear plates
1 cup moss (lichen)

Kiwi mix
1 cup red tamarillo plates
1 cup orange slices
1 cup green chili
1 cup kiwi slices
1 cup large buds
1 cup macadamia nuts

Scented balls

These long-standing aromatic mementos dry easily and quickly on trays with the addition of one or more hollow trays, depending on the size of the fruit. Apples, oranges, lemons and limes are suitable for making aromatic balls.

Using a hairpin, pierce the peel of the apple evenly around its entire circumference and place a grain of sainfoin in each hole. The entire peel must be completely covered. Then roll the apples into the next mixture, carefully covering it.
35 g cinnamon
1 tsp violet root powder,
35 g of ground nutmeg.

Let the scent beads sit in this mixture for several days, rotating occasionally. Place the balls on a solid pan on the tray and add as many hollow trays as the balls fit freely between the trays. Dry at 40 ° C until wrinkled and light - about 36 hours.

While drying, tie a long ribbon or string around each ball, or wrap a net and tie a ribbon.

A source: 🔗

Pumpkin soup

1 kg pumpkin
2 onions, chopped
2 glasses of water
2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tsp beef broth
2 tsp Sahara
½ tsp. ground almonds
2-3 glasses of milk
Salt, pepper to taste
½ tsp. curry (to taste)

Peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces. Boil the pumpkin, onion, garlic, sugar, water, and broth until the pumpkin is tender. Stir the mixture with milk until puree and add seasoning. Cool and dry on a lightly oiled solid pan for 8 hours at 55 ° C or Medium.
The soup can be stored either as a marshmallow or as a powder (grind on a coffee grinder) for making instant soups.

Most soup ingredients such as leeks, tomatoes, and spinach are easy to dry and can also be easily ground into a powder for instant soup in a coffee grinder. To make soup, add 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture for soup in a mug and pour boiling water, the soup will be ready in a few minutes.

A source: 🔗

Meat dishes

South African Biltong (jerky)
1 kg venison
1 tbsp. l. coarse salt
2 tsp Sahara
½ tsp. ground black pepper
1 tbsp. l. ground coriander
¼ glasses of vinegar

Cut the meat into strips 10 mm thick and place in the marinade overnight. Remove from the marinade and dry on a mesh pan or a solid pan greased with vegetable oil for 10-12 hours at 60 ° C or High, until the meat is flexible but does not break.

Indonesian Sweet Dried Beef
1 kg of premium beef
250 g brown sugar
1 tbsp. l. ground ginger
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 tsp salt
3-4 tbsp. l. ground coriander

Cut the meat into 5 mm strips across the grain and add the marinade. Do not add any other water, as the juice in the meat will dilute the marinade. Let stand overnight.Remove the meat from the marinade, dry on a mesh or solid pan for 8 hours at 60 ° C or High.

Pastila from minced meat
1 kg of premium minced meat
2 onions, diced
6 cloves of minced garlic
4 tomatoes, cut into slices
½ tsp. chili powder
2 tsp oregano

Fry all ingredients without oil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the minced meat darkens. Remove fat formed after frying. Mix in a blender until smooth. Spread out on a solid tray, lightly greased with vegetable oil and dry for 8-10 hours at 60 ° C or High.
For reconstitution, add 1 cup warm water to 1 cup dried minced meat and cook until hot enough. This will make a thick, nutritious soup.

Arabic lamb chop
2 kg lean lamb
2 onions, diced
1 quince marshmallow with ginger
1 tbsp. l. olive oil
1 tbsp. l. coriander or parsley
A blend of black, cayenne, sweet peppers and salt

Cut the meat into chops, mix with spices and onions. Heat oil in a heavy skillet and cook the chops until tender. Remove all cooking grease. Add quince pastille, cut into small pieces, and cook for another half hour.
Serve with unsweetened yogurt and boiled potatoes.

Sweet and sour pork with rice
500 g pork
2 apples, chopped
240 g canned pineapple
1 tsp ginger root
2 onions, chopped
100 g green beans
2 tbsp. l. brown sugar
1 tsp citric acid
½ tsp. curry powder
½ tsp. turmeric
3 tbsp. l. corn flour
3 tbsp. l. gravy for frying
Salt to taste

Cut the pork into small strips or cubes, removing all the fat. Fry with salt and ginger until soft over low heat with the lid closed. Add vegetables, fruits and other ingredients and cook for another 1 hour over low heat. Place on a solid tray and dry for 8-10 hours at 60 ° C or High. Turn over after several hours of drying.
To reconstitute, add water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook for 20 minutes and, when serving, place on top of the rice on a plate.

Prepare 2 cups of rice according to package directions. Spread it out on a solid tray and dry at 55 ° C or Medium. To reconstitute, add an equal amount of boiling water to the rice and let stand for 5 minutes.

Any dishes: stews, casseroles, canned meats, spaghetti, and boiled beans can be dried and reconstituted as described in Sweet Sour Pork with Rice recipe.
The meat should be cut into cubes or strips, and the ground meat is ideal for drying.

