Drying technology for vegetables, fruitsDrying is the simplest, cheapest and least laborious way of preserving vegetables and fruits. Dried products are well preserved, do not require special storage rooms, and take up little space.
PREPARATION OF RAW MATERIALS.The higher the quality of the raw materials, the better the quality of the dried products. Dryness made from unripe fruits is always worse than from well-ripe ones. However, overripe fruits are not suitable for drying. Therefore, fruits and vegetables intended for drying must be at the stage of so-called consumer maturity.
Preparation of raw materials for drying begins with sorting and bulkhead. Rotten fruits and vegetables are discarded. If the fruit is going to be dried whole, the damaged, ugly ones are selected and sorted by size to dry separately.
Prepared fruits and berries are thoroughly washed in running water. To wash off the remnants of pesticides from the surface of the fruits, they are washed in water with the addition of soda (5-6 g per 1 liter of water) or table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). After that, the inedible parts are removed: the skin is peeled from the root crops, the outer covering leaves are removed from the cabbage and onions, the stalks and the remnants of flowers are removed from the berries.
After rinsing fruits and vegetables in running water, they are cut into circles, columns, strips. This increases the evaporation area of the water and thereby accelerates drying. To prevent fruits and vegetables from darkening during drying, they are pre-bleached in a solution of salt or citric acid (5-10 g per 1 liter of water). The cut raw materials are blanched.
Some fruits, especially light-colored ones, are best boiled in sugar syrup, this will preserve their color and speed up drying. Sour fruits or berries can be candied before drying - they will become more stringy and sweet, better retain their natural color and will be well stored. To do this, the berries prepared for drying are poured with 50% hot syrup and placed in a cold place for 6-8 hours, after which they are thrown into a colander, the syrup is heated and the berries are again poured into it. For each liter of syrup add 100-200 grams of sugar. After 6-8 hours, the syrup with berries is brought to a boil and discarded again in a colander. Then the fruits are scattered in a thin layer, first dried, and then dried until tender.
Fruits and vegetables, completely prepared for drying, are always laid out in a thin layer to ensure air access from all sides. Moreover, each variety of fruits and vegetables must be dried separately, even if they are then mixed. The modes and features of drying individual crops will be given separately.
Pears - 180 g
Plums - 300 g.
Cherries - 250 g
Apricots - 150 g
Beets - 120-170 g
Carrots - 120-180 g
Onions - 120-150 g
Raspberries - 150 g
Strawberries - 130 g
Cabbage - 70-90 g
Greens (dill, parsley, celery, etc.) - 100 g
TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DRYING SOME VEGETABLES AND FRUITS.Beets and carrotsWell-ripened root crops are washed, cleaned, cut into narrow strips, laid out in one layer and dried in the sun until the release of juice stops. Then they are laid in a thin layer on sieves and dried at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Ted up periodically.
Can be dried in the sun. Cool and place in an airtight container.
Ripe root vegetables are thoroughly washed and boiled for about 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then cut into narrow strips and dry on sieves in a thin layer at a temperature of 70-80 ° C.
For drying
beets you need to select roots with dark-colored pulp. They should be rinsed well. In this case, the water must be changed 2 - 3 times. Cut off the roots and heads. Rinse. Then cook for 20 - 40 minutes. Next, the beets are dipped in cold water for 10 - 20 minutes.After that, the skin is removed, cut into shavings with a thickness of 2 - 5 mm and, rinsed, laid out on sieves for home drying of vegetables. Another variant. Also wash, peel, cut into noodles. Then blanch for 2 - 3 minutes. To do this, use water containing 4 - 5 g of salt per 1 liter of water. After cooling in clean cold water, the beets are sent for drying. The required temperature is 80 - 85 ° C. The duration of the process is 5 - 6 hours. High-quality dried beets are characterized by a dark red color that has a pink or purple hue. The product yield is 12 to 15%. Storage conditions are the same as for dried potatoes.
For drying
carrots select varieties with a rich orange pulp color. In this case, the size of the yellow core should be as small as possible. Preliminary preparation is carried out similarly to the preparation of beets, but the cooking time is reduced to 15 - 20 minutes. To obtain a dried product of better quality, a different pre-preparation method is used. Carrots are washed, peeled from ends and peels. Then cut into circles 2 - 3 mm thick or into strips. Blanch in salted water (4 - 5 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 2 - 3 minutes. After that, it is cooled in cold water.
Carrots are spread in a thin layer on drying sieves. At the same time, no more than 4 - 5 kg of raw materials should fall on each square meter. Drying temperature is 70 - 80 ° C. Duration - 5 to 6 hours. The product yield is 10-14% of the feedstock. Store in glass or tin containers.
