Hello everyone! I appeal to those who keep a cow or buy milk for many years. Exactly a lot to be able to compare.
I started buying milk, there was a couple of sludge in the can, see - from a 2-liter can, less than half a glass, I think, ml 100. I called the hostess with a question.
In reply:
- With a separation of 3 liters, I get 200 ml of cream.
I was very surprised, because I dealt with milk from different cows, I had never met such fat content.
I don't want to deal with deception.
I have a question for connoisseurs, with what minimum sludge did you come across milk?

During this time, another cow calved at the hostess, 10 days later she brought milk.


This looks like the truth - from 2 liters of cream ml 400.
Even if we assume that it is a cow that gives milk of high fat content, I had to remove 200 ml from a kopeck piece anyway! And then I took off no more than 100 ml
Pity, Fat content of cow's milk From 3.7 to 5.2%, more information

Cow's milk is a valuable product. It is drunk almost all over the world, it is healthy, tasty, contains substances that have a positive effect on the body. It is possible for both adults and children, if there is no individual intolerance. In addition, milk is used in cooking, cosmetology, and traditional medicine. And although this is a product familiar to everyone, not many people understand its fat content. What is the fat content of homemade cow's milk, what it depends on and how to increase it if desired, will be described in this article.

What is the fat content of cow's milk?

It is believed that the normal fat content of cow's milk is 3.4-3.6%. But this indicator cannot be called stable, in each case it will be higher or lower. The main criterion by which the fat content of milk differs is its type.

Skim milk contains 1.5-2.5% fat content. No matter how much the producers would like to degrease it, some of the fat has to be left. So the opinion that there is no fat in skim milk at all is wrong. It is very useful for people who are on special health-improving diets, for those who are contraindicated in fatty foods, for children. But it should be understood that a cow does not give such a low fat content - this is processed milk and its real benefits for the body may be questionable.

Natural cow's milk

Whole milk is a product obtained directly from the cow, without processing or any other manipulation. The fat content of this type of cow's milk starts from 3.2% and higher. It is believed that this milk is the most useful, of course, if the cow is not sick with anything. Drink it boiled, fresh, warm, after milking, or cold, after cooling down. Children are sometimes sweetened with honey. However, for a number of diseases, including gastritis, it is not recommended to drink it fresh - only after boiling.

Fat milk is a whole or processed product (the percentage is increased artificially), in which the fat content is 6% or more. It should be noted that such percentages are rare. But it is this milk that is the most valuable and expensive. It is primarily disassembled in the markets, since it is believed that there are a lot of benefits in it, and the taste is better, although the latter is rather for an amateur.

Important! Defining natural fatty cow's milk and artificial (processed) milk is very difficult without practice. Therefore, it is dangerous to buy it in the markets from strangers - it can turn sour in a day.

Such types of milk exist in terms of fat content. Which is better and which is worse is difficult to determine - this is an exclusively individual opinion. Many people like fat milk, others do not like it, but they drink whole milk without problems.Skimmed milk also has its fans and is considered the most popular in stores today. The only way to determine the "leader" for yourself according to taste and benefit is to try all three.

Does the breed of a cow affect milk fat content?

The fat content of cow's milk depends on various factors. Here feeding, maintenance, quality of life of the cow plays a role, as well as the genetic factor - the breed. Purebred individuals usually have a good fat content, and only in rare cases, mixing of species allows you to increase the fat content of milk.

Important! The fat content of cow's milk does not depend on the direction of the breed. Many beef cows produce excellent, full-fat milk and many dairy cows have a low fat content.

Oddly enough, for all the years of breeding new breeds of cows, breeders have not been able to create a species with an equally high fat content and amount of milk. Because of one, the other suffers, but this does not mean that low milk yields provide a high fat content of the product, this is not an indicator at all. So when choosing a breed with fat milk, you cannot be guided by milk yield.

Natural cow's milk

They do not give a lot of milk, but he has a high fat content. Milk they do not give very much, but he has a high fat content. These breeds include Yaroslavl (4.1-5.2%), Tagil (4.25%), Jersey (5.34-6%), Aishir (4.0-4.3%). They do not give very much milk, but it has a high fat content. Representatives of these species can be expensive, but they quickly pay for themselves.

How to increase or decrease the fat content of cow's milk?

Its price depends on the fat content of the cow's milk. Although low-fat milk is very important in dietary nutrition, there is a common opinion among all other people - milk should be fat, and the higher the fat, the better. But how to increase the fat content of cow's milk? There are several methods. All of them are proven and effective, the breeder can only decide which method is preferable for him.

Purebred breeding of cows. The fewer impurities in the genes, the better the milk, although many breeders have managed to increase the productivity of their cows by crossing species, but this is only one chance in a hundred! To be sure to provide yourself with good, fatty milk, you need to breed cows only with bulls of the same breed.