Marinate 500 g lean beef or venison as follows
4 tbsp. l. soy sauce
4 tbsp. l. Wochester sauce
1 tbsp. l. tomato sauce
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp. l. ground ginger
1 tbsp, L, curry powder

Dip the meat completely in the marinade, cover and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. Drain the water and place the meat on the trays, while placing a solid pan on the lower tray so that no water drops get into the inside of the dryer. The meat can be laid out both on trays and on nets. Turn the meat after four hours. The meat can be considered ready if it bends like a willow twig without breaking.

There should be no damp spots. The shelf life of such meat is 4 weeks. For longer storage, meat should be placed in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.

Corned beef Jerky (beef)
Take the seasoned corned beef ready to be processed. Cut it into long, narrow, even strips. Place on a mesh tray. Dry until soft. Dried corned beef should break at the fold, but should not be brittle. Pack the corned beef in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.

Drying boiled meat

Use soft cooked beef, venison, pork, ham or poultry and remove all fat. Leftover steak and grilled meat are ideal.Make sure the meat is completely cooked. Cut into 5mm strips or 10mm cubes, dry on mesh trays on trays for 6-8 hours at 60 ° C or High. Dried meat should be firm and crispy without moisture. Shelf life 6 weeks, refrigerated 8 weeks, freezer 6 months.

Meat that has been stewed or baked as part of a dish should be cut thinly so that meat and vegetables are dried and restored at the same time. Spicy minced meat, Chinese chicken stew (chow mein), pork kebab - all can be dried. Restoring cooked fish is not recommended.

Ready meals should be dried on a tray lightly greased with vegetable oil for 6-8 hours at 60 ° C or High. Stir after three hours of drying. Store in sealed containers in a cool, dark place or bags for outdoor use, which should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer until use.

To restore, simply pour in cold water, gradually bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Simmer on very low heat until fully restored.

A source: 🔗
Fish and seafood dishes

Drying fish

Take lean, fresh fish, peel it quickly, and keep it cool until dry. Make sure the fish hasn't been frozen before. This fish can also be dried, but the taste and texture will be lower.

Cut the fish into 5 mm strips and marinate for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. This marinade should contain 4 tsp. salt per kilogram of fresh fish. Place the fish on mesh trays on trays and dry for 6-8 hours at 60 ° C or High until the fish is tough and moisture comes out - but does not crumble.

Store in airtight containers in a cool, dark place or refrigerator, or deep-frozen for more than 2 weeks. It is best to use fish with a low fat content such as cod, perch, etc.

Lemon marinade
4 tsp salt,
2 tbsp. l. dried parsley
2 tsp onion powder
1/2 cup lemon juice
Mix well and lubricate each layer of fish evenly.

Edible molluscs

Shellfish can be dried both raw and boiled: in a saucepan under pressure for 1-2 hours or boiled over low heat for 5-6 hours, and then dried for 16-24 hours at 60 ° C or High. For recovery, leave to infuse in water overnight. Raw shellfish, cut into strips or ground in a meat grinder, dry for 6-10 hours at 60 ° C or High and several hours are enough for recovery.


Peel the squid thoroughly and cut the squid body and tentacles into 10 mm pieces, blanch for 5 minutes and dry on a mesh tray for 8-12 hours at 60 ° C or High. To restore, soak in 1 liter of water with? h. l. baking soda until soft, or can be consumed dried as the Japanese do.

Dried fish with sour cream
1 glass of sour cream
¼ h. L. pepper
¼ glasses of mayonnaise
1 tbsp. l. dried parsley
2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 cup dried fish
1 clove of garlic, minced

Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, pepper and parsley. Chop dried fish and mix with this paste. Serve with crackers, chips, dried tomatoes, zucchini or cucumber slices.

A source: 🔗

Fruit salad
1/2 cup each dried fruit: kiwi, nectarine, pineapple, apricot, strawberry, plum, peach, apple
4 glasses of water or fruit juice
½ cup brandy (to taste)

Reconstitute until tender and refrigerate.

For preservation: Mix one cup of reconstituted fruit and one cup of sugar, cook, stirring constantly. Cook until thickened.

Tropical fruit salad
1/2 cup each dried fruit: pineapple, mango, papaya, citrus fruit, coconut
2 tbsp. l. crystallized ginger
2 ½ cups orange juice

Combine fruit and ginger, add juice and stir gently. Let stand until the fruit is tender. Delicious with ice cream.

Add some orange liqueur.
Dried vegetables

Dried tomatoes in aromatic oil
¼ cups vegetable oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup dried tomatoes
1 small dried red chili
Dried parsley, oregano and rosemary
1 cup extra virgin olive oil

Heat vegetable oil in a small saucepan, add garlic, rosemary and chili. Fry until the garlic is crispy and golden and the oil has a flavor. Remove from heat and refrigerate at room temperature. Fill a half-liter jar with dried tomatoes and herbs and pour over the strained aromatic oil. Add olive oil to completely cover the tomatoes. Close the jar and refrigerate, shelf life approx. 6 months.

If the tomatoes are too dry, they will not absorb the oil. Serve with cubes of feta cheese.

Dried tomatoes for pasta (pasta)

Put the dried tomatoes, cayenne pepper, dried eggplant in layers in a jar, shifting layers of garlic and basil. When the jar is full, pour over the olive oil.

