
Universal multicooker with 12 cooking programs and a special stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Universal multicooker with 12 programs and an automatic mode of maintaining the temperature at the end of each program
Programs: Roasting over high heat, frying, boiling over low heat, cooking over low heat, boiling / steaming, rice, soup, risotto, pilaf, porridge, baking and yogurt. Allows you to prepare complex dishes such as spaghetti sauce, paella, risotto and more
Precise control of uniform heating / temperature from 75 ° C to 230 ° C
Fry the meat at a high temperature to retain all the juices and not dry out the finished meal. Special yoghurt preparation mode when 35 ° C 39-45 ° C
Cooking time up to 12 hours and automatic temperature maintenance up to 24 hours
Step-by-step instructions for stews and slow cooks ensure excellent results
Intuitive digital display with multiple languages
Displays accurate time and temperature as well as step-by-step instructions
CeramaShield non-stick cooking container and clear glass lid
Prevents food from sticking and ensures even cooking; the lid allows you to easily drain and drain the water
Detachable 3-speed stirrer
Stir, flip, stir and combine ingredients for even heat distribution and thorough cooking
Set power 750 W
Capacity 4.25 l about 4 liters
Maximum level mark 3.95 l about 3 liters
Multicooker body material stainless steel
Kit dimensions 30.2x37.8x31 cm
Kit packing dimensions 61.6x39.5x35.5 cm
Set net weight 7.5 kg
Gross weight of the set 10 kg
2 year warranty
Instructions - 🔗
I'll tell you about the KitchenAid multicooker.

This device is very unusual, completely unlike the multicooker we are used to.

Like all KitchenAid appliances, the multicooker has a signature stylish design. Available in two colors: red and cream. I have a model in red.

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The device is packed in a huge box, because in addition to the multicooker itself, the kit also includes a mixing device. But more on that later. Until then about packaging... Inside the large box, there are two other smaller boxes. It contains a multicooker, a second mixing device. Everything is packed in bags, cardboard and fixed with eco-friendly clips.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The first thing that catches your eye is the presence mixing devices... It is attached. It has contacts that connect to those on the bottom of the multicooker body. The stirrer turns on even when the multicooker itself is turned off, but connected to the network.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Mixing is possible in three speed modes: 25, 45 and 75 rpm... there is possibility of switching on impulse mixing at low blade rotation speed (25 rpm) in two modes:
1. Every 15 seconds for 2 minutes.
2. Every minute for 20 minutes.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The stirrer arm rises by turning the corresponding lever down. Lowers to a horizontal position by pressing on the shoulder itself and clicks into place.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The mixing device is equipped with two blades that rotate in two planes. You can use two paddles at once or just one... The blades are connected by grooves and put on the shaft with the release of the spring and turning clockwise until secured.To remove the blades, you need to depress the spring again and turn them in the opposite direction.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The kit includes stainless steel steam basket. Can be installed on both sides and used as a basket or as a lattice... According to the instructions, this stand can be used as a grate for baking, but to be honest, I am afraid to heat the bowl dry for such a long time.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

By the way, about the cup. Bowl has a very unusual shape. It has protrusions of the handle - they are a continuation of the body of the bowl, therefore they heat up with it. On the rim of the bowl there is notch for the shoulder of the stirrer... The same notch can be used as drainer, which is very convenient - there is no risk of spilling the contents of the bowl past. The total volume is approaching 4 liters, up to a maximum of approx. 3 liters... There is no scale on the side of the bowl, only extruded mark maximum from outside to inside... The bowl has ceramic coating... It gives the impression of being very persistent. The bowl is thick-walled. Her weight 1156 grams... Overall height 16.1cm. Height to the side from the bottom outside 13.55cm. Bottom diameter 17cm. The inner diameter of the top to the side is 21 cm, together with the side - 25.1 cm. The girth of the bowl under the rim is 67.5 cm.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Cap this model is completely uncharacteristic for multicooker. She glass with wide steel rim... It is inserted into the side of the bowl. On one side, the lid has notch for the shoulder of the stirrer, and on the other - pump holes... The glass part of the lid contains steam outlet... But, by the way, steam escapes just as intensively through the closed shoulder hole - there remains a small gap.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

