Baguettes for the French President Author Elena Zheleznyak,
🔗Finally, I'll tell you about baguettes and how I learned to bake them. I mentioned earlier that I did not succeed the first time and that I had to tinker. And the point is not in some fatal mistakes, but in trifles, which at first you do not pay attention to, underestimate, and then you sincerely wonder how it is, so that's it! I chose the recipe not just any one, but the French baker Ani Bouabs, whose baguettes in 2008 were recognized as the best at the annual competition for the best baguette in Paris. The best baker in this competition receives 4 thousand euros and the right to bake 25 baguettes a day for the President of France. In general, the very fact that baguettes are recognized as the best in Paris is already cool, the rest is just a bonus.

Ani Bouabs's recipe involves the use of
500 gr. white wheat flour, 1 gr. dry yeast, 375 gr. water and 11 gr. salt... Of course, the first thing I tried to do was bake sourdough bread, while putting a dough of 100 grams. flour, 100 gr. water and 5 gr. wheat starter. The dough came up well, but for some reason the dough did not budge. I baked the baguettes, but it was impossible to eat them, they were wooden, you could break a knife and teeth, and they obviously did not look like the best Parisian baguettes of 2008. The next attempt was by leaps and bounds, as expected, took ¼ tsp. dry yeast Bioreal, the result was the same - the baguettes are dense, with large single holes-tunnels in the crumb, hard and coarse. What is it, I thought, and there is a mold for baguettes, and it's not the first day I've been baking, but it still won't work! The third attempt was on the Sekowa bakenzyme and ... also unsuccessful, the same as the two previous ones. For the fourth time I tried to bake baguettes with the same bakenzyme and finally I was lucky! A successful attempt at something opened my eyes to previous failures, so I made some conclusions, and I hasten to share them with you, maybe this will help someone to achieve good results the first time.
The first attempt failed because of the wheat leaven - it "broke", then I checked it on regular bread - it does not raise the dough and that's it. I don't know what exactly stopped working in it, but I think I know why - because of the storage in the refrigerator. There was a case, several times I had to hide it for several days and here is the result. Therefore, making sure that the whole thing is in the leaven, I put it on pancakes.
The second attempt, which was by leaps and bounds, failed simply because the dough did not ferment enough. It spent a day in the refrigerator with me, and, as it seems to me now, it was necessary to keep it still, maybe at room temperature. But at least these baguettes could be eaten, but only so far fresh, fresh, because then they turned into brick.
The third failure turned out to be the most interesting and informative. I baked these baguettes with bacon ferment and fermented the dough like sourdough - not to the point of violent bubbles.

As a result, the dough came up long and reluctantly, and the baguettes themselves were very poorly loosened. I concluded that it was necessary to ferment the dough better and take more more of the bacterial enzyme itself. As a result, my fourth attempt was much more successful, using her example and I'll tell you about how I baked baguettes based on Ani Bouabs's recipe.
For dough:
10 gr. a bacterial enzyme;
100 g water;
90 gr. white wheat flour;
10 gr. whole wheat wheat (I have freshly ground homemade).For the dough in warm water, I dissolved the Sekowa starter, added sifted white and freshly ground whole wheat flour, mixed and left in a warm place.Despite the fact that the ready-made bread dough on baconenzyme is suitable at almost any temperature, it is better to ferment the dough in a warm place, when the temperature is close to 30 degrees. I put it in the oven with the light on, and by morning it looked very eloquent.
For the test I took:
300 gr. white wheat flour;
100 g whole wheat wheat (the fresher the whole grain flour is, the better, if you buy, be sure to look at the date of production. Stale flour gives bread the smell of rancid butter and bitter, and can be stored without loss for no more than six months, but it is best to use it even earlier).
275 gr. water;
11 gr. salt.In water (250 gr., The remaining 25 gr. Added in the process of kneading) dissolved the dough, sifted white flour, added whole grain and salt (exactly at the beginning of the kneading), started kneading in a bread machine until smooth. In general, in one kneading cycle (20 minutes) the dough was ready. It took about an hour and a half in the oven with a light bulb.

