So, before we start sharing recipes, let's read the information about one of our favorite vegetables.
Materials from Wikipedia.

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

Baklazhan (Latin Solánum melongéna) is a species of perennial herbaceous plants of the Solanum genus, a vegetable crop. It is also known as badrijan, and in the southern regions of Russia, eggplants are called blue.
The specific name for eggplant - melongena comes from the Sanskrit vatin ganah, which gave the names of the etoro fruit in other languages: Persian بادنجان Bâdinjân and Arabic al-badhinjan. From the Arabic language, the word got into Spanish as alberengena, and from there it passed into French as aubergine. In Latin and Italian, al-badhinjan gave melongena and melanzana, respectively, which was misinterpreted as mela insana, “crazy apple”. In Portuguese, this vegetable was called bringella, and, thanks to the active trade of Portugal with India, this name "returned home", but already as brinjal. In the West Indies, the Portuguese name changed to brown-jolly. And the Russian "eggplant" comes from the Turkish language, into which it got through the same Arabic al-badhinjan.
Eggplant grew wild in East India, but more than 1500 years ago it was domesticated and grown in China and Central Asia. This vegetable spread thanks to the Arabs who brought eggplant to Africa and the European Mediterranean.
Eggplant is a herbaceous plant with a height of 40 to 150 cm. The leaves are large, alternate, prickly, rough, in some varieties - with a purple tint. The flowers are bisexual, purple, 2.5-5 cm in diameter; single or in inflorescences - half-umbels of 2-7 flowers. Eggplant blooms from July to September.
The eggplant fruit is a large round, pear-shaped or cylindrical berry; the surface of the fruit is matte or glossy. Reaches 70 cm in length and 20 cm in diameter; weighs 0.4-1 kg. The color of ripe fruits is from gray-green to brownish-yellow. When fully ripe, they become rough and tasteless, so they are used for food a little unripe. In unripe fruits, the color varies from light purple to dark purple. Eggplant seeds are small, flat, light brown; ripen in August and October.
In zones of subtropical and temperate climates, eggplant is cultivated as an annual plant in seedlings. He came to Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries. from Iran. Now in the open field it is bred in the southern regions - Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories and in the Rostov Region.

Eggplant is one of the most demanding crops for growing conditions. It is sensitive to temperature fluctuations: a decrease or a strong increase in it causes the buds, flowers and ovaries to fall off. The best temperature for its growth and development is + 25 ... + 28 ° C; optimum soil moisture during fruiting is 80% of full moisture capacity. Seeds do not germinate at temperatures below +15 ° C. At negative or prolonged low positive temperatures, the plant dies. Eggplant also makes high demands on light. In cloudy weather or in strong thickening, plants grow slowly and form small fruits. Eggplant grows best in light, well-fertilized soils. It is placed after winter wheat, cucumber, onions, legumes and cabbage. Care consists in loosening the soil, weeding, watering, feeding, fighting diseases and pests.
The main pests of eggplant are the Colorado potato beetle and spider mite. Diseases - dry rot, late blight and wilt.

Eggplants are actively used in cooking in many countries of the world. They are boiled, fried, baked, stewed, grilled, used for making eggplant salads and caviar.

Eggplant is also a valuable vegetable raw material for the canning industry (eggplant caviar, etc.). The fruits are boiled, fried, stewed, pickled, etc.

Overripe eggplants are not recommended to be eaten, as they contain a lot of solanine. Young fruits in the phase of technical ripeness are used for food. Also, do not eat raw eggplants.

Eggplant fruits contain:

* dry matter 7.1-11%,
* sugars 2.72-4%,
* proteins 0.6-1.4%,
* fat 0.1-0.4%,

as well as salts of calcium, phosphorus, iron and a large amount of B vitamins. This vegetable is rich in fiber, which plays an important role in intestinal function.
We all know how much oil the eggplant absorbs when frying. And the process is dreary. Meanwhile, fried eggplants in any marinade are awesome yummy that everyone loves. So I decided to try to do without frying. It turned out amazingly tasty and very fast!

