home Bakery products Easter Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

And let's share our experience and even a photo of who paints eggs in what way? Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
In my family it is traditionally onion peel.
To the delight of the kids, they bought special bags with pictures, they put on an egg and in boiling water - it turns out beautifully
I also tried to wrap it with multi-colored woolen threads - it did not work out very well: (and even one squirrel reached the blue paint brrrr.

Who has any other homemade recipes and secrets?Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
and we also tie parsley leaves to the egg, then paint in the husk - it turns out cool
We also paint in husk, then we drop vegetable oil on the egg and rub it with our hands, it turns out shiny,
and for the kids, beautiful bags are also in boiling water, but we make eggs in bags on Saturday, it is advisable to eat them in 1-2 days: polyethylene clogs the micropores in the shell, so we make only a few pieces.
And I bought different food dyes and now the testicles are multi-colored pink, orange, blue, and I also painted them in onion peels, and the onions were red so they turned out to be dark dark brown.
Traditionally (according to the Gospel tradition, Mary Magdalene presented a red egg to Emperor Tiberius I), it is better for Easter eggs to be red - for this it is safer for health to paint eggs with onion skins. Which I have been doing for many years.
Rustic stove
I didn't do it myself, but I know that you can drip it onto the egg with a melted candle before painting. Then these "buried" areas will remain light, and everything else will be painted over.
After painting, the paraffin must be chipped off.
Kiev woman
before painting, apply an oil drawing with a match, let it soak for a while, then paint. This is also a grandmother's recipe.
In general, eggs can be painted with anything - and fading rags, and woolen threads, and watercolors - only it is not recommended to eat them after that.
Quote: Kievlyanka

before painting, apply an oil drawing with a match, let it soak for a while, then paint. This is also a grandmother's recipe.
And here is more detailed. What kind of oil? And what, where there is oil - will not stain?
Kiev woman
Boiled eggs, still hot. Vegetable oil is applied with a match, let it soak, and then you can paint.
Quote: fugaska

and we also tie parsley leaves to the egg, then paint in the husk - it turns out cool
and what to tie, so that later it does not come off?
yes, a couple of turns with ordinary threads, only carefully then put in the husk so that they do not fall off
Elena Bo
I painted eggs with this set
🔗 🔗 🔗

Here's what happened
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Boo Boo
And we don't paint at all, we exchange for Easter cakes with our neighbors.
Elena Bo
Quote: BooBoo

And we don't paint at all, we exchange for Easter cakes with our neighbors.
And somehow I didn't think. I baked cakes for everyone, and from them eggs.

On Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among the multi-colored eggs, the central place belongs to bright red eggs ...

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

It's Maundy Thursday - time for cleaning the house, coloring Easter eggs and making Easter cakes.

The easiest and most enjoyable process of all of this is coloring the eggs. True, few of the "egg artists" know how to properly decorate an egg so that it does not crack in boiling water, and the color is intense.
To keep the shell intact until the end of cooking, the eggs must be kept at room temperature for about an hour. It is advisable to add a tablespoon of salt to the water. You can also poke a small hole at one end of the egg.In order for the paint to lay down more evenly, before painting the eggs, they must be degreased - wiped with soapy water or alcohol.

Now about the methods of dyeing eggs themselves.

1. Onion peel - the most famous and accessible method for everyone. Eggs can be dyed yellow to reddish brown. The color depends on the concentration of the broth. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of onion husks and let it brew. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before dipping the eggs into the broth.
Dip the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take out, cool.

2. To make the eggs yellow or golden, they are painted with birch leaves. The broth is prepared from leaves, can be dry, young birch and infused for about half an hour. Wash eggs, dip in warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. after boiling, remove and cool.

3. Already boiled eggs grate with juice (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice).

4. Place eggs in a saucepan, cover them with water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar. Boil eggs for 15 minutes with natural coloring additives.

Light red - beets or blueberries.
Orange - onion.
Light yellow - oranges or lemons, carrots.
Yellow - turmeric roots, walnut shells.
Light green - spinach leaves, nettle.
Green - green apples.
Blue - red cabbage leaves.
Beige or brown - coffee.
If, after staining, put the eggs in the same broth overnight in the refrigerator, then the color will be brighter.

5. Wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in cheesecloth (the ends of the cheesecloth must be tightly tied with a thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and boiled in onion skins in the usual way. It turns out speckled eggs.

