Arrangement of hedges on the site |
Fruit and berry and vegetable plants grow better in places protected from the wind, where the snow cover is more uniform, and in the summer there is less evaporation of moisture from the soil. It is noted that in such places the relative humidity is also better. In a garden protected from the wind, the most favorable conditions for the work of bees are also created, which is of great importance for pollination of flowers and increasing the productivity of fruit and berry and vegetable plants. The site should be protected primarily from the prevailing cold winter winds and summer dry winds (north, east and north-east, as well as north-west direction). If there are already plantations in the form of adult fruit trees on the borders of neighboring areas, then there is no need to create special protective plantings on your site in this place. >A number of tree species can be used to create protective plantations in backyard gardens - mountain ash, linden, maple, and in the southern regions and white acacia... These are melliferous plants, and therefore, in addition to protecting from the winds, they will serve as a food base for bees. It is inappropriate to plant oaks, pines, spruces, larch, poplars on personal plots. They form a large shading crown and a powerful root system, which goes to the side and dries up the soil under the neighboring fruit and berry plants. If trees of these species are already growing on the border or in some places of the site, then fruit and berry plants should be planted from them at a distance of 8-10 m. >In the protective zone, if it is required, the plants should not be planted densely, otherwise you will get a solid, dense green wall that will not let the air flow through, and the fruit and berry plants in the garden will be oppressed. It is necessary that the strip of hedges be blown by the wind, and this is achieved in the case when the trees in it have tall trunks cleared from below. In such a protective zone, wind flows passing between the trunks and branches of trees lose their strength and damp. Cleaning the branches growing at the bottom of the canopy helps to build up more even snow in the garden. >Dense, windproof protective plantations trap snow from the leeward side, accumulate large snowdrifts, which often break off branches of nearby fruit trees. The melting of the mass of packed snow slows down, the soil in these places does not dry out for a long time, and one has to be late with the spring work in the garden. In addition, during late spring frosts, dense defensive plantings can cause cold air to stagnate in the garden. In the warm season, in calm weather, they do not allow air currents, the garden is not ventilated, there is a gradual accumulation of plant respiration products, which noticeably oppresses them. Stagnant air contributes to the development of fungal and bacterial diseases, the reproduction of pests. If it becomes necessary to create protective plantings of tall trees at the boundaries of the site, then they should be planted sparsely, at a distance of 4-6 m from one another. With a more dense planting, in the future, it becomes necessary to thin out such plantings. >When arranging protective plantations, it is necessary to take into account the interests of a neighbor, preventing the shading of his area with tall trees. It should be said that in the case of reliable protection of backyard gardens with tall buildings and ornamental plantings, planting special protective stripes on the sites is, as a rule, unnecessary. Much attention should be paid to the arrangement of picket fences and the casing of the site with bushes, which create a strong, durable hedge.It is not recommended to make deaf board fences on the personal plot, as they trap air and contribute to uneven accumulation of snow. Picket fences and moderately dense hedges made of shrubs adorn the estate and improve the microclimate throughout the site. It creates an improved thermal regime in the surface air layer, the relative humidity rises, and the unproductive evaporation of moisture from the soil and plants decreases. >Hedges come in various heights. They are made in the form of a border from 50 to 70 cm high from such stunted plants as spirea (meadowsweet), 2-2.5 m - from yellow acacia, Hungarian lilac, hawthorn, ligustrum (privet), jasmine (chubushnik), narrow-leaved sucker, wild grapes, etc. In some cases, especially from the side of dusty streets and roads, the height of hedges is brought to 3 m. For the construction of hedges, the shrub is planted in a thickened manner, at a distance in a row from 30 to 50 cm, depending on the breed, species, plant variety and development of seedlings. In some cases, a wider and denser living wall is created by planting shrubs in two rows, spaced 40-50 cm from one another. With a thickened planting, plants grow in height faster. In the future, if the hedges are too dense, thick, it will be possible to remove excess plants. >For planting shrubs, they usually dig a continuous groove (trench) 40-50 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep along the line marked for a hedge. g per square meter of groove, as well as, if possible, organic fertilizers (rotted manure, compost peat, fermented slurry diluted with water, fecal composts) - 3-5 kg for the same area. >Planted plants must be watered and mulched so that they take root better. In the first years, until a closed canopy is formed, the soil under these plantations must be kept in a loose and weed-free state. Yearly two to three loosening with simultaneous weeding out is necessary. To make the hedge more dense on the front side, many plants are systematically trimmed in early spring. Thanks to this, young shoots are quickly formed from the axillary and dormant buds, which creates a denser plantation. >A systematically trimmed hedge looks neater and prettier. In some cases, a so-called curly haircut is used, not in a straight line (under a lace), but in separate parts, while giving individual groups of plants a rounded or pointed shape. Usually, those plants that bloom less beautifully are trimmed: yellow acacia, hawthorn, wild rose, Tatar maple, Ginnala maple, brilliant cotoneaster, narrow-leaved oak, silvery oak, golden and alpine currants, Hungarian lilacs and a number of others. Beautifully flowering plants - these are spireas, jasmines, deuts, etc. - as a rule, are not cut. They can already create a fairly dense and at the same time beautiful hedge. >Mixed flowering and non-flowering plants can be created as hedges. In this case, beautifully flowering shrubs (spiraea, undersized jasmine, Japanese quince, etc.) are planted in one row, towards the facade of the house. In another row, on the outside of the site, plants are placed, which mainly constitute a dense green protection. Taller woody plants are often planted along the line of hedges: mountain ash (Nevezhinskaya, Scandinavian, or Swedish, Liqueur, Pomegranate, Black-fruited), linden, etc. This makes the whole estate more elegant. >Along with the hedges in the front gardens of the personal plot, it is advisable to plant decorative evergreens: silver spruces, thuja and juniper, as well as trees with brightly colored foliage (Ginnala maple, irga, japonica, Tunnberg barberry), roses and other flowering shrubs.These plantings, in combination with perennial and annual flowers, can create corners of wildlife that are very beautiful in shape and flowering even in a small area. It is also recommended to plant terraces, balconies, entrances, gazebos, farm buildings with wild and cultivated grapes, lemongrass, actinidia, hops. >So, creating garden and vegetable garden on a personal plot, some get satisfaction in working with a garden shovel, others find this a source of creative joy, others strive to get a high yield of fruits and berries, grow flowers of rare beauty, or simply organize a cozy place for their family to relax. K. S. Dukhanin |
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