Whey is a by-product of the production of cheese, cottage cheese and casein. Depending on the product produced, cheese, curd and casein whey are obtained. In the production of these products, on average 50% of milk solids, including most of the lactose and minerals, are converted into whey.
The main constituent of whey solids is lactose, the mass fraction of which is more than 70 ° / v of whey solids. A feature of lactose is its slow hydrolysis in the intestine, and therefore
fermentation processes, the vital activity of useful intestinal microflora is normalized, putrefactive processes and gas formation slow down. In addition, lactose is the least used in the body for fat production.
Thus, whey and whey products are indispensable in the nutrition of the elderly and overweight people, as well as those with low physical exertion.
The protein content in milk whey depends on the method of coagulation of milk proteins adopted when obtaining the main product. Whey proteins contain more essential amino acids than casein, they are complete proteins that are used by the body for structural metabolism, mainly for the synthesis of liver proteins, the formation of hemoglobin and blood plasma.
The composition of whey proteins is more consistent with the composition of proteins in human milk than the composition of proteins in cow's milk, which allows the use of whey proteins in the production of baby dairy products. A feature of whey milk fat is a higher degree of dispersion than in milk, which has a positive effect on its digestibility.
Almost all salts and microelements of milk, as well as water-soluble vitamins, pass into milk whey, and there are much more of them in cheese whey than in cottage cheese.
The content of milk constituents and the biological properties of whey make it possible to classify it as a valuable industrial raw material that can be processed into various food and feed products.
The serum contains a large amount of water (93.7%). This significantly limits the use of natural whey. Therefore, at enterprises, whey is subjected to various processing in order to isolate individual components (fat, proteins, milk sugar) or to increase the dry matter content in it.
According to the existing standards, all produced milk whey is subjected to separation. The resulting milk fat is sent to the production of cheese oil used for industrial processing (ghee, milk fat). Cream cheese is also used to normalize milk in the production of cheese, for the production of processed cheeses and ice cream. To isolate fat from milk whey and clean it from casein dust, separators are used - separators of protein from whey with a pulsating discharge of the sediment.
Having prepared homemade cottage cheese, do not rush to pour out the milk whey, it will definitely come in handy! Milk whey is not a “by-product” product, but the most independent one, irreplaceable not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.
Properties and benefits of whey.
Milk whey helps in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system - it normalizes the intestinal microflora, slows down gas formation and putrefactive processes.
Thanks to the high amount of B vitamins, whey can serve as a soothing drink. Whey drinks can have a positive effect on a person's emotional state.
Milk whey contains a large amount of water-soluble vitamins, so it can protect us from hidden forms of vitamin deficiency, which is especially important during periods when fresh vegetables and fruits are not on our table.
Whey plays an important role in nutritional care, especially for the elderly. By consuming whey before meals, you can cope with a decrease in gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid.
Whey proteins are used in the preparation of baby food products, as their composition is more similar to that of mother's milk than that of cow's milk.
Milk whey is recommended for people with overweight problems. It is used to treat obesity and to prevent overweight.
Cheese pastes are protein dairy products and are made from albumin mass with the addition of flavoring and aromatic ingredients: for dessert pastes - jams, vanillin, pieces of fruit, sugar, sour cream; for snack pasta - garlic, dried vegetables, herbs and salt.
Whey protein substances are similar in nature to blood proteins, so they are used by the human body for the regeneration of liver proteins, the formation of hemoglobin and blood plasma. Whey proteins, in comparison with casein, contain more essential amino acids, therefore, from the point of view of nutritional physiology, they are considered more complete. In addition, they have an anticarcinogenic effect and are also capable of enhancing the body's immune status. Cheese pastes are intended for direct consumption. They are pleasant to the taste, have a delicate, smearing consistency and do not have any restrictions on use. The inclusion in the diet of cheese spreads with flavoring ingredients can significantly increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences.
