The most important, most frequent consequence of atherosclerotic lesions of the walls of the arteries, with the formation of thickenings (plaques) on them, is the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries.
This narrowing reaches especially sharp degrees in cases where blood clots (thrombi) are formed on the surface of atherosclerotic plaques, which close the lumen of the artery. As a result, the corresponding area of the body or organ supplied by this artery receives less blood than is necessary for their vital activity and proper functioning.
As a result, more or less severe dysfunctions of such organs or body parts occur, or even the termination of their functions. Most often, atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries is observed in the coronary arteries of the heart that supply blood to the heart muscle, in the arteries of the brain and lower extremities (especially in the femoral artery).
Violation of blood circulation in the coronary arteries of the heart is manifested by a picture of angina pectoris (angina pectoris) and myocardial infarction (partial necrosis of the heart muscle). The main manifestations of these diseases are painful sensations from the heart, as well as pulse disorders, signs of circulatory failure (stagnation of blood in organs, shortness of breath, cyanosis, edema). In the treatment of myocardial infarction, it is especially important to observe complete rest for a long time (bed rest for several weeks), the use of vasodilators and sedatives.
Recently, to prevent the formation of blood clots in the coronary arteries of the heart, the use of drugs that prevent blood clotting has also been recommended.
When atherosclerosis The most dangerous complication of the brain is the formation of clots (blood clots) in these arteries, as a result of which the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off, followed by its necrosis (softening). This, in turn, leads to various disorders of movements and sensitivity, which make up a picture of one of the types of cerebral stroke (apoplexy).
Finally, the third main manifestation of atherosclerosis is damage to the arteries of the lower extremities. As a result of narrowing, mainly of the femoral arteries, there is a picture of the so-called intermittent claudication; the latter occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the muscles of the lower extremities, periodic weakening of their functions, accompanied by pain. In severe, neglected cases, necrosis - gangrene - of the peripheral parts of the lower extremities (fingers, feet, parts of the legs) may occur, which requires the amputation of dead parts.
Here we have touched on the lesions of atherosclerosis only of some arteries, when typical manifestations of such lesions occur, which allows the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. At the same time, it should be noted that lesions of a number of other arteries in atherosclerosis do not give typical clinical manifestations, and therefore often remain unrecognized. These include, for example, very frequent atherosclerosis lesions of the largest artery - the aorta, in which clinical manifestations are often absent. The diagnosis of such lesions is possible only with the use of special research methods. Dangerous complications, so frequent with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart, are much less common with damage to the aorta.
The above information exhausts the main data about atherosclerosis, which everyone needs to know. More detailed information, in particular recommendations for the treatment of this disease, can be found in specific clinical guidelines and monographs.
N. N. Anichkov - Diseases of the arteries