Remove pieces of vegetables from the jar, cut them into thin strips, add white or red wine for softness. Add the oil in which the vegetables were standing, heat and mix with the pasta. Top with grated Parmesan or your favorite cheese.

You can add anchovies.
Fruit Dishes

Glazed fruits, tamarillo and citrus fruits
1 kg of fruit
2 glasses of water
1 cup of sugar

Peel the fruit and cut into 5mm thick slices. Pour sugar with water and boil. Refrigerate the resulting syrup, put the fruit in it and leave it overnight. Drain the syrup gently and place the fruit on the mesh tray on the tray. Dry 12-14 hours at 55 ° C or Medium.

One edge can be dipped in melted chocolate.

Instead of ½ cup water, you can use ½ cup mint liquor.

Fruit squares
200 g butter
1 egg
1 1/2 cups dried kiwi
3 large cups rice balls or tamarillo
½ cup sugar
1 glass of water

Reconstitute fruit in hot water for 5 minutes. Soften butter and sugar in a bowl, add eggs, then dried fruit. Cook for 5 minutes. Add rice balls. Put on a flat dish and cool. Cut into squares and sprinkle with coconut. Store frozen until needed.

Persimmon and cream cheese cookies
1 persimmon marshmallow
25 g cream cheese

Lightly knead overripe astringent or non-astringent persimmons. Dry for 10-12 hours at 55 ° C or Medium. Chill and cover with a thick layer of cream cheese. Cut into circles with a sharp knife or scissors.

Serve with tea or coffee.

Edible wreath

You can use round cardboard or a mesh tray with a lot of melted chocolate as a base. Cut apples and pears with peels, cut vertically into pieces 5 mm thick, dry for 8-12 hours at 55 ° C or Medium. Do not use the first and last pieces, which are mostly skinned. Put small pieces of apples and pears in the center, they will be the core of the wreath. Then place one or two rings of dried fruit around the center. Dried strawberries and kiwi will add flavor to the wreath and fill up empty spaces. To the bottom of the wreath, you can add a Scottish fabric ribbon tied with a bow. As the base of the wreath, you can use kiwi marshmallow, generously flavored with melted chocolate.

Such a wreath can be timed to coincide with Valentine's Day or New Years. These wreaths are fun to make and a pleasure to give. They are beautiful to look at, tasty and healthy.

Healing pastille
1 cup oatmeal
2 cups apricot yogurt
2 cups mashed ripe bananas
½ cup chopped almonds

Mix well and dry for 16 hours at 55 ° C or Medium.

You can use fresh diced fruit instead of bananas.

Tropical Healing Lozenges
1 cup peanut butter
½ cup honey
1 cup of powdered milk
½ cup sesame seeds
2 cups dried pineapple, mango, and banana, shredded

Combine nut butter, milk and honey until smooth.Then add dried fruits and sesame seeds and mix well. Squeezing the mixture tightly, fill a saucepan with a diameter of 20 cm and cut the mixture into small pieces. Carefully remove the pieces and place on a mesh tray and dry for 6 hours at 60 ° C or High until crisp.

Healing pastilles will taste great with any combination of fruits.

Fruit balls
2 cups dried fruit mixture
½ cup sweetened condensed milk
½ cup chopped almonds
½ cup coconut flakes

Combine dried fruits and almonds, add milk and mix well. Chill for 2 hours and then form into 15 mm balls and roll in the coconut. Dry for 5 hours at 60 ° C or High until the outside is crispy. Store in tightly closed containers.

You can use excess dried fruits from the last season, chopped in a blender.

Fruit balls with peanut butter
1 cup coconut flakes
2 cups dried apples, shredded
½ cup peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Form into 15mm balls and dry for 5 hours at 60 ° C or High until crispy on the outside.

You can use shredded banana marshmallow instead of apples.

Glazed citrus zest
2 cups zest
1 glass of water
1 cup of sugar

Cover the zest lightly with water and bring to a boil over low heat. Make a syrup with water and sugar (use the water that the zest was boiled in so it doesn't taste bitter). Cook the syrup, stirring occasionally, until all the water has evaporated and the syrup thickens. Soak the zest in the syrup, drain the excess syrup, dry on a mesh tray on a tray for 14-16 hours at 55 ° C or Medium.
Microwave recipe:

Make a syrup from water and sugar, add the zest, put in the microwave, boil, then put on medium mode and cook until the fruits are soft and clean. Drain the syrup, then dry as described above.

You can use figs cut in half or in quarters and boil until clear (1-1.5 hours). Drain off excess syrup. Dip the slices in powdered sugar, cinnamon or ginger.

Christmas fruit pies
3 cups dried fruit mixture, including zest and juice of 1 lemon and 1 orange
1 tsp spice mix
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
½ tsp ground cloves
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ glasses of brandy, whiskey or rum
1 ½ tsp ground nutmeg

Grind the fruit in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Transfer the resulting mass to a container with a tightly closed lid. Store in a refrigerator or in a cool, dark place.

