Gift cake.

Category: Confectionery
Gift cake.


Biscuit ___
wheat flour 135 gr.
sugar 135 gr.
eggs 4 things.
Syrup ___
water 110 g
sugar 100 g
rum 1 tbsp. l.
cognac 1 tbsp. l.
Charlotte cream ___
sugar 125 gr.
egg 3 pcs.
milk 225 gr.
butter 150 gr.
vanilla sugar 1 sachet
cognac 1 tbsp. l.
roasted peanuts 120 g
powdered sugar 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Biscuit

  • According to KH.

  • Syrup
  • Prepare the biscuit syrup in advance - it should be cold:

  • 1. Combine ingredients and heat to a boil.
  • 2. Chill and add a teaspoon of rum and a tablespoon of brandy.

  • Charlotte cream

  • According to KH.

  • Assembly

  • 1. Cut the biscuit in half,
  • 2. Soak the cakes with syrup.
  • 3. Then grease the lower layer with a part of the cream and cover with the upper layer. Spread the remaining cream on the top and sides of the cake.
  • 4. Sprinkle nuts on the cake.
  • 5. Cool in the refrigerator for two to three hours. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • 6. Cut the peanuts with a knife on a plank. Well, collecting the stuff. Then roll in icing sugar and sprinkle on the cake

  • Gift cake.

  • All comments are welcome !!!

The dish is designed for

1 cake

Time for preparing:

twice an hour ...

Cooking program:

oven + mixer

National cuisine

from Soviet times

Well, I, like, with the second voice, will enter
I still remember that the nuts were soft. It seems to me that if you just sprinkle them on the cream and then sprinkle them with powder, they will not be like that. Maybe soak first? Or pour boiling water over?
In the Gift Cream, solidified in the refrigerator until firm. And it was oily. And very tasty)))). I have not tried Charlotte cream, but I believe Hairpinthat will fit.

I would, honestly speaking, would make only one cream. And I would gobble it up with a big spoon))) My grandfather worked at one time at a bakery. And he brought from there this very cream, in a liter jar. I didn’t eat anything tastier as a child (well, except perhaps green lollipops on a stick).
Margol (every time I think what is the correct transcription of Margol or Margul ... So I write it this way and that way. How would you like it? Chantal asked for a soft sign ...)
Well, do you agree that the original recipe lacks powdered sugar? But about the fact that they are soft ... Maybe soak it ... in syrup ... or in water ... Or maybe they will pick up the syrup themselves. Here is definitely needed Cake!!! I just realized about nuts that I need to cut with a knife ...

I took out my basket of nuts and dried fruits. I sit, disassemble:
- It's almonds ...
- These are pistachios ...
- This is a hazelnut ...
- These are walnuts ...
- This is cashew ...
- This is chickpea ...
- These are cedar ...
- Here ... damn it ... capitalism ... a whole basket (I have not listed all sorts of dry lemons / candied fruits / raisins / prunes / etc.), but what is needed is not!
Hairpin, in fact, I got this nickname by accident. He's Margot Al. (That is, Margot-Line). So, in principle, Margol is closer))) But it sounds strange, I agree)))
And you have solid reserves

Damn, here I am! My mom brought me a gift cake yesterday!
Here are the labels on the packaging:
OST -10-060-95
Ingredients: granulated sugar, egg, butter, nut (fried), premium wheat flour, milk, cognac, wine, vanilla and rum flavors identical to natural, sorbic acid converting agent.
Proteins - 4.1 g, carbohydrates - 17.4 g, fats - 47.2 g. Calories: 354 kcal

Judging by what is written, Charlotte cream is just there - with milk.

I looked closely at the nuts. They are laid out on a cream, sprinkled with powder on top. There is a lot of powder in the middle, and it sticks together. That is, we need to sprinkle it, but without fanaticism.