Eggplant "Zamorochki" without hassle

4 small eggplants (about 600 g) wash, dry thoroughly, cut into rings 1 cm thick.Each ring with a brush is greased with olive oil (any vegetable oil can be used) on both sides, put on a wire rack and bake in the oven under the grill for about 10 minutes (until golden brown ).
And all the love!
We put the finished eggplants in a saucepan, pouring them with your favorite marinade in layers, and put them in the refrigerator.
This time I made this marinade:
2 table. soy sauce
5 cloves of garlic
2 table. spoons of 5% vinegar
1 tea spoon of honey
100 ml olive oil (any vegetable oil can be used)
1 tea a spoonful of paprika paste
0.5 teaspoon each tablespoons of coriander, basil, oregano, turmeric, cumin (all my seasonings are dry, I ground everything in a coffee grinder at once), cayenne pepper.

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

Eggplant rolls with carrot salad

Instant pickled eggplants

Eggplant turrets


Thank you for opening such a relevant and interesting topic.
I will add several recipes from myself, I hope they will come in handy

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
an idea from the Internet, you can bind baklag slices with parsley
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Spicy pickled eggplant ... The recipe from my mom from those "Soviet" times.
You will need 5 kg eggplant
1 kg sweet pepper
300 gr. garlic
6-8 pcs. bitter pepper
3 tablespoons of salt
300 ml. vinegar + 100 ml. water
greens of your choice and in the amount you wish

Preparation - Cut the eggplants obliquely or along the length of about 1 cm (you can also cut them into rings) and fry in vegetable oil. Prepare the marinade filling: take 1 kg. sweet pepper, 300 grams of garlic, 6-8 pieces of hot pepper - twist in a meat grinder (you can grind it with a processor, combine, etc.) add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 300 ml. vinegar and 100 ml. water, chop the herbs and add everything to mix - the marinade turns out to be somewhere the consistency of store sour cream. Then we take and put eggplants in the prepared dishes in layers - they put a layer of marinade on top, again a layer of fried eggplants and again fill them with marinade and so on until the end. Put in the refrigerator. Withstand under oppression for 6-7 days. That's all - eggplant is stored in the refrigerator. So, no sterilization is necessary.
I want to share the recipe eggplant baked in the oven.
Cut the eggplants lengthwise, 0.7-1.0 cm thick, salt and leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse (so that the bitterness goes away).
Grease a baking sheet (a little) with sunflower oil, lay out the washed eggplants, add a little salt, put tomatoes cut into slices on top (lemons can be used), grated hard cheese on top and into the oven.
We really like to combine the two ingredients of the filling - sprinkle tomatoes with lemon juice, then cheese.

Eggplant with honey
Cut the eggplant into rings, fry it, put it in jars - sprinkle the eggplant layer with garlic, cut into slices, etc.
Pour marinade over:
1 cup boiling water
0.5 cups honey
3 tablespoons vinegar
0.5 teaspoons of salt
Let stand to soak. Keep refrigerated.
They stand for a very long time without problems (I had them for more than 6 months, maybe they would have stood more, but everyone finished eating.

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

Bake the eggplants in the peel until soft, remove and chop the flesh into smaller pieces, season with tahini paste with garlic and lemon juice. I don’t know where our tahini (sesame) paste is sold.

So, I cooked eggplants with homemade sesame paste, kept in the refrigerator. You can eat it with pita bread, just a spoon or with macaroons, potatoes, as a sauce.
Cubic , yummy !!!
Wow, I did the same, only chopped everything with a blender.
Eggplant paste with sesame seeds.

Quote: Stеrn

Cubic , yummy !!!
Wow, I did the same, only chopped everything with a blender.
Eggplant paste with sesame seeds.

And, to be honest, I looked through your pasta. Otherwise, I would also grind everything together. I only ground sesame seeds the day before (I tried to make tahini paste at home)

Summer resident
Stew with eggplant

For 1 kg of meat, veal or pork, by the way, with lamb is also very tasty.