The use of natural whey in the production of bread and bakery products from wheat flour
Natural milk whey according to OST 49-92-75 is a secondary product of milk processing into cottage cheese, rennet cheeses and casein. It has the appearance of a greenish liquid with a pure taste and smell characteristic of milk whey.
In baking, curd whey, unsalted cheese whey and whey obtained by precipitating casein can be used.
Salted cheese whey with a sodium chloride content of up to 6% is not recommended for use in baking.
When making bread products from wheat flour, natural milk whey can be used:
- to activate the fermenting microflora of liquid yeast, yeast suspension, liquid dough, etc .;
- to intensify the process of dough preparation, increase the nutritional value of bread products with sponge and accelerated methods of dough making and saving flour;
- for the production of varieties of bread, the recipe of which provides for its use.
When using milk whey to activate the fermenting microflora or to intensify the process of dough making, it is used instead of a part of the water used to prepare the dough.
The amount of natural whey used depends on the type and baking qualities of the flour used, the type of bread products, the technological schemes used, as well as the acidity of the whey.
Approximate data on the consumption of natural milk whey in the production of bread products from wheat flour are given in Table 3.
Bread made from wheat wallpaper and a mixture of wheat wallpaper with wheat flour II grade (Any method adopted in baking) - whey consumption,% by weight of flour, in natural form 15-20%
Bread from wheat flour of II and I grades (sponge, bezoparny) - whey consumption,% to the flour mass, in natural form 10-15%
Bakery and pastry products from flour of II, I and the highest grades ((Sponge, bezoparny) - whey consumption,% by weight of flour, in natural form 7-10%
Bakery products from wheat flour of II, I and the highest grades (accelerated) - whey consumption,% to the flour mass, in natural form 10-15%
Butter products from wheat flour of I and the highest grades (accelerated) - whey consumption,% to the flour mass, in natural form 10-15%
If liquid yeast is used in the production of wheat bread, natural milk whey is added both at the stage of preparing the infusion for them, and in the process of preparing the nutritional mixture. When preparing a brew, it can replace either part of the water (about 20%) when brewing with hot water, or all the water when brewing with live steam.
As a result, natural milk whey can be added with liquid yeast in an amount of 6-10% to the weight of flour in the dough.
Good results are obtained by using natural milk whey to activate compressed yeast. In this case, it is used to dilute the tea leaves or to prepare a nutritional mixture consisting of flour and natural milk whey in a 1: 3 ratio. Whey consumption in this case will be 4 - 6% by weight of flour in the dough.
As a result of the use of whey, the lifting force of liquid and pressed yeast improves, acidity increases faster, and foaming decreases.
The rest of the whey can be added while kneading the dough. Its total amount must comply with the recommendations given in the table, taking into account the type and quality of flour, the quality of whey and the dough preparation technology used at the enterprises.
With sponge methods of dough management, natural milk whey can be added instead of part of the water both to the dough and to the dough.
At the same time, the fermentation time of the dough with milk whey is reduced by 40 - 60 minutes. The fermentation time of the dough mixed with dough with milk whey is practically the same as usual. The introduction of whey directly when kneading the dough leads to a reduction in the duration of its fermentation by 20 - 40 minutes.
The use of natural milk whey in the production of bread from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour
When producing various types of bread from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour, natural milk whey can be used:
• to intensify the production cycle, save flour and increase the nutritional value of bread;
• to improve the lifting force of liquid starter cultures and to somewhat reduce foaming;
• for the production of varieties of bread with natural milk whey included in the recipe.
Estimated data on the consumption of natural milk whey in the production of rye and rye-wheat bread varieties are given below:
- On thick sourdough - Whey consumption,% to the mass of flour in the dough, in natural form 10-15%
- On traditional or concentrated liquid sourdough with the addition of pressed or liquid yeast to the dough - 10-15%
- On the tip of ripe dough or dough with the addition of liquid yeast - 15-20%
When using whey in a nutritional formula, pay attention to the consistency of the liquid starter culture refreshed with the nutritional formula with whey. The lifting force of the liquid starter culture with whey improves, the fermentation is reduced by 30-60 minutes.
