Quote: lappl1

What a beautiful tea you have!
And I liked the color. This is after the first brew. and I brewed it a second time, it turned out no worse. And I’m already tuned in to the fireweed for 18 hours, but I just can’t get my own into the woods away from the road.
It can also be brewed for the third time. And cool off afterwards!
And threaten yours that if they don't take you for fireweed, then you will leave them without bread, rolls, salads ... Maybe they'll be scared? ...
She said. I'll go on foot tomorrow .. alone.
Oooooh you are already stuffing pillows, I can't keep up with you. I also need to pick up some Ivan-tea, too, I think how to lure my own - I'm alone I'm afraid
Quote: Omela
She said. I'll go on foot tomorrow .. alone.
Eh! Nepruha ... Well, you are neat there, don't go far ...
Quote: Loksa
Oooooh you are already stuffing pillows, I can't keep up with you.
No, I’m still mentally preparing all of you ... So that later it will not be like a butt on the head ...
Quote: Loksa
I also think how to lure my own - I'm afraid alone
Together with Galina, you need to cooperate - the two of you are more fun and calmer ...
Lyudmila, good night, I have quince (by the way, a gorgeous smell), Japanese currants and cherries - is it worth adding viburnum to them to the company? Want to cut and go to the farm together? Even this viburnum smells so strange.
Oksana, since it smells strange, then don't! The girls didn't really like the viburnum. Better to make tea without her.
Good day! Thank you for the interesting and useful recipe)) tell me, is it possible to harvest currant, cherry, pear, grape leaves now? Or necessarily in May-June?
Do you make tea from conifers? Like a juniper? Thank you
Yaso4ka, I'm going to pick trees before the end of the summer season. about conifers, Lyudmila, in another recipe, suggested making tea from pine branches, if you don’t mind the juniper, you can taste it, it seems to me that the smell of fermentation and drying will immediately be clear, but this is my opinion. maybe now the girls will read or Lyudmila directly and they will correct me.
Gulnara, thanks for the answer ! That's right!
Quote: Yaso4ka
Is it possible now to collect leaves of currants, cherries, pears, grapes? Or necessarily in May-June?
Yaso4ka, I make tea before falling leaves. By autumn, however, there are many sick and spoiled leaves - on currants, for example. But the rest will be even better, for example, cherries, blackberries, strawberries, pears ... Tea is obtained more intensely. Here fireweed will not be able to do it soon - it has already begun to push.
Once in the evening I collected cherry leaves for tea, I wanted to go and collect them in the morning, and they were all on the ground after the frost. So make tea for health!
And from a pine, I took only buds (candles) in May-June, before the needles appeared. Look in the next topic There Linadoc she shares her experience with conifers ...
Matilda_81, lappl1, Urrra! The girls gave the go-ahead - you can make tea! Thank you very much for the clarification!
Yaso4ka, cook for health
Loksa, viburnum smells like valerian, it contains the same acids, valeric and isovaleric, there are more in the berries, in the leaves a little, but also there. And after fermentation - 50 to 50, or the smell will go away, or intensify. The second is more likely, since these acids are persistent.
Made a blend - fireweed, irga, apple tree, plum, raspberry and black currant. Wilted for 10 hours, rolled it all together, fermentation under two lids in a pot of water outside in partial shade at 28 degrees. 6 hours, dried.So, in this version, very good granules turned out, raspberries and currants behaved well and did not crumble, the "neighbors" kept them. The smell after drying was very even, but I beat off the tea from those who wanted to try it right there and then. Will wait. If during my absence at the dacha they don't find and taste it on the sly ...
Veronica, thanks for the tip about the joint twisting of currants and other leaves. Today, in addition to the fireweed, I am going to make a blend - currants, cherries and an apple. True, I froze the currants, but, I hope, this did not spoil it for twisting.
Quote: paramed1
fermentation under two lids in a pot of water
Veronica, I understand that you have a smaller pot with leaves in a large pot of water. Is each one covered with a lid? Is it tight? Or half-open?
Quote: Yaso4ka
Urrrah! The girls gave the go-ahead - you can make tea! Thank you very much for the clarification!