2-3 large onions
1 kg eggplant
5-6 medium tomatoes
Salt, sugar, spices to taste.
In a deep frying pan or in a pot, fry the meat until the juice boils off. Add the onion chopped in half rings and fry for 5 minutes until the onion becomes translucent, add the diced eggplant, add a little water and simmer for 30-40 minutes on a small fire. Stir occasionally and add some water if necessary. Then add peeled tomatoes, salt, sugar, spices, shabby on a coarse grater and simmer until the meat is completely soft. Along with the tomatoes, you can add boiled or canned beans and bell peppers.
Bon Appetit!
for babaganush can be chopped by crushing with a fork

met such a Turkish dish * baklazany with meatballs *
baklazhany need to be cleaned in places in strips, then cut and stuffed into the cuts. Simmer over low heat.

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Quote: gypsy

for babaganush can be chopped by crushing with a fork
So they don't sell ready-made tahini there.
Quote: gypsy

met such a Turkish dish * baklazany with meatballs *
baklazhany need to be cleaned in places in strips, then cut and stuffed into the cuts. Simmer over low heat.
This is how I made small baby eggplants, cut them lengthwise, filled with minced meat and stewed in tomato sauce.
Eggplant snack
Cut 4 medium eggplants lengthwise.
4 sweet peppers, cut lengthwise and peeled
Peel 4 medium onions and cut into 4 pieces
Cut 6 tomatoes in half and lay them down.
In this order, put all the vegetables in a saucepan, sprinkle with herbs (can be dried)
salt 1 tsp plus a pinch.
Pour in 1/2 cup vinegar and
3/4 cup vegetable oil.
Let the vegetables boil under the lid and keep on low heat for another 20 minutes. Do not stir!
Put in hot sterilized jars (put them in the jars in the reverse order so that there are equal parts of each vegetables in all jars) and close immediately.

Pickled eggplants
Products for 1 kg eggplant:
1/2 l. cold boiled water
1/2 cup vinegar
1 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 tbsp. l. large non-iodized salt
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
1 head of garlic
greens (dill, parsley, horseradish leaf)
Peel the eggplants from the stalks and throw them whole into boiling water, boil for 7 minutes. Take out, dry, cut into circles.
Place in a suitable bowl, alternating with herbs and whole chives. Pour cold brine and press for a week or two.

I have these recipes from time immemorial, tested.
Quote: Caprice

So they don't sell ready-made tahini there.
they say it is on sale, and you can do it yourself. It is understood with a fork to crush not the seeds, but the bakery
Quote: gypsy

they say it is on sale, and you can do it yourself. It is understood with a fork to crush not the seeds, but the bakery
So the girls themselves wrote that it is not for sale.
Aunt Besya
Sеrn has a wonderful recipe for Eggplant Reletica with Carrot Salad, and I always put Korean-style carrots or cottage cheese with garlic and herbs in such rolls as a filling. Try these options-in-ku-u-usno !!!
I give one more recipe, it seemed to me that they served me meat with onions (in appearance), and when I tasted it ... I immediately asked the recipe:
Peel 1 kg of eggplant, cut into slices lengthwise as thick as a finger, fry from 2 sides to grow. oil. Put in a container in layers: eggplants and onions (cut into rings or half rings), sprinkle each layer with seasoning for the kebab (what is sold, from herbs, pick up which ones you like best, they are different). Then pour everything with brine: 60 grams of water, 40 grams of vinegar, 1.5 tsp. sugar, 1 dessert spoon of salt (boil water, add the rest). Cool the brine and pour over the blue ones with onions. Put a little oppression on top and after 12 hours - you're done! I really liked it! TRY IT! Bon Appetit!
Girls who dried eggplants?
My grandmother dried them and then spoiled us in winter, but she had a real oven in the hut, and at home, I think how the tomatoes are dried, but I wonder which ones need to be dried fresh or those with seeds ... Who did you share?
Summer resident
Quote: dan_Ira

Girls who dried eggplants?
My grandmother dried them and then spoiled us in winter, but she had a real oven in the hut, and at home, I think how the tomatoes are dried, but I wonder which ones need to be dried fresh or those with seeds ... Who did you share?