That's what is usual for multicooker is Heating element... It is located inside the multicooker body at the bottom, slightly raised. His diameter 15cm... Has no coverage.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

KitchenAid multicooker body is made of stainless steel... Internal dimensions of the multicooker: diameter at the bottom 19.8 cm, diameter at the top - 21.8 cm. Outside diameter, including handles, 38cm. The depth of the multicooker without stirring device is 31cm, with stirring device - 45cm. Height with lid - 31cm. Height with the stirrer arm raised - 47.5cm.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Control Panel located on the front wall of the multicooker body. Made in the shape of a circle. In the center of this circle is a monochrome display that displays both numeric and alphabetic information. Control buttons are located around the circle. At the bottom left is an enable / disable / cancel button. Further counterclockwise is the start button, it has a work status indicator light, it can blink or light up. Next, the arrow for scrolling the menu forward or selecting the next stage of the mode. Next is the timer for the duration of the mode or stage of the mode. Next, a button for adjusting the temperature (for each mode its own temperature range), step 5 ° C, in Manual mode, adjustment is possible from 74 ° C to 230 ° C, in the mode for fermentation of sour milk, the temperature range starts from 39-45 ° С (not manually adjustable) and ends at 85-95 ° С (adjustable by manual settings). And the last button is to scroll back through the menu.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The multicooker has a total of 14 modes. However, these are unusual modes that are familiar to us from other multicooker models. Here all modes can be divided into two groups.

The first group is simple modes, consisting of one stage, differ in temperature range: Roasting over high heat, Roasting, Roasting, Cooking / steaming, Cooking over low heat, Boiling / cooking over low heat, Maintaining the temperature, Rice and Manual. The Rice mode has two sub-modes: White Rice and Brown Rice. As I understand it, they differ in duration: white lasts at least 35 minutes, brown - 55 minutes.

The second group is polysyllabic modes consisting of 2 stages... Moreover, this group of modes can be divided into three more subgroups.
1. The first includes modes in which the first stage begins with Frying: Soup, Risotto, Pilaf.
2. To the second - modes in which the first stage is cooking. There is only one such regime, this is Kasha.
The second stage for all these modes, both the first and second subgroups, is followed by Cooking on low heat.
3. And the third group includes the Yogurt mode, in which the first stage begins in Boiling over low heat in the range of 85-95 ° C (for pasteurizing milk before sourdough). The second stage is followed by low-temperature heating for fermentation (the temperature decreases from 45 ° C to 39-40 ° C).

The last step for all modes, except for Maintaining Temperature and Yoghurt, is Heating or Maintaining the temperature can be included or not included (but it cannot be done in advance, only at the end of the previous stage of the mode), but simply finish cooking at this point. Two modes of keeping warm are switched on automatically at the end of the program, they are Cooking / Cooking on low heat and Rice..

A feature of this multicooker is that you can adjust the temperature in almost all modes except Keep Warm, Boil / Cooking and Rice.

Management process looks like that. The multicooker is turned on by pressing the power button. The arrows select the desired mode. Click on Start. After that, you can adjust the heating temperature in the range set for this mode. Heats up to the set temperature. Next, you can select the duration of maintaining this temperature. After that, you must click on Start to start the timing. A minute before the end of the countdown, a signal will sound, and after a minute the multicooker will either end the program or go to the second stage of the mode, where you will need to repeat the selection of the temperature and cooking duration. During the entire period of the program, the cooking time can be changed by pressing the timer and arrow buttons. To change the temperature, you must first press the timer button and only then the temperature adjustment button and the arrow, otherwise the temperature will not change. At the end of the mode, you can turn on the heating, for this you need to press the forward arrow. If you do not set the heating duration, the temperature will be maintained for 24 hours.

The menu also has Item Settings... When you turn on the multicooker for the first time, the entire menu is displayed in English, in order to translate it into Russian, you need to select the appropriate item in the settings using the Start buttons and arrows. Further, even after disconnecting the multicooker from the network, the language will remain selected. In the Settings, you can switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees (Celsius was set by default). In the Settings, you can also set the timer just to count the time for other kitchen needs besides using the multicooker.

