Performance and rest of the student

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Workability and rest of the studentThe word "hygiene" comes from the name of the mythological goddess Hygiene - the daughter of the god of healing Aesculapius; with her name the purity of the body was personified. No wonder the popular proverb says: "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health."

Hygiene is the science of the influence of various environmental factors on human health, his working capacity, and life expectancy.

Performance and fatigue. Working capacity is usually associated with a person's ability to perform any kind of work (mental or physical) for a long time and intensively. When starting work, maximum results or productivity are not achieved immediately, but only after some time, during which the body enters work. The time it takes for the body to reach its maximum and sustainable level of performance is called the period of activation. The body cannot immediately rebuild, it takes some time, during which the physiological systems will change the mode of operation to a more intense one and the work of various organs will be coordinated under new conditions. During the training period, the intensity of the physiological systems' activity gradually increases and reaches the optimal level, at which it is kept for some time.

Workability and rest of the studentPerformance may vary throughout the day. It is not the same on different days of the week and even in different months. The reason for these fluctuations lies in the natural alternation of periods of high and low activity of various physiological processes in the body. The change in the activity of physiological functions is due to the external influence of the change of day and night and is called biological rhythm.

Taking into account the biological rhythm, a day, for example, can be conditionally divided into three periods. From 5 to 13 o'clock in the body, the influence of the sympathetic nervous system prevails, as a result of which the metabolism is enhanced and the rapid performance of large volumes of work is ensured; from 13 to 21 hours, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system decreases, and the body's energy consumption decreases; at night, when the parasympathetic nervous system dominates, all types of expenses are minimal, since the body is accumulating energy resources.

The highest working capacity among schoolchildren is observed from 9 to 11 am. Then its level decreases slightly. The second rise in working capacity falls on 16-17 hours, but in its intensity it does not reach a high level of working capacity in the morning. By the end of the day, especially in the evening hours, working capacity decreases again.

It should be emphasized: the nature of biorhythms in the body is very individual. Along with typical daily changes in working capacity, there may be variants of an increase in physiological indicators, very low daily indicators compared to morning or evening, etc.

In addition to daily fluctuations in working capacity, they note its change during the week. The research specialists revealed that the highest efficiency is observed on Tuesday, by the end of the week it decreases.

Stability of performance is achieved by exercise and training. Reinforcement of the conditioned reflex that occurs in the process of mental work is important. Negative assessment of the teacher, parents can demoralize the student. Positive, on the contrary, stimulates, is one of the ways to mobilize physical and mental reserves.

Workability and rest of the studentIt must be remembered that a good mood for work, associated with positive emotions, contributes to maintaining high performance throughout the day. Emotions play an extremely important role in a child's life.

During the process of mental or physical activity, the child feels tired and loses the desire to continue working. This is one of the signs of fatigue, which is characterized by a temporary decrease in performance. It is noticed that it comes faster if the work is done intensively or when you have to sit for a long time in a motionless position.

Scientists believe that fatigue is based on functional depletion of physiological systems and nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, which is extremely sensitive to various kinds of influences.

Any changes in working capacity primarily affect the state of health (the subjective feeling of one's health). Here are the characteristic signs of a change in the state of health in a child when fatigue occurs: decreased performance, the appearance of fatigue even with a slight mental load, headache.

At the initial stages of fatigue, mental performance decreases slightly, interest in work decreases, and mood instability may appear; however, by volitional efforts, at least in adolescents, working capacity can be restored. With more pronounced degrees of fatigue, irritability appears, mental performance is greatly reduced, at times forgetfulness appears, attention and memory are weakened, drowsiness may appear even during the day.

Workability and rest of the studentLarge general and academic load, insufficient rest, low physical activity in the process of training sessions lead to overwork of children and adolescents, disruption of their adaptation to the training load, aggravation of existing ones, as well as an intensive increase in deviations in health.

If the work does not stop when fatigue appears, then the efficiency drops dramatically after a while, and it takes a much longer period of time to recover. Fatigue is a signal to rest, to switch to another type of activity.

For students of primary school age, a break in work should occur every 35 minutes; for adolescents - after 45 minutes.