Yaso4ka, make tea with pleasure, for the health of yourself and your loved ones.
And this time I put a damp cloth. closed the lid and tied the pan in a bag. For 18 hours the cloth did not dry out, although it is very hot here and the tea smells very tasty !!
Quote: lappl1
Today, in addition to the fireweed, I am going to make a blend - currants, cherries and an apple.
Ludmila, also came to the conclusion that you need to try to scroll at the same time, but decided 2 options: fireweed + cherry + currant (or thorn) and pear + honeysuckle + plum. I will try to put it in the freezer and felting at different times, so that by the time they are scrolled they are already in the required condition. Perhaps I'll add a blackberry somewhere. I will try to measure and sound the proportions, but fireweed and pear will be in the greatest proportion (I liked them the most).
Quote: paramed1
I wrote in a parallel topic about tea from leaves that I found old lecture notes.
Veronica, I'm sorry, I wound myself up ... I read that post, but did not react. I also met these conditions. I believe that the first two are met - temperature and humidity (wet cloth). But the third one is not always observed - sometimes with a lid, then without a lid. I read in a book about the production of traditional tea that during fermentation, air circulation is needed simultaneously with the compaction of the mass. So you absolutely do everything right, as in the textbook.
Quote: Omela
And this time I put a damp cloth. closed the lid and tied the pan in a bag. For 18 hours the cloth did not dry out, although it is very hot here and the tea smells very tasty !!
I close the last few games tightly, like Mistletoe. It seems to me that finished tea smells so intensely. True, I began to ferment longer - 20 - 24 hours. I have not figured out what affects it yet.
Quote: paramed1
Relatives sneer: the garden is not enough for you, so I came up with another lesson! And they themselves are slowly sniffing the finished tea ...
Nothing, then, when they drink tea in winter, they will thank and ask to cook more.
And they already got used to me. Even the neighbors, when I walk around the village with bags, ask: "For tea?" ... And yesterday my husband, helping to peel blueberries, began to laugh ... I ask, what did you find funny? Answers: "These are just your toys that I have never played in our whole life. Now I had to play with leaves ..."
Quote: Linadoc
also came to the conclusion that you need to try to scroll at the same time,
Linadoc, today I will do it later - frozen currants with cherries and an apple ... I will definitely write how it happened. At first I wanted to wind the currants and cut them into rolls, put them on the bottom of the pan, and on top - apple and cherry granules. But first I'll try to twist everything together.
Quote: Linadoc
fireweed and pear will be in the greatest proportion (I liked them the most).
What about cherries? Not a favorite?
Quote: lappl1
What about cherries? Not a favorite?
Cherry hit, but not a lot of it. Blackberry also hit, there is a lot of it. For YOUR taste (there is no comrade for the taste and color!) I have today the following alignment (in descending order): fireweed (by a large margin), pear, cherry, black chokeberry, honeysuckle, barberry.
Yes, the blackberry is a masterpiece! And I don't have enough of it - only one bush for the whole village - with a neighbor. She still squeezes it - before picking berries (mischievous!)
And fireweed is also beyond any competition for me, that's why I do it every day. Already in some places I started pushing, so for now I mostly do it. And as soon as everything starts running, I will switch to my own and neighboring gardens.
Linadoc, and your apple tree is not held in high esteem! It seems that I am alone with her, like a chicken with an egg ... I love her very much.
Ludmila, me on YOU !!! I put the apple tree and the turner after the barberry. Firstly, it looks like I did not ferment it, I will repeat it. Secondly, after adding dried apple pieces, the tea clearly improved the taste. Apple trees are old, cut off, a lot of material, I will do more with different periods of wilting and fermentation. I try to lime the thorns, cut and cut down so much that the five of us took out into the forest for a day! There is also a lot of material. Will work. And the pear struck right away! I will dry the fruits and add them to the tea.
Quote: lappl1
It seems to me that finished tea smells so intensely.
So it seemed to me too.

