How to teach your child to read |
Evening. Whole family to gather. The father is making something. Mother is preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Seryozha sits down right there and reads aloud. Mom listens to Seryozha, sometimes corrects him, asks questions, finding out if the son understood what he was reading. He studies in the first grade and reads slowly, but he tries very hard, because he knows that his mother is interested, and she herself does not always manage to find time to sit over a book. Seryozha learned to make words out of letters when he was six years old, and before that his parents had read him, starting with folding books. And I want to believe that the book will be Seryozha's companion all his life. After all, a book is an inexhaustible source of knowledge that awakens thoughts and feelings in a person, giving aesthetic pleasure. Needless to say, parents should seriously guide the child's reading, choosing those books that are appropriate for his age, individual characteristics. It is not only and not so much about the number of works read, but above all about the content, their accessibility for understanding. It is desirable that each child become familiar and familiar with the tales of A.S. Pushkin, G.H. Andersen, the fables of I.A.Krylov, small stories of L.N. Tolstoy, I.S.Turgenev, A.P. Chekhov, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, folk tales, works by S. Ya.Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, books about nature by E. Charushin, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, etc. It is important that the child does not passively listen or leaf through what he has written, but actively perceives the work. This is achieved, for example, with questions, at first the most simple ones, for pictures: "Who is it?", "Is he good or bad?" On the basis of the illustration and questions, the child forms the correct idea of the object, phenomenon. Preschoolers usually express their attitude to the book in emotional reactions (facial expressions, smiles, gestures, exclamations), younger students can, albeit naively, verbally express their attitude to the work. Older children can be asked questions: "What is this book about?", "Which hero would you like to be friends with?", "Why?", "If you were in the hero's place, what would you do?" For example, about the book by V. Kataev "Flower-Seven-flower" may I ask: “What wishes would you make if you had“ Flower-Seven-Flower? Why is this book called that? " A child who is accustomed to answering questions, to think carefully about the content of the book from early childhood, will find it easier to assimilate the educational material at school. In order for him to understand the text more deeply and also to develop reading skills, it is advisable to do it aloud. A child can read to parents, younger brothers and sisters, it is necessary to explain to him at the same time that this is important not only for him, but also for those who listen. It is very useful for the development of the child, mastering high samples of native speech by memorizing poems. Parents should strive not only for the child's reading fluency, but also to ensure that the development of a need for him is determined not only by utilitarian goals (to answer a lesson, collect a receiver, etc.), but also by interest. Forming the need for reading, as well as a deep, active perception of the work, parents simultaneously teach the child to respect the book, work with it correctly, and foster the habit of not leaving it in the middle. From 3-5 years old, the child's attention should be paid to the author, title, table of contents of the book, illustrations and other elements of it (for example, ask which books of this author the child already knows). Younger schoolchildren can be taught to keep a diary - to write down the works read, their brief content and their attitude to them, make drawings from the book. Parents should also monitor the hygiene of reading so that the children do not do it lying down, while eating; the book should be held in front of you with an inclination of 45 °, using a special stand.The light should fall on the book from above or from the left. The library will help parents in guiding the reading of children, where you can get expert advice on what literature, at what age and what is most desirable to offer the child, as well as get answers to other questions of interest. It is good if the parents bring their child to the library at the age of five or six so that before school he gets the first idea of the choice of a book, the rules for using the library. It is important to captivate the kid with the rich book world. The example of adults is also important in this matter. If children see in the family a respectful attitude to the book, then, naturally, this is a good example to follow. It is good when the family accepts readings aloud, followed by a conversation about the read. Children perceive the sounding word, its beauty, become familiar with classical literature, learn to form and express their point of view. At the same time, those sides of the work are revealed that are inaccessible to the child when independently familiarizing themselves with the book. During the reading or before it, of course, you need to explain the incomprehensible words to the children; first, you can briefly tell about the author and his book. Reading aloud not only contributes to the cultural recreation of the family, but also brings it together. A.S. Makarenko wrote about it this way: “It is highly desirable that such reading become a habitual and constant holiday among working days. Moreover, if at first the parents act as readers, then in the future this work should be transferred to the children ". One cannot but agree with this. M. Ya.Dvorkina, |
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