Helping the heart |
Care about how to preserve the heart should begin before the birth of the child and include a whole range of social, hygienic, and educational measures. One of the most common cardiovascular ailments is, as you know, ischemic heart disease. Her serious conditions, known as acute coronary insufficiency and myocardial infarction, are by far the leading cause of death in men. And this is at the most able-bodied and fruitful age. It must be said that the disease is often very insidious: it proceeds in secret and sometimes leads to sudden death. Cardiologists are closely studying coronary heart disease and are increasingly pushing it back. Now there is every reason to say that the heart at the time of a heart attack is too sound to let it die. A heart attack is not a general disaster, but a partial accident of an extremely hardy and able-bodied organism. In most cases, this accident can be eliminated with timely assistance. And the very first measures are possible not only for doctors. The Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies could teach these measures, these techniques. Television can be of great help in this, as the experience of Polish friends, for example, shows. Now in some cities of the country special ambulance teams have been created. They save the lives of thousands of people every year. And yet, the help that others can provide to the patient in the very first minutes is invaluable and irreplaceable. But while we were talking about emergency care for an acute attack of the disease that has already begun. But how can we warn her, detain her at the earliest possible stage? For several years now, cardiologists in our country have been successfully developing epidemiological studies of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The main task of this scientific work is to find out all the possible causes and ways of the appearance and development of diseases. There is no question of the transmission of the disease by an infectious route. A whole complex of reasons is revealed, not only medico-biological, but also social, psychological, environmental, industrial, and so on. It is clear that this requires the participation of not only medicine, but also other sciences. For example, sociologists, psychologists, biophysicists, mathematicians, engineers cooperate with doctors. Ischemic heart disease attacks suddenly. But, as our research has shown, it takes its initial positions, sometimes already in early childhood. A child who is sedentary, wrapped up, overweight is a candidate for the accelerated development of atherosclerosis, the main cause of heart ischemia. Prevention in the mental sphere is very important, if I may say so. Constant nervous shocks, frequent quarrels in the family negatively affect the formation of the child's character. Subsequently, this can result in an inability to peacefully resolve conflict situations in the family and in the service. Such a person gets used to negative emotions, does not try to cope with them, often in a depressed mood. This is a powerful factor in the development of heart disease, not to mention the antihygienic lifestyle with such companions as inactivity, smoking and alcohol. All these unfavorable conditions increase the likelihood of illness ten to twenty times and are therefore called risk factors. According to the studies carried out, many have been found to have various disorders, from an increased risk to a disease requiring systematic treatment. Then the doctors monitored the condition of these two categories of patients for three years. It was found that among those assigned to the high-risk group, myocardial infarction occurred three times more often than in practically healthy people identified by the same examination.And recognized patients had myocardial infarction five times more often than healthy people. It is noteworthy that some people at one time categorically refused to be examined. Three years later, it turned out that they were sick three times more often than those who agreed. Doctors believe that refusal to examine is also a certain risk factor due to the characteristics of the patient's psychology. Extensive, scientifically based preventive screening of the population is urgently needed. This will allow you to reveal the origins of the insidious disease earlier, capture it at the very beginning and actively treat it. Obviously, a reliable examination technique must be developed, which will make it possible to more accurately identify the predisposition to the disease or its early, treatable stage. In this regard, the issue of standardization and unification of methods for collecting and processing data is very acute. This problem, which is relevant in various fields of science, is especially important when it comes to healthcare and medicine. Extensive examinations of hundreds of thousands of people, carried out at the modern level, are laborious and expensive. In order for it to give the expected effect, first of all, one must take care of the high accuracy of the data obtained during the examinations. First of all, it is necessary to create a service for information and metrological control. This will improve the quality and efficiency of inspections. Without a solution to this problem, everything will be limited to scientific fuss. It is necessary to standardize and systematically control, first of all, the simplest equipment. It includes electrocardiographs, sphygmomanometers - devices for measuring pressure, and others. As yet, their testimony is often insufficiently reliable. In addition to devices familiar to every district doctor, in cardiology science and practice, medical equipment is used for more complex studies - biochemical, electrophysiological, radioisotope and others. These studies are expensive. And they largely lose their value if standardization of instrument readings, their unification and strict metrological control are not ensured. During his illness, the patient, as a rule, undergoes examinations in several medical institutions. The doctor may need to compare these data. But how to compare the indicators of devices that are not standardized and unified? With these "discrepancies", the use of complex research methods can do more harm than good. It is necessary to seriously approach the solution of this most important problem of medical science and practice. Our society has sufficient technical capabilities for this. The problem is especially important in connection with the fact that in the future it is necessary to create repositories - "banks" of information, from where at any time it will be possible to obtain information about the patient's condition a year or two ago. This is impossible without data accuracy and comparability. All these actions - the application of the latest scientific achievements, the unification of methods for collecting information, diagnostics and treatment - still, however, do not become effective until they are inspired by the original humanism of the doctor. If the doctor does not succeed in this regard, the abundance of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies can only further obscure the patient from him. But the word "patient" is from the Latin word "patient". The physician must be able to preserve high humanity with today's abundance of scientific and technical information. There is one more objective difficulty that must be overcome all the time in our work. With the development of the process of specialization of medicine, the emergence of new and new "narrow" disciplines, medical specialists are increasingly focusing on one, "their" part of the body. And this is understandable: the necessary process of accumulating knowledge is underway. But at the same time, the possibilities for a holistic examination of the patient decrease. The patient as an integral individual remains the object of attention of the local doctor, he is the only one "responsible for everything."The role of this physician, who is the central figure in our health care, must grow steadily. But for this it is necessary that all specialists come to his aid. Based on the latest advances in science in their field, they must create a system of fairly simple schemes for the district doctor - diagnostic and treatment algorithms. Relying on them, the doctor will know exactly at what stage he can treat the patient himself, and at what stage he can be sent to a specialized medical institution. Pharmacotherapeutic consultations, which are conducted for local therapists, should become more regular, comprehensive and convincing. And for “narrow” specialists, cooperation with a local therapist is also very valuable. After all, he often observes the earliest manifestations of the disease. Patients come to him with their first complaints. So the benefits of these contacts are mutual. The development of modern automatic examination and diagnostic systems based on unified devices, two-way operational communication between the district doctor and large clinical and scientific centers, the emergence of new treatment methods will make it possible to achieve comprehensive progress in scientific and practical cardiology. The widespread improvement in the quality of medical care should be inherently associated with the expansion of the network of medical and preventive cardiological institutions. 3. Janushkevichus |
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