Quote: Linadoc
I have the following alignment today (in descending order): Fireweed (by a large margin), pear, cherry, black chokeberry, honeysuckle, barberry.
Luda, contact the chef, ask to insert a vote in the first post, that is, a list of leaves (as much as we know) and who loves which leaves the most. Vote, for example. possible for 3 or 5 points. Well. this is as a suggestion. Clear. that all this is subjective. Just newbies getting into the topic for the first time. can navigate which plants are preferable.
Ludmila, it seems to me that the duration of fermentation affects the aroma of tea. After all, there is normal fermentation, and there is a slow one, which occurs when the grass is ensiled. There the temperature is only from the reaction, and several months. And then the smell is completely crazy fruity ... And the air is necessary, in theory, since there are aerobic bacteria. But maybe we can cope without them? We will do what is done and enjoy the results!
Quote: Omela

Luda, contact the chef, ask to insert a vote in the first post, that is, a list of leaves (as much as we know) and who loves which leaves the most. Vote, for example. possible for 3 or 5 points. Well. this is as a suggestion. Clear. that all this is subjective. Just newbies getting into the topic for the first time. can find out which plants are preferable.
plus for inserting the head

I have dried raspberries for testing at the moment
in the freezer cherry, sea buckthorn and apple tree
after drying it will stand for a week, and I will call my mother to taste
I do everything through freezing and twisting rolls (I don't like granulated tea, when a leaf unfolds in a teapot, my soul opens up with it)
Quote: IvaNova
I don't like granulated tea,
A vote on this is also needed. I do for 7 family members + full workload (work 2 pieces, house, vegetable garden, farm, garden), without helpers, I twist in a meat grinder, sleep for 4 hours (but I'm used to it) to control everything, in addition to subsistence farming ... I also cut and saw by hand. There is no effort, no time, no opportunity for manual twisting.
IvaNova, I also really like it when whole leaves are unwound, and the tea is more transparent. The size does not affect the aroma, the scrolling probably affects the color more.
Quote: Linadoc
Lyudmila, me on YOU !!!
Linadoc, agreed! And to me the same way.
Quote: Linadoc
I do for 7 family members + full workload (work 2 pcs., House, vegetable garden, farm, garden), without helpers,
Linadoc, I have no words ! How all this can be done, I don't understand! I'm delighted!
Quote: paramed1
it seems to me that the duration of fermentation affects the aroma of tea
Veronica, definitely affects!
Quote: paramed1
After all, there is normal fermentation, and there is a slow one, which occurs when the grass is ensiled. There the temperature is only from the reaction, and several months. And then the smell is completely crazy fruity ...
How could we create such conditions, as when ensiling grass?
Quote: paramed1
We will do what is done and enjoy the results!
Of course, but the worm of perfectionism requires a perfect result. I think that together we will find these ideal conditions.
Quote: IvaNova
when a leaf unfolds in a teapot, my soul opens up with it
IvaNova, how poetic!
Quote: IvaNova
in the freezer cherry, sea buckthorn and apple tree
Will you do all this separately? Or together? I wonder how sea buckthorn behaves and what comes out of it. A very specific scent ...
And I, I love the apple very much for its color, I have an apple in the first place, then a quince, Vanka-tea, blackberry. But I like tea without strong smells (none at all).
Quote: Omela
Lyuda, contact the chef, ask to insert a vote in the first post,
Quote: Omela
Well. this is as a suggestion.
Mistletoe, great offer! I'm only afraid that I myself may not make this list complete.
Come on, girls, I'll make a list now, and you will add it if I miss something.
And further. I think that in one topic, you can make a vote on granulated and loose tea, and in another - on the type of plant. Or can you make two voting ballots in one topic?
In general, I start the list.
- fireweed;
- cherry;
- cherry plum;
- chokeberry;
- pear;
- Apple tree;
- strawberries (strawberries);
- currants;
- raspberry;
- plum;
- turn;
- quince;
- cherries;
- barberry;
- honeysuckle;
- rosehip;
- peach;
- apricot;
- irga;
- viburnum;
- grapes;
- bird cherry;
- sea buckthorn;
- meadowsweet;
- conifers ...
Something long list turned out.
In general, suggest. And then I'll write to the chief.
Quote: Loksa
And I, I love the apple very much for the color, I have an apple in the first place
Oksanchik, finally ! And then I thought that I love one apple! Yes, the apple's color is good! But by winter, the taste will be felt.
lappl1, Lyudochka, and cherries?
Quote: Linadoc
also came to the conclusion that you need to try to scroll at the same time, but decided 2 options: fireweed + cherry + currant (or thorn) and pear + honeysuckle + plum.
Girls! Cool currants after freezing twisted in a meat grinder with cherries and apples. The granules turned out to be strong. Now the tea is being fermented. I'll show you what happened tomorrow.
Thank you, Veronica and Linadoc for the hint! How many problems will go away at once for those who love making granulated tea. You can twist it together with leaves that are not very expressive in taste and smell.
Quote: IwOlga
Lyudochka, and cherries?
Olya, now I will add ...
.... Something I .. I missed .. Probably will be the first pancake, tea is lumpy ... For the first sample I took cherry leaves .. I washed it and for some reason put it in the freezer for 2 hours, and then immediately twisted it in a meat grinder, crushed it a little, covered 1 bowl with a damp cloth, and put the load on the second one and covered it with a damp one too with a rag ... They will stand for 17 hours ...
I did everything wrong, right?
And I have a turner, a cherry and a little plum hanging and drying out. Satisfied
From sniffing, a corn jumped up on the index finger. Am I the only one of these little hands, or am I sneaking around something wrong?
Quote: Yaso4ka
For the first sample I took cherry leaves .. I washed it and for some reason put it in the freezer for 2 hours, and then immediately twisted it in a meat grinder, crushed it a little, covered 1 bowl with a damp cloth, and put a load on the second one and covered it with a damp cloth ... hours 17 ... 0
Yaso4ka, firstly, it is advisable not to wash the leaves! On them, important bacteria live, which are involved in the fermentation process. Have you dried the leaves after washing them?
Secondly, it was necessary to wither the leaves, since you decided to twist them in a meat grinder. The fact is that tea from a withered leaf is more intense in taste and aroma than from a frozen one. This is due to the fact that the concentration of juice in the withered leaf is higher than in fresh and frozen. This concentrated juice helps to improve the fermentation process.I read this theoretical point in a book about the production of traditional tea. And my experience has confirmed this.
But, in principle, it's okay, and the frozen sheet can be twisted. But you froze it for a little time - in 2 hours the leaves probably did not have time to freeze. how did they get twisted? Are the granules strong or crumbly?
Quote: Yaso4ka
I crushed it a little, covered 1 bowl with a damp cloth, and put the load on the 2nd one and covered it with a damp cloth ...
Yaso4ka, on granulated tea oppression should not be put. There, and so the granules are well compacted.
Quote: Yaso4ka
I did everything wrong, right?
Take it easy! You will have tea! But if you take into account the next time those moments that I wrote about, the tea will be better.
Quote: IwOlga
From sniffing, a corn jumped up on the index finger. Am I the only one of these little hands, or am I sneaking around something wrong?
Olya, correctly you are sniffing (), it is your handles have not yet become callous! I also had a corn in the first place!
Quote: lappl1