We are here it was discussed. Read
Maybe my eggplant recipe will be useful to someone.


8 kg eggplant
7 pods of bitter red pepper
5 large red bell peppers
300 gr. garlic
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. sunflower oil

Cut the eggplants into thick slices and sprinkle with salt. Fry.
Twist the garlic and hot pepper.
Twist the red bell pepper and fry in a skillet to remove excess moisture. We put everything in a large container, pour in oil and bring to a boil, add vinegar last. Marinade, or rather, the filling station is ready. Add the fried eggplants and mix everything well. We lay out the banks. Can be rolled up, or under plastic covers. Store cold.

Cool appetizer, it's a pity that the taste is lost during canning. Therefore, I do not cook the whole portion and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. You can eat in a couple of hours.

4 kg eggplant

1kg onion

100g garlic

1 large bunch of celery greens

Sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, large saucepan, slotted spoon

Peel the eggplants, cut into 1 cm thick bast shoes and boil for 5 minutes in brine. For such a portion, you need 5-6 liters of water and 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of salt for every liter of water. Eggplants need to be guarded with a slotted spoon in their hands, they still strive to escape from the pan. Therefore, as soon as they start to boil, I stand nearby and guard, heat them up so that everyone boils evenly and does not run away for a walk. Blue ones are desirable to have the same degree of maturity, young ones are quickly digested.The blue ones were boiled, cooled in brine, removed from the brine and allowed to drain.
We start to create. We take larger dishes and lay them in layers: Blue garlic through a garlic, onion rings, crush with chopped celery (generously). Pour on top with cold pouring, cooked from 8 tables. tablespoons of sugar, 2 glasses of rast. oil (I pour less), 100 g of water and according to the recipe there was 1 glass of vinegar, I pour less, try it to your taste. Bon Appetit!
And here is my recipe pickled eggplant with red pepper.
quote author = Elenka69 link = topic = 22593.0 date = 1252527059]
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
5 kg eggplant, preferably young with underdeveloped seeds,
1-1.5 kg of red bell pepper.
400 g of salt, 600 g of 9% vinegar, 300-400 ml of refined sunflower oil.


Unpeeled eggplants (therefore, it is advisable to take young ones) cut into cubes and add 400 g of salt for 2 hours. Then rinse them from salt and squeeze well.
We also cut the pepper into cubes. Do not mix with eggplants.

Marinade... Boil 3 liters of water and add 600 ml of vinegar.

Sterilize sunflower oil in a water bath for 40 minutes.

Blanch the peppers in a boiling marinade for 3-4 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon or colo-slag and transfer to a large container.
Blanch the eggplants for 7-8 minutes and transfer from the marinade to the pepper. Mix everything and lay out tightly on sterile jars along the hangers. Pour sterilized oil on top, but not higher than 1 cm from the edge of the can, so that oil does not leak out during sterilization.
Sterilize half-liter jars for 20 minutes, liter jars - 30 minutes. Roll up the lids.
Seems a bit of a hassle, but it's worth it.
This semi-finished salad is good in winter, all you have to do is add thinly chopped onion and chopped garlic to it, and it is also good to add fresh parsley to it. You can add sugar and salt to taste.

P.S Vegetables are saturated with marinade, so you do not need to add it.

[/ quote]
I like to do

Eggplant salad

Wash the eggplants, cut off the tails, wash the sweet peppers, cut them lengthwise, remove the seeds. Bake in the oven on a wire rack until tender (wrinkle).
Take out, cool, peel the skin (it is cleaned very well).
Cut into cubes, mix with mayonnaise and garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Delicious salad or appetizer.
Sometimes I add walnuts or prunes there.
And I do this:

Eggplant caviar

Wash the eggplants, bite off the tails, beat a little with a knife or fork, in a pan and in a well-preheated oven. When completely shriveled (but not burned), remove from the oven and allow to cool. While they are cooling - grate on a fine grater: onion, bell peppers, tomatoes. Peel the eggplants, mix with what is grated. Season with salt, add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil. Yummy !!!
Quote: Stеrn

Eggplant "Zamorochki" without hassle

I didn't succeed ... More precisely, it worked, but wrong ...

