Denis B. 10
Has anyone used the Rolsen RBM-1480? How is she ?
I really ask for help. Dad gave him an RBM 1160 Rolsen HP on March 8th, but the instruction is in Italian. really necessary, can anyone have the same in Russian? send the printed instruction, it is very much necessary)))) thanks a lot in advance))))
For everyone ...... link to the official Rolsen website
on HP Rolsen RBM-1480
link to download instructions
Instructions on how to use:
While holding down the left mouse button, copy
and paste the text into the address bar of the browser, or into the search bar Yandex, Google, Rambler, Aport, Yahu, Tartl, or what you are using I don’t know. Download, open with Adobe Reader, if you don't have it installed, download it here 🔗
and install on your PC
Well, here I am in the ranks of the happy owners of HP.
The choice fell on the Rolsen 1480 model because of the price / performance ratio.
Since Yandex. There are errors in the description of the market (which, however, are a consequence of the manufacturer's careless attitude to writing instructions and presenting characteristics), I will try to fix them here.

So, this model is equipped with two metal dough kneading paddles. There is one bucket in the kit (two are drawn in the instructions), large - the volume according to the instructions is 2 - 3 liters, in fact, all 3.5 liters.
The maximum baking weight is not 2000 g, as in all descriptions, but (it seems) 900 d. Why does it seem? because there is no unity on this criterion.The instructions say one thing, the display is completely different, in the recipe book - the third ...
Power 815 W.
Programs -11 (description with instructions):
1 Basic - a full cycle of kneading and baking. This program is suitable for baking white and rye bread.
2. Whole Grain - a special program with extended intervals for making bread with low gluten flour.
3. French - the program is longer than the main cycle, because additional mixes are used, allowing the bread to be more "airy".
4. Fast - a program with a shorter interval. Suitable for making breads with additives and low-gluten flour. Note: Bread size and crust color are not selectable.
5, Pastry - butter bread.
6. Cupcake - cupcake
7. Jam - a program for making jam and preserves.
8. Dough - program for kneading dough for dumplings, pies, pasta, pizza, etc. After the end of kneading, the appliance does not heat up.
9. Ultrafast - program with shorter intervals. Suitable for making breads with additives and low-gluten flour. Note: Bread size and crust color are not selectable.
10. Browning - the program is intended for baking only. There is no possibility of kneading and raising the dough. Also used to extend the baking time of bread with other programs and to brown after the end of the baking cycle.
11. Dessert - dessert.

It is not known what is proposed to bake in dessert mode. Because there is not a word about it in the book of recipes.
At first, for fun, I tried to cook jam. In fact, HP was not bought for this. But the plum, prepared for cooking, stood on the table, and natural laziness overcame the baker's curiosity. Plum with sugar went to cook in KhP. Well, what can I say, I liked it? It is not necessary to stand at the stove, stir, it is not scary to forget (more than one pan fell in my brave death, trying to cook jam while the forgetful hostess was doing other things)
The next experience was baking the actual bread. Bread .... Well, of course, the wheat "easiest" Recipe - from the attached recipe book. I will not publish it here, I will only say that after reading about the "kolobok", I decided that there was not enough flour and added it during the kneading process. As a result, the first bread evoked ambiguous feelings.On the one hand - your own creation, and even more so you don't like BREAD. On the other hand - "shoals" were on the face.
In 1, bread clearly sweetens above the measure, in any case, above the measure to which we are accustomed, when we eat factory bread. Although my son really liked this particular drawback, he asks for "cheb" every half hour, apparently seriously deciding that his mother baked some kind of sweet roll
At 2, the top is cracked, I will look for reasons ...
At 3, the top is still a little lighter on the sides, next time I will cover the viewing window with foil during baking.
And, finally, at 4, and this upset most of all, the loaf did not rise evenly and its shape in finished form, although it resembles a brick, but somehow painfully crooked and flat. Although initially the large form was considered by me as an advantage, now I doubted it ...
The next experiment was caused by the lack of an oven and a great love for Keks baking, which could be simpler ... And with the help of HP, everything is generally elementary. It turned out not bad, the taste, of course, is simple, but it was evident from the recipe. I deliberately did not take complex recipes, but first decided to experiment on recipes with a minimum set of products, so that it would not be a pity to throw it out in case of flaws.
And again the form caused the disorder - it turned out to be a long, low cupcake.
I conclude that a bucket of this shape is good for baking large loaves, that's when they will just look like the ones you are familiar with in the store ... and the small ones turn out to be long and flat ...
So ... next experience ... French ...
To begin with, I will say that I subjected the measuring glass to a thorough examination. And it was not without joy that I found out that it has a standard volume (that is, the same as most CPs) - 240 ml. That is, all the ratios of the volume of the glass and the weight adopted on the forum are valid for me, I don't have to recalculate anything.
Also, and again with joy, I found out that the recipes (at least 3 already) in the book of these same recipes from HP are very correct.
For example, wheat bread according to my book for an average loaf:
water - 1.25 tbsp
flour - 3 tbsp
salt 1.5 tsp
sugar 2 tbsp. l.
powdered milk - 2 tbsp. l.
oil - 2 tbsp. l
yeast - 1.5 tsp.
Now the Admin recipe from the forum:
Quote: Admin