It is also practiced to use whey in the brew instead of all the water when brewing the whey-flour mixture with live steam.
In this case, with brewing, you can consume up to 15% of whey to the total mass of flour in the dough.
When brewing tea leaves with boiling water, the consumption of whey will be reduced to 3-5% to the mass of flour in the dough.
The greatest consumption of whey (up to 15% by weight of flour in the dough) can be when added to the nutrient mixture for refreshing the liquid leavened culture.
Liquid leavened starter culture with milk whey foams less and ripens faster on average by 1 hour.
Whey can also be used to activate compressed yeast.
Use of whey concentrates instead of part of sugar, molasses or milk powder in the production of bakery products
When preparing bakery products, the recipe of which includes powdered milk, it is recommended to replace:
• 1 kg of dry cow milk per 1 kg of dry whey with the addition of 0.3 kg of fat;
• 1 kg of skimmed cow's milk or 1 kg of dry buttermilk per 1.5 kg of dry whey.
With such a replacement, the dose of dry cheese whey should not exceed 3%, and the dose of dry curd whey should not exceed 1.5% by weight of flour. It is recommended to apply whey concentrates at the same stage of the technological process at which the introduction of the replaced raw material is provided. At the same time, the duration of fermentation of semi-finished products is reduced by 20-60 minutes, depending on the type of flour, acidity and dose of whey.
When producing bakery products from wheat flour of the first and second grade, as well as improved varieties of bread from a mixture of wheat and rye flour, the recipe of which includes sugar or molasses, it is recommended to replace no more than 1% sugar or 1.5% molasses with an equivalent amount of lactose, contained in whey concentrates. In the production of bakery products from premium flour, it is recommended to replace with whey no more than 0.5 kg of sugar. Such a replacement is economically feasible and does not adversely affect the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of bread.
With a partial replacement of sugar with whey concentrates, the sugar content in finished products complies with the standards provided for by the current regulatory and technical documents.
The introduction of whey concentrates instead of sugar or molasses does not have a negative effect on the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the quality of bread and provides an increase in yield by 0.5-1.5%.
The use of whey concentrates to intensify the dough preparation process using accelerated methods
Whey concentrates can be used as a means of intensifying the processes of maturation and fermentation of the dough with accelerated methods of making bread. The dose of the applied concentrate depends on its acidity, grade and quality of flour and must provide the required acidity of the dough after kneading. For this it is advisable
use condensed curd and cheese whey with a dry matter content of 40% and an acidity of 400 T (TU 49-803-81), concentrated curd and cheese whey fermented with a dry matter content of 30% and an acidity of 300 ° T (TU 49-798-81 ) and fermented cheese whey
condensed with a dry matter content of 30% and an acidity of 800 T (TU 49-718-80) as products containing a significant amount of lactic acid.
The amount of whey concentrate (d.c. 30%) required for the preparation of dough for sliced loaves with an initial acidity of 2.5 degrees and determined by the previously given formula (per 100 kg of flour) is 4.9 kg.
The cost of such an amount of whey concentrate is higher than the cost of an equivalent amount of flour in dry matter. In this regard, it is advisable to add as an acidifying agent such an amount of whey concentrate that can be simultaneously used to replace 0.5-1.0% of sugar provided by the recipe.
Thus, whey concentrates are advisable to use to intensify the process of preparing dough for bread products containing sugar according to the recipe.
Use of whey concentrates to prevent potato disease in bread
To prevent the disease of bread with potato (viscous) disease, whey concentrates with high acidity can be used: concentrated curd whey with a dry matter content of 30%, concentrated damp fermented whey with a dry matter content of 30% (TU 49-798-81), condensed curd whey and cheese fermented (TU 49-
803-81), fermented milk whey (TU 49-718-80).
Whey concentrates are introduced by kneading the dough in the amount of 2 - 5 kg (depending on acidity) per 100 kg of flour.