Clothing experts have long understood that carelessly chosen clothing can make a fat person barrel-shaped. Correctly chosen clothing, on the contrary, will outwardly reduce its thickness.
Clothes can actually make a person look thinner. To do this, there should be no details in it, because of which the thickness of this person immediately catches the eye of others. To help you get a leaner look, we have compiled a list of common mistakes in choosing clothes. These errors make a significant contribution to your thickness. If, however, you do not fall into the listed sins, and you dress properly, then without losing more than one ounce, you will lose more than one kilogram of weight in the eyes of others.
Sin of narrowness. Men do not like to admit, even to themselves, that they are too fat. Therefore, when buying or ordering new clothes, they tend to slightly embellish reality. Tight clothing makes the belly even more bulging. If you wear clothes that will squeeze your sides, they will bulge even more. Tight clothing will always emphasize fullness. A fat person should not wear anything tight. His clothes should be slightly looser than his size, or very well fitted to his size. Thus, the most important thing for a fat man who wants to dress well is to have a person near him who could carry out this fit. A professional can always determine the correct size for you.
The sin of brightness. Many overweight people wear clothes that attract the attention of strangers with their brightness. This is one of their biggest mistakes.
So forget all the flashy colors and everything that, at least from a distance, resembles a neon advertisement. Choose solid dark colors: black, brown, or navy blue. These colors will make the thickness less noticeable. If you want the fabric to have some kind of geometric pattern, then let this pattern be not catchy at all. You can, for example, order yourself a plaid suit, but the cells on it should be barely visible.
Tie sin. Imagine an arrow-shaped tie that clearly points to your belly. Do you want this arrow to be colored with all the colors of the rainbow? A tie is one of the essential elements of a man's outfit; he informs others who his carrier is. If you have a plump figure and you put on this tie, then it will immediately draw attention to the stomach. Drawings on a tie should, of course, be beautiful, but again not flashy. It makes no sense to specifically demonstrate it in front of people.
Belt sin. Nothing signals the presence of a fat belly more forcefully than a wide belt with a large brass buckle. Especially often, these phenomenal belts can be seen on truck drivers, for whom fat bellies are very common.
You should have a belt of medium width, with a regular buckle - not drawing attention to the belly.
The sin of horizontality. Unless you are a perfectly built man, then horizontal stripes are completely contraindicated in your clothes. Horizontal lines crossing the body emphasize obesity, while vertical lines make them taller and slimmer. Check it all out at home. Pull the old football shirt out of your wardrobe — the one with bright horizontal stripes — and put it on. Look at yourself in the mirror. Now replace this shirt with a plain one, or one with simple vertical stripes. See the difference?
A shirt with vertical stripes lengthens you. You don't need horizontal lines - they add to the plumpness.
Loincloth sin. This sin is revealed when you lower your trousers a few degrees below the latitude of your "equator". Many overweight people have a habit of wearing their trousers on their hips. With this, they only emphasize their belly: it falls out and hangs over the belt. Wear pants at your waist, not at your hips, and you'll look slimmer.
Tweed sin. Thick fabrics plump. If you are overweight and are going to wear suits made of knotty tweed or broadband corduroy, you yourself will look knotty or broadband. These are heavy fabrics, so they weigh you down too. For a suit, it is better to use a thinner woolen fabric. In general, it is better to choose thin fabrics. And you can order a sports jacket from tweed.
Yarmolenko V.O.