
I suggest you read how baked and ate pancakes in Russia.

Author S. Loginov

Here, damn it, I found something to write about - about pancakes! Damn thing is simple, seemingly accessible to everyone. Although you never know what it seems to anyone - in fact, baking a pancake is a great art. Someone will live his whole life, but he will not try a real pancake, in his darkness mistaking pancakes, pancakes, pancakes and other products of cook's thought for pancakes. Of course, pancakes are a wonderful thing, but this is not a pancake.

First of all, pancakes are baked from unleavened dough. Yeast dough is for pancakes; kefir, yogurt, whey - for pancakes, pancakes and pancakes. And of course, no soda, sodium bicarbonate will hopelessly change the taste and spoil the consistency. Everything in a pancake should be natural. Only then can pancakes be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Chapter 1. BREAKFAST

So, we bake pancakes. Let's get up early in the morning, while everyone is still sleeping, and get started. First of all, you need to take flour. Flour for pancakes is wheat, first, and better - second grade (we will leave the highest grade for pies). And certainly not pancake. Pancake flour for lazy and inept. In addition, soda has already been added to it and, therefore, pancakes from pancake flour cannot be obtained by definition.

For each liter can of flour - a tablespoon of sugar and tea salt. Stirred, hammered in an egg. One egg for a pound of flour is quite enough, otherwise the pancakes will turn out to be too rich and begin to crumble right in the pan.

Then the most crucial moment in dough preparation begins. Little by little, pour milk into the flour, and then water. That's right - we do not pour flour into milk, but pour milk into flour! We knead a rather steep dough and, gradually adding liquid, bring it to the desired consistency. All this time, without ceasing, we mix the dough with a wooden spatula, whisk, steel fork or other handy tool. A spoon is not suitable for this business, it will begin to bend and will soon break.

The secret of this procedure is simple. While the dough is thick, lumps simply cannot form in it, because the whole mass is one large lump. The main thing here is not to plump all the liquid at once, because then it will not be possible to get rid of the lumps even with the help of a mixer. Women, for the most part, pour flour into milk, and as a result, they get anything, but not pancakes. And so, lumps, without having time to form, disperse without a trace in the dough, which differs very little from them in density.

A liter can of flour requires about half a liter of milk. When the milk runs out, we continue to top up the water until the dough is thin enough. It flows easily from a spoon, and there should be absolutely no lumps in it. Only such dough can be used to bake a truly thin pancake.

Last, add a little sunflower oil to the dough - a spoon or two, stir it goodbye and solemnly put the pan on the fire.

The frying pan is the pinnacle of human thought, and the fact that the quality of frying pans has been steadily deteriorating over the past hundred years proves that humanity, unfortunately, is degrading and soon the former homo sapiens will drop to all fours. The secret of making real frying pans was lost as a result of two world wars. As S. Mikhalkov once wrote: "If before the self-propelled guns were produced by another plant, today the frying pans were launched at full speed." The industry focused on the production of self-propelled guns, of course, could not establish the production of high-quality pans. Previously, excellent frying pans were made by the Zlatoust plant, and pans were poured from Kasli cast iron.At the beginning of the century, mirror cast iron went into production and a real frying pan was not available. In some places, families have preserved ancient frying pans, but these are the last of the Mohicans. So you have to bake on what is.

The pancake pan must be clean, so it must be at least slightly burned out beforehand. The pans are not washed, they are burned out. We heat the pan over high heat, so that a bluish smoke begins to rise, and then we put it under a stream of cold water. A column of steam rises, the frying pan screeches, but becomes clean. As a last resort, a hot frying pan can be cut through with a small amount of coarse salt, but it is better not to bring the most important kitchen tool to such a state that it cannot be cleaned without salt.

Lightly wipe the burnt pan with butter or lard. Since this procedure will have to be repeated every seven to eight pancakes, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The easiest way is to take a piece of pork fat and, pinning it on a fork, grease the pan with it. Some stick a small piece of raw potatoes onto a fork, pour some sunflower oil on a saucer and dip the potatoes into it before wiping the pan. And where pancakes are baked often, there is a special chicken feather duster. For some reason, the owners of such brooms prefer to use freshly melted butter. I didn't have a broom, I use a slice of bacon or sunflower oil on potatoes.

And so, the first portion of the dough falls into the hot pan. Do you think this is a pancake? - no matter how! The first pancake should be lumpy, so it's better not to make the first pancake at all. Instead, we bake several small pancakes the size of a five-kopeck coin. Several - this is according to the number of awakened family members. And since they are still asleep, only two pancakes are made - for themselves and for the dog, which is extremely interested in watching the kitchen manipulations.

- Well, what is missing?

The dog is delighted. She believes that it has turned out to be perfect and that only pancakes are missing. If someone from the human tribe woke up, then, having tasted a five-kopeck pancake, he makes his comments about the lack of salt and sugar. Of course, the chef knows better what and how much should be added to the dough, however, when I was little, they gave me a tiny pancake to try and listened to my unenlightened opinion, and now I do the same. Tradition is a great thing, and with regard to pancakes it is especially sacred.

The second portion of pancake patches confirms that now you can get down to baking pancakes in earnest. The frying pan is already on fire and is hot not to a squeal, but to a subtle hiss, that is, if you drop water on it, the drop does not spread over the hot surface, but runs over it like a mercury ball. However, if a squeal is heard at the same time, it means that the pan is overheated, and the fire should be slightly extinguished. Scoop the dough with a spoon and pour it onto the edge of the pan. I would like to take a large and wooden spoon, like a brother, but where can I get one in recent times, where is decay, and moth, and vexation of spirit? Found a plastic one - and okay.

When pancakes are baked, the entire plate belongs to the cook. On one burner - a frying pan, on two more switched off, a saucepan with dough and a flat dish for pancakes. Nearby is butter, melted, if we act with a feather duster, or just a piece that has softened from the heat of the kitchen.

So, we pour a portion of the dough onto the edge of the pan, raise the pan and make a smooth rotational movement in the air so that the dough spreads in a thin layer over the entire surface, but in no case crawls onto the side. A good frying pan weighs three kilograms, and this movement will have to be repeated at a brisk pace about a hundred times. Who now says that baking pancakes is a woman's business? Of course, in Russian villages there are women for whom juggling with a frying pan is not a burden, but still, nevertheless, nevertheless ...