You can use last year's dried fruit stocks or make tropical pies with pineapple, coconut, and papaya. It is advisable to freeze dried fruits, so it will be easier to grind them in a blender.
Bakery products

Fritters with apples, pineapple and feijoa
1 cup dried fruit
1 glass of water
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 egg
⅓ glass of milk
1 tsp softened butter
a pinch of salt

Soak fruit until fully restored. Beat the egg and add milk and butter. Add sifted flour, baking powder, salt and sugar and beat until smooth. Cover the fruit with this dough and fry until brown on all sides. Place on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Sponge cake with kiwi and tamarillo
2 cups dried tamarillo or kiwi, glazed
2 glasses of water
Cherry liqueur (some)
⅓ glasses of almonds
1 tamarillo marshmallow
1 biscuit
1 cup vanilla custard

Reconstitute fruit until soft. Place the tamarillo marshmallow in the bottom of the glass bowl. On top, put a sponge cake soaked in liquor, then fruit, also sprinkle with liquor. Top with custard and decorate with almonds. Cool before serving.

You can use plum and brandy marshmallow instead of tamarillo and cherry liqueur marshmallow.
Desserts, drinks

Banana and Rum Dessert
2 cups dried bananas
½ cup rum
whipped cream
2 tsp with brown sugar top

Pour rum and water over dry bananas and add sugar. Place in the oven until the bananas are soft. Serve warm with cream.

Plum spitzer
¼ plum pastille
¼ glass of water
1 large glass of soda or lemonade

Break the marshmallow into small pieces, mix with water and put in the microwave for 2 minutes. Stir well and cool. Combine with soda or lemonade.

For a pungent smell, add rhubarb or apple marshmallow.

Banana coctail
1 glass of milk
1 glass of pure yogurt
½ cup banana pastille
½ tsp vanilla
1 tsp honey (to taste)

Place all ingredients in a blender and stir until the puree is thick and smooth. Serve immediately.

Dried bananas are very difficult to break down due to their high sugar content and should be placed in the freezer before chopping.

Delicious and vitamin for children.

Dried fruits in brandy
4 cups dried fruits (kiwi, pineapple, peach, apricot, plums, apples, citrus fruits, yellow tamarillo, figs)
2 cups sugar
2 cups brandy or rum
2 glasses of water

Place dried fruit in layers in a glass jar. While stirring, boil the sugar and water. Refrigerate and add brandy or rum. Stir and pour over the fruit. It is not recommended to fill the jar as far as it will go, since the fruit will increase in volume. Leave to infuse for several months. Serve with ice cream, cream, or cold chicken or pork.

Granny Smith's muesli
1 cup oatmeal
3 apples
½ cup almond flakes
1 tbsp. l. honey
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
1 cup apricot yogurt
Juice from 1 lemon ½ tsp. salt
¼ cups of sesame seeds

Grate apples with peel. Add other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Let stand for 20 minutes. Place the mixture on a solid pan on the tray and dry for 20 hours at 55 ° C or Medium, stirring occasionally.

Orange honey muesli
3 cups oatmeal
1 glass of orange juice
½ cup chopped dried fruit
½ tsp nutmeg
½ cup sunflower seeds
2 tbsp. l. liquid honey
½ cup wheat germ

Combine cereals, fruits, sprouts, seeds and nutmeg. Heat honey and orange juice in a small saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring regularly. Dip a mixture of fruits and nuts into the syrup. Let it brew, then drain the excess syrup. Dry on a solid tray on a tray for 10 hours at 55 ° C or Medium.

The longer the mixture dries, the more brittle it will be.
Pastila (contestants' recipes)

Pastila "Marble"

We take sweet aromatic melon and fresh (or freshly frozen) lingonberries.
Grind (separately) in a blender.

Pour into a lightly oiled marshmallow tray, alternating between melon and lingonberry puree.

Dry in Ezidri at 50-55 degrees (Medium) for 7 hours.

We wrap in rolls and cut into "pastilles" and enjoy the contrasting taste of lingonberry acidity and aromatic melon sweetness.

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Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter
Pastila "Taiga fairy tale" (lingonberry with pine nuts)

We take fresh (or frozen) lingonberries. Grind in a blender. If desired, sugar can be added to the lingonberry puree (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of puree).
Mix the lingonberry puree with pine nuts.

Place on a lightly oiled marshmallow tray.

Dry in Ezidri at 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender.

We cut the dried circle into "pastilles" and charge ourselves with the strength and energy of the gifts of the Siberian taiga.

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"Pastila for dad"

Tomatoes, not a large clove of garlic, a little black pepper, chop five large leaves of basil in a blender.

I spread the mass on a marshmallow sheet, oiled with olive oil and dry for 12-15 hours.

Eat deliciously with fresh rye-wheat bread.

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Pastila "Boyarochka"

Take hawthorn berries, blanch or steam in a juicer.
Rub through a sieve.
You can add sugar to taste.
Dry in Isidri.
You can add grapes, chokeberry, raspberries, sea buckthorn to hawthorn puree.
Already a different taste and aroma.
And be sure to add nuts. I do with hazel.
Fresh, just harvested, they dry with the puree and do not dry out.
In the photo there is marshmallow with dark grapes and sea buckthorn.