If the device remains connected to the network, then all settings for the modes that have been set are saved. When disconnected from the network, the settings are returned to the factory settings (except for language and degrees).

Before first use I steamed the multicooker along with the steam rack. To do this, poured cold water into the bowl. I threw in a few tangerine crusts. I installed a stand on top. She closed the lid. I chose the Cooking / Steam cooking mode, temperature 105 ° C, duration 10 minutes.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

At the end of steaming, we leave the multicooker with an open lid to cool down, and then after washing it is ready for use.

At the first heating of the heating element, like most similar devices, went light smoke (I tried to capture it in photographs) and the smell of burning. Passed quickly.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

In general, I can say that the multicooker is very unusual and will suit those who are ready and want to experiment... It is not for those who cook on a delayed basis and / or on the "throw and forget" principle. Although, of course, you can use monosyllabic modes without the need for step-by-step installations. But still without delay start.

Overall the multicooker is very interesting! We will continue to study and see how it will show itself during testing.

This is the only thing I can say!
I will follow the topic, terribly interesting!
P. s. Congratulations on the new toon
Manna, congratulations on your purchase.Cool saucepan.
And how much is that pleasure?
Manna, you, as always, are on top, everything is painted !!!
Found 449 euros with us
Seven-year plan
Subscribe to Temko !!!!
Very interesting device !!!
I will look forward to the test results !!!!
And,: girl_dance: seduced !!! Congratulations,: rose: now we are waiting for your recipes and videos !!!
Mannochka, thanks for the detailed story about the multicooker, a very interesting device.
Mannawhat a stylish and clever gravitational machine! Thank you for your acquaintance! We are waiting for masterpieces!
Mannochka, I'll also sit in your subject. I like her too, but the price
Mannochka, Thank you! Everything is very detailed, clear and thorough. Now the cooking experience is interesting.
Test one. "Porridge" mode.

Coconut Whole Grain Semolina Porridge (KitchenAid Multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour cold water into the multicooker bowl.

Turn on the "Porridge" mode.

Stage 1. Cooking, 105 ° C, 3 minutes.
As soon as the multicooker warms up and enters the mode, lower the mixer. We turn it on at 2-3 speed. And little by little we fall asleep the cereals into the water (I fell asleep quickly, and the stirring speed was the first, because lumps formed; they will not be if you do it as I described).
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Stage 2. Cooking on low heat, 90 ° С, 10 minutes.
At the end of stage 2, turn off the mixer. We spread the porridge.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

As I said, I still had lumps in this porridge, but most of them broke during the mixing process, and by the end of cooking they were practically gone. But not all crashed ... Therefore, next time I will cook the porridge differently: the stirring speed is 2 or 3, and pour the cereal a little (according to all the rules).

In general, I liked to cook semolina in this slow cooker, because it mixes the porridge itself during the cooking process, and this, of course, is convenient.
Pchela maja
A beautiful and multifunctional saucepan! Congratulations on your purchase)))
I am interested in the recipe for coconut gruel, it will be necessary to try to cook one in the thermomix,
hope my finicky will appreciate)
Manna, thanks for the full review, you cured me, I don't want such a saucepan. Too many body movements, I have to press a button and get the result.
The bowl in the multi is excellent made of ceramics, a significant plus) Interesting apparatus
Manna, thanks for the review)
Tanyush, you can use monosyllabic modes (without step-by-step troubles), where after reaching the temperature, you set the cooking time, and the multicooker maintains the set temperature for the set time (just like ordinary multicooker). If you do not set the time, it will maintain the set temperature for 12 hours. Yes, and it also saves the selected settings in the modes, if you do not disconnect it from the network, which reduces body movements in the future.

Quote: Alex100
The bowl in the mult is excellent from ceramics
A metal bowl with a "ceramic" coating, has nothing to do with ceramics (like any "ceramic" coating). How reliable, stable, not sticky it is (which is typical for many bowls with this kind of coating - it starts sticking much faster than non-stick coating), etc., it’s too early to say - here you need experience of using about six months, or at least a month.
Thanks for the clarification )))
The second test. "Porridge" mode. Work on bugs.