OnionFor drying, select solid healthy bulbs, peel, wash and cut into thin slices. During the drying process, the onion emits a pungent, unpleasant, long-lasting odor. Therefore, it is better to dry onions outside of living quarters. To speed up the drying process, blanch the onions for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. Onions are loosely laid out on sieves and dried at a temperature of 70 ° C. Drying is carried out at a temperature of 40 ° C. In this case, the bow will be white.
Spicy varieties are best suited for home-drying onions. Examine all the bulbs. They should be free of rot and damage. For drying, it is necessary to select well-ripe bulbs. The onion should be peeled with a knife. The bottom is cut off, and then the scales are removed. The cleaned heads should be rinsed with clean water. You need to cut the onion in circles, the thickness of which is 3 - 4 mm. They are cut into 2 or 4 pieces. Do not blush the onion. This can make drying more difficult because the onions stick to the sieves. In addition, this procedure will lead to the loss of aromatic substances, which will affect the quality of the dried product. Instead of blanching, the onions are kept in cold salted water containing 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water for 3 to 5 minutes. In this way, the color of the finished product can be preserved. For drying, onions are laid out on sieves at the rate of 4 kg per 1 sq. m. Drying temperature - 60 - 65 ° С. Drying time - 4 - 6 hours. If the drying temperature is exceeded, the onion may darken. The product yield is 12 to 16%.
GarlicBefore drying, the heads of garlic are divided into teeth. The peeled cloves are washed with water. Drying is carried out under the same conditions as onions. Cutting the cloves into 3 - 4 parts will speed up the drying process. After drying, the garlic can be ground into powder and added to cooking.
Apples in circlesApples of various varieties are suitable for drying. It is better to use apples for drying, which do not darken quickly after peeling (for example, Antonovka). A carrion is often used for this purpose.
Apples are thoroughly washed with water acidified with vinegar to wash off impurities and residues of pesticides used to combat garden pests. Then the inedible parts are cleaned, including the skin. Early apples are dried with their skins. It is better to take out the core with a tube specially made of tin or a pointed spoon. Prepared apples are cut across in circles 4-7 mm thick. So that the sliced apples do not darken during drying due to the action of oxidative enzymes, they are immediately immersed in cold salted water (10-15 g of salt per 1 liter of water) or acidified (2-5 g).citric or tartaric acid per 1 liter. water) water. To partially destroy the enzymes and speed up the drying process, you can blanch the chopped apples for a few minutes in boiling water, and then immediately chill in cold. Instead of blanching, the sliced apples can be kept for 10 minutes. on a sieve or colander in boiling water vapor, and then cool in cold water.
Apples prepared in this way dry faster.
Sliced apples are laid out on sieves or trays in one layer. They begin to dry at temperatures from 70-75 ° C to 80-85 ° C.
When about 2/3 of the water has evaporated, the temperature is reduced to 50-55 ° C. The whole drying process takes 6-10 hours. Apples when properly dried have a yellowish-brown color, do not break or release juice when squeezed, and contain approximately 20% moisture.
Plum, cherry and cherryYou can dry any kind of plum, but Hungarian is best. For drying, take healthy, ripe or even overripe (with wrinkled skin) fruits. Sorted and sorted fruits are dipped in portions in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then cooled in cold. Blanching speeds up the drying process and destroys enzymes. This dissolves the wax bloom from the surface of the fruit. To speed up this process, it is useful to add baking soda to boiling water (10-15 g per 1 liter of water). In this case, the blanching time is reduced to 5-20 seconds. Fruits of plum varieties with delicate skin are blanched in hot water at 90-95 ° C, and with dense and thick skin - in a soda solution.
Chilled fruits are laid out on sieves in one layer and dried for the first 3-4 hours at a temperature of 40-45 ° C. When the plum dries up and the skin wrinkles, the drying is interrupted and the sieves are kept for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 18-22 ° C. Then, within 4-5 hours, they are dried again at a higher temperature of 50-60 ° C. Drying is interrupted again. Dry for 12-16 hours at a temperature of 75-80 ° C.
Dried plum of dark-colored varieties is black with a bluish tint, and light-colored varieties are brown with a brown tint. Properly dried fruits are shiny, evenly wrinkled, the stone separates well from the pulp.
Sun drying of plums in the middle lane does not give good results.
Dried pearsFor drying, pears of summer and early ripening varieties that begin to ripen are used. Small fruits can be dried whole, medium ones can be cut in half, and large ones into four slices. Immerse whole pears in boiling water for 15-30 minutes, remove, drain and place on drying trays.
Delicious dried pears are obtained from small-fruited varieties if they are peeled and boiled for several minutes in sugar syrup (100-150 g of sugar per 1 liter of water). Put large pears, cut into pieces, in cold acidified water for a few minutes (2-4 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Dry the pears first at 80-85 ° C, and after drying, reduce the temperature to 50-60 ° C. It can be dried initially in the sun, and dried in the oven at 70 ° C.
GrapesRipe sorted grapes are divided into small bunches with scissors, placed in a sieve and immersed in a boiling solution (80-100 g per 1 liter of water) for 5-10 seconds, depending on the thickness of the grape skins. With this blanching, many small cracks appear on the skin, through which water evaporates intensively during drying.
After blanching, the grapes are rinsed in the same way, immersed in clean water, and allowed to dry. If possible, it is still fumigated by burning lump sulfur in a special chamber (30-40 g per 1 m3 of the chamber). An old barrel without a bottom, well coated with clay, in which grapes are hung, can serve as such a chamber. A cast iron with sulfur is installed below, and a lid is tightly closed from above. Fumigated for 1 hour. The processed grapes dries faster and has a beautiful appearance.
After fumigation, the grapes are laid out on sheets and dried in the sun, while not being exposed to direct sunlight. In dryers, grapes begin to dry at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, and finish at 6b ° C,
Other berries are sorted out, washed if necessary, laid out on sheets and dried first at a temperature of 40 ° C, and when they are grafted (they begin to wrinkle) - at 60 ° C.
Dried apricots.In the conditions of the middle lane for drying, it is better to take small-fruited apricots with a separating stone and dryish pulp.
Wash mature healthy apricots thoroughly, blanch (immerse in boiling water). Then cut the apricots into halves, remove the seeds. Place the halves on a grid or trays in one layer with the holes facing up. To prevent dried apricots from darkening during drying, you can fumigate them with sulfur for 2-6 hours (2 g of sulfur per 1 kg of apricots). Dry at temperatures up to 70 ° C.
Artificial drying lasts 8-12 hours. The color of finished fumigated apricots is from light yellow to dark orange, non-smoked ones are light or dark brown.
DETERMINING THE QUALITY OF DRIED PRODUCTSReady dried fruits should contain 18-22% moisture, vegetables - 10-14%. Properly dried apples are light cream in color, quite elastic, but do not emit juice when bent.
Correctly dried plums are black in color, often with a bluish tinge. When curling the dried plum in your hand, the bone should easily separate from the pulp, and the pulp should be sufficiently elastic.
The same characteristics can be used to determine the quality of dried apricots and cherries. Apricots should retain their natural color, a dark color indicates overdrying of the fruit.
Vegetables are dried more thoroughly, as they contain less sugars and acids than fruits. When properly dried, carrots retain their fresh color and smell, while cabbage becomes dark green with a yellow tint.
STORAGE OF DRIED FOOD.Only well and evenly dried foods are suitable for storage. If there is an undried lump among the finished mass, it can turn into a hotbed of mold. Therefore, before packaging, the finished product must be carefully considered, remove and dry all underdried pieces.
The dried products are poured into one container and left for 1-2 days to equalize the humidity. After that, dried fruits and vegetables are packed in containers for storage.
To prevent them from being saturated with moisture, store them in a cool dry room or in an airtight container.
Dried foods easily perceive various odors, therefore, substances with a strong smell should not be kept near them.
Large quantities of dried food can be stored in food grade polyethylene bags, wood, cardboard or metal boxes lined with cellophane. Small portions of dried fruits or vegetables are best kept in glass jars with tin lids.
Under the influence of light, dried foods darken and lose their aroma, therefore they are stored in a dark room or in an opaque container.
Dried plums or pears can be stored in linen bags, which are hung in a dry, well-ventilated area.
With this storage method, plums can become covered with a white bloom - they are candied. However, this plaque dissolves easily in water and does not affect the taste of the plum.
If, during storage, mites, moths, and other pests have penetrated into dried fruits or vegetables, the product must be disinfected: sprinkle on a baking sheet and warm in an oven or oven for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 60-70 ° C.
Of course, in this case it is necessary to destroy the pests themselves in the premises where the products were stored.
PREPARATION OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR USEBefore use, all dried products are thoroughly washed from dust that has accumulated on them during drying and storage. After that, the dried food is soaked in cold water - this makes it easier for subsequent culinary use.
Moreover, vegetables soften better if they are soaked in chilled boiled water. Finely chopped vegetables are soaked for 3-4 hours before use; green peas and asparagus and common beans - 24; apples, pitted apricots and berries - 8-15 hours. For the preparation of various dishes, dried products are taken 4-5 times more than fresh ones.
When using dried fruits and vegetables, it should be borne in mind that during drying they lose almost all vitamins, and in this respect they cannot be compared with fresh ones. Dried fruits can be used to prepare compotes, fruit soups, casseroles with cereals and pasta, pie fillings, as well as various salads. You can use them without processing - in their natural form.
Recipes for drying various fruits and berries can be found in the section "Recipes for an electric dryer"