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Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter
Pastila "Apple"
Core apples and chop in a food processor or coarsely grate with the peel. This is the foundation.
For dressing, take fresh or frozen chopped Victoria berries, add crushed ripe bananas. Stir everything well. The mass should be like pancake dough. Mix with apples and place on greased marshmallow trays. Dry at 55 degrees 11 - 12 hours. Remove warm and immediately roll up.

Berries for dressing can be different - strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn and others. You can use plum jam or other jams. For elasticity, add bananas to the berry puree, preferably overripe. If sour, then add a little sugar.
You can add some cinnamon.
New berry in the dressing and a different taste and aroma of marshmallow!

Apple candy replaces chips, and if you add seeds or nuts, then we take to work for tea or give children to school. Then they must be wrapped in cling film.
Bon Appetit!

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"Banana-apple crackers"
Peel ripe apples and bananas. Prepare a couple of spoons of honey (if the apples are sweet, you can do without honey or replace with a few dates if you are allergic to honey).

Grind the fruit in a food processor or blender, add honey.
Grease the marshmallow tray with vegetable oil. Smearing the mass on the pallet is a stage that even the little helpers can handle perfectly.

Add nuts ... walnuts or almonds - your choice!

If you dry the marshmallow to an almost solid state (15-18 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer), then you can not roll it into tubes, but arrange it in the form of a cookie.
For example, cut into rectangles with a knife or table scissors. In this form, it is convenient to serve it with tea or take it as a snack on the road.

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"Almond sweets"
Peel ripe local apples and add a little cinnamon.

Grind until smooth. If the apples are not sweet enough, you can also add brown sugar or honey to taste.
Next, as usual, put the apple mass on a tray greased with vegetable oil and put to dry. But not to bring it to readiness, but to catch the moment when the marshmallow is no longer liquid, but still sticky and plastic, like plasticine.

Stick the nuts with marshmallows to form small candies, roll in coconut and leave to dry for a few more hours.
Well-dried sweets do not stick together, they are perfectly stored in glass or tin jars.
They can be a nice gift.

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Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter
Delight yogurt
For the marshmallow we need: yogurt, pine nuts and poppy seeds.

Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts, or lay on top.
Place on a lightly oiled marshmallow tray.
Dry in Ezidri at 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender.

It turns out something like an oriental dastarkhan.

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"The joy of creativity"
It so happens that in the course of life our different abilities manifest themselves. Now, for example, when I am over thirty, it became necessary to make preparations for the winter for my family. So that it is tasty, and maximum vitamins, and fruits and vegetables - from your own garden - economically.

My family loves juice. Let's do it! And the rest of the meat? Throwing away is waste! But at least we dry the marshmallow, from cherries - have you tried it?

If the juice was boiled, then we pass the cherries through a colander so that the seeds are separated from the puree. And if the juice was squeezed, then you have a ready-made mass of berries, moreover, without heat treatment. Add a little sugar for flavor and flexibility when finished. Only no more than 1/10 of the total mass of berries, otherwise it will stick and dry badly. And let's add ... for example, powdered ginger! Spices are so exciting, you feel like a creator ...

The Creator, he is in each of us.In my youth, still at school, I, like many, was inclined to drawing, painted pictures. How much free time did you have then, how much opportunity to do something? Now there is no time for pictures. All - at a run, in a hurry, late. We are not up to the pleasures of creativity. But what's stopping you? Just one step!

I take out of the closet halves of dried apples from the last approach to the dryer, I spread the cherries and ginger on a marshmallow tray with a canvas. Let's start creating!

What does the half of an apple look like? Half an apple, someone will answer. And he will be right. So, we draw a whole from two halves. And we will slightly trim the leaves with scissors. Apple slices are easy to cut with scissors if the consistency is correct and flexible. It is a pity that there are no nuts, it would be possible to shade the drawing with them in empty places. And if from the same apples, but the drawing is a little more complicated ...

So chrysanthemums blossomed under the hands. And even though I spent more time making the marshmallows than expected, it was so great! Well, the taste, thanks to the bright cherry and tart, warming ginger, turned out to be worthy of external design.

But if thanks to these photos the Artist wakes up in you, stretches sweetly and begins to decorate the world, it means that you have not read the recipe in vain.

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Pastila for colds
When treating friends and acquaintances with marshmallow, I often hear from them: "It is good to have something to do, but we have nothing to do in our garden." “So I don’t have anything in the garden either,” I say in response, smiling. By the word "NOTHING" I mean "nothing edible."

Looking into my garden, acquaintances shake their heads - how everything is overgrown with grass! Yes, grass has grown today. Does the Earth give us something useless? I'm going to pick this weed for the winter. I will dry chamomile, lemon balm, plantain, cornflowers, marigolds, nettles, raspberries, coltsfoot, etc. I did not specially pull it, it turns out that the whole pharmacy has grown in the garden, there is no need to go anywhere for herbs. So I will give the children some marshmallows for the winter with a medicine for colds.

