Dear bakery gurus, can anyone use egg powder? In our company store from the poultry farm, they sell egg powder with a recommendation for baking bakery products. Can I use it in a bread maker? How much powder (g) is needed instead of one egg? Also interesting is your opinion on the effect of egg powder on the taste and appearance of bread?


GOST R 53155-2008 Liquid and dry food egg products

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

Raw material requirements

In general, egg powder is an excellent substitute for eggs. It is actively used in the production of confectionery and semi-finished meat products. It is convenient, it does not require special storage conditions, its taste is not inferior to fresh eggs. For household purposes, you can buy egg powder in almost any store - this product is in high demand. However, it must be borne in mind that buying egg powder means storing it only in dry form.

It is impossible to store diluted egg powder.

How much egg powder do you need to replace eggs?

According to the cookbook GOSTORGIZDAT 1960

278 g of egg powder replaces 1 kg of eggs

Egg powder must meet the following requirements: taste and smell characteristic of dried eggs, without impurities; color from light yellow to bright yellow, uniform throughout the mass; the structure is powdery, lumps are allowed, which are easily crushed. Egg powder must also comply with the standards for the mass fraction of moisture, fat, protein substances, acidity, solubility.

The quality of the egg powder must meet the requirements of GOST 2858-82. Color - light yellow, uniform throughout the mass; taste and smell - characteristic of dried powder, without foreign tastes and odors; structure - powdery, without lumps. Solubility (in terms of dry matter) - not less than 85%. Acidity - no more than 10 ° T. Humidity - 4-8.5%. The content (in terms of dry matter) of ash is not more than 4%, protein substances - not less than 45, fat - not less than 35%. Availability is not allowed. coliform bacteria in 0.1 g of the product and the salmonella content in 25 g of the product.

If the technology and storage regime of egg powders are violated, the following defects may appear:

low solubility - the result of irreversible changes in proteins during drying and storage, reactions of melanoid-formation; solubility decreases the more, the higher the moisture content in the powder and the storage temperature;

high acidity - an increase in the content of free fatty acids due to hydrolysis of fat, as well as the formation of free acid groups in proteins (with melanoid formation);

darkening of color (brown color) - the result of the reaction of melanoid-formation and polymerization of fat oxidation products (aldehydes);

the taste is burnt - a consequence of overheating of the egg mass during drying or storage at a high temperature, stale - appears when stored at a temperature of about 15 ° С, fishy - when lecithin breaks down with the formation of methylamines and other substances, sour or cheese - with the development of lactic acid bacteria, rancid - the result of oxidative deterioration of fat when exposed to air and at elevated temperatures.

Packaging and packaging materials should protect the egg powder from moisture, exposure to light, air.

Egg powder is stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and a relative air humidity not higher than 75% for up to 6 months, at a temperature of 2 ° C and below and a relative humidity of 60-70% - up to two years.
Egg powder and its uses

There are many factors in favor of using powdered egg products in the confectionery industry. The main arguments when using dry egg products are facilitating and accelerating the technological process, increasing the sanitary level of our own production, reducing energy costs, reducing the required production area, and maintaining the quality of finished confectionery products.
One kilogram of egg powder will be replaced by 90 chicken eggs.
250 gr. powder and 750 gr. water = 1.0 kg liquid egg
1.0 kg of liquid egg = 20 eggs.

DRY EGG PROTEIN - increased whipping is obtained after special thermal and mechanical action on liquid protein, and then by vacuum spray drying.

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

High whipping dry egg powder has super high whipping and foam stability. The whipping and foam stability parameters obtained after whipping are superior to those of native egg.

DRY EGG POWDER Whipped is a purified form of powdered egg white, devoid of reducing sugar during production. It is characterized by increased whipping and foam stability.

Application: mousses, cakes, pastries that require airiness.


Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

Dry egg yolk is obtained after mechanical separation of fresh eggs and subsequent filtration, pasteurization and spray drying.
The yolk consists of two fractions: plasma, which is 38% and granules suspended in it - 12%.

APPLICATION: Dissolve one part of dry egg yolk in 1.25 parts of water.
One kilogram of dry egg yolk powder replaces 125 fresh eggs.

Dry egg yolk used by in the production of biscuits, biscuits, kurabye, yeast pastries, the production of mayonnaise.
Egg melange.