The easiest white bread made from wheat flour

Tap water 1 1/4 cups (300 ml.)
Wheat flour 3 cups (sifted flour about 140-150 grams per cup)
Salt 1 1/2 teaspoon
Sugar (molasses, honey), 2 tablespoons
Butter (butter, vegetable) 1 1/2 tablespoon
Powdered milk 1 1 \ 2 tablespoon
Dry yeast 1 1 \ 2 teaspoon

The difference, as you can see, is half a tablespoon of butter and dry. milk. But the main thing is that the balance of flour and liquid is indicated correctly. This means that the recipe itself is correct. Yes, of course, it may not be so important to know that the recipes in the book are correct, if you always have a computer at hand, but if you don't have one, then the book will help out very much ..

.. but back to the French .. cough ... loaf. of course, it turns out not a loaf, but an ordinary brick ... Recipe from a book
water-1.25 st
flour - 3 tbsp
salt - 1.5 tsp
sugar - 2 tbsp. l
yeast - 2 tsp
Since my first bread turned out to be sweetish, then at my own peril and risk I reduced the amount of sugar by half a tablespoon, and, on the contrary, increased the salt by half a teaspoon. In the process of forming the kolobok, it seemed that there was not enough liquid - I was horrified, because I remember that Admin wrote that flour can be added, but water should not be added, but still I added 2 tbsp. l. water. Then it became clear that with the second I was in a hurry, I had to add flour.
The result is a bun with a lovely crispy crust, insanely tasty, with a porous light crumb, but ... with a constriction in the middle. And again, the appearance spoils all happiness ...
I read the topic about two dough mixers and realized that before baking, the mixers should be removed and the dough should be leveled ...
I do not do anything at all, the bread does not rise, kaie the cakes are obtained.all the ingredients must be poured out at once, or somehow in turn
The ingredients in HP are filled in according to the recipe in the recipe book. Liquids first, then everything else. It is advisable to pour salt, sugar in different corners, Yeast into a hole in the middle of the flour. flour should not be cold (unless you set a timer delay).

I recently bought a rolsen 1480, I'm not quite comfortable yet, but I'm already baking bread. It turns out not bad, but for myself I decided that the liquid needs 5 percent less than in the recipe and it is necessary to sow flour. In the process, I don't add flour - I put everything according to the recipe and forgot it until it smells ...
What unpleasantly surprised in this stove is that there is a backlight function and there is a light in the HP, but when you put the form in the HP, it blocks the light and closes the light with it
From a pleasant thing - bread in the main mode is baked in less than 3 hours, after reading on this forum (in the recipes of the simplest bread) that many have 3-30, 3-50, or even 4 hours - I was glad that I took this one model.
interested in this ... "Browning" - what is this mode? if after kneading the program is turned off, proofed as much as necessary and turned on this mode, can you bake bread?