6. To receive marble effect you need to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie them with some cotton material on top.

7. When dyeing, you can wrap eggs multi-colored threads, then they will get interesting divorces.

8. Boil eggs in water with baking soda. Wrap eggs in multicolored silk patches, tie with a thread. Boil them again in this water, allow to cool, open the shreds.

9. Pluck the young leaves of different shapes (for example parsley leaves). Attach these leaves to the eggs, wrap with a stocking and tie tightly. Dip in tightly brewed onion skins. Cook for a long time.

10. Painted any food paint While still hot, blot the eggs with a napkin, put them in a glass or egg holder and paint them with a thin watercolor brush until they get cold. In this method, everything depends only on the richness of your imagination.

11. You can also paint eggs not only outside, but also inside. You need to boil them for 3 minutes, then get them out and in some places pierce the shell with a needle. Then simmer for a while until cooked in a strong brew with cloves, cinnamon and coriander.
After dyeing the Easter eggs, rub them with vegetable oil to make them shine.

Bright scarlet or dark red color can be obtained by coloring eggs with red onion husks. The color intensity depends on the dyeing time.

Gilded Easter egg - turmeric. It is necessary to add 2-3 tablespoons of turmeric to hot water, boil and paint the eggs.

Blue colour red cabbage will give the egg. Pour 500 ml of finely chopped cabbage into two shakes. boiling water, add vinegar and boil eggs in this broth.

If you soak boiled eggs in grape juice, they become lavender color.

In brown - the eggs will color the coffee.

How to paint eggs

In the old days, eggs were not only painted (dyes), but also painted with wax (Easter eggs). Today in the arsenal of any woman there are a variety of means of decorating eggs and making original decorations from them for the holiday .. Let's reveal some secrets.

Secret 1. Blown eggs are used for decoration. With the point of a darning needle or awl, carefully pierce the shell of a raw egg, making two small holes opposite one another.Blow the contents into a plate through one of the holes - whites and yolks can still be useful for preparing Easter dishes

Secret 2. Blown and painted eggs can be hung on a twig: you need a thin strong cord and matches. Tie one end of the cord in a knot exactly in the middle of the match. Holding the cord by the free end, lower the match through one of the holes into the cavity of the blown egg. Now you can hang them from the branches: once in a horizontal position inside the egg, the match will get stuck, securing the cord securely.

Secret 3. For painting, use the following materials: gouache, acrylic paints, multi-colored markers. Apply tone with a piece of sponge or cotton swab, and apply the pattern with a semi-dry brush

Secret 4. Use sticker paper for appliqués. Cut the figures out of it with nail scissors and stick them on the blown eggs. Color the eggs. When the surface is dry, peel off the paper figures and use a thin brush to apply silver to the unpainted areas

Secret 5. Eggs can be decorated with beads and beads: this can be done using PVA glue and tweezers.

Exists certain rules for painting eggs, which cannot be violated. All drawings on the testicle should be in a very clear pattern. The structure of the Universe is laid in the egg, therefore the drawing cannot be arbitrarily modified.

A pine tree on an egg is a symbol of health.
Black is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern was necessarily applied to the black testicles, thereby showing the diversity of life. The child was made an Easter egg on a cherry background, not on black.
The dove is a symbol of the soul.
The mesh is a symbol of fate.
White is the beginning of all beginnings: fate, which is built in the sky.
The yellow mesh is a symbol of the sun and destiny that is being built here.
Oak is a symbol of strength.
Dots are a symbol of fertility.
Cream is a symbol of love.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother.
Flowers are girlhood.

Easter eggs decorated with special foil.

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

You can buy special stickers for Easter eggs - it turns out beautifully and not troublesome!
Easter eggs decorated with cereals

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Here's another idea for how to decorate an Easter egg: using cereal. We used rice, millet, peas, lentils and black peppercorns. Groats adhere well to PVA glue, but safer to paste. How to make a paste? Take 200 grams of water (glass) and a heaped tablespoon of flour. Stir the flour in water (use a fork better). Put on low heat and stir. When the water boils, the mass will begin to thicken. Boil it for three minutes - and you're done.

Beaded testicle

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

This beaded egg is a real work of art. Not everyone is capable of doing this. We offer you a simpler option. Take a long string, string beads of beads on it and glue this bundle to the egg using PVA glue.