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

Only carefully sorted and well tested fresh eggs are used for the preparation of this product.
The process of making melange consists of the following operations: breaking eggs, straining to remove the remnants of the shell, film and embryos, mixing, filling into tin cans and freezing.
Banks with melange are 5- and 10-kilogram capacity.

The good quality of the melange is determined by the appearance of the can, which should be free of rust and large dents, and by the condition of the contents. The smell and taste of melange - without impurities and aftertaste, the color of the ice cream product is dark orange, and thawed - light yellow or light orange.
Repeated freezing reduces the quality of the melange and can be detected by the absence of a bulge (tubercle), which always occurs on the surface of the melange when it is frozen correctly and once.

Egg melange is a completely benign product that successfully replaces eggs in all dishes where separation of eggs into yolks and whites is not required.
When using melange, it must be borne in mind that it is not stable in storage when thawed. Therefore, you only need to defrost it immediately before use.
The thawed egg melange must be mixed thoroughly.

Frozen egg yolk.

In the manufacture of this type of product, the egg yolk of fresh eggs separated from the protein is filtered and frozen in a container specially designed for this.
Frozen yolks should not have foreign flavors, their color is pale yellow.
It is especially convenient to prepare dishes from this product, which include only yolks or in the recipe of which there are more yolks than proteins (cakes, cookies, some sauces, etc.).

Drinking egg yolk

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

Pasteurized egg yolk is a homogeneous product without impurities, shell fragments and films.When cooled, thick and flowing, opaque. Color - from yellow to orange. Has a natural egg smell and taste.
Ready to eat. Pasteurized at 63 ° C, which retains all the beneficial substances of the yolk.
Pasteurized yolk is stored at 2 - 5 ° C in well ventilated rooms. The shelf life of chilled yolk is 56 days from the date of production.

Liquid pasteurized egg yolk

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

Pasteurized egg yolk is a homogeneous product without impurities, without shell fragments and films. When cooled, thick and flowing, opaque. Color - from yellow to orange. Has a natural egg smell and taste.
1 kg of pasteurized yolk contains 55-56 yolks of fresh eggs.
Used in the production of bakery, confectionery, meat production
Frozen egg white.

The cooking process for this product is the same as for frozen yolks.
Good quality frozen proteins should be free of foreign tastes and odors. The color of frozen proteins is from whitish-fawn to yellowish-green, and thawed - fawn
Frozen proteins can be used in diet food (in cases where doctors exclude the use of yolks) for omelets and other dishes.
Frozen whites and yolks are thawed only immediately before cooking.

Drinking egg white

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

100% natural protein
Pasteurized egg white is a homogeneous product without impurities, without shell fragments and films. The protein is translucent. Color from light yellow to light green. Has a natural egg taste and smell.
1 kg of pasteurized protein contains 35-37 proteins of fresh eggs.
Great for people involved in fitness, bodybuilding, and other sports.

Liquid pasteurized egg white

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

Pasteurized egg white is a homogeneous product without impurities, shell fragments and films. The protein is translucent. Color from light yellow to light green. Has a natural egg taste and smell.
1 kg of pasteurized protein contains 35-37 proteins of fresh eggs.
Pasteurized protein is stored at 2 - 5 ° C in well-ventilated rooms. The shelf life of chilled protein is 56 days from the date of production.

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange
Eggs are carriers of parasites dangerous to humans.

In many poultry farms, various harmful bacteria and parasites develop. And the eggs absorb them easily thanks to the open pores. The most famous bacterium is salmonella... Commercial eggs pose a significant threat to human health, as countless amounts of antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals are added to chicken feed.

Salmonellosis, an acute intestinal infection, can easily be contracted from raw chicken eggs. Salmonella bacteria can get on eggs from sick hens, which live and die for 1-2 years in cramped cages in poultry farms or in villages.
The surface of the egg is almost always contaminated with proteus, salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria that cause deadly diseases.

Nutritionists recommend that you wash your hands when handling eggs, as it is believed that parasitic bacteria can be inside or outside the egg.

Please be careful when buying, choosing, storing and using eggs for cooking and food

Why pierce eggs before boiling?

A source: 🔗

It is known that experts advise, before boiling "hard" eggs, to pierce their shell from the blunt end. But I haven't seen a clear explanation of this step for half a year, probably. Some say that water enters the hole and helps to separate the shell from the shell itself. Others argue that due to the hole, the air chamber is reduced, which makes the egg more symmetrical and beautiful. Still others think that such a manipulation prevents the eggs from cracking during boiling.I did not quite like all these explanations, and experience suggested that they were not entirely accurate.

