It is well known that a person can live without food for at least a month, without water - at most 5-6 days. Why? Why even a camel, a champion in this respect among mammals, does not even survive for more than 12-14 days?
The explanation is simple: everyone living on land, including us humans, originated in the ocean and once, about 4 billion years ago, were small "droplets" of water delimited from the ocean ...
Such an aquatic origin "reverberates" to this day. In a child's body, for example, water accounts for at least 75% of the total body weight, in the body of a 30-40-year-old person up to 60%, and only by old age does its content decrease to half the weight. Every single biochemical reaction that takes place in you and me occurs only in aqueous solutions. And the assimilation of food products, salts, vitamins, as well as the release of waste "production" from the body is possible only in the presence of water, with the help of water ...
In the body, water is in several anatomophysiological states. Distinguish between water circulating throughout the body (in the composition of blood and lymph, it accounts for about 40-45%); circulating over relatively short distances - gastric and intestinal juices, bile, urine; water, which is practically constantly located, although outside the cells, but in one place (fluid wetting the surface of the joints, tendon bags, the surface of the pleura and peritoneum), constantly washing all cells (the so-called interstitial fluid), and, finally, water that enters the composition of the cells themselves. These are the largest reserves of water in the body - after all, any cell, except for bone, is 70% water. The latter used natural tea leaf or its extract.
Until relatively recently, the main population of our country used tea in the first sense, using lime blossom, dried carrots, rose hips, lingonberry leaves, raspberry leaves, and also a dozen or two other collections for brewing. We must admit that today we are losing a lot by forgetting these "grandmother's" recipes, because those teas were not only tasty and fragrant, but also often healing.
With the growth of prosperity and improvement of supply, and also to a large extent and due to the ever-accelerating rhythm of life, homemade tea is gradually giving way to natural tea, although in our republic, as will be seen from the table, this process has not gone too far.
Consumption of natural tea in grams per capita per year 50 years ago:
Tajikistan - 1736
Turkmenistan - 1698
Kyrgyzstan - 827
Kazakhstan - 791
Azerbaijan -659
Moscow - 330
Russia - 237
Estonia - 61
Georgia - 56
Latvia - 40
Ukraine - 32
Belarus - 23
Perhaps, over the next years, these figures have changed, but most likely proportionally, that is, even if not half a pack, but a whole pack of tea per person per year are now drunk by my fellow countrymen, but still close the table.
As you know, demand creates supply. Throughout the country, during the years of Soviet power, the area of tea plantations has increased more than 100 times, and about 80 tea factories have been built during this time. Still, the situation is still far from brilliant. There is a lot of low grade tea, a low degree of mechanization, and more productive varieties are slowly being introduced.
Professor Sh. Kereselidze wrote that “now it is hard to believe it, but several decades ago, domestic tea won prizes at international auctions. And now we hear only complaints about our tea. What happened?
For fifty years, I have been dealing with tea problems and I will say frankly: the main problem is the desire to increase yields by overly intensive application of mineral fertilizers.Life has shown the perniciousness of such a practice: not only does the quality of the product deteriorate sharply, but also causes serious damage to plants and soils. It takes tens of years for their "recovery" ...
It is known that the method of collecting tea leaves also affects the quality of products. Practice, for example, has proven the unprofitable use of cutting devices that capture both delicate and coarse sheets from the bush. The collection must be selective.
Earlier, before the introduction of cutting units, they were assembled. That is why the content of the tender fraction in the product was at least 90%! This was truly the first grade. In the second grade, it was up to 85%. The coarse fraction was not processed at all.
Now the task for tea growers has been simplified by simplifying the standard: the content of the tender fraction, even in the first group of the product, was first brought to 40 and then to 30% ...
Of course, we all love tea, we want to have enough of it. But which one?
Why did the people love this drink? First of all, for the complex of pleasures that a person gets when drinking fresh strong tea. Here there is taste, and an invigorating smell, and a tonic effect on the central nervous system and blood vessels, and a decrease or removal of headaches, and an improvement in mood ...
In addition, tea has a number of other beneficial effects that we cannot evaluate with our senses. So, tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, while maintaining their elasticity. It protects vitamin C in the body (by the way, there is quite a lot of it in the tea itself) from the destructive action of oxidants, thereby increasing its relative concentration. Green tea has a very beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
An interesting result of fourteen years of observations was published by the Japanese professor I. Ogini. He found that in Shizuoka Prefecture, where the population traditionally consumes only green tea, the death rate from stomach cancer among men is 20.8%, and among women - 29.2% of the average Japanese level.
In the same prefectures, where green tea is not "honored", the mortality rate is 4-5 times higher. In experiments on mice, this observation was fully confirmed.
True, tea is not useful for everyone, for example, for babies. If, in addition to milk, they are given not pure water, but brewed tea, they often develop anemia.
There are several ways to brew tea, and in addition, each fan has developed another, "best" one for their own use. I will not list them here, I will only indicate what cannot be done. But you can't boil the tea leaves, you can't steam it, covering it with a pillow, you can't heat it up when it's cold. You will not get pleasure from the old, second or even third time, added tea leaves, although tannin and caffeine are still contained there and it can bring some benefit to the body. But benefit, not pleasure.
Vladislavsky V. - About your food, man