1. I cleaned them. From the expression on my husband's face, it seemed to me that I got excited ...
2. I didn't really understand how to determine their readiness under the grill. They blushed a little and ... a smoke appeared, or something. That is, it turned out about 10 minutes on each side.
3. Then I marinated.
4. They turned out ... raw or something ...

In short, I still did not understand how many should be grilled.

She got upset and put out the Almanac. Somehow I have more fun with him than with eggplant !!!

Hairpin! It's Stеrn!

1. The expression on your husband's face did not deceive you!
2. You can check the readiness of the eggplant with a toothpick. The eggplant should be soft. You do not need to turn it over, it is enough if the eggplant is browned on one side.
Hairpin, do not worry! 🔗 It happens!
Next time you just eat one baked ring, you will immediately understand whether the eggplants are ready or not.
Delighted with this video concert!
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

4 long eggplants with black shiny skin.

• 250 g minced chicken breast
• 1 onion
• salt pepper
• 4 prunes
• 4 dried apricots
• 1/4 cup raisins
• 5 peeled pecans - finely chopped
• 1 red pepper
• 1 large onion
• 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
• seasoning salt pepper
Cut the eggplant into 1 cm thick slices (thickness is important!)

It so happened that we celebrated (husband's birthday) for three days in a row.

Gathered by three different companies and every day this eggplant appetizer enjoyed constant success.

For some reason I thought that everyone knew and used such a recipe (and this is really very tasty), but I had to tell the guests how it was prepared.

However, maybe it was the "wrong" guests I got.
Eggplant appetizer.

Cut the eggplants into slices, salt and leave for 30-40 minutes to let the juice flow.

Then we squeeze them out and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

You can slightly grease them with vegetable oil and bake in the oven - this will be less greasy.

We crush the peeled walnuts in a food processor (to taste: from fine crumbs to almost nut butter). It is advisable to dry the nuts a little in a pan beforehand.

Add crushed garlic, a little mayonnaise, bitter pepper to taste.

Lubricate the eggplant circles with the resulting paste, cover with the second piece of eggplant. Grease the eggplants with a drop of mayonnaise.

And then:

- If you move the eggplant circles a little and stick a strip of red sweet pepper between them, we get "Mother-in-law's tongue"

- If you put a tomato hat on top - there will be "Fly agarics" or just "Turrets".

- Or you can just sprinkle with chopped dill on top.

And if you are completely lazy, then you can simply season the pieces of eggplant with the resulting sauce for home use (then add a little more mayonnaise).
I liked the Zamorochek recipe, but there is no soy sauce (the elder pours it everywhere) with what to replace?
That's it, I'm taking off the question with soy sauce, mush went for beer and bought soy sauce. tomorrow morning I'll save the blue ones
lenok2_zp, I'm on the same wavelength with your senior! Soy sauce is my weakness!
And what about grilled eggplants, what do they taste like? Like fried? I baked cheto, but they were like raw, baked for about 17 minutes
It tastes like baked. I bake until lightly browned on top.
You poke them with a fork, if soft, order!
The troubles are very good for my husband. I cut the ready-made circles into strips and it turned out like a salad.
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
I love Turkish cuisine Again, a recipe from the Turks.

Fried eggplants.

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

Depending on the number of people and the shape of the eggplant
Corn flour
Frying oil
Salt and red pepper

Remove seeds from old eggplant, if skin is rough, peel
Cut lengthwise into strips and boil in boiling water.
Place the eggplants in a colander and let the water drain, place something heavy on top of them to allow excess water to escape. Thus, the eggplant will lose its bitterness.
In a bowl, stir together the cornmeal, salt and red pepper.
Dip the eggplants thoroughly in the cornmeal mixture and fry in oil in a skillet.
Fold the finished fried eggplant on paper towels.
Bon Appetit!
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

carrots - 2pcs
eggplant -1
onion -2
paprika - 1
patison - 1
tomatoes - 4-5
garlic - 4 cloves
parsley - 0.5 bunch
dill - 0.5
olive oil 120g
ground pepper
red pepper (from the windowsill) 2pcs without seeds
Lavrushka 4 leaves