So I suffered, and suffered at the same time. Until I finally unearthed all the details.

So, the internal content of a freshly laid egg has a low pH, i.e. it is slightly acidic. The acid is obtained due to the fact that the protein contains quite a lot of dissolved carbon dioxide (carbonic acid). In acidic conditions, the inner membrane of the egg, which is made of keratin, is bound to the "proteins" of the protein. And this bond only gets stronger when heated. As a result, a fresh hard-boiled egg is very difficult to peel - I just freak out and even resent it.

Therefore, for boiling eggs, you need to take slightly "lodged" eggs. Usually 5-7 days is enough for carbon dioxide to leave the egg through the numerous pores in the outer shells.

But this is only in theory, which does not always work!

It turns out that large egg producers first clean their surface and then apply a thin layer of mineral oils - paraffins, probably all kinds - and antibiotics. With such an artificial shell, the acidity of an egg does not change for months - and boiling such eggs "hard boiled" becomes a complete torment. As I imagine, this applies to a good half of all eggs in large supermarkets.

What to do? Here, shell piercing comes to the rescue. This also significantly reduces the tightness of the inner membrane. As a result, when the egg is slowly heated, carbon dioxide manages to escape and the connection between keratin and egg white is significantly weakened - the shell is removed in almost one motion: if anyone lived in the village, go and immediately remember the details.

So, everything is simple.
The need to pierce the shell is a consequence of the industrial production of eggs.
Our grandmothers didn't do that!

Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

“Can raw eggs be frozen? I have almost two dozen eggs that I will not be able to use before my trip and I would not want them to be wasted. "

I also hate it when food is wasted, but in your case, freezing eggs can bring you many more dangers that you should not be exposed to for these eggs. For starters, the shell is likely to crack - which is quite predictable - the protein will expand when it freezes, just like water when it turns into ice. There is nothing you can do about it. The eggs' taste can also deteriorate depending on how long they sit in the freezer.

Equally troublesome is the fact that the yolks will become thick and viscous when you defrost them. This is called gelling - that is, jelly formation.
It occurs due to the fact that when eggs freeze, some protein molecules bind into a network that captures a large amount of water, and when thawed, they cannot separate. Curdled egg yolks are not suitable for custards or sauces where a smooth surface is important. Using thickened yolks in other recipes can also be a risky undertaking: if the dish fails, then not only the eggs will be wasted, but also other products.

Next time, just leave the eggs in the fridge if your trip won't last more than a couple of weeks, or hard-boil them all before leaving.
Manufacturers of finished and convenience foods use tons of frozen eggs in baked goods, mayonnaise, and more. They prevent viscosity by adding ten parts of salt or sugar for every 100 parts of shelled and beaten eggs before freezing. I think you could do this too if you had excess time.
Difference between white and brown chicken eggs

Eggs, egg powder (yolk and white) and egg melange

There are various rumors surrounding the difference between brown and white eggs. Some people think that brown eggs are healthier because they contain more nutrients, others believe that they are tastier, and still others think that brown eggs are more suitable for baking custard cakes, and white eggs are just made for cakes (or vice versa, it all depends on points of view).

But the difference between them is only that brown eggs are brown and white eggs are white. It's all.
The content of eggs will be the same regardless of the color of the shell, moreover, their shell thickness is more or less the same.If there is a difference, then it is related to the age of the chickens, and not to the color of the eggs - for eggs laid by a young hen, the shells are indeed slightly thicker and stronger.

Rumors that brown eggs are healthier have come from supermarkets: brown eggs are often a little more expensive, and if something is more expensive, then, logically, it is probably better, isn't it? More often than not, this is not the case: raising the price of one of the almost identical products is a clever marketing trick.
The cost in the case of eggs is due in part to the fact that chickens that lay brown eggs eat more, which means they are more expensive to keep and have to be compensated for. White eggs are most often laid by hens with white or light combs and light feathers, while brown eggs are laid by dark hens with reddish combs. This is not always the case, just a general rule, from which there are exceptions. So, chickens with dark scallops just eat more.

It should be noted that eggs sometimes really differ in taste, but this does not depend on their color, but on what the laying hens eat: nutrition affects the taste and color of the yolk - in the same way, the diet affects the taste of cow or pig meat. If two chickens, one of which lays brown eggs, and the other is white, eat the same thing, then the yolk will most likely not differ in taste and color.


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