Take 1 orange, raspberry leaves and berries, rhubarb stalks, cornflower and calendula flowers, plantain, nettle, mother-and-stepmother. Your intuition will tell you what herbs you need. Twist the herbs in a meat grinder. For a bunch (so that the marshmallow dries out in an even plate and does not break) I take overripe bananas. I used to use them for colds in winter: knead a half of a banana in a glass, pour boiling water over it, stir it. I drink the resulting jelly for a sore throat, another cold. Are bananas expensive to treat? No, overripe bananas are very cheap on the market in the summer. And what sweet ones are obtained in dried form, no sugar is needed! I definitely knead bananas for marshmallows with my hands, imagining how tasty and healthy it will turn out. Mix herbs and banana gruel, add 1-2 tbsp. honey, mix and lay out to dry.

Try it too, it tastes better than Doctor Mom lozenges. And about the benefits, about living energy - how can you compare?

Next time I will definitely lay out on the marshmallow the ancient Slavic sign "Odolenka", which our ancestors used to help with diseases. It will not be up to us to decide whether it will be stronger or not, but it will look original. Can you visit the patient with her, will she be delighted, what do you think?

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Pastila with pepper
What if you add a little spiciness to the sweet marshmallow?
We take very ripe apricots and bananas, knead.
Grate the cucumber. What is a cucumber for? For the mass, there are a lot of them this year, on a warm garden bed!
I add a mixture of peppers (there is a "Mill" at hand, there may be others), I combine everything, mix it and put it on a tray.

How to decorate is a matter of your imagination. You can use slices of the same bananas and cucumbers, or you can use rose petals. They do not give taste, and as a result, the marshmallow turns out - like a Pavlovo Posad shawl, even for an exhibition, even for a fair!

What does this taste like?
For non-alcoholic mulled wine, perhaps: warming, rich. I just want to eat another bite!

Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter

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Sweet and sour dried fruit seasoning
½ cup dried kiwi ¼ cup dried onions
½ cup dried peaches
¼ cups of dried grapes
¼ cups dried orange circles
1 tsp ginger powder
½ cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup white vinegar
1 glass of water
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp curry powder

Place all ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for an hour. Then cool, bottle and seal.
Put a piece of cheese (eg camembert) on a cracker and a spoonful of seasoning on top.

Sweet and sour tamarillo seasoning
1 cup dried tamarillo
½ cup dried onions
¼ ground ginger
½ cup dried apples
¾ cups of dried grapes
½ cup dried pineapple
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup brown sugar
2 glasses of water
1 tsp spice mix
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp salt

Place all ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolves. Cook for an hour until the dried fruit is completely reconstituted and the mixture thickens. Cool, bottle and seal.

You can use not only dried fruits alone, but combine them with fresh fruits and canned ones, but then add less water. This seasoning is very good with grilled pork.

Vegetarian curry
1/2 cup of the following dried fruits and vegetables. pineapple, apples, kiwi, tomatoes, red and green hot peppers, onions.
1 chili (to taste) 1 tbsp l. curry powder
2 cups water or broth
2 tbsp. l. flour
2 tbsp. l. butter

Place curry, butter and flour in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Add dried fruits, vegetables and broth and simmer for an hour.

For added flavor, cook this curry the day before serving. You can replace some of the water with coconut milk.

Tomato seasoning in aromatic oil
¼ cups of tomatoes
2 tbsp. l. vinegar
6 tbsp. l. tomato oil
2 tbsp. l. capers
Ground black pepper
1 tbsp. l. dry parsley

Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serve on a piece of mozzarella, cucumber or with a fresh vegetable salad. Calculation for half a glass.

Tomato pesto in aromatic oil (pasta seasoning)
½ cup tomatoes
1 glass of water
½ cup tomato oil
2 cloves of garlic
Ground black pepper to taste
¼ cups of pine nuts
2 tbsp. l. parmesan cheese

Bring the tomatoes and water to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Drain water, save water. In a blender, grind the tomatoes until puree, add oil, pine nuts, garlic, salt and pepper. Also chop until puree. Mix with Parmesan cheese, add the water left from cooking and bring to a sauce state. Serve with pasta, drizzle over. Store in a refrigerator in a tightly closed container for about two weeks. Calculation for 1 ¼ glass.

Horseradish, Garlic & Ginger Powder

Horseradish, garlic and ginger, peel, chop and mince. Spread out on a solid tray and dry for 3-5 hours at 50 ° C or Medium.
Grind into powder and dry again if you are not sure that the powder is dry enough.

When using, take 3 tbsp. l. powder, pour white vinegar, let stand so that the powder absorbs the vinegar, mix with ½ cup sour cream.

Serve with grilled beef.

Cream cheese frosting
250 g cream cheese
125 g butter
1 tsp vanillin
2 cups powdered sugar

Beat butter and cheese, add vanillin and powdered sugar. Beat again until smooth. Pour the icing over the cake and sprinkle with hazelnuts.
Recipes for Sushezi

Collection of recipes for dishes prepared with Sushezi sushi molds.

Ginger-nut roll (for 3 rolls)
3/4 cup sesame seeds
1 tsp dry ground ginger
3/4 cup pumpkin seeds
125 g butter
3/4 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup condensed milk
250 g gingerbread cookie (chopped)
1/2 cup dried apricots or candied ginger (minced)
In the middle of the roll: 20 pcs of Brazil nuts

Mix all dry ingredients together, combine with softened butter and condensed milk. Stir in butter and milk with your hands until smooth.