Cut everything (not finely), fold in layers in a cast iron (paprika + carrots at the bottom, tomatoes at the very top), pour in olive oil, simmer until tender.

gypsy, which dish is interesting, I will definitely try it, the skin confuses me a little, but without it they definitely won't fall apart?
I do not know how without the skin, we always eat eggplants with the skin. In this recipe, eggplants are pre-cooked, so I think there should be no problems with the skin. Turkish woman recommends this dish for breakfast to children says her children love these crispy eggplants in cornmeal.
Hmm, their children probably absorb red pepper with mother's milk
gypsy, I understood correctly, eggplants are not cut to the tail or how they stick together like octopus.
Skate, I'm far from a Gypsy, but let me write as I understood. Most likely, the eggplant is taken and cut into strips of about 1 cm., Then we turn the eggplant to the side where there are no cuts and cuts are made again and such an octopus is obtained, of course, when cutting, all the cuts, cm by 2-3, do not cut through to the end, that is, to the stalk ...
Everything is correct, it is not cut completely, the tail is left on purpose, it holds the strips, and it is convenient to hold onto it with your hands.
Eggplant in wine

Medium eggplants - 3 pieces
Medium onion - 2 pieces
Garlic - 10 cloves
Medium tomatoes 3 pcs
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Dry red wine - 3 tbsp. l.
Ground pepper mixture

Wash the eggplants, remove the stalk. Cut lengthwise into slices about 1 cm thick, but not completely.
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Season with salt between the slices and leave for 20 minutes.
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Rinse off salt, put in a microwave dish, insert tomatoes cut into circles between the slices.
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Sprinkle on top with finely chopped garlic, finely chopped onions, salt and pepper (I use a mixture of peppers "Camis"), pour each eggplant with a tablespoon of oil and a tablespoon of wine.
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Close the lid and microwave for 25 minutes at 100% power.
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)/95/e96ef71f7108t.jpg
Awesome delicious!
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Aunt Besya
I am not keen on eggplants, because in my North they are rare, not at all long and always some kind of ugly
But just the other day, a sister-in-law who lives in Israel regaled me with such a delicious snack that I decided to write, what if we don't have such a recipe?
- eggplant
- dill and parsley greens
-nuts peanuts or walnuts (I was treated with peanuts)
Cut the eggplants lengthwise into thin slices, put them in salted water for a few minutes to remove the bitterness, dry and fry on both sides.
Grind nuts, garlic and herbs with a blender into a paste, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
Wrap the resulting filling in eggplant slices and rolls !!
Well, very tasty !!!!!
And this is what we managed to take, the remains, so to speak, so it is not very beautiful
Summer resident
It turns out even tastier if these eggplant plates are not fried, but smeared with oil and baked in the oven as the guru taught
* ratatouille in arabic *

in detail: 🔗

Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)

navy pasta with eggplant
Eggplant. Admin continued (recipes)
Quote: Natusichka

I give one more recipe, it seemed to me that they served me meat with onions (in appearance), and when I tasted it ... I immediately asked the recipe:
Peel 1 kg of eggplant, cut into slices lengthwise as thick as a finger, fry on 2 sides for growing. oil. Put in a container in layers: eggplants and onions (cut into rings or half rings), sprinkle each layer with seasoning for the kebab (what is sold, from herbs, pick up which ones you like best, they are different). Then pour everything with brine: 60 grams of water, 40 grams of vinegar, 1.5 tsp. sugar, 1 dessert spoon of salt (boil water, add the rest). Cool the brine and pour over the blue ones with onions. Put a little oppression on top and after 12 hours - you're done! I really liked it! TRY IT! Bon Appetit!

Thanks for the recipe. I bought eggplants - I came in here for a brand new recipe ...
I'll have to try ...

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