About nuts. We gotta find some unsalted peanuts. In Auchan, there certainly is, by weight. It says here that the nut is fried, but my nuts are absolutely white, without any hint of frying.Probably, it makes sense to buy unfinished and dry a little in a pan.
But I just didn't understand where the wine was. In impregnation, probably?
Rum, like in syrup and cream. I don't know about the cream, but ...
I know that OST and TU are almost identical concepts. A Cake orders to take everything according to GOST. That is, we need GOST of that time. And for the OST on us Cake will swear. Like this: 🔗 🔗 🔗
Here, look, I will quote and go to bed:

GOST (State Standard) is one of the main categories of standards in the USSR, today it is an interstate standard in the CIS. Accepted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IGC).

INDUSTRY STANDARD (OST) - is set for those types of products that are objects of state standardization; on the norms, rules, requirements, concepts and designations, the regulation of which is necessary to ensure the optimal quality of products in this industry. ... Industry standards are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations in this area, as well as for enterprises in other industries (customer) that accept or consume the products of this industry. Industry standards are approved by the ministry (department), which is the head (leading) in the production of this type of product.

A technical specification (TU) is a document that establishes technical requirements that a product, process or service must satisfy. In addition, they should indicate the procedures by which it can be determined whether these requirements have been met. TUs are developed for one specific product, material, substance, or several specific products, materials, substances, etc. ... products, works, services offered by the applicant .... TU is a technical document that is developed by the decision of the developer (manufacturer) or at the request of the customer (consumer) of the product. Technical specifications are an integral part of a set of design or other technical documentation for products, and in the absence of documentation must contain a full range of requirements for products, their manufacturing, control and acceptance. TU is developed for one specific product, material, substance or several specific products, materials, substances, etc.

And tomorrow, you see, and Tortyzhka will come and help)))

Aha !!!!!!! Waited? !!!! so I came! Because this is my favorite cake !!!!
I will comment immediately.
At first glance, the recipe is quite adequate, you can try. Amused only the phrase in the preparation of the cream "Eggs from a large amount of sugar will not curl": D Why? Because sugar will lower the boiling point? Another thing is that if the mixture is thoroughly mixed with a mixer or blender. and then cook, stirring continuously, the fact that the eggs are curled WILL BE UNKNOWN.
About the nuts. I'll start a little from afar. The confectionery documentation always indicates the moisture content of the final semi-finished product. And cakes, and creams, and all the decorations. The more moisture, the faster the product deteriorates. And in laboratories, all products are also always checked for moisture. This is a very important indicator. so look at the layout of the cream. Milk, eggs, butter - it's VERY wet. and from that it is tender and pleasant to the taste.
One more point. When does the “shelf life” start for the finished cake? for example, the shelf life is 36 hours. What do we count from? Once the cake is assembled and decorated? No! As soon as it, assembled and painted, has cooled down in the refrigerator to a temperature of + 4 * C throughout the entire mass. It is at this moment (that is, in the cold it must stand at least 5-6 hours) I have the right to hang a tag on it with the day and hour of release.
Now look. We poured nuts with very low moisture content (fried!) On a cream of very high moisture content, then kept it for 6 hours, then delivered it to the retail network. there he, too, stood the night and lasted the day ... DUMBED your nuts! That the powder is damp on them, you noticed. but the fact that they themselves gained moisture
Regarding the disputes OST GOST and TU. These are abbreviations for Industry Standard, State Standard and Specifications. Indeed, in the USSR, many industries created their own industry standards and this was the State industry standard. In other words, there is no Gost for confectionery, there is an OST. In many forums. including ours. these concepts are often confused, but I did not say anything, because these are technical trifles. People, narrating, want to highlight that it is precisely "from those times" and not "today", GOST and not TU. Well, okay! GOST, OST ... I've thrown away the first batch of ordered tags. I wrote there "Certified in accordance with GOST," and the certification center rejected. By the way, all my products are certified according to OSTU, the number of which was given by MargoL, so tomorrow I will look for a recipe in the directory. And I'll post it. Still, bake ... And I have graduation in the gardens from morning to night ...: (I will make myself a present for my birthday ..
I've been spying on you for a long time .., but ....... I don’t know .. by the way, whether my 5 kopecks or not, but I’ll put in, so as not to tire Tortyzhka, here you go, catch GOST recipes "

Gift cake (recipe 6)
The layers of biscuit semi-finished product are connected with cream. The surfaces and sides are covered with cream, sprinkled with nuts and powdered sugar.
The shape is square. Weight 0.5 and 1.0 kg.