Take 1/2 cup of this mixture and spread over one half of the Sushezi and do the same with the other half. Use a push rod to make grooves in both halves. Place the brazil nut in the center of the grooves, join the halves, close the latches, replace the lid and twist to close. Turn the pusher to the mark (5 turns) and squeeze the mixture inside a little.

Squeeze the mixture onto wrapping paper, wrap and refrigerate for about an hour. Remove the wrapper and cut into pieces.

Roll of cookies with lollipops (for two and a half rolls)
250 g malt biscuits (chopped)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup brown sugar
100 g butter
1/2 cup condensed milk
2 tbsp. l. coconut ludra
In the middle of the roll: assorted licorice, lollipops or marshmallows

Soften butter, mix with condensed milk, vanilla and sugar, then add coconut and crushed cookies.

Take 1/2 cup of this mixture and spread over one half of the Sushezi and do the same with the other half. Use a push rod to make grooves in both halves. Place the filling of your choice in the grooves. Close Sushezi, turn the pusher and squeeze the mixture inside a little. Squeeze the mixture onto wrapping paper, wrap and refrigerate for about an hour. Remove the wrapper and cut into pieces.

Salami chocolate (for two and a half rolls)
250 g gingerbread cookie (chopped)
100 g glazed cherries (chopped)
2 tbsp. l. dark rum
50g whole red and green cherries
150 g of dark chocolate
1 egg
50 g unsalted butter

Place crushed cookies in a bowl, add rum and stir with a fork. Chop the chocolate, place it in a bowl in a saucepan of hot but not boiling water, and let it melt. Add oil while stirring. Remove the bowl from the pot and beat the egg into the warm mixture. Add the crushed cookies and cherries, stir well and let cool.

Take 1/2 cup of this mixture and put on one half of the Sushezi and do the same with the other half. Use a push rod to make grooves in both halves. Place whole red and green cherries in the grooves. Close Sushezi, turn the pusher and squeeze the mixture inside a little. Squeeze the mixture onto wrapping paper, wrap and refrigerate for about an hour. Remove the wrapper and cut into pieces.

Basic homemade cookie recipe
250 g butter
1 egg
1/2 cup sugar
3 cups white flour
1 tsp vanilla essence

Whisk butter, sugar and vanillin until light and fluffy. Add well-beaten egg. Sift the flour into the butter mixture. Place on a floured board. Take 1/4 cup of this mixture and spread over one half of the Sushezi and do the same with the other half. Close Sushezi, turn the pusher and squeeze the mixture inside a little.

Squeeze the mixture onto a board, cut into 10 mm thick slices with a hot knife, place on a greased baking dish and bake them for 12-15 minutes at 190 ° C until a brownish crust forms.

Chocolate chip cookies

Add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa into sifted flour.

Chocolate chip cookies

Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips to the butter mixture.

Orange or lemon cookies

Instead of vanilla essence, add 1 tbsp. l. orange or lemon zest in an oil mixture.

Cold cuts (beef and pork - for 3 rolls;
chicken - for 2 and a half rolls)
500 g minced beef, pork or chicken
1 tsp dry herbs
1 medium onion, chopped
1 egg
1 cup bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Filler: bananas, pineapples, mangoes, olives, cheese, dried tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.

In a bowl, combine all ingredients (excluding fillers).

Take 1/2 cup of this mixture and put on one half of the Sushezi and do the same with the other half. Use a push rod to make grooves in both halves. Place the fillers in the grooves. Close Sushezi, turn the pusher and squeeze the mixture inside a little.

Squeeze the mixture onto wrapping paper, wrap and refrigerate for about an hour. Remove the wrapper and cut into pieces.

Cook (in a skillet, in the oven) for 2 minutes on each side.

Note: Since chicken rolls are very soft, wrap them in puff pastry or thin striped bacon and bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Useful Tips

Do not use long (whole pieces) as filler - it is better to grind them into small pieces to make the roll easier to compact.

If you see that the rice mixture comes out through the slots when squeezed by the pusher, then this can be for two reasons:
- You put too much rice - just open and take some of the rice.
- The rice is too wet. Make the rice mixture less damp.

If you do not have a whole roll of rice mixture or filler left, then after you have turned the pusher to the mark, confidently push it further without removing the lid.

If you are not sure you have compacted the rice mixture enough, you can remove the lid and see how well the rice is compacted.

A source: 🔗
Drying flowers

Sweet sweat - spiced purri
1 glass of rose petals
2 tbsp. l. rosemary
1/2 cup minced orange peel
1 tbsp. l. whole carnation
1/2 cup lavender flowers
2 tbsp. l. chamomile
1 tbsp. l. coriander seed
1 cinnamon stick, minced

Winter sweat - purri
10 pieces. red and green chile
20 big bumps
10 unpeeled almonds
1 cup lemon slices
2 tbsp. l. spice mix
10 sunflower flowers
4 heads with magnolia seeds
10 unpeeled walnuts
1 cup pear plates
1 cup moss (lichen)

Kiwi mix
1 cup red tamarillo plates
1 cup orange slices
1 cup green chili
1 cup kiwi slices
1 cup large buds
1 cup macadamia nuts

Scented balls

These long-standing aromatic mementos dry easily and quickly on trays with the addition of one or more hollow trays, depending on the size of the fruit. Apples, oranges, lemons and limes are suitable for making aromatic balls.

