Ice cream Creme brulee

Category: Dairy and egg dishes


Cream (35%) 450 ml
Milk 1 glass
Boiled condensed milk 1.5 cups
Starch 10 g
Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Cooking method

  • I also made ice cream the other day. I took 450 ml of 35% cream, a glass of milk, one and a half glasses of boiled condensed milk, 10 g of starch, vanillin on the tip of a knife. Boiled the cream, added milk, condensed milk and vanillin, heated it up to almost a boil again, added starch, loose in a small amount of milk, and brought it to a boil again. The mixture was quickly cooled in a water bath, allowed to stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, then sent to the ice cream maker.

  • That evening, she was forced to urgently look for a cartoon for her family. "Creme brulee"because this is how ice cream turned out.

Rina72, it should turn out very tasty !!!
I ask my daughter - are you glad that you have your own ice cream factory, the answer is YES !!!!! It's a pity, the frost is not rubber, you need to buy one more.

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