Flaxseed rye whole grain semolina porridge (KitchenAid multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour water into the bowl. Turn on the "Porridge" mode.

Stage 1. Cooking. 105 ° C. 3 minutes.
We lower the stirrer. Speed ​​3.
Little by little, add semolina into boiling water.
We close the lid.

Stage 2. Cooking on low heat. 90 ° C. 10 minutes. Stirring speed 3.
At the end of stage 2, the multicooker can be turned off.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

It turned out to be a smooth, tender porridge without a single hint of lumps.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

This time I corrected my mistakes in the process of making porridge, and it turned out to be perfect.In general, I confirm my conclusions: the mixing speed should be high (better than 3) and you need to fill the cereal according to the rules - little by little in the process of mixing it into the liquid. It is very convenient that the mixer works, and there is no need to stand over the saucepan and stir the porridge while it is cooking.
How I love semolina porridge, but stand and interfere: Oh, if only such a saucepan, but for nothing ...
Third test. Fry and White Rice Modes

Live rice kichri with sprouted mung bean (KitchenAid multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour oil into the bowl. We turn on the "Fry" mode, 175 ° С, 5 minutes.
As the oil heats up, put the shredded roots in it. We pass them for three minutes.
You can turn on the stirrer for mixing at the first speed. I just stirred it with a spatula.
Putting spices and spices. We heat them, stirring occasionally, until they give aroma (about two minutes).

Putting rice. We mix. We leave in the turned off multicooker so that the bowl cools slightly.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Fill the rice with hot water. We turn on the "Rice White Rice" mode, 45 minutes (I turned on for a shorter time, but this is not enough, therefore it is better to cook white rice in this slow cooker for 45 minutes).
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

At the end of the regime, lay out the peeled mung bean. Stir and leave on heating or just with the lid closed for 5-10 minutes
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Everything, kichri is ready.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

In the process of cooking rice, I got embarrassed - 35 minutes of the mode for cooking white rice passed (this is the minimum time for the mode), but the rice is not ready, and there is water in the bowl. Launched the mode again. This time the rice was ready and the liquid was absorbed. I think that the reason for this "failure" is that the temperature of the environment was too low (at that time the multicooker was standing on the veranda at an outside temperature of about 10 ° C), but the multicooker still has an ordinary glass lid - there is a lot of heat loss. Therefore, I decided that I needed to boil the rice again in this mode. But more on that next time.

If we talk about the mode, then it has two sub-modes: for cooking white rice - 35 minutes minimum, for cooking brown rice - 55 minutes minimum. This mode is not touch-sensitive, the time on it is regulated from 35/55 minutes. Mode without violent boiling, calm.
Great video. very interesting. Thank you!!
The fourth test. Mode "Fig. White rice".

Rice "Golden" in the KitchenAid multicooker (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Thoroughly washed rice 3/4 sc. stcn.
Cold water 1 meter stcn.

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Mode "Fig. White rice". I set 35 minutes. At the end of the regime, there was no liquid in the bowl, but the rice cooked unevenly. Leave it on heating for 10 minutes, splashing a little into a bowl of hot water. As a result, the rice was ready.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The conclusion that I made about this regime: liquid should be in proportion to rice 1: 1.5, and the duration of the regime is better to set for 40-45 minutes. Well, last time the "failure" occurred, apparently, due to the too low ambient temperature. This time it wasn't like that.
Fifth test. Modes "Roasting", "Porridge".

Lamb cutlets in creamy mint sauce (KitchenAid slow cooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

We turn on the "Roasting" mode, 220 ° С. 10 minutes. Fry the cutlets.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Cool down the bowl. We put all the cutlets into it.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Fill with sauce.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

We close the lid. "Porridge" mode.
Stage 1. 100 ° C, 10 minutes
Stage 2. 95 ° C, 30 minutes

At the end of the mode, the cutlets are ready.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The Roast mode is very intense. It is convenient to quickly seal meat on it, fry cutlets, meat before stewing.
The "Porridge" mode proved to be convenient for extinguishing using two stages with boiling and quenching without boiling. First, boil at the first stage, and then simmer with gentle heat.
I like it. The peculiarity of the multicooker is that you can completely control the entire process: set the required temperatures and the duration of their maintenance.
The sixth test. "Porridge" mode.