In the process of work, nothing should distract attention from the main task. Some guys manage to prepare lessons with the TV on or with music. Meanwhile, this “innovation” dramatically reduces attention and degrades the quality of work. Here's an example. In the 1930s, in one of the small areas of Switzerland, the movement of cars was for some time prohibited - during this period of time, the level of academic performance in this area was higher than in neighboring ones. This phenomenon is explained simply: the noise of a moving vehicle, signals given by cars, reduce the efficiency and distract the attention of students.

How to rest? The great Russian scientist I.M.Sechenov established that a person best rests and restores his strength and working capacity not with complete rest, but when one type of activity is replaced by another. That is why the daily routine provides for a certain alternation of activities with rest.

Workability and rest of the studentHowever, one must know how to rest. Some guys think that taking a break means lying on the couch with a book or watching TV. Such rest not only <does not contribute to the restoration of strength, but on the contrary, further reduces the efficiency. You need to rest actively, doing physical exercises. They relieve fatigue after sitting at a table for a long time in a monotonous posture, improve well-being. A short outdoor activity can be organized in different ways. After writing, when your hands are tired, it is helpful to perform several flexion and extension movements with your fingers and hands. The movement must be repeated 5-6 times at an average pace. When the work is characterized by increased tension, several exercises should be performed, getting up from the table (stretching, torso bending, squats, walking, etc.).

A big mistake is made by those parents who force children to learn their lessons immediately after school, without giving them a rest.Those who deprive children of walks as punishment for misconduct or poor academic performance are also wrong. Walking in the fresh air after school has the most beneficial effect on performance and health. Active rest is especially important when time is spent in games of average mobility. The best rest after strenuous school activities is sports; in winter - skis, skates, sledges; in the summer - football, volleyball, bicycle, swimming, Athletics.

About sleep

The most complete rest is provided by a night's sleep, during which, according to experts, restorative processes take place in the body, and especially in the cells of the cerebral cortex. At the same time, during sleep, there is a hidden revision of information, preparation of a solution, therefore a vague and unclear task in the evening in the morning is often easily solvable. No wonder the proverb says: "The morning is wiser than the evening"... In a dream, the information received during the day is processed and fixed in memory. The memory works around the clock. During the day, mostly short-term memory is loaded. During the night, the accumulated signals seem to be sorted: what is expedient and necessary is transferred into long-term memory and is fixed there.

Hygiene of vision

In the process of educational activity, a very large load falls on the organ of vision. Students have to work with their eyes a lot. I must say that in general, 90% of information a person receives thanks to vision. Therefore, in the process of work, it is necessary to observe basic hygiene principles in order to preserve vision and live without glasses.

There are special exercises to relieve the tension of the muscles that control eye movements: while working, if your eyes are tired, take them to the side, blink, make wide rotational movements with your eyes, then close them, sit back and relax. Just 1 minute for these exercises, and the accommodation of the eyes (setting them for better vision) is enormous. If your child suffers from myopia, then breaks in work should be done every 20-25 minutes. Physical education is a good means of preventing myopia. Surveys of a number of schools in Moscow and Leningrad have shown that most of the shortsighted where there is poor physical education, among adolescents who systematically go in for sports, the tendency to increase myopia is much less pronounced.

Parents need to remember that diseases of the organs of vision, a decrease in its acuity can be a contraindication for physical education. Thus, students with uncorrected visual acuity below 0.5, with myopia of more than 3.0 diopters, as well as with chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases are not allowed to train in the main group, as well as to pass the RLD norms and participate in competitions and sports sections. eye.

About personal hygiene

Workability and rest of the studentCompliance with it is a mandatory component of the daily routine. Keeping your body and clothing clean and tidy is essential for every student. You should wash and brush your teeth every day after sleep and before going to bed. Everyone needs to have their own toothbrush. Experts advise: the length of the bristly part of the toothbrush should be no more than 2 cm, the handle is slightly curved - this makes it easier to brush your teeth.

Hands should be washed with soap and water before every meal. Dirty skin is full of microbes, which, getting from the hands on food, and through them into the body, can lead to serious illness. The child should have his own towel for his hands and face, and a separate one for his feet. Particular attention should be paid to fingernails and toenails. They must be trimmed at least once every ten days.

Students must come to school in clean, ironed clothes. At home, school uniforms are removed, brushed and placed in a closet. Underwear and bed linen are changed once a week. Stockings, socks, tights, panties are changed in 2-3 days.

V. Kozlov

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