Most modern people who have secured a good financial situation prefer everything classic. This also applies to the interior of apartments and country houses. Before making repairs in the classic style, you need to figure out why it is so special and what exactly is peculiar to it.
A classic renovation involves the use of delicate colors such as green, white, light brown, blue, beige, and so on. In some cases, you can also find soft yellow and soft pink shades.
When performing a classic repair, you should use only natural materials or, in extreme cases, materials that are very similar to natural ones. These include wood, brick, marble, stone and so on.
The classic style renovation is characterized by the use of fine wood furniture, high quality parquet flooring, a marble fireplace and other elements. However, it is also allowed to use so-called substitutes, which are very difficult to distinguish from natural materials by eye.
Room geometry
Right angles on the walls, a round table, a bed with a rounded back and armchairs equipped with wooden handles with gentle curves are precisely the elements that distinguish the classics from all other design trends. In this case, asymmetry is not encouraged.
Decor elements
Lamps, a large number of mirrors, chandeliers, lampshades, sconces, drapery, painting on the walls, fur bedspreads, wallpaper, patterns on the upholstery and other elements - this is a decor typical for a classic interior. If wallpaper is used, this does not mean at all that paint can be abandoned. After all, it is for the interior in the classic style that the walls painted in soft colors are characteristic.
The furnishings with a fireplace, a large number of curtains, arches, columns and paintings will look more extravagant. The interior in this case will be truly unique and luxurious.
All of the above elements must be used when performing repairs in a classic style.
Only when there is a well-designed design project and all the necessary materials, you can begin to carry out the repair. The main thing here is to maintain symmetry and ensure right angles. It may also be necessary to prepare places for arranging arched openings and placing columns, if such elements are provided for by the project.
Despite the growing popularity of innovative design trends, classic style will always be in fashion. However, some of its features have been lost over time, for example, sculptures and woodcarving. This indicates that the classical style was gradually reincarnated into the neoclassical one.
The concept of "neoclassicism" implies a restrained style, devoid of any frills. In other words, such an interior is not overloaded with elements. For example, neoclassicism is characterized by impeccable white rooms and chairs with juicy cherry upholstery. Such an interior will never be left without the attention of calm personalities and modern conservatives.
Ffendyk A.G.