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Humans are more than 70% water, and every single function in the body, including the brain and nervous system, is dependent on hydration. A lack of water in the brain can cause numerous side effects, such as difficulty with focus, memory, fatigue, headaches, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, depression and moodiness. What most people don't realize is that the average adult loses up to two liters of water a day through sweating, breathing, and eliminating waste. Failure to replenish water throughout the day can have adverse effects on brain function and overall health. The brain is about three-quarters water, and when dehydrated, it shrinks. Even mild or temporary dehydration can alter your brain function and affect your mood. Research has shown that if the amount of water in your brain drops by even two percent, your short-term memory will malfunction, and you will have trouble focusing and calculating. Further research has shown that prolonged dehydration can lead to increased cholesterol, fast heart rate and breathing, low blood pressure, premature aging, and even dementia. Water gives the brain energy for its full functioning, including for the processes of thinking and memory. Research has shown that brain cells require twice as much energy as other cells in the body, and that water provides this energy better than any other substance. Water is also needed for the delivery of nutrients to the brain and for the removal of toxins, which also affects alertness and concentration. Drink a glass of water, and after 20 minutes these side effects will be reversed. Headaches caused by dehydration will also go away quickly after you drink some more water. When your brain is working on a full supply of water, you will be able to think faster and show greater clarity, focus, and creativity. The average person in the United States drinks less than a liter of water per day. This is a rough statistic considering that the body loses more than two liters per day during normal functioning. There are several symptoms that can alert you that your body is dehydrated. Dehydration symptoms: Water needs vary with age, activity level, climate and other factors, but thirst will tell you how much water you should drink - one of the most obvious ways to ensure your individual needs are met on a daily basis. Gluttony (in particular, sugar cravings) is another common sign that your body needs more water. Oftentimes, a large glass of water can ease cravings so you won't feel hungry. With today's busy lifestyles, staying hydrated isn't easy. Tips for keeping your body hydrated can help you stay hydrated. Hydration TipsStart your day right, get your brain to function by drinking 1-2 large glasses of water as soon as you wake up. Try adding super green powder to your water. It can increase alkalinity and improve brain function. Plus, the type of water you drink is extremely important. Drink filtered drinking water whenever possible. There are many high-cost health medicines on the market today, but the easiest and most cost-effective way to improve your health is to simply drink plenty of water. The human body can survive for a long time without food, but dehydration will lead to a rapid deterioration in your health. So when you feel like you can't think clearly anymore, just drink a large glass of water and within 20 minutes you will notice a difference. Kordopolova M. Yu. |
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