In legends and commercials, it is narrated that an experienced chef turns a pancake, tossing it in a frying pan. No matter how much I tried, nothing like that worked for me. Once upon a time there was a wooden spatula with a beveled edge to turn pancakes at home, now I use a knife, although this is considered bad form. Draw two semi-ritual movements along the edge of the baking pancake, then when the shiny wet surface of the dough becomes dull, the knife is slipped under the pancake and in one step the thinnest and not yet properly baked product is thrown onto the other side. It seems that this is a little easier than turning a pancake over by tossing it in a frying pan.

There is a saying that, they say, the first pancake is lumpy. I don't know who invented it, but he didn't know how to bake pancakes. If the pan is properly burnt out, and then greased with a thin layer of bacon and warmed up to the proper degree, if test five-kopeck pancakes were baked on it, then the first full-fledged pancake turns out to be a real handsome man.

Look carefully at the ruddy surface of the baking pancake. Before you are all shades of golden, yellow, honey, light brown. Damn, completely flat to the touch, seems to be a map of a mysterious country, with its seas, continents, valleys and mountain ranges. For a long time I really thought that every pancake was a map of an unknown planet, until one day I happened to see a photograph of the Sun taken in infrared rays. Since then, I know that the ancestors were not mistaken when they named the wheat pancake the symbol of the sun!

From the point of view of chemistry, baking pancakes in the first approximation is a process of destruction of polysaccharides, as a result of which dextrin is formed. A beautiful, crunchy word. Dextrin is a crust, broken off from a still warm loaf, frying potatoes curling in fat, gradual goldenness of soaked peas fried in oil, airy crunchiness of imported chips. Frying is the art of making delicious dextrin, even meat and fish are often breaded or dusted in flour before being thrown into the pan.

The main thing is that the destruction does not reach carbon and resinous substances. The phrase "burnt pancake" is considered a curse for a reason. But under-baked dough doesn't hurt either. It sticks to the teeth and lumps in the stomach, causing heartburn and bad mood. To avoid the sad development of events, we will use a simple test (it's not for nothing that the words "test" and "dough" are one-root!). With three fingers, touch the surface of the pancake and make a lightning-fast twisting motion. An unfinished pancake will turn ninety degrees, a ready pancake will make a full turn, or even in imitation of Zhuzhe Almasi will make a jump of two and a half turns. Immediately, we throw it onto a plate waiting nearby and pour a new portion of dough into the pan, making sure that it does not fall on the side, otherwise the edge of our sun will be distorted by an absurd protuberance.

While the new pancake is baking, we have a couple of seconds to grease the first pancake with butter and at the same time look at it from the other side. It would seem that here is the same dextrin, obtained in the same pan from the same dough, but the pattern on the wrong side of the pancake is of a completely different type than on the front one. What it is - I do not know, it must be that no one has yet photographed our sun in this way, or this photo has not yet fallen into the hands of a pancake lover.

Then the cook works as if on a conveyor belt, one pancake after another lies on the dish and is quickly greased with butter. The pancake stack grows slowly and steadily, like the Tower of Babel. Awakened by the pancake spirit, homemakers appear in the kitchen, everyone expresses joy at the sight of baked pancakes, and everyone has a job.

- Put it on the table! - you throw shortly without looking up from the plate.

Gathering on the table is truly a woman's business, because today the family will not have breakfast in the kitchen, but, as if on holidays, in a room on a white tablecloth.From the sideboard, the ceremonial service and crystal rosettes for jam, porcelain gravy boats and milk jugs should be removed.

- In this one - sour cream, - you command, throwing a quick glance at the pulled out dishes, and in this one - sour cream with garlic and salt ... yes, so much garlic is just right.

Involuntarily, I recall the movie "Three Fat Men" and the rushing crowd of cooks.

- There in the locker, get the syringe ... which means: why? - it is necessary! No, there will be no cream ...

The cook also has to make room - a kettle is placed on the only free burner. In a large teapot, tea is infused - English with bergamot and orange blossom petals, or domestic - Krasnodar, to which lemon balm and currant buds are mixed in advance.

The last dough residues are scraped into the pan. They are no longer enough for a whole pancake, rivulets of dough are fried with a fancy grill and lay on top of a pancake stack like an exquisite decoration.

The finishing touches to the preparation for the feast, and a stack of queen-high hot pancakes appears in the dining room.

-- Dinner is served! - no provincial artist can say that.


It seems that in Russian literature everything is told as it is about eating pancakes; which of the writers caught a Russian man chewing, he remembered the pancake. Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin said most beautifully about this occupation: "She eats pancakes hot as fire, eats with butter, with sour cream, with granular caviar, with pressed caviar, with napkin, with Achuyevskaya, with chum salmon, with catfish, with herring of all sorts, with sprats, sprats, sardines, salmon and whitefish, sturgeon balych and white fish, with meatball and sturgeon milk, smoked sterlet, and the famous smelt from Bela Ozero.

How does it feel? But this is a small fraction of Russian dishes, which are eaten with pancakes. Salted mushrooms (it seems that Gilyarovsky mentioned them) and, in general, all the mushroom, endless variety of sweet table, among which pancakes with molasses are traditionally remembered. And what about pancakes with golden fried onions or radish baked in honey? ..

However, no, I will shut up ... you never know what can be found in the literature, but in our present squalor there is not enough wealth for granular caviar. What can we say about napkin caviar, which, according to rumors, can be cut with a knife like cheese. What was found in the refrigerator and pantry is what will be discussed. And we will leave halibut or sevruga teshka for fantasy novels.

What is on our Sunday festive table? First of all, this is pate. It is not customary to eat meat on Shrovetide, and without that Pushkin called Shrovetide fat, but a Russian person eats pancakes all year round and with all sorts of snacks, without exception. So you can buy a tube of North American pate with the image of an evil aunt in advance, although it is much tastier to make the pate yourself.

Usually, the pate is prepared in the evening, since in the morning, as we have seen, there will be no time to do it. Take a kilogram of beef liver, cut into wide thin pieces and fry in a mixture of lard and sunflower oil. Boil a kilogram of carrots. Peel a pound of onions, and if you are a fan of fried onions, then fry them in the same mixture. We take garlic to taste. And then we pass all this through a meat grinder. Add salt, black pepper, all kinds of spices with a generous hand. And the bay leaf is so nice to drive through the meat grinder together with the liver. Mix the pate well and season with softened butter. The amount of butter varies from one to five packs, and some put more, although this is no longer a paste, but liver oil. We knead again, put the bowl in the refrigerator, and in the morning, before starting to bake pancakes, we take out so that the pate has time to soften and squeeze out of the cream syringe with ease.