Coconut béchamel (KitchenAid multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Turn on the "Porridge" mode
Stage 1. 100 ° C, 4 minutes
Stage 2. 95 ° C (or 100 ° C), 30 minutes

Immediately put oil in the bowl, and while the multicooker is warming up, the oil is heated.
We turn on the mixer at speed 3.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Little by little, pour flour into the melted butter. When all the flour is mixed into the butter, add the grated spices. After the mixture (ru) becomes homogeneous, pour in the milk.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Then the sauce can not be touched until it is cooked - the slow cooker will stir it.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

If you want the sauce to be thicker, then at the second stage it is better to choose a temperature of 100 ° C, if thinner, then 95 ° C.
Of course, this is very convenient when the multicooker itself mixes the sauce, and there is no need to stand over it for half an hour, stirring.
And the result is the sauce without a single lump, a homogeneous consistency!
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
What an interesting device! But he, as I understand it, is not for "dummies" in the multicooker business. For advanced users, huh Mann?
I'll keep an eye on the Temka while I have time.
Quote: Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
he, as I understand it, is not for "dummies" in the multicooker business. For advanced users, huh Mann?
You understand correctly. And it would also be nice to have at least basic knowledge of cooking technology, temperature conditions.
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
In other words, recommend this KitchenAid multicooker as your first under no circumstances... Although it seems to me that at its cost, few people will consider this cartoon in this capacity.
Quote: Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
This KitchenAid multicooker should never be recommended as the first.
It is possible, since the principle of cooking in this multicooker is similar to that on the stove. Another thing is that it will take some experience in mastering the modes of this device. And it doesn't happen in a day or two. Therefore, it is important to have a great desire to learn how to cook in this slow cooker.

But if this is not just the first multicooker, and a person does not know how to cook at all, there is no time to cook, etc. (after all, multicooker is often acquired for this reason - "not out of a desire to cook, but out of a desire not to cook"), then I would did not recommend this model either first or fifth.
Seventh test. Soup mode.

Lentil Sprouted Vegetables with Coconut Bechamel (KitchenAid Multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour olive oil into a bowl.

Soup mode.
Stage 1. Frying 175 ° С, 15 minutes
Stage 2. Cooking 110 ° C, 20 minutes
Stage 3. Maintaining temperature 85 ° С, 5 minutes

As soon as the multicooker heats up to the Frying temperature, put chopped ginger and garlic into the bowl. We add spices to them. And fry for a couple of minutes with the mixer turned on at 1 speed.

Gradually add all the vegetables and herbs.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

We are waiting for the end of the first stage. Turn off the stirrer. Then we cook with the lid closed.

At the end of stage 2, turn on the heating for 5 minutes. Add salt.

At the end of the regimen, the vegetables are ready (in fact, vegetables in the same volume as mine, and finely chopped, were almost ready after frying, they only needed 5-10 minutes of stewing, but I wanted to experience the regimen to the full, in including and heated. For a larger volume of vegetables or chopped larger ones, just these 20 minutes of the 2nd stage will be just right)
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The "Soup" mode was very good for stewing vegetables with pre-frying. At the second stage, I turned on the temperature higher so that the vegetables would not "flood" during stewing. But you can set the temperature lower, then the vegetables will simmer / stew. I think this option is also better suited for cooking soups, so that they do not boil too actively, but are gently quenched (although it happens that the soup should also boil actively). In general, the "Soup" mode can be used not only for cooking soups, but also for stewing with pre-frying / sautéing.