and after the end of the programs, it seems like the temperature is maintained for another hour ... the same as when baking? how many degrees?
no, unfortunately, since you described it will not work. "Browning" is precisely for browning, that is, baking for only 10 minutes ...
I don’t know which temperature it supports, but, of course, not the one at which it was baked, but exactly enough degrees so that it doesn’t cool down .. Many people write that because of this, the bread then turns out to be moist, so I never left it for this hour , immediately turned off
My wife and I use this.
At first the bread fell, then we adjusted, it became normal.
The bread comes out delicious, we bake ourselves healthy
Hello dear members of the forum, yesterday I bought HP Rolsen RBM-1480, and immediately made jam from plums, I liked it, now I'm waiting for my bread to be cooked. I had such a question after reading the instructions and the recipe book - can this model make yeast dough for pies or buns and not bake? The instructions say what you need to get after kneading and then wait when it (the dough) rises, i.e. it turns out that the HP itself will not raise the dough? Oh, help me figure it out please.
Arkady _ru
Hello everybody. I am looking for an analogue of a bucket for the supra 350. Can anyone post a photo of the bottom of the bucket indicating its height and distance between the axes of the mixers + photo to have an idea of ​​the height of the drive?
I purchased the Rolsen RBM-1480 stove in March 2014. This is my first stove, I chose for a long time according to reviews and reviews, in general I was very pleased.
So, a stove with two knives for kneading dough, the volume of baking from 1000g. up to 1400, programs similar to those of other ovens, ie, standard, whole grain, fast, etc. Three choices of crust color, delayed start.
There are no frills like a mold for baguettes, there is no dispenser, the design and build quality are excellent!
I especially like the fact that two knives and a rectangle shape, since the loaf turns out to be similar to a loaf, and not to an Easter cake, the volume of baked goods can be viewed both plus and minus, according to the program, at least 1000g, but I also bake at 700 and everything works out. The metal case looks better than plastic.
Inconsistency of the recipe book with the programs in the book 450g. 680gr. and 900gr. in the stove 1000,1200,1400, apparently a recipe book for the younger models and the older one.
The form obscures the backlight lamp by half and the backlight itself for some reason only works at the first stage of mixing.
In general, in terms of price-quality ratio, all 5 points! An excellent choice for beginner bakers.
I also shot a video review of the stove:

