It has long been known that in some cases, the transferred tonsillitis or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis adversely affects the state of the whole organism.
Why is this happening?
As we have already said, in the tonsils (in the lacunae), under certain conditions, a certain amount of pathogenic microbes accumulates. These microbes, finding suitable living conditions for themselves, sometimes without encountering significant resistance (especially with low reactivity of the body), can quickly spread to nearby upper-lateral lymph nodes. The nodes swell and become painful when touched. Most often, this is where the inflammatory process ends.
But the bacteria that are in the tonsils themselves, in the pathways leading to the lymph nodes, and in these nodes themselves, can sometimes get into the general flow of lymph and blood. Then they are carried by this current into any distant organs, where they cause this or that complication. But something else is also known: pathogenic microbes secrete poisons (toxins) that are absorbed into the blood. In such cases, the heart, kidneys, joints and other organs are also often affected.
In chronic tonsillitis, which occurs even without acute inflammatory phenomena, various gross changes are often found, namely, foci of softening, small abscesses (abscesses), often capturing the walls of the lymphatic and venous vessels. Sometimes thrombi are found in the latter, that is, thrombophlebitis of small vessels occurs. Thus, here with chronic tonsillitis there is an infectious focus that can exist for a long time - for years and even tens of years. In some people, when the rest of the body is in good condition, compensation occurs - there are no disorders in the body. This form of the disease, proceeding without complications, is called compensated chronic tonsillitis.
As a result of this or that unfavorable moment, when the general condition of the body deteriorates, for example, with the flu, with a violation of the general metabolism, or in general in the presence of any other disease, the balance is disturbed, and the disease turns into a form called chronic decompensated tonsillitis.
This happens most often as a result of prolonged (for years) constant absorption into the patient's body of metabolic disorders in the amygdala and the decay of protein bodies located in its thickness. Conditions are created as if chronic poisoning, chronic intoxication of the body. In this condition, malaise, palpitations, aching joints or lower back are more or less constant. Patients are often sent to therapeutic hospitals with suspicion of prolonged septic endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, etc. However, specific data corresponding to the presumptive diagnosis are not found in them with a detailed examination. Due to the absence or decrease in working capacity, patients sometimes become owners of sick leave for a long time.
The contents in the lacunae, consisting of pus, microbes, decay products, poisons (toxins), can enter the blood in large quantities; the so-called "gate of infection" is formed. As a result, microorganisms or their toxins, settling most often in organs such as the heart, kidneys or joints, cause this or that new disease, namely: endocarditis, nephritis, pyelitis, arthritis, and sometimes general blood poisoning - sepsis. A new disease associated with chronic tonsillitis is already emerging.
If the patient already had any other disease (Graves' disease, bronchial asthma etc.), then in these cases chronic tonsillitis, changing the reactivity of the body, can give a particularly unfavorable color to the course of diseases. This often reduces the effectiveness of even the correct treatment measures.
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