A high-quality diet increases the fat content of milk in a matter of weeks. The increase in the fat content of the product is influenced by: coarse fiber (legumes and cereals, like alfalfa), easily digestible carbohydrates (specialized feed), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, vitamins E, A, sodium, zinc, sulfur, cobalt). The more of these products in the animal's diet, the better, but you cannot overfeed, otherwise the cow will stop giving milk altogether. Everything should be in moderation, but of the highest quality.

Natural cow's milk

The pasture content can significantly increase the fat content of milk. But the cows in captivity, maybe, will give a lot of milk, but low fat content.

Udder massage also has a positive effect on fat content. It should be done regularly on the day of expressing milk.

You can also increase the fat content of cow's milk by boiling. To do this, milk is boiled for a long time until it becomes less. With a decrease in the amount, the fat content increases, but all the useful substances leave the product. So this method has significant drawbacks.

Dilution with cream. This is a homemade way of increasing the fat content of milk, which is often used by sellers to deceive the buyer, and therefore it is recommended to purchase milk only in trusted places. The method is very simple. Milk is mixed with cream in the proportion required. The more cream, the fatter the final product.

If the breeder needs to lower the fat content of cow's milk, this rarely happens, but it happens that it is necessary to include beet pulp, turnips, rape hay and greens in the animal's diet.


Zhaleika, Irina, the fat content of milk depends on many reasons: the breed of a cow (some have milk with a high fat content, but little, or like water, but a lot), when calving on time, in the first month - two less fat, then the fat content increases slightly, how feed is fed, if one grass and without k-feed and other additives, then also thinner, how much water they drank, and what milk yield - evening milk is more fatty than morning milk. And have you separated the milk? I do not say unfoundedly, I have two jersey cows with more fatty milk and Holstein, the milk is delicious, but the fat content is less, but the milk yield is higher.
Lyuba, from that cow, where the fat content is less, how much cream do you skim?
Pity, IrinaFor many years I took milk from cows, cream in a 3-liter jar ~ 3.5-4 cm from St.
Irina, I milk with a machine and the milk yield goes into one tank, from three liters I remove 550-600 ml of cream. In the evening and tomorrow morning I will take a photo and show you. I don't recognize the separator and don't have it.
Lyuba, thanks!
Alexander, in the photo there is milk from a cow in the nearest suburb of St. Petersburg. And here I took from different housewives, I never met 3-4 cm sludge in a 3-liter jar.

By the way, in my photo I skimmed off with a spoon

I bought fresh milk (fresh, morning milking) from the milkmaid right from home, the fat content is about 4-6%, and there was always a layer of cream in the bottle jars when standing in the refrigerator. I even showed a photo of cans somewhere on the forum, measured it with a ruler on the can, the layer was about 1.5-2 cm at the neck. The milk is delicious.
She was born in the village and grew up. In a three-liter jar, after settling the cream, it was 7-9 cm. I think that 2cm is about nothing at all ...
Hostess, is it better to ask for evening milk for cream?
radalina3, alinaon the contrary, it is morning. When we kept cows, the morning was always fatter. And I myself tried to take the morning.
By the way, she refused the milkmaid precisely for the same reason that Irina speaks of: there was very little cream, 150-200 ml per 3 liters. Either the feeding became worse, or the dilution. But now in search of good milk ...
I see, then we need morning milk, I understand. Does this also apply to goat?

Are there any secrets of how to collect cream with a spoon from a jar?
lover, why don't you recognize the separator?
My grandmother did not have a milking machine, the cow was milked by hand, but the milk was always separated first with a manual and then with an electric separator. It seems to me that when you have your cows you cannot do without him, skimming the cream with spoons is very dreary. Washing the thousands of small parts from the separator isn't fun, though. But the milk is separated very carefully, the reverse is obtained as much as blue.
Quote: radalina3

I see, then we need morning milk, I understand. Does this also apply to goat?

Are there any secrets of how to collect cream with a spoon from a jar?
Fresh milk in a jar should be put to cool, I think 8-10 hours will be enough, then a spoon in boiled water and remove, at the end a little bit so as not to cling to milk
And if the milk in the refrigerator has cooled down and the cream has settled, it was stirred, for example, when pouring, the second time the cream will settle much less. I noticed it for sure!

Galina, after taking off with a spoon, it turns out very good cottage cheese! Because of this, I mostly arrange these dances with tambourines.
And after the separator, the cottage cheese is too empty, in my opinion
Pity, into boiling water? What is this for?

Eh ... How do I know how much it stood and the hostess and how the axle was swinging .. We proceed from what we have
Quote: lover
evening milk is more fatty than morning milk.
Quote: Nathalte
the morning was always fatter.