Raw materials:
Sponge cake number 1 300 g
Charlotte cream number 59 370 g
Blotting syrup (fortified) number 96 200 g
Walnut kernels (fried for finishing) 120 g
Powdered sugar 10 g
Total 1000 g

Sponge cake number 1
Wheat flour c. from. 84.35 g
Dry potato starch 20.83 g
Granulated sugar 104.13 g
Melange 173.56 g
Essence 1.04
Entrance 300 g
Dough preparation. Melange with granulated sugar without heating or (to accelerate whipping) with preheating to + 40C is whipped in a whipping machine, first at low, then at high speed for 30 ... 40 minutes (at home, the whipping time should be reduced to 7 ... 10 min) until the volume increases 2.5 ... 3 times. Before the end of whipping, add flour mixed with potato starch, essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be injected 2 ... 3 times.
The finished dough should be fluffy, well-saturated with air, evenly mixed, without lumps and have a creamy color.
Molding. The biscuit dough is immediately poured into baking trays or molds, which are pre-greased or covered with paper. Baking trays and molds are filled to 3/4 of the height so that the dough does not fall over the sides when lifting.
Bakery products. Baking time 50 ... 55 minutes at a temperature of +195 ... 200C or 40 ... 45 minutes at a temperature of +205 ... 225C. The baked biscuit is cooled for 20 ... 30 minutes, removed from baking trays or molds and left to stand for 8 ... 10 hours at a temperature of +15 ... 20 ° C. After that, the paper is removed, the biscuit is cleaned.
Characteristics of a semi-finished product. The shape is rectangular. The thickness of the biscuit is 30 ... 40 mm. The upper crust is smooth, thin, light brown in color. The crumb is porous, elastic, yellow.
Cream Charlotte number 59
Butter 156.23 g
Charlotte syrup number 60 219.82 g
Vanilla powder 1.52 g
Cognac 0.61 g
Entrance 370 г
Peeled and cut into pieces the butter is whipped in a beater at low revolutions until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Chilled "Charlotte" syrup with the addition of cognac or dessert wine, vanilla powder are gradually poured into the whipped mass and beat at a high number of revolutions until the volume increases by 2.5 ... 3 times. Duration of whipping is 20 ... 30 minutes (at home it is enough to beat for 10 minutes).
Characteristics of a semi-finished product. Homogeneous fluffy mass of yellow color, with a smooth glossy surface, well retaining its shape.

Charlotte syrup number 59
Granulated sugar 138.78 g
Chicken eggs 24.67 g
Whole milk 92.52 g
Yield 219.82 g
Mix the eggs and milk thoroughly, add granulated sugar, mix everything and bring to a boil with constant stirring.The syrup is boiled for 4 ... 5 minutes (4 minutes is enough) to a temperature of +104 ... 105C. The prepared syrup is filtered (required!) And cooled to a temperature of +20 ... 22 ° C in summer, in winter to +28 ... 30 ° C.

Blotting syrup number 96
Granulated sugar 102.61 g
Rum essence 0.38 g
Cognac 11.26 g
Cognac or dessert wine 9.59 g
Entrance 200 g
Cake Gift variant 2

The layers of biscuit semi-finished product are connected with cream. The surfaces and sides are covered with cream, sprinkled with nuts and powdered sugar.
The shape is square. Weight 0.5 and 1.0 kg.