Easter eggs decorated with patches

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Materials and tools: Boiled eggs, PVA glue, water, some beautiful scraps of fabric, ribbons, lace, scissors.

Work progress: To decorate these eggs, you just needed to glue the shreds, ribbon and lace on PVA glue. We cut the pieces of fabric into strips, but you can do it differently. Cut the colorful fabric into small pieces and glue them like a mosaic.

Easter eggs with pictures from napkins (decoupage)

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Materials and tools: Boiled eggs, PVA glue, water, a container for breeding glue, two or three beautiful good quality napkins, scissors.

Work progress: Take napkins. Cut out the designs that are on them. In our example, we used two types of napkins with different patterns. You can cut from them as figures (bunny, vegetables), and just strips, squares, circles. Then prepare the glue. You can simply glue your pictures to eggs with PVA glue, but we advise you to dilute it with water in the following proportion: one part of glue - one part of water. Glue the napkins to smooth out wrinkles. It remains to let your work dry - and you're done!

Note: napkins can be glued to both painted eggs and unpainted ones (as in the photo).

Patch dyed eggs

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Take shreds of silk fabric of different colors. An indispensable condition - the fabric should shed easily. Wash the eggs, wrap in silk, wrap with a rag, tie with a thread, dip in warm water, let it boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then take out, cool, remove rags and silk.

Easter egg "Our Lady of Kazan" - handmade

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Egg-shaped workpiece. pearl beads "Guetermann Seeds" art. 773875 col 1016 - 30 gr., Gold seed beads "Guetermann Seeds" art. 773875 col 7500 - 20 gr., Beads "Guetermann glass pearls" art. 773883 col 1030 - 20 gr., Beads "Guetermann faceted crystal" art. 601632 col 1016 - 30 pcs., Beads "Guetermann faceted crystal" art. 601640 col 1016 - 30 pcs.,
Easter egg "Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia" - handmade

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
And here are these eggs in such a playful coloring

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Thank you girls for collecting such good recipes on the topic here!
Now I'm going to cook fondant for another woman of rum

Maybe someone will like me so I paint eggs

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

I like marble best of all (on the right), which look beautiful on the table on the left, it is fun to paint with a child (disadvantage - they get dirty)

the technology is simple, if I need to post it, or maybe someone else wrote, I did not notice
Quote: tatulja12

obgorka_gu, it turned out great. I liked your works. I would like to know how you do it? Thanks in advance.

1. Method - cover the table with a larger newspaper, cook a gelatinous solution (as it says on the pack) a little so that eggs (pre-boiled) are dipped and food paints powder preferably smaller. And then, like a fantasy - pour paint powder (from a pinch) onto the "gelatinous" egg one by one from a height of 5-10 cm, the paint spreads by itself, carefully turn it and continue the creative process (the child really liked it, everyone was grimy) unfortunately the eggs dry out beautiful, but how you touch it still gets dirty

Method 2 - marble - stuff the onion peel into a stocking and an egg (so that everything is closed) tie (so that the egg does not move) further another knot and repeat (in short, a chain of eggs in a stocking with onion peel) cook as usual in the husk for 20-40 minutes - got out of the water - you can immediately get the eggs out, there will also be beautiful marble brown ones, but I like to add another color - for this I cut off a piece of the chain with the egg, carefully move the husk so that it moves in relation to the egg and lowers it into the prepared solution (by instructions on the pack) food coloring for eggs (red, blue, green, any will give an interesting shade), you can repeat the procedure (shifting the husk) and in another dye. And then, as usual, grease with vegetable oil and on a napkin you get marble with a different pattern

Well, I hope I wrote it clearly, if you write something
There are always a lot of eggs on Easter, and they usually remain afterwards, because there are many other delicious dishes. we get out of the situation in this way - we paint quail eggs... they look very beautiful and are eaten with pleasure - after all, they are smaller in size than chicken

and also, if you wipe the eggs with a cotton swab dipped in sunflower oil after coloring, they shine like varnished

here is our basket of eggs from last Easter

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
The winter has been long and Easter is early this year. Therefore, this time I am not destined to use my favorite way of coloring Easter eggs. I decided to share it in case someone suddenly wants to do this.
So, we need the actual eggs, pieces of gauze (preferably not dense, but rather perforated) and some young leaves. It turns out very well with currants. We put the leaves with the lower side (the one that is not smooth, but with streaks) to the egg, wrap it with gauze and tie it with a thread. Then, in fact, we paint. I always use onion peels.
Unfortunately, the photo is not the most successful options - I shot only last year, and then there were no beautiful leaves and I had to use what was at hand
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Thanks for the advice and the photo is very beautiful and impressive
Let's leave in our piggy bank of ideas for Easter
Peace be with you bakers!
we bought a dyeing kit and there are stars, glitter and foam balls, and of course paint
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
This is how you can decorate Easter eggs with the grain that any housewife has in the house.