It is also convenient to use a stirrer when frying - you do not need to periodically stir it yourself. By the way, the mixer could be turned on for a pulse mode for 15 seconds every 2 minutes.But I decided that with constant stirring the vegetables would mix better.
Manna, thanks for such an informative topic! Fertile ground for reflection. I compare this space gravity machine with my Homecooker and persuade myself that I don't need it.
Thank God that they don't sell it in our area ...
Not, Tanyush, in Phillips, you can also grind, but here there is no such possibility. And the control is still different (in the Phillips, it seems to me, it is simpler), the temperature settings are different (the step is different), the speed of the mixer in the Phillips is one, slow (there is not even such a speed here), the location of the mixer is different (in the Phillips it is from the bottom, here it goes down from the top) , the material of the pots is different, the Phillips has additional steam floors ... These devices seem to be similar, but also very different.
Manna, I totally agree, they are different. Phillips has much fewer options and no automatic programs. Although there are steam baskets, and a grid for cooking pasta ... And I love him dearly, but I want space gravity ... I read the topic with pleasure. I look forward to continuing.
Eighth trial. Soup mode

Rabbit with prunes (KitchenAid multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour olive oil into a bowl.
Soup mode.
Stage 1. Frying, 175 ° С 5 minutes + 15-20 minutes
Stage 2. Cooking on low heat, 95-100 ° С 40 minutes

As soon as the oil is warmed up, add the vegetables. We turn on the stirrer on the pulse mode "2 minutes": 15 seconds every 2 minutes.
Fry them for 5 minutes. We remove from the bowl.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Add another 15-20 minutes to fry the rabbit. Turn off the stirrer, raise it.
Place the rabbit parts in a bowl and fry on both sides.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

At the second stage, we put the rabbit in a bowl. We lay vegetables, prunes, pour marinade, sour cream.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Simmer the rabbit in this sauce for about 40 minutes. I had a pretty vigorous boil, I reduced the temperature in the process.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

At the end of the second stage, the multicooker can be turned off.

Everything, the rabbit is ready. Can be served
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

The "Soup" mode is also good for stewing meat with pre-frying. It is fried, although the meat is slower than at 220 ° C in the "Roasting" mode, but here, within the same mode, you can cook vegetables, and fry the meat, and then stew it all. The only thing is that my broth began to boil too actively somewhere in the middle of the second stage, I had to reduce the temperature. By the way, it is also convenient that there is such a possibility of changing the temperature and time during the operation of the mode in this multicooker, because it is not always known in advance how long it will take for a particular stage, and what the optimal temperature will be - while we are still establishing communication with this "space" slow cooker. Well, and, of course, the stirrer is very convenient. You do not have to worry that vegetables will be unevenly fried or even burnt, and there is no need to stir them from time to time - this will be done by the mixer in pulse mode.
Test ninth. Cooking / Steam cooking mode.

Poached eggs with steamed cabbage and garlic oil (KitchanAid multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour 0.5 liters of water into the bowl. We turn on the "Cooking / Steam cooking" mode: 105 ° С 15 minutes.
We put a steam stand (basket) in the bowl. Put the cabbage in the basket (without defrosting).
We close the lid.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

For 5 minutes (the time depends on the state to which it is necessary to boil the eggs) before the end of the regime, we also put the eggs in the poached in the steam basket. We close the lid and leave it like this until the end of the regime.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

At the end of the regime, we remove the eggs from the poached makers. We put everything on a dish. Serve eggs and cabbage with spinach, green onions and sauce.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

My eggs remained under the lid for a minute or two (I was distracted), because they have a slightly moist, but not liquid yolk. If you want the yolk to be completely liquid, the cooking time should be reduced to 3-4 minutes and the eggs should be removed immediately after the end of the regime.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Well, what can you say? I am very pleased with the presence of a steel steam basket (I do not like plastic ones).True, this raises the question of the safety of its use to cover the bowl. If you put it on / take it out very carefully and do not twist it, then the coating should not be damaged. I also thought that I could put a silicone mat under it on the bottom of the bowl (just in case).

If we talk about the regime, then it is one-stage. Time and temperature can be adjusted during the process if needed. You can make the boil more intense, loosen it up. I liked steaming vegetables at 105 ° C, the liquid does not boil much, but steam is enough for cooking vegetables.
Test tenth. Cooking / Steam cooking mode.

Creamy Caramel Condensed Milk (KitchenAid Multicooker) (Manna)

KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Details of the recipe for link, and here I will describe the features that are important from the point of view of testing the device.

