Apiary organization |
When under the windows of houses there are white snowdrifts, under the roof of the hives there are already the first signs of spring - the uterus lays eggs, larvae appeared. It's time to think about where to arrange an apiary. When organizing it, the first step is already important - the choice of a place for placing the hives. In this case, they are guided by two considerations: the convenience of their placement for the owner of the apiary and his neighbors; the correspondence of the chosen place to the biological characteristics of bees, where there is an optimal combination of temperature, humidity, air movement for them. What do bee colonies need? Hives are best placed on a slope or areas with a slope of 5-10 to the south or southwest. In this case, the air constantly flows downward without stagnation. After rain, the apiary will dry out quickly. Damp areas near a stream, swamp, river are unsuitable; bee colonies should not be placed in a lowland or at the bottom of a ravine, that is, where there is fog and cold air accumulates. In such conditions, bees do not feel well, often get sick, and later begin and early end work in the field on flowering plants. Bee colonies develop poorly and become irritable. An area in the sun, in a high place, blown from all sides by the winds, is also unsuitable. Here bee colonies feel uncomfortable - in the hives it is either too hot or too cold. To maintain the temperature necessary for the brood, nest owners have to spend a lot of energy. The bees get angry. It is best to place bee colonies near trees, bushes. If this is not possible, the roofs of the hives are shaded with bunches of grass or tall flowering plants (mallow, sunflower, etc.) are planted near the hive. The beekeeper has many requirements for choosing a place for an apiary. It is more convenient to place hives on the back side of the house, where people rarely walk and there is no near the border of the neighboring site. Safe keeping of bees is possible only if it does not cause discontent among the neighbors of the beekeeper. Unfortunately, our bees are not so harmless. Some people are quite sensitive to bee venom. At the apiary, it is imperative to have a first aid kit, which (if possible) should contain the following: tweezers (to remove the sting, which you can simply pry with your fingernail), cotton wool, bandage, 10-12 ° about a solution of ammonia or alcohol tincture of calendula (relieves itching and edema), pills of diphenhydramine (suprastin, pipolphene), amidopyrine (analgin), heart drops, ephedrine (sometimes from a sting, suffocation or shortness of breath begins). Lubricate the sting site well with an ointment consisting of a 10% solution marigold (5 g), rectified alcohol (5 g), petroleum jelly or lanolin. They work in an apiary in a special suit, a dressing gown (fleecy, dark clothes irritate bees), use a facial net or tie a headscarf around their heads. Wearing gloves is not recommended. They retain the smell of poison, which is known to excite the bees, prompting them to sting again. First of all, the beekeeper must enclose the area where the hives are located with a two-meter fence. If he is the owner of a plot in a horticultural partnership, then the fence is replaced with a hedge made of tall shrubs. Bees, flying over a two-meter obstacle, find themselves outside the nearest areas and bother neighbors a little. Colonies of bees should not be placed near roadsides. Heavy metals that are harmful to human health get into combs and honey. It is convenient to place hives in the attic. The bodies are pushed close to the wall, in which special slots are made, connecting them with corridors (knock four planks together, getting a box without a bottom and a roof) with the hive entrance. You can make a special, forward-facing veranda on the second floor of the house. Beehives are placed on it.With this arrangement, bees do not bother the owners of the site and its neighbors. The beekeeper can inspect families at any time, in any weather. Here bees also winter. In the attic, you can also place an inventory warehouse. Everything will be at hand. Since the inspection of families is carried out only with a kindled The hives are placed on wooden coasters, boxes, old car tires - the most important thing is that the coasters withstand hulls full of honey and stand securely. Doña should have a slight forward inclination so that the rainwater that has entered does not stagnate inside. Families are arranged either in a straight line in one row or in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. It is better to direct the holes to the southeast. Then the bees will fly out with the first rays of the sun. The trees and shrubs in the garden serve as a good guide for them. For the same purpose, hives are painted with white, yellow, blue paint. The hives must be equipped with an arrival board. The bees returning with the collected nectar will descend on it. Heavily loaded, they can not always immediately get into the notch. It is also necessary to take care of the gangway-boards, standing at an angle to the surface of the earth, with one side resting against it, and with the other touching the arrival board. Without them, bees returning from flowering plants will fall near the hives into the grass and get entangled in it. A mandatory accessory for any apiary is a drinking bowl. If it is not there, bees in search of water may end up in a barnyard, near a swampy place. They will bring polluted water to the hive. This can serve as a source of disease in the bee colony and humans. The drinker must be installed as soon as the bees are brought out of the winter house, sometimes already in March. At the beginning of spring, it happens that the honeycomb is sugared. Bees moisten it with water, and then use the liquid one for the needs of the family. Drinking bowl with warm water will solve the problem of water supply for the apiary and save the hostesses of the hives. The March sun is hot and the air is still very cold. Having collected water from an unheated drinker, many bees freeze on the fly, never reaching home. Let the snow still be sweeping outside the window, we must think about honey plants in the apiary. For this, a bruise, phacelia, mustard, cucumber herb. I. Yu. Vereshchak Similar publications |
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