Arkady _ru
I saw loaves in the form of Easter cake only on LG stoves. There are buckets in the s / c for the stoves, so some may envy: looking for analogues, as it is necessary to do for Supra, is not necessary and the price is divine. Two shovels are a consequence of the size of the baked goods, from which the geometry of the mold follows. They interfere no better than one per kg. x / n.
It seems to me that one stove is not enough, because at one time I took the second (1.5 kg and 1 kg). The very thing. Now in the heat I bake in them, and the rest of the time I use them as kneaders with baking in the oven. There is also a dough mixer by itself (clathronic KM3400), but even having it, sometimes I use a mixer of 1.5 kg x / p.
Quote: Val79
I also made a video
Thank you very much! My son bought this bread maker today. But I am very upset that I have to stir the dough. I thought I could fall asleep, press the button and forget. And here is so much trouble. Put on the wire rack and wait an hour. If you will bake a cupcake or jam, please remove it. The video is much better than the instruction, I do not take instructions at all, there is always such an abstruse language.
Help, I bought HP Rolsen RBM-1480, I use it for three weeks, but I never got satisfaction from the baked bread, I like the taste, but the view is just awful. In the process of kneading, the bread rises and looks excellent, but at some point the top drops and I have a bread trough for the place of the loaf. I changed the yeast, warmed up the water, put the ingredients in the specified order and at the rate. But the result is the same. I have wanted HP for so long, and now I just cry from the results of baking, the desire to throw out HP, stops the amount paid for it. Tell me what I'm doing wrong
onegun, here on the forum there is a special topic dedicated to baking failures. In the section "Useful advice and assistance in baking bread". I changed mine without using it.
Quote: pravum
Thank you very much! My son bought this bread maker today. But I am very upset that I have to stir the dough. I thought I could fall asleep, press the button and forget. And here is so much trouble. Put on the wire rack and wait an hour.
You are welcome! You help with a spatula so that the bun is distributed evenly, you don't have to help in principle, if you don't pursue beauty. You need to put any bread on the wire rack, if there is no wire rack, you can just wrap it in a towel, although this is a worse option.
Quote: onegun
at some point the top falls
If you are not helped in the help section, write me your recipe in a personal note, I had such problems at first, I solved them.
Val79, thank you, forgive me for bothering you in vain. We changed this oven. But it was still very interesting to watch your video. Then I looked at a few more of yours on YouTube.
onegun, Olya top falls off usually if there is more water than is needed or less flour (in general, the dough is liquid) Look into it during kneading and add a little flour so that the bun stops drawing on the walls. And everything will work out! Next time, immediately put in how much you need and you won't have to look, because HP is for that and HP so that we do not distract us from the TV or from the computer
Thanks for the help and tips, looked at all the links:
1. Slightly unscrewed the thermostat,
2. I use Saf-moment yeast with a blue label (as suggested in the store)
3.changed flour
4. Increased the rate of bookmarking products (900 + 450)
5. I control the quality of the bun (as a rule, I add flour)
Hurray, it's done. Satisfied and satisfied with the result
onegun, that's great! I'm very glad for you. And by the way, yes, the largest weight of bread always turns out to be more successful than a small one, since the roof rises above the bucket and is baked beautifully, and for small ones it usually remains pale.
Hello! I want to buy a Rolsen-1480 bread maker, mainly for kneading dough on dumplings, so that it kneads to the end and does not have to be kneaded by hand, there was a Bosh mixer before that 450W with dough mixing attachments, it does not cope, it burns. I doubt if the 815W power is sufficient. Has anyone tried it?
And I would also like to know how many glasses of flour can be loaded into this HP without the risk of breaking it?
I read the instructions and the recipe book, but firstly the proportions are indicated there less than they should be, although maybe it is worth focusing on them as maximum?
Nobody knows what is meant by the word "cup" in the recipe book? Is this the included measuring cup? Does it contain 250g like a regular facet? (although the concept of "glass" is also found in some recipes)
Quote: deitry
How many glasses of flour can be loaded into this HP without the risk of breaking it?
1 kg. flour (excluding water) is guaranteed.
"cup" in the recipe book what is meant? Is this the included measuring cup?
Yes. He is 250 ml. I don’t know by grams, I don’t measure their weight.
Bread maker Rolsen RBM-1480
Thank you! I have already ordered it, I will receive it soon, I will try it!
Please give an exact recipe for common bread. Nothing works for me (((((((The oven has recently. I will buy the scales soon. Is it because of them it falls off all the time?
Val79, Valentine, please help. All the time, the top falls off me.
Quote: Val79

If you are not helped in the help section, write me your recipe in a personal note, I had such problems at first, I solved them.

Where is this help section? You can ask for a recipe. Everything that according to the book falls off or even like rubber. I will probably pay soon (((
Quote: taristva
Where is this help section?
Quote: taristva
Valentine, please help. All the time, the top falls off me.
Try the recipe for simple wheat bread from this theme.
The only thing I counted according to my formula, there is a lot of water. Try this:
Tap water 1 cup (250 ml.)
Wheat flour 3 cups (flour about 150 grams in a cup) if there is actually 150, I did not outweigh, then: 150x3 = 450x0.56 = 252 ml.
Salt 1 teaspoon
Sugar 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon (you can also without oil)
Dry yeast 1 teaspoon

Observe the bookmark. First water, then flour, in flour make three holes away from each other. In one salt, in another sugar in a third yeast. Dig in the holes so the salt or sugar does not come into contact with the yeast. At the end there is oil. Oil can be added during the mixing process.
We set the standard mode, medium crust, the minimum weight in our stove is 1000. It turns out 700 (the weight of the current recipe) norms.
We observe the batch.
A kolobok should form. If after 2-3 minutes of kneading the "shortbread" dough means little water, you need to add a little bit.
Quote: Val79

