Dandelion Secrets |
Dandelions bloom together. At the beginning of May, flower beds, lawns, hillocks are exactly colored by the spray of the sun. Of course, you can find single flowers in early spring and summer, but they are like birds lagging behind the flock. The flowering time of dandelions is wonderful: the air is filled with the scent of flowers and the freshness of young leaves, swallows fly in, the first trill is heard nightingale, and the first summer-style drops of rain wash over the ground. Plants do not see each other, and flowers open in concert at a certain time. From a distance, the dandelion seems to be one flower. This is actually a basket of flowers! This little secret is easy to learn if you look at the flower through a magnifying glass. Then you will see a real fairy tale: near each petal, which looks like a yellow tongue, a rod with two curls, sprinkled with golden pollen, rises. The sun's rays, as if not wanting to leave the flower, illuminate it with a gentle light. In this fabulous kingdom, midges and ants swarm. And the bees, sitting on a flower, wrap pollen around their paws. The dandelion sleeps at night. The flower basket is closed and looks like a green bud. The dandelion wakes up at 6 am. The bud, as if taking a deep breath, pushes the bracts, which look like small green leaves, and reveals its petals and pollen, preserved from the dampness of the night. In the afternoon, the flower prepares for bed: the petals are pressed against each other, and the bracts again cover them outside. The mystery of the flower clock is not fully understood. However, it is known that plants feel how lighting, air temperature, and humidity change. They also know how to assess the state of the weather. So, if rain is foreseen during the day, the flowers do not open. For many days and nights, flowers are rhythmically opened and compressed. But once, having closed, they do not open for a long time. The bud becomes so wimpy that life seems to fade away. And suddenly one day a white openwork ball appears in place of the bud. Where did the yellow petals go? Without solving this mystery, we will have to admit that the dandelion-magician covered the yellow petals with bracts like a handkerchief, and then instead of them there were white parachutes with seeds. And now let's figure out how the ball was formed, because before the flower had the shape of a basket? Let's try to pull out a few parachutes. It turns out that this is not so simple: the achenes are exactly stuck in a rubber pad. When all the parachutes scatter, then at the end of the stem there will be a white hat, studded with dots arranged in a spiral. These are traces of those seeds that were fixed on it. The hat is empty and elastic inside, like a ball. Dandelion white milky juice contains a little rubber in its composition. At the time of the maturation of the achenes, the cap bends, and the bracts press its edges to the stem. A ball is formed, and the achenes located on it take the same shape. Plants are called the genius engineers of nature. In their designs, they use precise mathematical calculations, the laws of physics. We have already noticed that the points on the head are located starting from the center in a spiral. The spiral is like a spring. Why did the plant need to arrange the seeds in this way? Let's try to twist the scarf in a spiral, with a tourniquet. What will happen? It will unfold itself, as if someone had spun it in the opposite direction with the same force. The spiral arrangement of the seeds is necessary for the flower to open itself. This is how the mechanical device becomes the driving force. So far we have not said anything about the main organ of the plant - about the leaves. Maybe there is a secret here too? During the flowering of a dandelion, the leaves lie on the ground, forming a circle, beyond which no plant dares to step. The dandelion leaf is beautiful: rounded on top, and carved in the middle.This carving is not for beauty, but so that the leaves do not obscure each other. After flowering, the leaves rise to collect more solar energy. After all, they feed on particles of the sun's rays. Leaves need to accumulate nutrients over the summer and put them in their pantry - the root for nourishing the flower that will grow next year. Maybe there is a secret in the very word "dandelion" too? What words are close in meaning, related? Of course, "blow", "blow". But one could call the flower "dandelion". Why was the flower called affectionately - dandelion? This flower is special. There are flowers like wax: you look at them and you will remain indifferent. And a small yellow dandelion, in its appearance almost childish clarity, trustfulness, purity, like a small living creature. You look at him - and the flower will give joy. No wonder he so attracts children. Are these all mysteries? Of course not! And maybe, the more secrets you uncover, the more you will begin to understand that a simple earthly flower is as mysterious as a distant unfamiliar star. E. Cheltsova |
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