And where is the truth ??? Which milk is more fatty? I just need low fat.
Quote: radalina3

Pity, into boiling water? What is this for?

Eh ... How do I know how much it stood and the hostess and how the axle was swinging .. We proceed from what we have
When skimming off the cream with a dry spoon, the top-thickest layer of cream will stick to the spoon.

Light, you can reduce the fat content by removing the cream, only if necessary. ...
This is some kind of myth or a modern trick about low fat content, you need to eat a full meal
Pity, I'm not a fan of low fat food. My husband cannot drink milk even with 2.5% fat, the pancreas swears. He still dilutes the milk with water. And since in the summer we live in the country and buy homemade milk, then I want to know which milk is initially less fat, in the morning or in the evening.
Quote: radalina3

how to collect cream with a spoon from a jar?
This is how I collect it: I sogrula a regular spoon.
Natural cow's milk

svetta, Svetik, since the milk is good, take it, defend it, skim the cream. Whisk the milk for your husband from the cream and butter.
I collect slicks for a week and then according to the recipe:
Natural cow's milkButter made from fresh cream at home

With only one amendment in the recipe, I warm the cream for several hours at room temperature.
Tatka1, Tan, what kind of cream with 1-1.5 liters, and also butter! do not make me laugh.

And yet I do not lose hope of getting to the bottom of the truth about the fat content of milk.
Tatka1, Tatyana, I have exactly such a bent spoon already lies a lot
But I rarely use it.
svetta, all my life I believed that evening milk is fatter than morning. So the milkmen say. But it’s also interesting to get to the bottom of the truth.
Masha Ivanova
A hundred years ago, living in a dacha, we took milk from the villagers, the guards of the dacha cooperative. We rarely got the milk of the morning milking. Precisely because it is fatter. We, city dwellers (as the owners of the cows believed), had enough evening milk. So the owners of the cows said that the cow rests during the night, so it gives all the best, that is, all the main fat content of milk in the morning. And during the day the cow is in the pasture, where she moves and is generally busy with something, she comes home tired and "fat-free".
When we got the morning milk several times, the next day there was a little less cream on it than half a can. But those cows did not eat chemistry, they ate natural grass.
[imgNatural cow's milk] Girls, sorry for the delay with the photo, I was waiting for the assistant. In the photo on the left it is morning, on the right it is evening. The difference is small, but there is. Itself used to think that the morning is fatter, but in the vetbook I read the opposite. I don't like the separator because of the heap of parts. I remove from the can with a small 50 g ladle - not to fanaticism, so that the cottage cheese is softer. Dismantle milk, for cottage cheese and cheese are surplus.
Masha Ivanova
lover, Lyuba! Wonderful milk! What a pity that you live far away!
Since less time passes between morning and evening milking, morning milk contains less fat, and therefore, morning milk is more easily absorbed than evening milk. In addition, the cow rests at night - this is also important. And experts also say that morning milk contains almost all the useful elements of the periodic table. This means that morning milk is healthier.

Well, the taste and color, as they say ... Whoever loves fatter, accordingly, the evening is tastier, who loves leaner - the morning.

Milk is most abundant in the morning milking and the fat content is lowest. The milk is the fattest in the lunchtime milking. Evening milk is also fatter than morning milk.

When milking in the first streams of milk, the fat content barely reaches 1%. (The first trickles are best collected in a separate bowl and poured out, they have little fat and a lot of microbes). In subsequent portions, the fat content rises, and in the milk obtained during the addition, the fat content increases to 10% or more.

Milk is fatter in winter than in summer. Fatter milk and by the end of lactation. Fat content is increased by legumes, cake, wheat bran, fodder and sugar beets.

Reducing the hay rate dramatically reduces the fat content of milk. As well as feeding poor quality hay, from meadows, where the soil is acidified, from swamps. Less fatty milk is obtained by feeding cabbage leaves and sour foods. Also, the fat content of milk depends on heredity.

The girls supplemented their post from the site about keeping cows.
Pity, I realized about the spoon, St. Petersburg, I'll try

Tatka1, St. Petersburg, there is a similar spoon, I will test one of these days

Reading, reading is even more confused. Conclusion: you need to buy different milk, and morning, and evening, and daytime
People, I'm a little shocked ... Now I'll explain, the topic is a little delicate .. In general, already from a third person I hear that recently milk has completely stopped loosening. And one lady did not use it at all for this reason, but she wanted to! I drank - and nothing! The question is - what does it mean ??? I have three versions, in delusional order:
- this is not milk at all, but chemistry is beastly
- under the influence of soy, the production of an enzyme that decomposes lactose was again turned on
- somehow lactose was removed from milk (I haven't even heard of this!)
Who has any opinions on this matter ???

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