Pour fatty milk into the bowl. We turn on the mode "Cooking / Steam cooking" 110 ° С for 1 hour.
We turn on the stirrer at the first speed.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Gradually add powdered sugar to milk.
As soon as the milk boils, reduce the temperature to 100 ° C and turn on the mixer to the third speed!
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

Now you can skip the milk almost until the end of the regime.
Milk begins to acquire a caramel hue after half an hour from the start of the countdown
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

I turned off the multicooker 10 minutes before the end of the countdown, because there was no boiling, and the state of the milk was fine with me.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

After turning off the heating, do not turn off the stirrer, let it stir the milk until the bowl cools down.
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer
KitchenAid Multicooker with stirrer

I really liked to cook condensed milk in this slow cooker - no need to interfere, it interferes with it for all long 50 minutes.
The main thing here is to have time to reduce the heating temperature in time and increase the rotation speed of the mixer. On the other hand, the stirrer can be switched on immediately to the third speed, and the temperature can be immediately reduced when entering the mode and turning on the timing. And you can no longer stand over milk.
For condensed milk, you really need a mixer.

I understand that you really like the slow cooker
Eh, where is my big kitchen!
Miranda, I cannot say that the multicooker is universal. This is not true. But in terms of cooking sauces, condensed milk, semolina (I think that oatmeal with stirring should work out great), frying with periodic or constant stirring, etc., quick sealing of meat, it makes me very happy. I will describe everything in more detail later in the conclusions.
I understand that it is not universal, therefore I regret the lack of a large kitchen
If I had a large kitchen, or rather, a large work surface for all sorts of gadgets, wow, I would swing at all sorts of gadgets

I read a lot of tests, and so far this is the first where I really wanted to buy. In the rest, you also want some, but over time you cool down and convince you that you don't need it, or then somehow.

I will read this topic further with interest.
Thank you!
Quote: Manna
I can't say that the multicooker is universal
And which multicooker do you think is close to universal
Hope, we will discuss this issue better in the topic of choosing multicooker, not here. I will answer there tomorrow.
ABOUT! In such a slow cooker, you can easily make my favorite burfi without adding milk powder!
Pchela maja
Quote: Babushka

I compare this space gravitational machine with my Homecooker and persuade myself that I don't need it.
Thank God that they don't sell it in our area ...
and I'm with induction caches))
the only thing is that the cache has a manual mode
Quote: Lerele

And how much is that pleasure?
Manna, you, as always, are on top, everything is painted !!!
Found 449 euros with us
And we have exactly twice the price !!! under fifty thousand rubles.
Marina, in the presence of Kenwood induction, there is no need for such a multivac.
If you just put it for beauty))

In general, it is interesting and beautifully made, but the price of course ..... Too expensive.
I understand that if it cost 25 thousand, then you could think about buying, and so it will admire Mannochkin's stories))

Mann, I congratulate you on such a beauty !!!
Pchela maja
Quote: Masinen
I understand if it was worth 25 thousand
Here in Europe, it is about how it costs
Oh, virgins, the price is yes ... inhumane ... although ... depending on what to compare ...Mom is expensive for boroks too ... and Kenwood and Thermomix are not cheap at all

And in Europe it costs a lot less, that's why we bring everything from Europe. In Russia, in general, there is a tendency to overstate prices.

Quote: Rita

ABOUT! In such a slow cooker, you can easily make my favorite burfi without adding milk powder!
Burfi? No whipping, you mean? Just by evaporation and stirring? Do you think it will thicken like this to the desired consistency?

selena, answered about versatility HERE.
Quote: Manna

Burfi? No whipping, you mean? Just by evaporation and stirring? Do you think it will thicken like this to the desired consistency?
Yes, it will thicken. I did it on the stove, tired of stirring.

They also cost 449 euros here.
Quote: Rita
Yes, it will thicken. I did it on the stove, tired of stirring.
I'll have to try. How long have you boiled down?
Manna, long. I don't remember how long. A couple of times I did just that, I was no longer honored for such a feat. It seems to me not less than an hour.

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