Raw materials:
Sponge cake number 1 300 g
Cream cream "New" 370 g

Cream cream "New":
Granulated sugar - 287;
butter - 466;
condensed milk with sugar - 110;
vanilla powder - 5;
cognac or dessert wine - 1.6;
water - 100.
Outlet 1000
For this cream, a syrup is prepared. Sugar and water are combined in a ratio of 3: 1, brought to a boil, foam removed, boiled down to a thick thread and cooled to 20 ° C. The resulting syrup is combined with condensed milk.
Peel the butter, cut into pieces, beat for 5 - 7 minutes and, increasing the whipping rate, gradually pour in a mass of syrup and condensed milk, add vanilla powder, brandy or wine and beat for another 10 - 15 minutes. This cream can be prepared with jam or cocoa powder.
Blotting syrup (fortified) number 96 200 g
Walnut kernels (fried for finishing) 120 g
Powdered sugar 10 g
Total 1000 g
________________________ ________
Cooking technology. Biscuit number 1 baked on parchment with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm is cooled, separated from the paper, soaked in syrup for soaking, combined with New cream, cut into squares. The surface of the squares is covered with New cream, sprinkled with roasted crushed nuts and powdered sugar.
Blotting syrup (fortified):

Granulated sugar - 105 gr
Cognac or dessert wine -10 gr
Rum essence - 0.4 g
Cognac & # 8211; 13.5 g
Water - 115.5 g
Output of semi-finished product in finished product - 200 gr
________________________ ________

Cooking technology.
Granulated sugar and water (in a ratio of 1: 1.1) and, stirring continuously, bring to a boil (101-102C). Then the hot syrup is cooled to 40-50C, filtered and flavored with light wine or a wine-alcohol composition Confectionery (dark and red wines give the biscuit a gray-dirty hue).
Characteristics of a semi-finished product. Transparent viscous syrup with the scent of essences, wine or cognac.
Quote: Marina23

Melange 173.56 g
Essence 1.04

This is not caught ... In principle, you can do without this recipe, but I decided, just in case, to clarify. Maybe I'm not the only one here ...
That's about melange in my head spinning that ... not that Queenie, not that Fox trader wrote that this concept is equivalent to protein-custard ... or not this ... or not this concept ...
Hairpin , not that concept.
Melange is equivalent to eggs.

On the poultry farm, broken eggs (without shells) are poured into containers (I saw only rectangular ones) and frozen.
Then, with such large briquettes, they are delivered to public catering.

And can I already, at the same time and boast.
They brought me 10 goose eggs. Already "chatted" out of 3 pieces. charlotte with currants, cherries and strawberries.
They promised to bring more such eggs.
And often melange is an egg powder diluted with water to a certain consistency ... just don't throw slippers, I did this myself in the confectionery shop, in practice ... even in Soviet times, though I don't remember the proportions anymore
kleskox35 , we will not shower with slippers.
Egg powder is diluted with water - 1: 3.

Melange and egg powder are, nevertheless, different concepts.
Well, just then they told me melange, and my memory is good, although there were also briquettes of frozen eggs there, probably they called everything one size fits all ... but they didn't make cakes there either, so crawfish, etc., shortbread, yeast baked goods any.
Quote: Qween

Because these eggs are "magic".

On the poultry farm, broken eggs (without shells) are poured into containers (I saw only rectangular ones) and frozen.
Then, with such large briquettes, they are delivered to public catering.
Yes, the cake was delicious. Especially when fresh and nuts have not yet been saturated with moisture. But sometimes there was a bummer - the shell creaked on the teeth. Now it's clear why!
Yes, and it is also convenient to fry peanuts and other nuts, seeds in the microwave!
Girls! For the back desk!
If I get to the point of melange. What to me FALSE?!!!
Hairpin lay eggs without separating the whites from the yolks.
If in doubt, it's probably best to make a proven biscuit recipe, becausethis is GOST of stagnant times and who knows if the present flour corresponds to the quality of that time.
Quote: Marina23