Try the recipe for simple wheat bread from this theme.
The only thing I counted according to my formula, there is a lot of water. Try this:
Tap water 1 cup (250 ml.)
Wheat flour 3 cups (flour is about 150 grams in a cup) if there is actually 150, I did not outweigh, then: 150x3 = 450x0.56 = 252 ml.
Salt 1 teaspoon
Sugar 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon (you can also without oil)
Dry yeast 1 teaspoon

Observe the bookmark. First water, then flour, in flour make three holes away from each other. In one salt, in another sugar in a third yeast. Dig in the holes so the salt or sugar does not come into contact with the yeast. At the end there is oil. Oil can be added during the mixing process.
We set the standard mode, medium crust, the minimum weight in our stove is 1000. It turns out 700 (the weight of the current recipe) norms.
We observe the batch.
A kolobok should form. If after 2-3 minutes of kneading the "shortbread" dough means little water, you need to add a little bit.
Thank you very much for your answer. I'm going to try.
taristva, I read on the forum so that the roof does not fall through, add 1 st. l. oat flakes.
according to my mood I sometimes put 1.5 tbsp. l., the roof is always excellent!
and change the yeast, it may be a problem
good luck!
Quote: Ljna

taristva, I read on the forum so that the roof does not collapse, add 1 st. l. oat flakes.
according to my mood I sometimes put 1.5 tbsp. l., the roof is always excellent!
and change the yeast, it may be a problem
good luck!
Thank you, I will.
Please tell me the dough recipe for Rolsen RBM-1480 dumplings
Quote: taristva

Please tell me the dough recipe for Rolsen RBM-1480 dumplings
My version of the test, rice is replaced with wheat.
Thank you very much!
For two months now I have been baking bread in Rolsen-1480, how I like this assistant. Before that, I baked x500 in Bork for 4 years, but the rectangular bucket burned out, only a round one remained, and you can't make a big batch, so I bought a new one.
Freely kneads 1 kg of flour, I don't follow the bun, sometimes I just watch the process, I like how the dough is kneaded.
At the first baking, the top sagged a little, but now everything is fine. I use cold water, add milk from the refrigerator without heating it, reduce the amount of yeast, by 1 kg of flour 1.5m. measuring spoons, liquid 550g.
Bread maker Rolsen RBM-1480

Bread maker Rolsen RBM-1480

Here the weight of the finished bread is 1450g, the crust is dark.
francevnawhat beautiful photos! Do you have such a large loaf for a long time? Or do you freeze part?
Natasha, I cut the cooled bread, store half in the freezer or in the refrigerator. Enough for two for 4-5 days.
I'll throw in my recipe for ordinary white bread. I tried to do "as from the store before." For this stove.
After many experiments, I settled on the following recipe and proportions:

All ingredients are in grams. Because I don’t think spoons are an accurate measure. I use scales.
Water - 260 gr
salting. oil - by eye, about 1.5 tablespoons. I personally just pour it into the water by eye.
Flour / s - 500 gr (be sure to sift)
Saf-Moment yeast 3 gr, if there is a desire for more, then 3.2 gr.
Salt - 4.1 g
Sugar 32 gr
Normal mode.

IMHO the main subtlety of this bread machine is that you don't have to pull out the bread when it's ready ...
I personally do this: I set the mode to normal, the crust is normal or dark - to taste, after the second kneading, I remove the shoulder blades, and knead the bun a little flat and put it on the bottom. After the end of baking (8 peaks), the bread maker holds the temperature of 40 grams for another hour. (1 peak at the end), after that I still wait at least 1 hour. (if you leave it in the bread maker until the morning, the crust turns out to be rather dry) Then I shake the loaf out of the bucket.
It is shaken out at a time, at the bottom of the bucket, drops of condensation. Immediately put the loaf in a plastic bag and leave it overnight. With this, the crust on the bread softens a little (one might say it gets wet, but there is no feeling of moisture on the bread).

The result is a very tasty, finely porous but not heavy bread with a soft crust.

P.S. the photo will be later, if I don't forget to take it again ...
I would like to know the dimensions of the bread machine.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers