Melon tree |
Many years ago a friend brought me from India an unusual "melon" - papaya fruit. Then no one had heard of such exoticism in our country. And, I remember, I was very surprised by his story that these "melons" do not grow on melons, as expected, but on palms. Is it a palm tree?Having become interested in melon palms (papaya), I found out that they belong to the family of not palm trees, but caric ones. They grow up to 10 m in height, but are short-lived and live only 5 years. Instead of branches, they have large (up to 70 cm) leaves on long petioles, and they give them a palm-like appearance. Flowers appear from the deciduous sinuses, which subsequently turn into oblong melon-like fruits up to 45 cm long, at first green, and in a ripe state greenish or orange-yellow. How are fruits eaten?When fresh, they eat only ripe papaya fruits (unripe ones can cause poisoning). At the same time, the sweet orange pulp is peeled from the coarse rind and numerous dark seeds collected in the center. And green fruits are edible only after heat treatment: frying or stewing. They are also used to soften meat. The seeds are not thrown away, but dried, crushed, and a spicy seasoning is obtained. We sow under glassNot really hoping for luck, I decided to sow seeds from a fruit brought by a friend. He cleaned them of the pulp and placed them in a bowl of damp sand under the glass for a day to hatch.
Like in the tropicsAt 3-4 weeks, to my joy, strong shoots appeared in all pots. I placed them on the insulated balcony. And here are the fruits!A year later, my seedlings reached 1.2-1.5 m in height, and after a couple of years they bloomed. One plant turned out to be male (dioecious culture). From its flowers (with stamens) I transferred pollen with a brush to female flowers (with pistils) of three other palms. In the 1st year, the harvest was small - 5 fruits. But later it was possible to collect up to 10 fruits from a tree. They were not large in size, but tasted like those sold in the store. Is it mono cuttings?Although papaya is not difficult to plant by seed, I tried to propagate it by cuttings. Now I practice this method too. G. Light