IvaNovaWill you do all this separately? Or together? I wonder how sea buckthorn behaves and what comes out of it. A very specific scent ...
yes, I will do everything separately
collected a little bit of everything for testing
I will show the result
lappl1, ... Hmm .. I was in a hurry, so soon I wanted to try how to make seagulls ... Just when I was grinding and realized that something was wrong ... The granules were not very similar to granules .. ...
I dried the leaves before freezing ... But they really did not have time to freeze ..
Can't you dry it in a dryer? Or just on the street in the shade spread out the hours for 6-10?
I will take into account everything now! (well there are many more leaves)! Thank you for taking your time for such ignoramuses as me)))))
I want to cut off the currants today .. or a pear ..
Oh, girls, what a Temka !!!! Lovely!
(I ran here from Mistletoe LJ ...)
Thank you for such ideas and recipes!
Please tell me the answers to the questions
1. is it not important that all the components are in equal proportions? Can you have more or less leaves?
2. And you can twist to email. meat grinder? Won't it jam? Will it clog? Or do you really need a manual one?
Quote: Light

Please tell me the answers to the questions
1. is it not important that all the components are in equal proportions? Can I have more or less leaves?
I didn't do "village"
I do not think that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the indicated proportions
we are all different, and we have different preferences
I am now slowly harvesting in small quantities everything that comes to hand
I do this in order to understand what exactly I like and to make the blend that I like the most
Quote: Light

2. And you can twist to email. meat grinder? Won't it jam? Will it clog? Or do you really need a manual one?
not important
try it
my "Bosch" is hammered (but he's been on strike lately)
girls twist on electric
Quote: Yaso4ka
dry in the dryer will not work? Or just on the street in the shade spread out the hours for 6-10?
Yaso4ka, no need to drier, better naturally. It's probably hot outside - you will constantly need to run to them. And the wind blows - you will not collect. Dry on the terrace or in the house - in a layer 3 - 5 cm.
Quote: Yaso4ka
I want to cut off the currants today .. or a pear ..
Freeze the currants within 24 hours, or even more. It freezes for a long time. Then wind the rolls by hand. Try to squeeze harder as you twist. Then cut it thinner - 2-3 ml. And then ferment with oppression.
Just wither the pear and twist it in a meat grinder. She makes good granules.
Quote: Light
1. is it not important that all the components are in equal proportions? Can you have more or less leaves? 2. And you can twist to email. meat grinder? Won't it jam? Will it clog? Or do you really need a manual one?
IvaNova, Thanks for answering . It's like that!
Light, make tea in any proportions, with any leaves (which you like).I will add that it is difficult to twist the leaves in a manual meat grinder. And the electrical one at Mistletoe broke down - there were plastic bushings. So they could not stand it. It is better if all the insides are metal.

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