No matter how I fought, the curd "hat" that is obtained in the oven treacherously settles all the time after cooling down. Next time I'll try to add starch to the curd mixture. I will inform you about the results of the experiment.
No need to say Manyun ... I myself constantly ask myself the same question ... and really, where? I have only one answer to this question ...atinsides ...
Wherever they fit!
Until recently, I also did not do it, until I found a recipe in a heap of leaves from a tear-off calendar of the Soviet period, the years 70s-80s. I replaced baking soda and vinegar with baking powder, margarine with butter, added a little zest, and the rest according to the recipe. I'm stamping them every other day now. They are prepared simply and quickly, eaten in one sitting.
I have never done this before
Thank you!
Irin, 1 tablespoon each.
Thank you, Marina, for this variation of cake and curd.
No matter how I fought, the curd "cap" that is obtained in the oven treacherously settles all the time after cooling down. Next time I'll try to add starch to the curd mixture. I will inform you about the results of the experimentTry a pack of vanilla pudding in the cottage cheese, this is how I make a cottage cheese cake, nothing settles.
How does cupcakes taste without cottage cheese? So I also want to try baking muffins without cottage cheese. I want to add chocolate drops or raisins, and decorate with whipped cream on top (such muffins).
I really liked the recipe 5 ++++ !! baked 1 time for two portions with cottage cheese, exactly 19 pieces turned out perfectly, and today they baked only without cottage cheese, such huge steel rose and did not go down. Very pleased + I also added a banana) I had long shanks besides round ones, so they look like coffins. daughter decided to have fun. I added a loosening agent. And today they came out much better
too lazy to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve,There is also laziness and do not wipe. Doesn't affect the taste.
(nothing that on "you"?)I am for it
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