Using a hairpin, pierce the peel of the apple evenly around its entire circumference and place a grain of sainfoin in each hole. The entire peel must be completely covered. Then roll the apples into the next mixture, carefully covering it.
- 35 g of cinnamon,
- 1 tsp violet root powder,
- 35 g of ground nutmeg.

Let the scent beads sit in this mixture for several days, rotating occasionally. Place the balls on a solid pan on the tray and add as many hollow trays as the balls fit freely between the trays. Dry at 40 ° C until wrinkled and light - about 36 hours.

While drying, tie a long ribbon or string around each ball, or wrap a net and tie a ribbon.

A source: 🔗

Spicy Cheese and Vegetable Chips (Taco Chips)
¼ glasses of onions
½ cup red and green peppers
1 cup grated cheese
½ tsp. cayenne pepper
¼ h. L. chili powder
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 cups canned corn puree

Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Put the mass on a solid tray greased with vegetable oil and dry for 10 hours at 55 ° C or Medium, so that one side is dry. Then turn over to the other side and dry for another 2 hours until crisp. Break into chips.

Potato chips

Boil potatoes, season with salt, pepper and add milk until puree is obtained. It is not recommended to add oil as it will taste bitter after drying. Spread the puree on a solid pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil and dry for 10-12 hours at 60 ° C or High.

This topic provides recommendations and recipes for dryers for vegetables "Isidri"

But, knowing the temperature and drying time of products, the subtleties of cooking described in this topic, you can use this data for other dryers, other models.

Good luck to everyone in mastering the dryers and making delicious treats!
Tatyana, well, please, you can do without "sweets", well, this is not your level. Sorry 100 times. You are a guru.
Natasha, something I did not quite understand from the text
Tatyana, on many culinary forums the word "yummy" is considered a tasteless synonym for "baked mayanez". It's just that all your dishes are at least delicious. These are not "snacks".

How! I don't even know what to say. I went to think
Tatyana, thank you very much, so much useful for me. In a few days they will bring me an electric dryer (I don’t know which one, my family said, there will be a surprise), so this topic is on time, most importantly, everything is in one place.
Tatiana, please tell me how many pallets for marshmallows can be put simultaneously in the Isidri dryer. One or more?
Anya, here you can see the complete set of Isidri by model Ezidri Snackmaker Electric Dryer

Ahhh, I understood the question. As many as there are marshmallow plates - a lot. But you need to take into account the possibility of high-quality drying, this is already after drying
Thank you! I think it is necessary to order additional pallets for marshmallow or not?
Tatyana, once again I want to thank you for the link. I watched the video, I understood everything. I will experiment, make apple marshmallows.
Thank you. Helpful information
Quote: Katrin

Roma_Tanya, is there, by any chance, a recipe for dried lingonberries and cranberries in your book? Now is their season, I really want to do it. In our market, dried lingonberry stands like an airplane wing.
who needs it, I can send this scanned book by mail, there are dried raspberries and cranberries
alenka_volga, Lena, can I?
alenka_volga, Helen, I've already printed it! Thanks again!
Quote: Merri

alenka_volga, Helen, I've already printed it! Thanks again!
you are welcome )))
Quote: alenka_volga
who needs it, I can send this scanned book by mail, there are dried raspberries and cranberries
Elena, can I, too?
alenka_volga, Elena. If you can send it to me, please.
alenka_volga, Lena, please send a book for the dryer to the LAN. Thank you.
Thanks for the advice!
alenka_volga If I can have a little book, please =)
Quote: alenka_volga

who needs it, I can send this scanned book by mail, there are dried raspberries and cranberries
Lena, hello. Can I have a little book too? Thank you! !!

Girls, soon ... even very soon, we won't have time to look back, it's time to prepare the new season

I recommend everyone to view our drying blanks in the sections:

Useful tips for using the dryer, recipes for how to use the dryer smarter


... and start collecting "A WISH LIST" and their number
alenka_volga, Hello, Elena. And you can also ask for a little book.?
I continue to implement the project "just add water"
I got to the porridge. I boiled oats (not flakes, but whole cereal) to a state of porridge, passed it through a blender for uniformity. Smeared with a thin layer on the trays of the dryer, covered with parchment, and dried into stone. This stone was broken into small pieces and ground in a coffee grinder. I added finely chopped dried peach, poured boiling water over this case. The result is an excellent porridge that can be prepared wherever there is a cooler with boiling water. I plan to do the same with rice.
Just do not salt when cooking, it turns out oversalted at the exit. It is better to add salt to taste, if necessary.

Behold, the inventor experimenter
Girls, about drying very sweet apricots. So that they do not become dark and black during drying, I free them from the bone, and fill them with water with citric acid. (For 1 liter of water, 1 tsp. Lemon), for 10 minutes. Then I throw it back onto the grid, drain, and into the dryer. It turns out to be a good auburn color.

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