Symptoms of people with latent depression |
Unfortunately, depression, a serious psychological disorder, affects most of the world's population over the years. People who suffer from latent depression tend to fight their inner demons, and it is rarely seen from the outside. Since we live in an era of superficiality towards ourselves and others, we do not always reveal our problems to others, but we tend to suppress them. However, this is not a solution to the problem! To be able to offer help to someone who may be suffering from depression, you need to be able to recognize some of its main symptoms. The main signs of latent depressionTalented people need to express themselvesYou've probably heard of famous people who have or have had this problem. Pain can fuel these people's emotions, as well as inspiration. Did you know that Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Bill Hicks, and Sarah Silverman have (or have had) this problem? They're looking for meaningThe truth is that we are all looking for a purpose in our lives, but in people with depression this is much more pronounced due to their high levels of anxiety. They tend to be obsessed with existential questions. Screams for helpAt some point, we all need someone else's help. Therefore, if you notice that your friend or spouse is constantly on the verge of despondency or tearfulness, but is trying to control himself, offer to talk to them. And when you connect, trust will be stronger. However, make sure you don't press too hard on it. Irregular sleep patternsIt is not uncommon for people with depression to stay in bed and sleep for hours, which easily turn into days. However, there are situations where they also struggle with insomnia. Problems with rejection or separationParting can be very painful for a person's condition. When someone important to us suddenly leaves us, we cannot stand the pain. People with depression have this pain 100 times worse and can start avoiding other people to prevent it from happening again. They have their own medicinesThese people have their own methods of dealing with depression. This can be going to the gym regularly, listening to certain music, walking in the park, etc. Strange eating habitsThis disorder is known to affect the patient's eating habits. Their dietary patterns vary, meaning they may eat too much or eat little or not eat at all. They tend to be pessimistic.Intelligence seems to go hand in hand with depression, which can be considered both a blessing and a curse. "from many knowledge many sorrows." These people react decisively to everything that life throws at them, no matter how small or big problems arise. But these people are very different in their approach when it comes to solving problems. Fake emotionsTo hide their feelings from the rest of the world, they skillfully "play to the audience", changing their visible mood, they can always fake a smile. They are afraid of what might happen if they bring their demons out to the public. Contrived excusesDepressed people can come up with extensive excuses for anything to distract attention from their feelings. They cannot calm their mindThese people have an incredible amount of thoughts because they live at a high speed. Mironova A. |
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