A little bit of imagination and we get lambs.

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Quote: Ru

The winter has been long and Easter is early this year. Therefore, this time I am not destined to use my favorite way of coloring Easter eggs.
My favorite way to color eggs!
In the absence of young leaves, you can use parsley leaves - very beautiful!
Freken Bock
As a rule, I have no strength left for eggs. And now I fell in front of the computer, I can not move. Films help out. Nice and uncomfortable. Now I'll take a sip of tea and go pack it.
And I don’t like films, they are so difficult to remove ... or I don’t know how ... I paint in an unusual way, I have a color carbon copy, since Soviet times I have a supply, so I rub it with it, it turns out so pretty, and the process itself , well sooooo like it. This is how my mother always did, with dyes, as it was before, there was a lot of carbon copies.
Freken Bock
I don't really like films either. I always have paints. Even today I trudged from work and bought a set. I read it at home: dilute with 300-400 ml of boiling water. How I presented the process ... I think how I will divorce this case before midnight ... I will not be happy either myself or the holiday. I really like to paint in onion skins. My grandmother only recognized this method of coloring. Only now my onion peel is not going to be in such quantity.
And here is a non-hassle way: paint in onion skins (bring to a boil and cook over low heat so that the eggs don't crack), and then let the children decorate with stickers (good, there are so many of them now.
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Fans of more complex techniques can put rubber rings on boiled white eggs, dip them in paint of the same color, then dry them and, removing one ring at a time, dip into the paint of another. We get multi-colored stripes:
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
From Croats:
Take a closer look at this photo, there are birds!
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

it is not customary for them to bake cakes, they bake delicious pies and cakes
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

What beauty
Quote: Freken Bock

As a rule, I have no strength left for eggs. And now I fell in front of the computer, I can not move. Films help out. Nice and unhappy. Now I'll take a sip of tea and go pack it.
Freken Bok, in a whisper like this - do your children seem to be no longer small, they have no desire to decorate Easter eggs?
I also usually had no strength left. I had to do at all. After Easter cakes ... That year my relatives watched as I kneaded the dough with my hands and announced the division of labor))) And this year I only baked Easter cakes! Such a thrill - Easter in the refrigerator, the eggs are already decorated, and I am leisurely fiddling with the third recipe for Easter cake. And so, too, films, stickers helped out.
Wort, films with a knife are remarkably hooked on and cut)))
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
I will paint the eggs as usual, with onion peels.
but I also thought of making chocolate and jelly testicles.
for this I prepared already empty shells. I will do so 🔗 and pour jelly and then so https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=164676.0 I will try.
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
You can also embroider ribbons on eggs, cm. -
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs
Girls, I am sharing with you a clean and effective way of painting eggs with ordinary wax crayons.
I paint the already boiled eggs, I do the drawing with ordinary wax crayons. The difficulty is caused only by painting with white chalk, it is not visible on a white shell. I put the painted eggs in a glass with tablet dye, take them out after a couple of minutes and put them to dry. I rub the dried eggs with oil. We have this traditional family process ...

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Coloring and decorating Easter eggs Coloring and decorating Easter eggs Coloring and decorating Easter eggs Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

Che that at me this year eggs do not want to be painted. even in the husk they barely turned yellow. I am not talking about spinach and turmeric. If they don't paint before nightfall, paint a drop.
Now pearl food colors for eggs are on sale, interesting effects are obtained, the grandson really liked it

lana light
Something the topic has withered ...
I will bring a little animation!
I showed MK how I dyed eggs in different ways last year. Now is the perfect time to revive your memories ahead of Easter!
We look, shares his options!
Decorating eggs for Easter
Lazy option.
I don’t like how the eggs are painted with paint, I don’t get an even color, some kind of faded color. But there is no choice. Therefore, I took this path.
Coloring and decorating Easter eggs

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