Hairpin lay eggs without separating the whites from the yolks.
Still, this is for powerful whipping machines that are in production. And the raw materials used in the form of melange are rather a forced measure to maximize waste. And at home, in the presence of non-professional mixers, it is worth separating the whites and yolks to ensure a high result! I think so
tried to beat separately and together ....... the results are different, but I can't say that one option is worse than the other, no. If I do not separate the eggs, then I beat for 10 minutes or more, first without sugar for a couple of minutes, and then with sugar until the volume increases by a factor of n-th, the mass becomes airy, thick, creamy, and then I mix the flour without the help of a mixer, I mix spatula.
Quote: Hairpin

Girls! For the back desk!
If I get to the point of melange. What to me FALSE?!!!

Hairpin, if this is still relevant, then I will answer.

When I read the recipe, and I see that it is adequate, then I bake for the first time as in the recipe. And then, when I taste it, I decide - what will I change next time.

So, this I mean that the recipe for this cake with melange is quite predictable, so bake with whole eggs. You can even freeze them beforehand for completeness.

I climb in again with my goose eggs. It is very difficult to divide them (goose eggs) into whites and yolks. And nothing, the pastries are excellent.
Wow, how many interesting things are already here!
Mine just finished their coconut meringue here, you can take a gift too)))

Qween, it's over, offtopic, but interesting - no strength. And why are goose eggs cooler than chicken eggs? I'm serious
MargoL , on goose and duck eggs the dough structure is better. More elastic and lush.
And these boiled eggs are absolutely "rubber". It is impossible to eat (but, my grandmother loved it very much).

And the protein is very tightly "glued" to the yolk. And the yolks are very large, almost like white.

One goose egg costs 2.50 UAH. It is considered expensive, because I take chicken at 5.40 UAH / ten, and quail at 5 UAH / ten.
We have a company in a neighboring town that deals with egg products, this is what they write about melange:
"Liquid egg melange
Liquid melange (pasteurized)

Raw materials: fresh chicken eggs.

Substitute: in 1 kg of liquid mass 23-27 pcs of fresh eggs.

Application: confectionery, pasta, mayonnaise, sauces, etc.

Expiration date: 24 days.

Storage conditions: at a temperature not higher than 4 degrees Celsius; the product cannot be frozen.

Smell: normal, corresponding to chicken eggs. "
That's how I got it !!! Or, more precisely, such !!!

Gift cake. Gift cake. Gift cake.

Taram-pam-pam !!!
Summer resident
Is it sho you made a biscuit of this height?
Where are the rest of the cream? Not enough! It will not be enough!

And of course the biscuit is great!
please show the corrected recipe.
Quote: Summer resident

Is it sho you got a biscuit of this height?

It was I who hooked the 26cm shape under the 22cm (it could have been shoved into an ordinary cake box! So it turned out higher!

Quote: Master

Where's the rest of the cream? Not enough! It will not be enough!
When I did it for the first time (the camera was broken), there was a lot of cream for me. So now I made one serving of cream for two biscuits, just for me, but for my husband and daughter ... But these are trifles!

Quote: Tatjanka_1

please show the corrected recipe.

Everything is disastrously easy:
1. Sponge cake, as teaches Cake (she gave a master class with us) in the same sizes (only two);
2. Cream Charlotte, as teaches Cake # 1 (she gave a lecture) in the same size, but for two cakes;
4. Impregnation syrup, with personal permission Cakes put less sugar if I like it. I have syrup for two cakes 170g water + 85g sugar, brought to a boil. And according to the norms, there should be more.
3.Roasted peanuts in the microwave, chopped with a knife on a plank, as teaches Cake.

Form 22 cm, cut with a string for biscuit. Mustache.