Now the pate in the Boehm glass salad bowl takes pride of place next to the pancakes. And the syringe, already filled, is waiting for the impatient hand to press the plunger.

It was not for nothing that Kuprin remembered the intricately combined bookmarks, in these combinations the very gusto is hidden. The pate is combined with sour cream sauce (sour cream, salt, crushed garlic, black pepper) or horseradish, which is also diluted with sour cream in advance. All this was prepared by the cooks, while the master was spellbound over the frying pan. For horseradish, I have a special beautiful little pot at home, called the not very euphonious word "horseradish".

These are, so to speak, indispensable ingredients. And if it really happens on Shrovetide, that is, when smelt is walking along the Neva, then there may easily be some tiny smelt caviar in the house. Just when gutting the smelt, put aside the tiny caviar bags, and if the caviar is at least half of the mayonnaise jar, then do not fry it, but salt it. A few drops of lemon juice, a little salt, then stir the caviar with a teaspoon and, if possible, choose a film. Such a product will not be stored for a long time, but it will stand easily for a couple of days in anticipation of Sunday pancakes. Yes, this, of course, is not Achuev caviar, but what to do if I have never seen Achuev caviar in my life and I don’t even know what it is.

Hot smoked fish, which should be broken into small pieces, and overseas eggplant caviar can fit on the table. Everything is delicious with pancakes.

However, stop talking, the pancakes get cold!

Everyone sat down at the table, everyone stretches out his hand and takes a pastern of pancakes. And here you should stop and tell how you should eat pancakes.

This question, in view of its apparent clarity, is completely bypassed in the literature, but a pancake is not just food, but a ceremonial dish, and the culture of eating pancakes goes back many millennia. A round pancake made from unleavened dough is much older than bread; it was baked on a smooth stone embedded in the hearth of a prehistoric man. This is a sacred product, a symbol of the sun and a satisfying, successful life. It is a great sin to cut a pancake with a knife or pierce it with a fork; it means to injure the sun, to doom the whole people to hunger and disease. “Damn it’s not a sheaf - you won’t stick on a pitchfork,” says the proverb. A hundred years ago, a person who decided to cut a pancake risked that he would be beaten with stakes on the spot. And rightly so, do not wish trouble for your neighbor. Today morals have softened, but still the immutable law says: PANCAKES EAT ONLY WITH HANDS! "So that you get carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat," - so it is said about pancakes. There are teaspoons on the table for all sorts of arrivals, and knives and forks are left in the kitchen. They don't belong here today.

You can do the rest with pancakes. Fold, twist, tear, dividing the last pancake into two. The only requirement: all this must be done by hand. Of course, I am an inveterate atheist, the sacred meaning of the pancake is lost for me, but there must be respect for tradition.

Let's start eating. Put the pate across the pancake with a narrow strip (this is where the cream syringe came in handy!), Pour sour cream sauce on top, bend the pancake in half and roll it into a tube. With three fingers we lift the rolled pancake, slightly bending it like a boomerang so that the abundantly poured sour cream does not drip from the ends. We bring it to our mouth ... no, I can’t write any further, I’ll go to the kitchen, eat something ...

The second pancake, the third, the fifth ... With smoked meat, vinaigrette, with mushroom caviar, with eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin ... If Kuprin did not list everything, then I am even more beyond my strength. And sour cream, sour cream, sour cream. A liter can of sour cream will be halved today at breakfast.

Damn-n! .. damn-n! .. damn-n! - hot blood hums in the temples.

We postpone the first change, take more pancakes and reach for sweets. A quick blueberry jam, a jar of which was specially opened for such an occasion, and sour cream on top, this time pure, without garlic and horseradish. Flowing amber of honey - and sour cream again ... And tea - freshly brewed, hot, fragrant. Of course, without sugar - what kind of sugar when there are so many sweets on the table?
One after another, the household falls off the table, plunging into blissful languor. Digestion of food is somewhat akin to nirvana.

Phew! ..I can't take it anymore either. No mayor will come up ... Well, perhaps the very last pancake, with condensed milk and grated chocolate.

Apparently, you won't have to dine today.

(see the continuation of "HAS BEEN BAKED PANCAKES" Part 2)

HAS BEEN BAKED PANCAKES (Continuation of Part 1)


Chapter 3. LUNCH

In no case! This is not today's lunch, but even a week later, on a completely different weekend. We got up late, had a poor breakfast, and now is the time to think about pancakes.

The dough is closed again, but already a little, flour is taken from the force of two liter cans. Again, the female sex is expelled from the kitchen, only one of the young assistants is on duty in the wings, while a pancake slide is growing on the platter. Everything is as before, only the pancakes are made deliberately undersweetened, but the fourth, previously free burner is busy today - broth is being cooked there.

Elena Molokhovets also gave the hostesses useful advice: if you want to get a rich broth, put the meat in cold water, if you want to get a tasty piece of meat, dip it in steep and already salted boiling water. And if I like a juicy piece and a rich broth at once, what then? The rich do not need to worry about such things, in old cookbooks you can find a call not to throw away boiled veal from the broth, because "the servant willingly eats it with pickled cucumber." And it is useful for a former Soviet citizen to be smart.

Here's how to trick: take a piece of beef and divide it into two unequal parts. We put the mossygu, along with the meat scraps, in cold water to get a delicious broth, and when it boils and the foam is removed, we put the rest of the pulp into the salted broth. Today we do not cook soup, but broth, therefore, in addition to meat, salt, pepper and lavrushka, only a few roots and finely planed carrots get into the pan. Or you can not plow the carrot, but cut it in half, burn it to coal in a dry frying pan, so that the broth takes on a special golden color. How to combine these matters with baking pancakes is unknown, but somehow we cope with this insoluble task.

When the meat is completely cooked, we take it out to freeze, and in the meantime we boil the eggs, peel the onion and extract the meat grinder from the mezzanine. Everyone already understands - they are preparing pancakes with meat.

The meat and onions were ground, the tough eggs were chopped into large pieces, which from time to time should fall on the tooth when you chew a pancake. Onions, if hunting, can be pre-fried in vegetable oil. If the meat seems a little dry, throw the extra carrots into the pot with the broth, and when it's cooked, send it to the meat grinder along with the meat. Lovers can sprinkle ground nutmeg, thyme, marjoram, basil, dried dill, mushroom flour on the finished minced meat ...

From this moment on, everyone from small to large is allowed into the kitchen - the pancake spinning begins. The pancake is put on the board, a full tablespoon of ground meat is taken from the bowl and placed on the pancake in a neat slide. Not in the middle, but not on the edge either, but about one third from the edge. The near end is bent, then the side ones and, finally, the pancake envelope is sealed with the free edge of the pancake. The pancake is turned over and laid down in folds on a separate board. Pancakes should not be stacked on top of each other, the filling quickly absorbs butter, which is not so much in pancakes, and they begin to stick together. And if you do not turn over the twisted pancake, then it will most likely unfold and all our labors will perish.

Gradually, the kitchen boards are filled with pancakes, and the broth is ready and everyone is waiting for dinner.

The frying pan is put back on the fire, still remembering the recent heat of pancake making, but this time we do not regret the butter. I fry pancakes with meat on a mixture of sunflower oil with pork fat or margarine, but in this matter the most unbridled freedom reigns - everyone fries on what he is used to, to which the heart and stomach are inclined.

The pancake is placed in the pan with the folded ends down. After a minute, its edges are fried, become ruddy and crispy.Now, even if you want to, you can't open the pancake. This means that you can turn it over and fry it on the other side, so that the pulp of the pancake is saturated with a meaty smell, and the filling warms up properly and is permeated with the pancake spirit.

Pancakes with meat are not heated, but they need to be eaten hot, so we do not fry all at once, but as much as we eat at a time. Five per nose is enough. My wife will eat three things, which means I will get seven.

We pour the broth into bowls, the pancakes lie in a mountain on a single plate in the middle of the table. I hope you haven't forgotten that there are no knives or forks on the table? The fingers will become oily, but on such a day it is not a sin to lick them.

Today we forget about the Rabelaisian variety of plain pancakes. Pancakes with meat are good on their own, without any frills. First, we drink the broth, biting the pancake, then we eat the pancakes, choking with the rest of the broth. As a last resort, not too sweet fruit drink appears on the table. The second on this day is not expected. Which potatoes, which cutlets? - it's scary to think about dinner!

Chapter 4. DINNER

Sleeping on an empty stomach is embarrassing; instead of sleeping, you get one worry. Only idlers who have not been able to get food for themselves in a day go to bed hungry, but the helpless, exhausted by diets. A solid person eats supper before going to bed.

However, one should not overeat on the coming sleep either, otherwise nightmares will torment, and in the future the breathless ghost of obesity will loom.

All because I'm over forty,
And many roads have been covered.
That I need cottage cheese and tworg,
And also cottage cheese and cottage cheese.

I do not remember who said these cruel words, but the poet was right. In the evening, it was time for a fruit and curd table. We will cook cottage cheese pancakes and pancakes, also called curds.
The procedure for baking pancakes, wrapping and frying pancakes has already been described, so we will not repeat it. Let's talk only about the fillings.

Nalistniki is a special name for pancakes with apples. In fact, this is a way of baking apples on an iron sheet. To prevent finely chopped apples from spreading, drying or burning, they are wrapped in a pancake. Nowadays, the spreads are fried in a pan, although you can, of course, try the baking sheet. Apples for the leaflets are taken any - a green carrion, collected before the onset of the Apple Savior, or, in the middle of winter, overripe autumn varieties that have lost their crispness and half of the aroma. Everything will be fine in the handcuffs.

We clean the apples, removing the core and skin, finely chop and cover with a small amount of granulated sugar. We let it stand for an hour, drain off the excess juice (I hope no one needs to explain how it should be disposed of?), And wrap the slices in pancakes, in exactly the same way as we did with meat before. And then we fry and eat, unsuccessfully reminding ourselves that overeating at night is harmful.

Apples, all or part, can be mixed with steamed lingonberries, sprinkled with cinnamon, add kiwi slices, canned apricots or peaches. But this is already a delight, in which nightmares are provided for you, unless you initially prepare too few napkins.

The filling for the curds is quite simple to prepare. We take the freshest cottage cheese, lightly dilute it with rustic sour cream, sweeten it to taste - and that's all.

Further, the cook's kunstyuk begins. Curd can be flavored with vanilla or various spices. Cardamom goes well with sweet cottage cheese. Let's peel a few nuts, crush the seeds in a mortar and use them as they are. Sometimes it is nice to add ground cumin, and I certainly add hemlock seed to the curd. The coconut lover, of course, uses coconut flakes, which will give the hot curd a wonderful smell, but will slightly squeak on your teeth.

In addition, raisins are traditionally added to curds. You can put a little raisins, you can have a lot or a lot. You can even make raisin pancakes without any cottage cheese, but then the raisins should be steamed first.

And once I ate curds with dates. It also happened to add dried blueberries.And I also note that human fantasy has no boundaries, especially in thinking about what to eat.

Nalistniki and cottage cheese makers eat freshly removed from the pan, so that they can hardly be touched with a hand. Carefully, with a sob, they bite off the corner so that the fragrant contents do not spread. They are eaten with hot tea. Tea took root in Russia during the time of Alexei Tishaishiy, and coffee appeared only during the reign of his son, the destroyer of traditions, Peter I. It is not surprising that coffee remained a foreigner, and the original Russian resident - damn it, does not recognize coffee. On the other hand, fruit drinks, uzvars, well-fed, and if someone knows how to cook, then sbiten are good with nalistniki and cottage cheese makers.

Well, do you still think that eating too much at night is harmful?


Kalach the rich man, the master pie, the hearty sieve from the Moscow bourgeoisie, the spicy gingerbread from the Tula nobles gathered around the pancake, the pancake was worshiped:

- Goy you, round pancake, all of us master! Your sides are oily, you are like the red sun. Whoever will eat will bear grief!

I bring to your attention recipes for pancake dough collected from various sources.
Try to bake and eat well. And suggest your recipes ...

Yeast dough for fritters (Ilya Lazerson)

Pancakes, for those who do not know, are thick pancakes baked in a pan, usually the size of a tea saucer or slightly smaller. They are usually eaten with sour cream, jam, honey, and in general with something sweet. A lot of muffins are not put into the pancake dough, so it is prepared in a safe way. Regarding the ratio of flour to liquid, one thing should be remembered: there is 2 times more flour than water. Sugar can be added to taste, on average 1-2 tbsp. spoons per 1 kg of flour, eggs - 1-2 pcs., fresh yeast 30 g (10 g dry). Salt is especially worth mentioning - it is put significantly more than in the previously described types of dough, a special balance of salt and sugar is important in pancakes, therefore at least one and a half teaspoons of salt should be put on 1 kg of flour. The dough should ferment for an hour and a half, after which you need to be ready to bake the pancakes.

Dough for pancakes and pancakes (Ilya Lazerson)

The pancake dough should be noticeably thinner than the pancake dough. The amount of liquid in relation to flour is determined by a factor of 1.7, that is, 1.7 liters of liquid are taken for 1 kg of flour. You can approach it differently - knowing that a 250 ml glass contains about 150 g of flour or 250 g of water (milk), you can divide 250 by 150 to get about 1.7. Is it clear where I am going? And to the fact that you can remember the ratio of flour and liquid for pancakes differently: take the SAME amount of liquid and flour BY VOLUME, that is, for each glass of flour a glass of liquid. Sugar and eggs, returning to a kilogram of flour, - as for pancakes. Melted butter is added to the pancake dough at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 kg of flour, the dough turns out to be more rich, so the amount of yeast should be greater than for pancakes - about 45 g. The pancake dough should ferment longer than the pancake dough. therefore, when the dough has fermented for 1-1.5 hours, it is stirred and left to ferment again for another 45 minutes, and only after that pancakes can be baked (note - bake, not fry, because historically pancakes were baked in a Russian oven , and now, despite the use of a frying pan, it is customary to say the same).
One cannot but mention buckwheat pancakes. Many books recommend simply taking buckwheat flour, making a dough based on it, as if it were wheat flour, and baking pancakes. The authors of such books can only be entrusted with one kitchen operation - washing the dishes, but in no case should they be allowed to eat. If you use buckwheat flour, then only in a mixture with wheat flour (about 1: 1) with the obligatory brewing of buckwheat flour with boiling water. If this is not done, the pancakes will be "rubbery" and you will not feel the taste of buckwheat in ready-made pancakes. But the most successful buckwheat pancakes are obtained by using cooled buckwheat porridge-smear (better from buckwheat).To prepare the dough, you need to mix the same volumes of such buckwheat porridge and milk and for each liter of the resulting mixture add 4 eggs, half a glass of sugar, 100 g of melted butter, 20 g of dry yeast, and pour in enough flour so that the dough has a consistency like thick sour cream. Then - fermentation of the dough and baking pancakes.
Pancakes are a separate topic. This is not just a diminutive term for professionals. Pancakes differ from pancakes in that they are very thin and most often they are made from yeast-free dough, and it must be quite liquid. Due to the peculiarities of the consistency of pancakes, they are often stuffed - after all, they are thin and it is convenient to wrap something in them. In order to bake really thin pancakes, it is important to "find" the right dough consistency.

To be continued...
Continued ...

(Unfortunately, I cannot name the author, nevertheless many thanks for the recipes provided)

Completed here a cycle of experiments with wild yeast. I dare to say that wild yeast in some types of pancakes, namely in millet - buckwheat - wheat - rye, behave much more interestingly than cultural yeast. Namely, they give the pancakes a finer and more evenly distributed nostril than cultural ones, which has a very good effect on the ability of pancakes to absorb oil, as well as on their texture and taste.
First about the yeast.
Mix spoons of three home-made yoghurts with a glass of lukewarm water, stirring in rye flour, about half a glass, into a clay pot, cover with a cloth and in a warm place for 3 days. After that, discard or use 2/3 of the leaven, and add another half glass of warm water and half a glass of rye flour to the remainder. Keep warm for another two days and in the refrigerator, under the lid. Such a pot is in my refrigerator all the time and is regularly used for baking rye bread according to the kind recommendations of Masha Kauka, who, as you know, cannot live without, as she calls them, "sour dough".
Duc here. Now I have good reason to believe that our ancestors (that is, Russians :)) used just such a leaven for their pancakes-mlinins.
Now the pancakes. Simple as a mop.

Millet (millet) 200 g
Buckwheat flour 400 g
Wheat flour (405) 400 g
Salt 2 tsp
Sugar 2 tsp
Sour dough described above 150 g
Water 1 liter for brewing.

Technology. Sort the millet thoroughly, pour over boiling water a couple of times, quickly (10 minutes) boil a very thin porridge in 1 liter of water. Measure out 1 liter of porridge (there should be approximately this amount), cool until pleasantly warm. Add sifted wheat flour and sour dough. You will get a thick mass. Do not be shy. Put in a warm place. Here it is better not to rush. 2-3 hours - the most hay. Has it risen? Ok. Add sifted buckwheat flour, salt and sugar. The result will be a very thick dough, not at all like a pancake dough, which means we are on the right track. Set to walk for another two hours. By this time, heat the water up to 60-80C. And slowly pouring this hot water into the dough, stir intensively (thoroughly) and leave for 20 minutes. At this time, prepare special cast-iron pans with a diameter of 180-200mm with low edges. Namely, heat, and if you are not sure that in your absence they were not used to make scrambled eggs, were not soaked in water, etc., then thoroughly wipe hot with coarse salt with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. The result should be a perfectly clean, dry surface without any oily traces of past culinary victories. So we will heat it again properly, smear it with lard, mix our dough, which by this time will already be covered with small bubbles, scoop up the middle ladle and distribute it evenly over the pan. As soon as the surface of the pancake dries up (changes color), then we raise it, grease the pan again and turn the pancake over to the other side.When the underside turns yellow (do not dry out), we throw the darling into a system of two pots, colloquially called a steam bath, a hefty piece of butter on top (do not regret, the amount indicated by me takes 200 g.), Cover the top with a cloth and so on, until all the dough will not end.
Serve very well with lightly salted salmon, sturgeon and chum fish caviar, sour cream honey, melted butter, etc.
It's all very Russian. Highly recommend.


Especially when it's cold, on Saturday mornings I bake pancakes. Thin with buckwheat or millet flour, or just wholemeal flour. This is a simple and straightforward matter, but there is nothing to talk about in three good pans. 40 minutes of all business. These pancakes are healing and when they are served with salmon they are very invigorating and charge with optimism for the whole day.
But then last Saturday struck me on nostalgia and memories of a snotty childhood.
I tried to reconstruct the recipe for grandmother's pancakes, which for some reason she called "fungi". She baked these "mushrooms" in a Russian oven, and when she turned them over in a frying pan, the edges of the pancake rose, went beyond the edges of the frying pan, went up and turned towards the center. These fungi tasted the most amazing, and were very pleasant to bite, for they were slightly springy.
6 eggs (country) at room temperature
1 glass of fresh milk (warm)
1 glass of wheat flour # 405
1 tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil
1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar
1 tsp salt
Soda on the tip of a knife.
Sift flour into a bowl, mix with salt. Shake eggs with milk and other ingredients. Do not beat. Gradually stir the liquid into the flour. Stir well The dough should acquire the consistency of not too vigorously pouring sour cream. Depending on the moisture content of the flour and the size of the eggs, the flour may be slightly more or slightly less. You need to bake these large (in the entire pancake pan) pancakes right away, on the stove, if there is no oven, in butter as my grandmother did, or like me, on Guy, which is more practical, because it burns less.
Pancakes should be thick - 3 to 5 mm thick, with wrapped lips.
The children were wildly delighted. The Frenchwoman, taking up the third, asked: "They are probably very high in calories?" Having received a firm "no" in response, she calmly continued at the same pace.


Here I wanted pancakes in the morning - I have no strength.
Then I took 1 cup of wholemeal wheat flour, and one cup of durum 00 flour, mixed it, collected it in a crater like the one that formed at the site of the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite, heated two cups of rye kvass to a pleasant temperature, and slowly pouring and mixing flour, kneaded liquid dough, which was immediately diluted to a flowing stream continuously from a spoonful of about two more circles of warmed rye kvass. Tried and adjusted the salt and sugar. I poured in a spoonful of grape seed oil and in the same oil, dipping half an onion there and greasing the pans, baked thin pancakes.
The pancakes are very elegant and have a pleasant full taste. Served with blueberry jelly and apricot puree with apricot seeds. Yeah. Frying such pancakes implies some non-zero experience with pancakes, yes.

To be continued...

Continued ...

Pancake recipes from the book "Russian Feast" - culinary recipes from Russian writers.


Take 1 kg of wheat flour, 10 egg yolks and 200 g of butter, put in a saucepan and stir thoroughly, dilute with sour milk until the proper consistency, then put 10 chilled and whipped proteins into the dough and, after mixing the whole mass with jelly, bake pancakes.
From 20 to 30 pancakes come out, and if you make it thinner, then you can get more.


Dissolve 20 g of yeast in 3 glasses of warm milk and pour them into flour (3 glasses). Carefully beat the dough with a spatula. Put in a warm place, let rise. Stir 4 yolks and 50 g of melted butter with 1 glass of warm milk, adding salt (1 tsp. L.) And sugar (1 tbsp. L.). Pour into the dough, stir and let the dough rise again.Add 4 whipped egg whites to the dough just before baking the pancakes.
These pancakes should be quite thin.


Dissolve sugar (1 tbsp), salt (1/2 tsp), yeast (20 g) in warm water or milk (3 cups), add 1 egg, pour into flour (2 cups), stirring constantly counterclockwise until the lumps disappear, then stir in the loose butter, and preferably ghee (1 tbsp), into the dough. The dough is left to ferment for 3 hours in a warm place, stirring 2-3 times.
Bake on a hot, greased piece of bacon
cast iron skillet.
Serve with caviar, red fish, sour cream, honey, jam.


2 cups buckwheat flour, 2 cups wheat flour, 4 cups milk, 3 eggs, 100 g cream, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 25-30 g of yeast, 2 tbsp. l. butter, salt to taste. Pour buckwheat flour into an enamel pan, pour in two glasses of warm milk, having previously diluted yeast in it. Stir everything well and put in a warm place. When the dough rises, stir it with a wooden spoon, pour in the rest of the milk, add wheat flour and mix well. Put the dough back in a warm place. After it fits, add the egg yolks, ground with 2 tbsp. l. melted butter, sugar, salt. Mix everything well. Whip the cream, add the egg whites and beat again. Stir with the dough and place in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. Bake the pancakes in the usual way.


800 g buckwheat flour, 800 g wheat flour, 10 g dry yeast, 6 eggs, 400 g sour cream.
Make the dough for 800 g of wheat flour, for which they take hot water in half with hot milk. When it cools down, add 10 g of dry yeast, diluted in water or milk, 800 g of buckwheat flour, 6 yolks, 400 g of sour cream, salt, dilute with milk or water, add six whipped proteins and, when they rise, bake.

Pancakes on soda

400 g of buckwheat flour, 400 g of wheat flour, 4.5-5 glasses of water, 2 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. citric acid, 1 tsp. soda, 100-200 g of butter. Take 400 g of buckwheat and 400 g of wheat flour, 4.5-5 cups of warm water, add salt, sugar, mix well, beat out.
When the pans are hot, take 1 tsp. acid, pour it into 0.5 cups of cold water, stir, pour into the dough, then stir 1 tsp. soda in 0.5 cups of cold water, pour into the dough, stir and bake pancakes immediately.
Serve melted butter, sour cream, caviar to the pancakes.


4 cups buckwheat flour, 2.5 cups water, 2 cups milk, 20-25 g yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, salt to taste.
These pancakes are called custard pancakes because flour or dough is brewed with boiling water. You need to use not boiling water, but only heated to a boil. Pour the liquid gradually (in a trickle) so as not to kill the yeast.
Pour two glasses of flour into a saucepan, pour two glasses of boiling water over it, stir well so that there are no lumps. When the dough has cooled to room temperature, dilute the yeast in half a glass of warm water and pour it into the dough. Beat the dough well, cover with a towel and put in a warm place.
When the dough increases in volume by 2-3 times, add flour, milk, salt to it, beat again and put in a warm place.
Bake the pancakes in the usual way.

Millet pancakes

2 cups millet, 2 cups wheat flour, 6 cups milk, 5 eggs, 25 g yeast, 200 g butter, sugar, salt to taste.
Pour 2 cups of warm milk into a saucepan and dilute the yeast in it. Then add all the flour and knead the dough. Cover the pan with a towel and put the dough in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.
While the dough is coming up, sort out the millet, rinse and, pouring it with four glasses of milk, cook the porridge. Cool it down to room temperature, add egg yolks, pounded with salt and sugar, and mix well.
Combine the porridge with the dough and let the dough come up again. Then add the egg whites and mix gently. Bake pancakes in 15-20 minutes.


1.5 cups wheat flour, 2.5 cups oat flour, 3 cups milk (or water), 1/2 cup cream, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 30 g of yeast, salt to taste.
Pour lukewarm milk into a saucepan and dilute the yeast in it. Mix wheat and oat flour in a bowl and add it to a saucepan with milk and stir well. Let the dough rise.
Add egg yolks pounded with salt and sugar, softened butter to the dough, stir everything well.
Beat the egg whites and cream separately, combine them and gently insert into the dough.
Let the dough come up again and bake the pancakes as usual.

To be continued...


Continued ...

from the Cookbook of Elena and Alexei Vinogradov:


Pancakes are, as cookbooks say, products made from unleavened dough, but REAL PANCAKES are not just products, they are creativity, and experience, and anticipation and, finally, pleasure. They are made with yeast, and therefore they are sometimes also called sour.
You should not eat tasty things alone, but with friends, so I give the proportion to a small company.
Take a large saucepan, pour half a liter of warm milk into it and dilute 40-50 grams of yeast in it. When they disperse, add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar, add 100 grams of melted butter and 5-6 yolks alone. If you want your pancakes to turn out great, then I advise you to first sift the flour for them through a sieve. This flour will make the pancakes lighter and fluffier. You need to pour in enough flour so that you get a thick dough, but in no case is a bun, about the same as thick porridge, and knead it well so that no lumps remain. The dough is kneaded only by hand. After that, cover the pan with the dough with a towel (in no case with a lid so that it breathes) and put it in a warm place for two hours. The exact time is difficult to determine, because it depends on the flour, and on the weather, and on the central heating battery that has the dough.
And yet, it is not recommended to rearrange the pan with the dough and shake it, as the dough from this may settle ahead of time. You can only gently turn the pan with the other side to the battery so that the dough comes up evenly.
How do you know if the dough is good enough? While it is standing, you should slowly peep behind it with one eye, slightly opening the towel on the pan. The dough should bubble a little and rise slowly in the pan, but when it reaches its highest point, light wrinkles will go along its surface. Then you need to knead it with your hand and pour in necessarily hot, slightly salted milk (if you touch the milk with your finger, then it should be hot). Here you can knead the dough not with your hand, but with a wooden spoon. The consistency of the dough should be slightly thicker than for regular pancakes. After that, take the remaining proteins (you can 3, or you can 4-5) and beat them thoroughly into a thick foam, and after that put them in the dough, but not all at once, but in portions so that the dough is better stirred, and put it back in that the same warm place, about an hour, so that it comes up again.
The dough can also be placed on dry fast-acting yeast, and therefore the whole process will be a little faster. But again, it all depends on heat and flour. True, I want to say that pancakes are tastier with real yeast.
Warning! If you hurry, and your dough does not ferment enough, then your pancakes will turn out to be heavy and not porous, and if you forget about the dough and it ferments, then sour and pale. Unfortunately, this is only achieved through practice, through trial and error.
Comfort. You will still get pancakes!
Such pancakes are fried in a well-heated frying pan, and to make it faster, then on two, pouring a little vegetable oil on them. If the pancakes do not lag well behind the pan during frying, then it must be thoroughly calcined over a fire with salt, and then wiped with a cloth dipped in oil.
The finished pancake should be porous, with a beautiful pattern, thin and light. And if you already started such a noble treat, then do not be lazy and prepare several seasonings for it: sour cream, ghee, finely chopped herring with butter, thinly chopped lightly salted fish, such as chum salmon or pink salmon, and always salted mushrooms with sour cream (this is tastier Total). By the way, red caviar will also be very useful. If you are used to eating pancakes only with sour cream or jam, and you are puzzled by all these salty and lightly salted additives, then do not reject them right away, but first try pancakes with them, maybe after that you will change your mind.

from the Cookbook of Elena and Alexei Vinogradov:

If you want pancakes, then you need to drive 2 eggs into a saucepan, put 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, a little salt, pour in about half a glass of milk, add two glasses of flour and stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon to get a thick, homogeneous dough, always without lumps, and only then dilute it with milk to the desired density. If you pour all the milk into the pan at once, and add flour to it, then you cannot avoid lumps for anything. What is the "target density"? If your dough is thick in consistency, like condensed milk, then it will not spread well in the pan, the pancakes will turn out to be thick, coarse, and where the dough does not have time to spread, thick unbaked creases will appear there. The dough should be like kefir, and even then not very thick. Then pour a spoonful of sunflower oil, a spoonful of melted butter into the ready-made dough and add vanillin, if desired. You can not put the proteins directly into the dough, but beat them separately in a bowl into a thick foam and add them to the dough as the last turn. Stir in them very carefully and also with a wooden spoon. These pancakes themselves will be a little puffier, and the edges will become more crunchy. Granulated sugar must be added to the dough, even if you are going to make pancakes with minced meat or cabbage. The sugar makes the pancakes more crispy, brighter, but without sugar, they will be pale, no matter how hot. That's basically it. This is, so to speak, a pancake classic.
If you love pancakes and often bake them, then get yourself a separate frying pan for this, not very large, and do not fry anything else on it.
How are pancakes convenient? They don't need a lot of products. It's like in a fairy tale about Kolobok: you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and you will find everything. And what is interesting, the most delicious pancakes are obtained not when you have everything for them, but when something suddenly lacks, and you start to fantasize on the go and change one ingredient for another.
For example, there is no fresh milk in the house - it doesn't matter, it can be replaced with sour milk (that is, sour). Powdered milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, buttermilk, everything dairy, except sour cream, even half-eaten yogurt are also suitable for this, although it goes only as an additive, for taste and aroma. This is why you will end up with different pancakes every time.
Buttermilk makes pancakes very thin, like tissue paper, for some reason they are not very white, even with good premium flour, but on the other hand, they have a lot of tiny holes, and they are baked very quickly.
Pancakes on kefir or fermented baked milk come out so tender that it is even difficult to turn them over in a pan, they even break, therefore, for less injury to a pancake, it is better to take a small pan, and it is more convenient to turn them over with a wide knife or spatula. But the taste of such pancakes is not quite ordinary, a little sour, and they just melt in your mouth. These pancakes are great with steamed lingonberries or apple jam. And yet, you cannot use one kefir for pancakes, it must be diluted in half with water or milk.
By the way, if there was nothing dairy in the house at all, and you wanted pancakes - "take it out and serve it," then they can be made on the water. Not so satisfying, not so tasty, but you can bake it.
And if you don't have enough flour at home, then the missing part can be safely replaced with buckwheat that is well ground in a coffee grinder. Both ground millet and semolina are suitable for these purposes. But the semolina must first be boiled in milk to a thin semolina and add milk, eggs and everything else to the chilled one. The pancakes will be delicious! If you added buckwheat or millet to the flour, then the finished dough should be allowed to sit for an hour or two so that the particles of cereal swell and do not grind on your teeth later. Pancakes with different cereals will be all tasty and very different: with buckwheat they are slightly sweet and dark, with semolina - snow-white and some kind of downy, and with millet - yellow.

