Lera Sahara dough. Cracks againThe question is for those who bake from Lery dough. If you don't put it in the refrigerator, how do you use the excess? So I made a batch, I need 5 gingerbread to order, but what do you do with the rest? I don't ask Lera, since she has a stream, she will finish it tomorrow too. Do not store it in the room?
firstly, I take a minimum order of at least 20 gingerbread, secondly, you can knead half a portion (for these 20 pieces))) and thirdly, I bake the most popular options for surplus: 10cm hearts, flowers, snowflakes, depending on from the season.
And I also bake half a portion, and if there are leftovers, then I try to bake something new, for a photo on my page, well, I train myself in a new one, and then I usually feed these gingerbreads to my family.
Clear! Today I didn't get gingerbread at all.The dough lay in the refrigerator for a long time, and when I made the cake, I dragged it out of the refrigerator, there was no room. In general, it crumbled terribly. Although the dough was heated all day. She rolled it out one at a time. The scraps were generally wrinkled, although I rolled without flour, on the rug. Tomorrow I will make a new batch. I didn't know that cold has such a bad effect on dough. Gerda's dough was lying for half a year
Mona1, Tanya, why do you put the dough in the refrigerator for an hour? What does it do?
When kneading, I put honey at 70-75 degrees and after kneading the dough is not hot, but very warm. For an hour in the refrigerator, it cools down and stops sticking. I put it in the refrigerator in cling film so that it does not lose moisture.
Vera, but I don't have quite a Lerin recipe, and the technology is simpler, I heat butter in a steam bath with sugar, honey and spices, and do not rub it into flour. I'm generally lazy. )))
Tanya, I did just like you. Only the composition of Lerin. still not smooth
Today it didn't work out at all. And so there is no time to redo everything. Soon there will be gingerbread cookies in the sink, like in Prostokvashino
Vera, gingerbread in the washstand Only I didn’t understand: did you drown butter in lerino dough? If so, then in vain, I think. In my dough, too, recipe butter is added by a piece. But not hard, but slightly melted. And a couple of times I had it so that it melted. Once in the heat, another time I forgot to take it out and overheated it in the microwave, it generally became like water. Before I put it in the dough, I slightly froze it, but it did not help - the gingerbread cookies were terrible. I crumbled and rolled them one at a time
No, I didn't drown it, it's Tanya in hers. For the last time I put the soft lard and kneaded it with my hands along with flour
Tanya, by the way, I also have a little honey. 120 g for 800 g flour. But I think that Vera is not about the recipe. It's just that something is a little wrong, but I think she will find the reason. By the way, I also bake the most popular from the leftovers - usually hearts. And from half a portion, I get 20 gingerbread 7 - 8 cm each. So I take orders for small batches. Now I have the opportunity for this
Vera, what kind of flour do you use? maybe the problem is flour?
Babovka, I use the highest grade flour, packing ATB. I like it, dry, bread from it is very good in HP
Here is the dough after kneading (from Lera). Made on lard, 3 yolks and 4 eggs. Flour 950g, cocoa 50g. A handful of flour when kneading. ... Measured cocoa and flour by volume. The volume is the same, but the weight is different. Flour 80gr, cocoa 50gr
Does not stick to the table, less flour and already with holes
Vera, that's okay :)
Knead each portion you cut well on the table. Knead like mastic.
I pinch each portion for one baking sheet from the total dough and knead a little on the table.
I don't understand, why are you surprised if you do not follow the technology? Lera has a recipe for custard gingerbread, where the flour is brewed with hot honey, so you cannot knead and cure the dough for a long time, as gluten will develop, which will make the gingerbread hard.
The higher the grade of flour, the smoother the dough, your weather spoils cocoa. Why are you adding it there? It only gives bitterness and changes the honey smell: pard: And the answer to your second question about the amount of gingerbread. From one norm of Lerin's dough, I get about 42 pieces of 11-12 cm in size, I mentally round up to 40 pieces of 10-12 cm.Therefore, the full norm for 30 pieces, I think, will not be enough ...
Liza. I'm not a pastry technologist. The most interesting. the gingerbread cookies that I showed in the morning are very soft. Just scary. This did not affect the softness in any way. I put cocoa because everyone likes Gerda's dough, it is the most delicious of all recipes. Its downside is that the gingerbread is hard. Although for houses, that's what you need. They don't break.
Now baked with a new dough, it turned out smooth! Hurrah!!!!!!! Who knew that Lera's dough should not be put in the refrigerator. Either Lera didn't write or I didn't read it carefully.
Therefore, I think it will not be enough for 30 pieces.
Lisa, thanks! I was reinsured and made the dough for the whole norm. Just finished baking, it turned out 45pcs. The smallest are 8cm, the average 9cm is the most. and 14cm
it even smiled at me, as if the taste of Gerda's dough was determined by cocoa, and not all the ingredients or the kneading technology. I never add cocoa to this dough (except for the first time), it didn't get any worse from this)))
Lisa, I also add cocoa because I don't like light gingerbread cookies, which resemble ordinary cookies. Taste and color ... as they say On a dark gingerbread, the drawing looks better, you don't always want to use a dye. I can cover them with yolk again with the addition of cocoa or coffee, this makes them even darker.
Vera, if cocoa affects the structure of the dough, and you only need color, then cover with it only on top, and not add to the dough.
ledi, Vera, it's good that the new test came out smooth. but I still did not understand - what was the reason?
It is necessary to bake immediately, without bedding in the refrigerator.
Ahh, and here is the photo where the dough after kneading - was it in the hole after laying?
no, I took a picture of this freshly mixed dough right away. Tomorrow, in the daylight, I'll show you gingerbread. I'm happy with them.
Wow, how actively my recipe is being discussed, but I could not get to the computer in any way
ledi, VeraWhen I gave the recipe, I wrote "Recipe for soft gingerbread, which are baked right away", so forgive me for misleading you, and did not add that the dough should not be stored in the refrigerator.
In my industrial production, I bake 3-4 portions, so I never put the dough in the refrigerator, so I can't even know what can happen to it after a cold soaking.
But still I think that if you just knead with the original amount of flour (that is, 1 kg), without kneading or dusting with additional flour, cover with a foil, then you can store it in the cold for a while, just knead it well before rolling, add flour if necessary ...
In my opinion, 50 grams of cocoa per 1 kg of flour really changes the quality of the dough.
The dough actually becomes denser and drier over time, I noticed this when I kneaded a triple portion at once, as a result, after baking half, I noticed that it became difficult to work with the dough, it rolls out hard, shrinks, etc.
I use dark honey, good, natural cinnamon (not Cassia powder, which we give out as cinnamon) and it seems to me that the gingerbread cookies are not light, and even more so they do not look like cookies.
Here in the photo you can see the color and texture of the gingerbread
In addition, all clients are delighted with the taste and softness of the gingerbread, and I am sincerely glad of this, because the main consumers of my gingerbread are children.
For me, this recipe is also good because, despite the softness of the gingerbread, it is quite dense and I can safely make all kinds of compositions and 3D gingerbread.
Here's the result! Now I will know how the refrigerator is harmful to this test. How much I suffered. It was just convenient for me to knead the dough for one day and bake in parts as needed. Lera, I'm sorry if I offended you: sorry: You couldn't have foreseen that someone would push him into the refrigerator. And I realized that "bake right away" is if you urgently need it, that you can bake it right away and don't let him lie down as the dough is from Gerda all day long. Even though I looked stupid with my pictures and problems, but I am very pleased that we figured it out and no one will repeat my mistake
Vera, congratulations! And these with or without cocoa?
Lisa, with cocoa
Vera, I'm glad that we figured out your problem, and the gingerbread turned out to be good.
I decided to show once again the gingerbread without cocoa according to Lerin's recipe:
and here, too, the structure is clearly visible and they are not light when there are a lot of spices))):
ledi, Vera, HURRAH!!!! Finally, together we have achieved great baking results!
In the photo, the gingerbread cookies are good, despite the addition of cocoa. Now your gingerbread cookies will be smooth, with a perfect texture!
And I was not offended by anything, on the contrary, I really wanted to understand this matter. And this is to ask our Alyonka to correct the name of my recipe in the table of contents. Vei, Lizonka! I recognize my gingerbread cookies This is how they should look, if you do not violate the kneading technology and follow the recipe exactly
Girls, give a sideways photo, please! I want to see the thickness. And some landmark ...
the thickness of the finished gingerbread is 1 cm, when rolling out the raw dough 4-5 mm:
Here you can see that the gingerbread cookies are smooth both on top (strawberry on the left) and below (bell on the right):
Liza, good girl! Thank you!!!!!!! For tea, eh, wave off to Moscow?)
And the ends of the bell in the bottom photo are clearly visible: the corners are sharp, not swollen. And they swam in my tulips ... But it's delicious!
Mom Tanya, how spicy are they, are they not swollen? Of course, they swam, or rather puffed up, the bell in the photo lies upside down so that it was clear that from below it is just as smooth! Therefore, the bottom contour of the gingerbread is sharp.
girls, do not worry! in the name of the recipe, everything has already been fixed!
Alyonushka, thanks!