In general, not a cake, but a fairy tale, because I'm in it Tortyzhke I passed all the tests !!!
Hairpin, and I did not know that we have this recipe on the forum. It's good that the girls poked their noses.
Here came to report.
The cake turned out. And it turned out the same as I ate it in childhood. I didn't like him then and I didn't like him today. I do not like wet cakes, and even so sweet.
This does not mean, of course, that the cake is not tasty. I just didn't love him before and I don't love him now. I love dry cakes. And here is a very sweet charlotte, and the cake is also filled with such sweet syrup.
I took a few photos, preparing for the MC, so I will post here and comment on something. With your permission!!
The cake was baked according to Chadeyka, in the form of 23cm. But it would be better if I took 20cm. My biscuit turned out to be rather small. Only 3.5cm. I cut it into 3 layers, as written in the tutorial. Since I understood that it would be necessary to sandwich it twice, and not once, I cooked a double portion of the cream. But I tried to keep within 370 grams of cream, as given by the layout.
Did not work out. The cream took 430 grams. (and some of the cream remained)
My Charlotte turned out to be completely different from what I was used to according to my recipe. This recipe has few eggs, but a lot of sugar and little milk. Rather, everything is fine here according to the bookmark, I just got used to it differently. I and Charlotte's appearance is usually completely different.
Here, the color of the custard is like water with flour. Watery, whitish and transparent. There is enough oil for such a cream for a layer. But if it was necessary to decorate with them, make borders or roses, this would not work.
In other words, oil is given here based on the layer, but not on the finish.
Here are some photos.
Eggs, beaten with sugar, dough in the form before baking, sponge cake after baking, cut sponge cake into 3 layers.

Gift cake. Gift cake. Gift cake. Gift cake.

Charlotte after cooking. Charlotte whipped with butter.

Gift cake. Gift cake.

Well, this is the cake itself.

Gift cake.

Hairpin, are you taking credit?
I am bringing my photo report on the "Gift" cake. The cake is delicious and easy to make. I cut the biscuit into two cakes, then regretted it a little. It would be tastier if there were more cream and impregnation. The combination of shallot, classic sponge cake and peanuts is delicious, not the right word, it is simply impossible to convey it, you have to bake and taste it. The cake lasted only for one day.
Here is a photo.
Gift cake.
a piece
Gift cake.

Py. Sy. The cake tolerates freezing well. Stood on the balcony for three days at a temperature of about -15. Defrost the night in the refrigerator. The output can be baked for good, and before the arrival of guests, move it to the refrigerator for defrosting a day before the arrival of guests.
these are my 2 cakes (the one that is lighter is the second, the darker the first, just don't understand why the first one came out in a speck))
Ready to eat)
Gift cake.
Gift cake.
this is the first piece)) only I skipped a bit, the cakes are big, but I didn't make enough cream ((
Gift cake.
I am reporting!
Finally bought some normal eggs. It turned out that this was all that my biscuits had lacked before. The biscuit was made from three eggs. It turned out well, got up, the donkey just a little bit. In a 22 cm mold, the height of the biscuit turned out to be 4.5 cm.
The only jamb - I didn't notice that the stand crawled out from under the legs of the airfryer, and my biscuit turned out to be slightly slanted because of this.
So the biscuit:
Gift cake.
Sliced ​​biscuit:
Gift cake.
Charlotte turned out just super! Relief, consistency, uniformity, taste - I liked everything. It should be clarified that I did not do it quite according to Chadeyka, combined it with the recipe I liked from Tortyzhka. The oils took 82% fat, in the end it turned out normally sweet, not greasy and quite embossed. Even roses can be wrapped.
Gift cake.
But I did not save the nuts, so I had to sprinkle the cake modestly)
Actually, the cake:
Gift cake.
My husband liked the cake, I didn't really like it. For me, peanuts spoil everything, I don't like them.
Then I'll try to make such a cashew cake.
Quote: MargoL
I still remember that the nuts were soft
Initially, cashew nuts were used in the preparation of this cake! And, much later, they were replaced by peanuts.
Quote: Luera
I will try to make such a cashew cake
This will be the best option.

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