Molding for baguettes has a lot of nuances, and if you miss something, it will have a very noticeable effect on the result. As with any bread, after cutting the dough, you need to go through a preliminary proofing stage, rest a little so that it becomes soft and pliable and easy to work with. Usually, for this, the dough is rolled into a ball and left under a bowl or film for 10-15 minutes. In the case of baguettes, the pieces of dough are folded into an oblong piece. This is important because it is easier to roll baguettes from such long blanks then from round balls.

After the dough has rested, we proceed to shaping. We turn the workpiece perpendicular to ourselves and push the middle a little with the back of our hand, thereby marking the place of the fold. We fold the workpiece, slightly pinch the edges, turn it so that the seam is on the side and the back of the hand (sorry, I don’t know what to call this place, which we usually propping our chin with when sitting at the table), press this seam strongly against the table. We press, without special ceremony, so that there is a tangible tension on the surface of the workpiece.

After that we roll out the baguettes. The work surface should NOT be dusty with flour, it should be clean but not damp. If the table is covered in flour, the workpieces will travel on the table, it will not work to roll out, if it is wet, the dough will instantly absorb this moisture and begin to smear. Put the workpiece parallel to the line of the table top, divide it (workpiece) conditionally in half and put your hands on both sides of the conditional middle of the workpiece. Begin to roll vigorously, directing your hands from the center to the edges, making movements similar to what you did in kindergarten, rolling a sausage out of plasticine. If you want sharp “noses at the baguettes, then, while rolling, press a little on the dough closer to the edges. To learn how to make them, you may have to practice, this also applies to rolling out baguette blanks

Proofing on a linen towel generously sprinkled with flour. Lay the workpieces seam down, making dividing edges out of the towel. To support the extreme baguettes during proofing (so that they do not spread out to the sides), you can prop them with something like a rolling pin or some other convenient support. Cover the top with a towel and cling film or a bag so that the surface of the dough does not dry out.

The proofing is rather short - 40-45 minutes in a warm place, at a temperature of about 25-30 degrees. Twice I overexposed the dough and before baking it was sluggish, this is clearly visible in this photo: I transferred the blanks to the baguette mold, but at the same time it was crumpled like a sheet and did not flatten.

It is clear that such a dough will not grow in the oven and will not open beautifully along the cuts, so that the baguettes turn out to be lush and beautiful, the blanks should not just not stand, but not stand a little, so that the dough bounces when pressed, but it was noticeable that it rose and became lush ...

(in this photo "sharp-nosed" baguettes, in the previous one - not)
Immediately after you put the baguettes for proofing, send the baguette mold with the lid to the oven and turn on the oven to preheat to 250 degrees. At the end of the proofing, I took out the mold, put the lower part on a wooden board next to the spaced baguettes, and put the upper part on the cast-iron grate of the gas stove. Of course, all manipulations with a hot mold are in gloves, no questionable silicone potholders, the risk of getting burned is too great. If your mittens are not so large, then your hands should be well closed so as not to burn yourself on the oven walls when you take out the baguette mold.
Then everything very quickly: I carefully transferred the blanks into the mold, took the pre-stocked blade for baguettes and made three almost vertical deep cuts on each blank. I immediately covered it with a lid and sent it to the oven. After 20 minutes, I took out the lid and baked the baguettes for about 15 minutes

I want to say about the blade separately. It is specially created to cut elastic baguette flesh, sorry for the picturesque style)) It was not for nothing that it was created in the homeland of baguettes - in France. The handle is made of plastic, the blade is curved and firmly adheres to the handle. The arc is fundamental here: you make a confident even cut on the surface of the workpiece, and you get a branded baguette slightly oblique, very nice and convenient! Before I had a straight blade, good, but this French still turned out to be better and more suitable for scoring workpieces.
From the oven, I took out the whole mold along with the baguettes, put it on the stove, and put the baguettes on a towel to cool them down. In a couple of hours I was already cutting and it was a song, a song of crust and crumb: the crust cracked, shot off, broke and crunched! The baguettes are golden, fragrant and beautiful.

If you do not have a mold for sweetheets, bake them on a stone, but I will not tell you for sure how you organize hydration. There are many ways from a bowl of boiling water at the bottom of the oven to a design with wet towels and stones. But I would like to write about this separately.
Au revoir!