from the Cookbook of Elena and Alexei Vinogradov:

It happens: you look in the refrigerator, and there is half-eaten sour cream in a box, half-drunk kefir, a spoonful of cottage cheese. It is still fresh, but it has already stood, it has absorbed some smells from the refrigerator, and I don't want to finish eating it, and it's a pity to throw it away. Well, in fact, do not throw away the same products! Everything will go, and even how delicious it will be!
When this 'neither this nor that' remains, then from all this you can build small pancakes. It is also convenient because there are no proportions here, and every time because of this you will get new pancakes that have not been eaten by anyone yet and unseen.
Well, for example, such a combination. Put a tablespoon of sour cream, 50-80 grams of biokefir (just kefir, fermented baked milk, snow) in a bowl, beat in one egg, add 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, a little salt, vanillin and a little less than a quarter of a teaspoon of soda (you can put soda and more, but then the pancakes will smell like soda). It is not necessary to extinguish soda here, it is extinguished by fermented milk products. Stir all the ingredients and add flour to make a dough like thick sour cream.
Such a dough can be made on one sour cream, and on one kefir, and even add yogurt to it, then the pancakes will be especially aromatic. A spoon or two of well-pounded cottage cheese in the dough won't hurt either, just like cinnamon or saffron or orange peel will. And especially dried apricots with raisins, only in small quantities and very strongly chopped, will not hurt. A fresh apple is not good here, it makes the pancakes heavy. But that's for my taste. And if you add protein whipped into a thick foam to the dough, then the edges of the pancakes will become especially crispy.
By the way, if you don't want your pancakes to be sweet, you want salty ones, then instead of two or three tablespoons of sugar, put one, add more salt, a little red ground pepper and a couple of pinches of grated cheese. But you still can't do without sugar, pancakes are too pale and not crispy without it.
They are fried in a well-heated pan in vegetable oil. It is better to make them small, no more than 5 centimeters in diameter, otherwise it is inconvenient to turn them over. When you turn them over to fry the other side, they immediately rise strongly, just like yeast, but, unfortunately, they settle a little on the plate. They need to be eaten hot, cold they lose both their appearance and taste.

STUFFED Fritters
from the Cookbook of Elena and Alexei Vinogradov:

What can you make pancakes from quickly and tasty? The short answer is from everything edible. And in more detail, I will try to answer shortly anyway: from meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. From everything that is in the house and, most importantly, from a small amount of these very products, a decent amount of finished products is obtained.
The principle of making pancakes from any products is the same: the main product must be grated or minced, beat in an egg, add salt or sugar, pepper or vanillin, water or milk and add flour to get a mass of medium thickness. All pancakes are fried in the same way: they are put on a hot frying pan with a spoon. Everything is simple and clear, fast and tasty, without much fuss.But even in such an ordinary meal, you can add your own flavor and make it 'not like everyone else, but only me'. Let's fantasize!
Fantasy 1... Grate a piece of pumpkin, add salt, sugar, vanillin or cinnamon, then all according to the recipe (egg, flour). Put a tablespoon of pumpkin mass in a skillet with well-heated vegetable oil, and flatten it a little to make a small pancake. In the middle of this pancake, put either a few raisins, or small pieces of dried apricots, or an apple, or cottage cheese, and cover with another spoon of pumpkin mass on top. You will have a stuffed pancake.
Try not to make large pancakes, otherwise it will be difficult to turn them over. For such purposes I use a small spatula, and insure the pancake with a knife with a round nose.
Fantasy 2. Minced chicken or pork (beef is rough for such purposes), I add grated nutmeg or dry basil there, and I make the filling from finely chopped greens and ground nuts. When you feed your household with such pancakes, their inarticulate mooing and bulging eyes will tell you everything without further ado.
Fantasy 3. Make mashed potatoes, add a raw egg to it, salt, pour in a little milk, or better cream, because you are doing it for yourself, it will be tastier. And for the filling, mushroom caviar, and slightly fried cabbage, and fried onions, and greens, and minced meat, and liver are suitable. With meat it turns out very conveniently - and very little meat goes, and the dinner turns out to be hearty. When you fry potato pancakes, then the pan should be especially carefully warmed up before that, since mashed potatoes like to stick to the bottom and burn. And if you warm it up properly, then the mashed potatoes laid out with a spoon will simply float in the oil, and not stick to the bottom. The pancakes in this case will turn out to be very nice and crispy.
Fantasy 4. If you have half-eaten semolina or oatmeal left from breakfast, for some reason, no one wants to finish eating it in the cold evening. Well, don't throw away the food! Add sugar, a couple of raw yolks, vanilla and whites, whipped into a thick foam. And for the filling, use raisins. Do not be lazy, do it, and at the same time see how your household will fight for such pancakes.

All! Read, bake, eat to your health, share your recipes!
No, well, don't read this at night calmly
oh, for sure !!! all day I suffer from pancakes = there is such deceit
but simpler and in the morning = and even put in x / n = :) who did it in xb?

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