From the above data on entities and the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis it is not difficult to understand the directions in which medical practice is going in the most important issue of disease prevention.
The main point of such prevention is the normalization of nutrition and metabolism, which is especially important for the elderly who are hereditarily predisposed to atherosclerosis or already have the initial signs of the latter. When normalizing nutrition and metabolism, it is especially important to regulate the diet, which should not contain a large amount of those substances that many researchers directly call atherogenic, that is, causing atherosclerosis. This includes, in particular, animal fats and foods containing them - chicken egg yolks, fatty meat, brains, large quantities of cow oil, etc. Doctors usually recommend in these cases to replace animal fats in food with vegetable oils. The latter are not only devoid of atherogenic properties, but even prevent the accumulation of fats and especially cholesterol in the body and their subsequent deposition in the arteries.
Another important point in the prevention of atherosclerosis are activities that increase the general metabolism. These are various feasible physical exercises, walks, a reasonable regimen of work and rest, etc. It has been noticed that physical exercises prevent the development of atherosclerosis and, conversely, a sedentary life contributes to its development.
It is very important to take measures to normalize blood pressure to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. As noted, high blood pressure in the arteries is an important and very often observed factor contributing to the development of the disease. It is necessary to avoid frequent excitations of the nervous system, various breakdowns and conflicts, as well as overwork of the brain. And, of course, quitting smoking and consumption is absolutely obligatory. alcohol, as they excite the nervous system and blood circulation and adversely affect the arterial system of the heart.
In a word, the best prevention of atherosclerosis is a correct moderate calm lifestyle with a reasonable alternation of periods of work and rest, a very moderate diet with a small amount of the above atherogenic substances in food, monitoring the state of arterial blood pressure, neuropsychic activity.
As for drugs, there are a lot of them proposed for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Most of them are aimed at reducing the already existing increase in cholesterol in the body, primarily in the blood. Some of the medicines proposed for this have really this property, for example, the so-called phytosterols (complex fatty substances of plant origin), as well as some vitamins and so on. However, it is much more expedient not to treat atherosclerosis, but to prevent its occurrence, for which we have all the necessary prerequisites. It is especially important to carry out widespread medical examination of all persons with the earliest manifestations of atherosclerosis and those in whom this disease is suspected.
We have touched upon here only the issues of prevention, as well as the treatment of atherosclerosis of the arteries, but we have left aside practically very important methods of preventing and treating various disorders of the functioning of organs that arise due to atherosclerosis.
N. N. Anichkov - Diseases of the arteries