With an important conversation, the eyelid begins to twitch involuntarily. Ringing in the ears and trembling in the legs when falling asleep - where are they from?
This applies not only to hypochondriacs: even people who do not attach much importance to the signals of the body are faced with constant or unexpected oddities that frighten them.
My eyelid twitches involuntarily!
It is the nerve that responds to anger. Stress, overwork, long work at the computer, continuous watching of TV or just excitement cause an unpleasant, but absolutely harmless twitching of the century. Even too much caffeine can cause nervous tremors. This is the most frightening of all because it happens involuntarily and right on the face. The reason lies in one single pulsating vessel in the brain. The pressure rises due to stress or anger. If a pulsating vessel touches a nerve, everyone will see it at once. Usually the lower eyelid twitches.
Give yourself some rest, go to bed early, and take care of yourself to relieve stress. Even if the stress has passed and the lack of sleep has been replenished, eye twitching may recur. A light eyelid massage can help. In some cases, vitamin and mineral deficiencies may be the root of the problem. In this case, the doctor will prescribe magnesium.
When should you see a doctor?
When the twitching does not stop and affects other parts of the body.
When I yawn, my jaw clicks!
If the jaw muscles are cramped, clicks begin: the cartilage in the jaw is displaced. This usually happens when the mouth opens. This happens in every third adult.
Take care of the elimination of stressful situations. Disturbances cause spasm of the chewing muscles. People who grit their teeth in their sleep are especially prone to jaw clicking.
When should you see a doctor?
If the clicks do not go away for a long time. In this case, an improper bite, poorly fitted crowns or missing teeth may be the cause of the problem. Those who ignore it for a long time risk completely erasing the cartilaginous linings of the jaw.
I can hear ringing in my ears!
The reasons for this tinnitus can be very diverse. Maybe you attended a loud concert or were stunned by something? Have you heard a pop, like a fireworks explosion? Then the trauma caused by the noise can be the cause of the tinnitus. Earwax can also cause these noises. In other cases, it is the daily stress that causes the frequent ringing in the ears before bed.
If sounds come after a hard day at work before bedtime, it is often due to overexcited muscles and intense tension, and will likely bother you over and over again. Lie in bed and try to beat the ringing with the confidence that it will disappear the next day.
When should you see a doctor?
It looks different if tinnitus bothers you during the day or your ears are blocked. Then you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible to save your hearing. Its disturbances and loud noises can cause its loss. Bleeding in the ear can also cause noise. ENT will cope with this problem medically.
I see small black dots in front of my eyes!
The fear of serious eye disease is exaggerated. Dots, waves, strings, gray spots - they appear in the picture in front of what we see. Doctors call this "gnats." Collagen fibers thicken in the lens of the eye. This happens with the natural aging process, because already at a young age, the lens begins to shrink. Thus, collagens are released from it, which cast a shadow on the retina. Therefore, against a light background, they are perceived as villi and threads.
Take your time to worry.Usually, along with the lens, "midges" move away from the retina. Dots or villi are no longer so annoying. Only in very severe cases and with severe deterioration of vision, the ophthalmologist replaces the lens with a special liquid.
When should you see a doctor?
If you see large black spots, if your eyes are dazzling, if there is a veil in front of them, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms can hide serious eye problems or retinal detachment that must be treated immediately to save vision and eyes.
Mironova E.A.